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16:38, 25th January 2025 (GMT+0)

Equipment Lists.

Posted by RefereeFor group public
GM, 35 posts
Tue 24 Nov 2020
at 10:51
  • msg #1

Equipment Lists

Equipment bought prior to entry into the game can be obtained without regard to Tech Level or Law Level. Equipment purchased during the game will be subject to restriction by local Technology and Law, which might mean trying to find some items on the black market.
Technology Levels                         Law Levels
0   Stone age.  Primitive.                0   No restrictions.
1   Bronze Age to Middle Ages.            1   Body pistols undetectable by standard
2   circa 1400 to 1700                        detectors, explosives and poison gas all
3   circa 1700 to 1860                        prohibited.
4   circa 1860 to 1900                    2   Man-portable energy weapons prohibited.
5   circa 1900 to 1939                    3   Weapons of a strictly military nature prohibited
6   circa 1940 to 1969                        (auto-rifles, machine guns).
7   circa 1970 to 1979                    4   Light assault weapons (SMGs) prohibited.
8   circa 1980 to 1989                    5   Concealable firearms prohibited.
9   circa 1990 to 2020                    6   Most firearms prohibited, except shotguns.
A   Early interstellar community.             Openly carrying any weapon discouraged.
B   Average Imperial.                     7   All firearms prohibited.
C   Average Imperial.                     8   Long bladed weapons controlled.
D   Above average Imperial.                   Open possession prohibited.
E   Above average Imperial.               9   Possession of any weapon outside own residence
F   Imperial technological maximum.           is prohibited.
G+  Occasional non-Imperial levels.       A+  All weapon ownership prohibited.
This message was last updated by the GM at 10:52, Tue 24 Nov 2020.
GM, 36 posts
Tue 24 Nov 2020
at 10:54
  • msg #2

Ceneral Equipment

                            Max      Cost     Mass
PERSONAL EQUIPMENT      TL  Law      (Cr)     (kg)    
Cold weather clothing    1   -         200        -
Swimming Equipment       3   -         700        -
Filter mask              3   -          10        -
Respirator mask          5   -         100        -
Combination mask         5   -         150        -
Oxygen tanks             5   -         500        5
Underwater air tanks     5   -         800        5
Refill for all tanks     5   -          20        -
Protective suit          5   -         700        5
Vacc Suit                7   -      10,000       10
Artificial gill          8   -       4,000        4
Survival kit             A   -         250        7

                            Max      Cost     Mass
MEDICAL EQUIPMENT       TL  Law      (Cr)     (kg)    
Vaccine (specific)       5   -          15        -   Cost is per dose.
Antitoxin                6   -          20        -   Cost is per dose.
Antibiotic               6   -          50        -   Cost is per dose.
Medical slow             7   -         100        -   Cost is per dose.  Metabolism increases 30:1.
Metabolic                8   -       1,000        -   Cost is per dose.
Slow Drug                8   -       5,000        -   Cost is per dose.  Doubles user's speed.
Truth drug               8   -       5,000        -   Cost is per dose.
Fast drug                9   -       2,000        -   Cost is per dose.  Slows user, 60:1.
Combat drug              9   -         750        -   Cost is per dose.  +2 to STR and END.
Bandage spray            A   -          75        0.5
Vaccine (spectrum)       A   -          20        -   Cost is per dose.
Slow drug antidote       A   -         800        -   Cost is per dose.
Field surgery kit        A   -       1,000       10
Hand Mediscanner         B   -       1,500        0.75
Vitamax healing drug     B   -          25        -   Cost is per dose.  Doubles healing.
Portable hospital        C   -       4,500       35
Fast drug antidote       C   -         900        -   Cost is per dose.
Anagathic                F   -     200,000        -   Cost is per dose.  Slows aging process.

                            Max      Cost     Mass
PERSONAL DEVICES        TL  Law      (Cr)     (kg)    
Handcuffs                2   -          25        0.3
Wristwatch               3   -         var        -
Magnetic compass         3   -          10        -
Bull horn                5   -         120        0.5
Short range comm         5   -         100        0.3
Medium range comm        5   -         200        0.5
Long range comm          6   -         500        1.5
Metal detector           6   -         300        1
Hand calculator          6   -         250        0.1
Psionic shield helmet    8   -       4,000        1
Inertial locator         9   -       1,200        1.5
Hand computer            B   -       1,500        0.5
Dataglove computer       D   -       5,000        0.3

                            Max      Cost     Mass
VISION AIDS             TL  Law      (Cr)     (kg)    
Torch                    1   -           1        0.25
Gas/oil lamp             2   -          10        0.5
Binoculars               3   -          75        1
Electric torch           3   -          10        0.5
IR goggles               6   -         500         -
Cold light lantern       6   -          20        0.25
Light intensifier goggs  9   -         500         -
Farsight binoculars      D   -       1,000        1

                            Max      Cost     Mass
TOOLS                   TL  Law      (Cr)     (kg)    
Carpentry tool set       2   -         300       25
Metalwork tool set       4   -       1,500       50
Mechanical tool set      5   -       1,000       20
Chain saw                6   -         500        8
Lock pick set            6   -         400        -
Disguise kit             7   4       1,000        5
Electronics tool set     7   -       2,000        5

                            Max      Cost     Mass
SHELTERS                TL  Law      (Cr)     (kg)    
Tarpaulin                1   -          10        2
Tent (2 man)             2   -         200        3
Prefabricated cabin      6   -      10,000    4,000  (4 tons)
Pressure tent (2 man)    7   -       2,000       25
Advanced base            8   -      50,000    6,000  (6 tons)

