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06:45, 13th December 2024 (GMT+0)

Version 1.9.55.

Posted by jase
member, 64 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 14:09
  • msg #5

Re: Version 1.9.55

The font size on compose windows has gotten much smaller for me, and somewhat more difficult to read.  This is both for regular threads and for private messages.
moderator, 478 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 14:17
  • msg #6

Re: Version 1.9.55

Yup, I'm getting the same thing in Vista/Firefox 25, but not IE9.  Font seems to drop 2 points in Message field, compared with Subject line.  Noticeable font difference between Firefox and IE if that's worth anything (I much prefer the Firefox rendering, but others' mileage may vary).
member, 1 post
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 14:50
  • msg #7

Re: Version 1.9.55

I'm not sure if it is a bug, a feature or a mistake on my part, but all the game tags (*,M/A) are gone from my list of "Games You Play In & Peruse".

And I've also noticed the smaller character in the message window (using Firefox 25.0)
Low Key
member, 131 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 15:18
  • msg #8

Re: Version 1.9.55

I'm also getting no more Adult/Mature markers or 'looking for players' asterisks on my Games I Play in and Peruse.

I can't make the table borders work.
Which is weird, because I had a set of tables where they did work, up until the update.
It's possible I'm doing it wrong, so I've tried to show what I'm doing below. For me, all six tables are utterly identical.
If it's me messing up, I'd appreciate being shown where :)








<table border="0"><tr><td>test</td><td>test</td></tr>

<table border=0><tr><td>test</td><td>test</td></tr>

<table border="1"><tr><td>test</td><td>test</td></tr>

<table border="3"><tr><td>test</td><td>test</td></tr>

<table border=3><tr><td>test</td><td>test</td></tr>

Oh, and a big thank you to Jase for continuing to update and improve! :)
admin, 3213 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 16:11

Re: Version 1.9.55

Fixed game tags and table borders.

Firefox compose size was actually intentional, if you read the update notes.  My own testing showed that Firefox had an oversized compose font size, but I now believe I inherited some very old settings that had it at 16px rather than 13px, like it is for everyone else.

Interestingly the problem code for Firefox was font-size: 108%.  I've removed that and.. yup, the font size is a lot larger without.

All these are reasons we need testers!
member, 160 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 16:11
  • msg #10

Re: Version 1.9.55

I'm getting a smaller font when composing in game, but not here in the public forums. (unless you changed it in the last few minutes) And I prefer the regular font, I can read it and proof-read it easier.
member, 65 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 16:12
  • msg #11

Re: Version 1.9.55

I have to agree with Low Key -- many thanks to Jase.

The text in the message fields is back to normal for me now.  And in case this is not true for everybody, I am using Chrome as my browser.  My machine runs on XP as well.
This message was last edited by the user at 16:27, Thu 14 Nov 2013.
member, 1769 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 16:12
  • msg #12

Re: Version 1.9.55

Unlike Low Key, my game list looks normal, with M/A and looking for players markers.  My OS is XP, and I have RPoL open in Opera 12.16.
Low Key
member, 132 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 16:27
  • msg #13

Re: Version 1.9.55

Game tags back, tables look different, many thanks! :)

Like icosahedron152 the font in my compose windows is different here to in games. Within games it's bigger (something I put down to the new update) but here it looks just like it used to before the update. I've not tried posting in any other public forum/thread.
I'm on an iPad, using the Safari that comes with it, on iOS 6.1.3
It's not a problem, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Edit: all fixed now. Thanks again!
This message was last edited by the user at 16:49, Thu 14 Nov 2013.
member, 148 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 16:55
  • msg #14

Re: Version 1.9.55

How do we become testers?  Always willing to beat on things.
member, 3 posts
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 17:23
  • msg #15

Re: Version 1.9.55

The border tag for the tables isn't working for me. All borders are just a wide as they always were. Also, I can't get the "easy" tables and grids to trigger, even if I c/p the code right out of the help page. I'm using Google Chrome on a Windows 7 computer and I also tested them on Internet Explorer on the same computer, Silk on my Kindle Fire HD, and on both Chrome and the default browser on my Droid, and I couldn't get the "easy" tables and grids or the border tag to work on any of them.

