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00:38, 18th September 2024 (GMT+0)

Why are my links showing as code?

Posted by Leora
member, 4 posts
Nova Colony GM
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 20:58
  • msg #1

Why are my links showing as code?

Hello there!

I have been trying to figure out why all of my links in my game suddenly started showing up as code instead of converting to a clickable text. What would cause this?
member, 299 posts
Hopepunk with a shovel
Fri 8 Sep 2023
at 21:45
  • msg #2

Why are my links showing as code?

I've found that sometimes long links confuse the site, but adding a space before/after the end > before the link text fixes the issue. If they were fine before and are now broken I don't know, however.
moderator, 994 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 01:56

Why are my links showing as code?

Two thoughts ... having had a look at your game with my Mod hat on:

1) your wiki links all seem to be copied from the GM edit version, need to be a step back on the actual page that users view - though don't know if that's the cause of the linking problem

2) if you are using r.rpol in any links, that's a known problem that jase was looking at (per RPoL Development thread) - might have to show the full responsive.rpol path ... and yes, the system might have auto-created or auto-updated those links.  And again, I don't know if that's the actual cause of the linking problem as an a href link should accept anything and just fail if the path isn't valid.

You can't mention game names here, but if you do need to mention specifics, you can send an rmail to the mods so we can work with you.

Try making changes as per my/tibiosarus suggestions and let us know,if anyone else has any ideas or has come across it before (with or without workaround), please keep 'em coming in the abstract.  If it's a problem, and not just something that needs tweaking in one game, then we'll need to get as much info as we can and pass it over to jase to investigate further. :>
member, 5 posts
Nova Colony GM
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 06:02
  • msg #4

Why are my links showing as code?

In reply to Skald (msg # 3):

There is definitely an issue occurring. I just did a test with this code . . .

<a href=""> Test Link </a>

Test Link

As you can see above, it works just fine in the forum post. Yet, I still get no generated link in my game posts. It just is not making links for some reason.

If it helps, I am creating my posts in the beta interactive version of RPOL. If it is an error perhaps it lies some place in that scope of the programming? I did try making a few minor edits in the classic version though with no improvement.

Who should I be informing of this issue? I would feel silly going live until this is resolved. Fortunately I still have a lot of preliminary writing to do. :D

Oh, and thanks for the heads up on the other links being edit pages. Ha ha. Oops. I'll fix that soon enough. I must have been working on it at 2 am.

Looking forward to whichever solution is to come.


subscriber, 779 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 06:33
  • msg #5

Why are my links showing as code?

RPoL Help:
The Anchor tag (<a>) is also available for limited use in public forums and by the GMs of games

Leora, is this in a game you're a GM in?  I'm assuming you are the GM based on Skald's comments, but figured I'd ask.

I did a quick test and in a game where I'm just a player I experienced the issue you are citing where the link text isn't displayed, but instead it's just the RuBB code.

As a GM, it worked as intended.

Not sure if that might be the issue.
moderator, 995 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 06:36
  • msg #6

Why are my links showing as code?

Oh, you can consider the relevant people informed now Leora.  :>  We Moderators (and the helpful RPoL userbase at large) will help you work through it, and if we don't find a fix, we'll pass it on to jase to look at the code to locate the problem.

As I say, though - if there are any game specific links you need to send to explain/demonstrate a particular something happening, they should not be posted here, BUT you can send them to the Moderators via rMail.

I wouldn't be using the beta site to create any posts - that's jase's testbed and won't reflect the current codebase release - you should stick to either Responsive or the old site.  I think there was a problem at one stage if you created a post in Responsive and edited it on the old site, or vice-versa, but don't quote me on that.  <grins>

Your test worked here, obviously ... can you try editing one of the offending posts in your game and paste the same a href code there as you have here and see if that works - that way we can tell if it's the code itself or probably the particular links.

nauthiz - yeah, it's only GMs that gets the bells and whistles, players can't post 'a href' ... they can post raw links (ie the URL itself), but the path is displayed, and I'm not even 100% sure it's turned into a link or just goes in as plain text (that someone could copy and paste).

Edit: And thanks to facemaker and tibiotarsus I now know that players can post plain URLs and have them show as links.  :P

This message was last edited by the user at 10:11, Sat 09 Sept 2023.
member, 7473 posts
Gaming for over 40
years, and counting!
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 06:51
  • msg #7

Why are my links showing as code?

I'm pretty sure it shows up as a link, as several players in one game I'm in have posted links to YouTube videos (for "mood music" or examples of something their character is singing, etc).  The GM does it most often, but others have done it, as well.
member, 300 posts
Hopepunk with a shovel
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 08:15
  • msg #8

Why are my links showing as code?

In reply to facemaker329 (msg # 7):

Can confirm player-posted URLs show up as links, with the exception of really long ones, which sometimes break.
supporter, 774 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 16:06
  • msg #9

Why are my links showing as code?

Leora, I noticed some time ago that links to which I had added properties, such as target="_blank", had been links when I created them but no longer were.  This was over a year ago, probably two or three, that I noticed this, however.  I assume that the code started parsing them and recreating them rather than just including them as is, to avoid javascript insertion.  It's a smart move.

Perhaps you had done something like this with your links?

Test Link without target
<a href="" target="_blank"> Test Link with target</a>

Edit:  Oh!  Even an errant space after the href causes it to literalize it.

<a href="" > Test Link with extra space</a>
This message was last edited by the user at 16:08, Sat 09 Sept 2023.
member, 7 posts
Nova Colony GM
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 03:33
  • msg #10

Why are my links showing as code?


~cheesy drum roll~

And the winner is…

The GM Account is required to show links!  Thank you nauthiz and Skald!

~a quick trumpet of brass~

Uhem, so I had made an assumption that as the GM I could add a pretty coded link using any of my Alts. But I have found only the main Alt is able to make coded links.

NOTE: For future reference, it would be handy to be able to delegate this linking privilege to others so it can be given to “managerial” roles.  (Unless there is already a method for doing this…) Or at the least having the option to turn this feature on for GM alts?

In the mean time, I am so happy I know what I did wrong! I will only post my fancy links with my main GM account now. And if I want links on other alts, just use a unmarked URL!

Thank you everyone for helping me!

This thread is solved!
This message was last edited by the user at 03:36, Thu 14 Sept 2023.
subscriber, 526 posts
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 11:00
  • msg #11

Why are my links showing as code?

For what it's worth, too, Leora - if you use a one-off NPC name as a GM (using the write-in box that's only available to GMs), links will also be code-only.
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