                            Max      Cost     Mass
VEHICLES - LAND         TL  Law      (Cr)     (kg)    
Ground car               5   -       4,000    2,000  (2 tons)
All terrain vehicle      6   -      30,000   10,000  (10 tons)
Armored fighting vehicle 6   2      70,000   10,000  (10 tons)
Hovercraft               7   -     200,000    8,000  (8 tons)

                            Max      Cost     Mass
VEHICLES - AIR          TL  Law      (Cr)     (kg)    
Primitive biplane        4   -      20,000    1,000  (1 ton)
Fixed wing aircraft      5   -   1,000,000    5,000  (5 tons)
Helicopter               6   -     100,000    1,000  (1 ton)
Air/raft                 8   -     600,000    4,000  (4 tons)
Grav belt                C   -     100,000        -

                            Max      Cost     Mass
VEHICLES - WATER        TL  Law      (Cr)     (kg)    
Small steamship          4   -     600,000  200,000  (200 tons - typical)
Motor boat               5   -     600,000   60,000  (60 tons - typical)
Submersible (large)      6   -   2,000,000  500,000  (500 tons - typical)
This message was last updated by the GM at 10:56, Tue 24 Nov 2020.
GM, 37 posts
Tue 24 Nov 2020
at 10:56
  • msg #3

Combat Equipment

                            Max      Cost     Mass
ARMOR                   TL  Law      (Cr)     (kg)    
Jack                     1   -          50        -
Mesh                     4   -         150        -
Cloth                    7   -         250        -
Flak jacket              7   -         100        -
Ablat                    8   -          75        -
Reflec                   9   -       1,500        -
Combat environment suit  A   0       1,000        -
Combat armor             B   0      20,000        -
Battle dress             D   0     200,000        -

                            Max      Cost     Mass
WEAPONS - MELEE         TL  Law      (Cr)     (kg)    
Cudgel                   0   7          10        1
Spear                    0   7          10        2
Dagger                   1   8          10        0.25
Pike                     1   7          40        3
Sword                    1   7         150        1
Halberd                  2   7          75        2.5
Broadsword (greatsword)  2   7         300        2.5
Foil (rapier)            3   7         100        0.5
Cutlass                  3   7         100        1.25
Blade                    3   7          50        0.35
Bayonet                  3   7          10        0.35

                            Max      Cost     Mass
WEAPONS - RANGED        TL  Law      (Cr)     (kg)    
Revolver                 4   4         150        0.9    Ammo: Cr5, 0.1kg
Shotgun                  4   6         150        3.75   Ammo: Cr10, 0.75kg
Carbine                  5   5         200        3      Ammo: Cr10, 0.125kg
Rifle                    5   5         200        4      Ammo: Cr20, 0.5kg
Autopistol               5   4         200        0.75   Ammo: Cr10, 0,25kg
Submachine gun           5   3         500        2.5    Ammo: Cr20, 0.5kg
Auto rifle               6   2       1,000        5      Ammo: Cr20, 0.5kg
Light machinegun         6   2       1,200        5.5    Ammo: Cr120, 2.5kg
Body pistol              7   0         500        0.25   Ammo: Cr20, 0.05kg
Assault rifle            7   0         300        3      Ammo: Cr20, 0.33kg
Grenade launcher         7   0         200        3      Ammo: Cr5, 0.2kg
Auto grenade launcher    7   0       1,400        6      Ammo: Cr85, 0.2kg
RAM GL                   8   0         400        4      Ammo: Cr50, 1.4kg
RAM auto GL              8   0       2,200        6.5    Ammo: Cr350, 9kg
Snub pistol              8   3         150        0.25   Ammo: Cr10, 0.03kg
Light assault gun        8   0         600        4      Ammo: Cr20, 0.5kg
Autocannon               8   0      10,000      300      Ammo: Cr1,000, 100kg
Laser carbine            8   1       2,500        5      Ammo: Cr1,000, 3kg
Laser rifle              9   1       3,500        6      Ammo: Cr1,500, 4kg
Accelerator rifle        9   0         900        2.5    Ammo: Cr25, 0.5kg
Advanced combat rifle    A   0       1,000        3.5    Ammo: Cr15, 0.5kg
VRF gauss gun            A   0     200,000    2,000      Ammo: Cr200, 10kg
Gauss rifle              C   0       1,500        3.5    Ammo: Cr30, 0.4kg
PGMP-12                  C   0      10,000        6      Ammo: Cr2,500, 3kg, recharge=Cr50
PGMP-13                  D   0      65,000        0.9    Ammo: Cr50,000, 7kg, recharge=Cr20
PGMP-14                  E   0     300,000      9/.05*   Ammo: Cr250,000, 1.6/.09kg*, recharge=Cr50
FGMP-14                  E   0     100,000        1      Ammo: Cr65,000, 9kg, recharge=Cr50
FGMP-15                  F   0     400,000      1/.05*   Ammo: Cr300,000, 2/.11kg*, recharge=Cr70

*indicates weight of weapon and ammo without and with grav field generator.
Items shown in red are highly restricted.  Ownership is limited to military units.

                            Max      Cost     Mass
WEAPONS - ACCESSORIES   TL  Law      (Cr)     (kg)    
Telescopic sight         -   -         200        0.8
Electronic sight         -   -         200        1.5
Silencer                 -   3         200        0.75   Handguns only.
Shoulder stock           -   -          75        1      Handguns only.
Folding stock            -   -         100       +0.5    Longarms only.

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