Edit: The easy tables and grids are working for me now, but the borders still don't don't.
This message was last edited by the user at 02:15, Fri 15 Nov 2013.
moderator, 6409 posts
busy crossing the i's
and dotting the t's
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 18:23

Re: Version 1.9.55

In reply to otghand (msg # 14):

You're testing right now!  :-)

But before things come over here, they're worked out on, AKA "The Beta Site".

You can muck around as much as you like on the beta site, create multiple accounts, and so on, since everything there is for testing the code.   Your account may already be there (the user accounts are copied from here, AKA "The Live Site") from time to time, though usually with a considerable delay, so if your account isn't there yet, don't panic.

A word to the wise: don't run your game on the beta site.  The beta site gets periodic wipes and such and is for testing only.
member, 81 posts
Free speech does not
entitle you an audience
Thu 14 Nov 2013
at 19:29
  • msg #17

Re: Version 1.9.55

I copied this right from the 'Easy Tables' thread where it works:

What if I try to put some really awkward stuff in a table?
This is a quote.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
This is spoilered.
As always, jase, You da man!

But it currently does not seem to.

Edit... and now it does! Brilliant!
This message was last edited by the user at 03:13, Fri 15 Nov 2013.
admin, 3216 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Fri 15 Nov 2013
at 00:38

Re: Version 1.9.55

How do we become testers?  Always willing to beat on things.

There's also a link on the bottom left of the main menu!

The border tag for the tables isn't working for me.

As per the message in the announcement forum, you need to update your custom theme.

In reply to coderodent (msg # 17):

Ah crap, I forgot to take out the condition that allowed limited testing on the development forum (only).  What a doofus.
member, 7 posts
Fri 15 Nov 2013
at 01:26
  • msg #19

Re: Version 1.9.55

Sorry if I am noobing it up a lot, but for several years games I GM and play in have used ASCII maps. Since the update, consecutive lines that start and end with the character '|' now automatically form some kind of table. It is very jarring and pretty much destroyed all previous maps, as that is consistently used for east/west barriers of various kinds.

Is this part of easy tables or some kind of new code introduction? More importantly, is there a way to turn it off or do I have to slog through years of maps and re-edit them so they can actually be used?

For example, this used to display four different layers of a ship. As you can see (unless this is just a browser issue or something else on my end) it is completely incomprehensible now, and is one of many.

Top Decks:    Upper Deck:   Lower Deck:    Hold:
    /\            --
.. b --
.... ..b ..--
...... b.... .... ..
...... ..... ...... ....
...... ..... ...... ....
V.XX.V #XX#= -#XX#- .XX.
...... ...... ....
               ..[--]..      |......|      |....|
               ..[--]..      |......|      |#--#|
               ........      |......|      |....|
               ........      |..VV..|      |.==.|
               ...XX...      |..XX..|      |.XX.|
               ...VV...      |..==..|      |....|
               ........      |......|      |#--#|
               ........      |......|      |.bb.|
V.XX.V #XX#= -#XX#- .XX.
...... ...... .bb.
...... ...... ...... bbbb
...... ---#-- ....---- 
.... t..t----   
   ----          ----   

Thanks for your time and I do appreciate your hard work! I just logged in and it looked like something ate my Rpol.

I am running Windows 8 and browsing with Firefox 25.0 currently.
This message was last edited by the user at 01:38, Fri 15 Nov 2013.
member, 150 posts
Fri 15 Nov 2013
at 02:48
  • msg #20

Re: Version 1.9.55

How do we become testers?  Always willing to beat on things.

There's also a link on the bottom left of the main menu!

OK, I knew about that and poke at it from time to time.  I thought I missed a specific request to test certain features.
member, 83 posts
Free speech does not
entitle you an audience
Fri 15 Nov 2013
at 03:25
  • msg #21

Re: Version 1.9.55

In reply to Zeign (msg # 19):

There is a whole new 'easy table' system in place that should allow you to make your maps using the tables and grids that previously would require very complex markup.

