Here are a few notes on characteristics...
Characteristics all range from 1 to 15, with the average being 7 for humans. Some alien species might have higher or lower averages in certain characteristics.
STR - A character can carry his STR in Kg, and is unencumbered while doing so. Clothing and armor are not counted towards the total. A character is encumbered if carrying up to double his STR. Encumbered characters are treated as if STR, DEX and END are all one point lower for all purposes.
A character who is or was part of a military force (Army, Marines, Navy) can carry up to triple his STR, but is then treated as if STR, DEX and END are all two points lower for all purposes.
STR may also give you a penalty or bonus for melee combat, listed on the Weapon Matrix as
Cha Mod.
DEX - This may give you a penalty or bonus for ranged combat, listed on the Weapon Matrix as
Cha Mod.
END - In a single combat, a character may make a number of melee attacks equal to his END. All attempts to hit after that are at a penalty until the character has had a chance to rest.
If the character has the advantage of surprise, then melee attacks made while he still has surprise do not count towards the total.
The three physical characteristics are also important in that wounds taken in combat are applied directly to them, so a wounded character is slowed and weakened.
INT and EDU - the main function of these two is during character creation, when they affect what skills a character can learn. The total number of skill levels possessed by a character can never exceed his combined INT and EDU. Level-0 skills count as 0.5 when adding them up.
Int and EDU also apply modifiers to some skill use.
SOC - this measures the characters place in society:
SOC: 1 Convicted criminal in prison, and similar lowlifes
SOC: 2-10 Regular people
SOC: 11-15 Nobles: non-hereditary
11 - knight/dame
- baronet
12 - baron/baroness
13 - marquis/marchioness
14 - count/countess
15 - duke/duchess
- sector duke
16 - archduke
17 - Emperor Strephon/members of the Imperial family