How to create "signature" for posts?
I'm in a long-running GURPS game on RPoL, and one of the other players used to include a "signature" in his posts -- similar to an e-mail signature, a line or lines that were appended after whatever was actually typed for the post. It was game-useful, not just informational like most e-mail or (if you're old enough) Usenet post signatures are/were; content like "footprint" and spells being maintained (which affects casting skill for new spells), spells in effect that have game effects like buffs, etc.
That player had to (at least temporarily) leave the game due to life changes, so I can't ask directly how that was done, and I haven't found anything in the FAQs or tutorials on how to do this. I'd gotten the impression it was a "very little known" feature of the board software, rather than something he had to manually paste into each post, and it was per-character, rather than being the same for all the player's PCs (in different groups).
Now I'm preparing to start a GURPS game of my own, and I'd like to "encourage" players to use this feature so we can do a better job of keeping track of these factors (buffs, debuffs, "spells on" footprint, etc.). Ideally it would be something the GM can edit and that automatically appends to each post by a character.
Does anyone who reads here know how to do this and where to find documentation on this feature?