I don't know if there is an instruction set yet, but there is a discussion here: link to a message in another game

The upshot should be that if you put some non pipe, non space character in at the first character the table behavior can be disabled...

* |=X|O|X|
* |X|=X|O|
* |O|O|=X|

Or, get rid of the leading pipe:


Top Decks:    Upper Deck:   Lower Deck:    Hold:
+    /\            --
+   |..|          |b||           --
+  |....|        |..|b|         |..|          --
+ |......|      |b..|..|       |....|        |..|
+ |......|      |...|..|      |......|      |....|
+ |......|      |...|..|      |......|      |....|
+ |V.XX.V|      |=#XX#=|      |-#XX#-|      |.XX.|
+               |......|      |......|      |....|
+               ..[--]..      |......|      |....|
+               ..[--]..      |......|      |#--#|
+               ........      |......|      |....|
+               ........      |..VV..|      |.==.|
+               ...XX...      |..XX..|      |.XX.|
+               ...VV...      |..==..|      |....|
+               ........      |......|      |#--#|
+               ........      |......|      |.bb.|
+ |V.XX.V|      |=#XX#=|      |-#XX#-|      |.XX.|
+ |......|      ||      |......|      |.bb.|
+ |......|      |......|      |......|      |bbbb|
+ |......|      |---#--|       |....|        ----
+  |....|        |t..t|         ----
+   ----          ----   

But you might want to start making your grid maps with the new system:

This message was last edited by the user at 03:27, Fri 15 Nov 2013.
member, 8 posts
Fri 15 Nov 2013
at 04:02
  • msg #22

Re: Version 1.9.55

Oh, wow. Both the easy fix and the new grid system look great. I'll need to experiment with this a bit.

Thanks a ton!
Jeffery St. Clair
member, 12 posts
Fri 15 Nov 2013
at 04:18
  • [deleted]
  • msg #23

Re: Version 1.9.55

This message was deleted by the user at 04:55, Fri 15 Nov 2013.
admin, 3218 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Fri 15 Nov 2013
at 06:01

Re: Version 1.9.55

Wrap it in [code][/code] or replace the first pipe on each line with &#124; (which will come out as "|").
member, 84 posts
Free speech does not
entitle you an audience
Fri 15 Nov 2013
at 17:38
  • msg #25

Re: Version 1.9.55


Ah yes, that wasn't working before, but it's much easier!
member, 9 posts
Thu 21 Nov 2013
at 22:05
  • msg #26

Re: Version 1.9.55

I think I've found a little problem in the table coding. I thought it was inconsistent at first, but then I spotted the consistency. There is always an extra nub on the right (probably an empty cell) on rows after the first row within three nested cells that take up more than one row. Here is a portion of the unfinished language table I'm working on to show what happens:

Language GroupLanguage FamilyLanguageDialectAlphabetRegion
GermanicGermanicBavarian German?Latin?
High GermanFranconianLatin?
Low German?Latin?
ScandinavianOld NorseOld East Norse?Denmark, Scania, Sweden
Old Gutnish?Gotland
Old West Norse?Faroe Islands, Iceland, Scottish coast, Norway
TurkishKaramanli TurkishGreek?
Old Anatolian TurkishArabicAnatolia

High German is the first of the cells nested three deep. The Franconian row is OK, but the three rows after that have the extra nub. You see it again in the 2nd and 3rd rows following Old Norse (also nested three deep) and on the 2nd rows following Cuman-Kipchak and Turkish (each also nested three deep). I thought perhaps it was my doing at first, but I cannot find anything I've done to cause it which is why I suspect it's something in the code. The consistency adds to my belief.

I hope that's helpful.

PS: Jase, you're awesome!
admin, 3223 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 10:17

Re: Version 1.9.55

In reply to callen (msg # 26):

member, 158 posts
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 12:48
  • msg #28

Re: Version 1.9.55

What do you mean by "extra nub"?  The table looks fine on my display.
moderator, 14063 posts
He's big, he's bad,
but mostly he's Ron.
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 13:11

Re: Version 1.9.55

It does now, but before jase tweaked the code it wasn't so good...  :)
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