In reply to Captain Justice (msg # 171):
Justicar-Polymer walked over to a position out of the way against the Yacht bulkhead as the arrived
Justar/Hikari took up a position at the console of the
Biometric Scanner next to
Karl. Then
Karl himself moved away as the machine did its work finding another terminal console monitoring other activities the automated factory was in the process of completing.
Captain Justice the dias beneath his feet lit up and began passing harmless measuring lasers over his form from below and ... he realized from a similar device mounted in the ceiling above him.
Justar/Hikari, noted the scanning was in process and minimized the window overseeing its progress to bring up another screen on the
Force Field projectors operational tests
Karl had been working on in his absence... pondering the FF Tech limitations with the current iteration of emitters. They could emit a 10'ft x 10'ft barrier but due to atmospheric density could not be moved without field collapse. His mind raced pondering the uses... an old anime' of Gundam came to mind. He smiled and entered a production schedule to create several
Phase 1 - Force Field Projectors for field testing to be mounted on Drones-Demios and Phoebos, along with the addition of quad of retractable anchoring utility arms.
To outward appearance
Justar/Hikari began typing on the console keyboard and the Justicar-Polymer next to the wall its two drones detached and extending the hover fans both flew off to some other location in the automated factory/workshop.
To not be rude,
Justar/Hikari spoke to those present,
"The scan should only take about 5 more minutes Captain Justice and ...heh.. relax the scanners will do fine as long as you don't start doing cartwheels!"
"As for the current case, Bellissima left a warning and files on a person the team encountered before either of you joined while we were on mission on San Sebastian Isle... a gunman named Kurt Von Metz. I unfortunately never met the ma as he had made good his exit from the isle before our two strike teams rejoined up. Bellissima felt this Von Metz... might be involved with the assassin we are seeking. The files were little more than her report from mission on meeting the man and any cursory investigation into his background which turned up very little. I intend to turn my AI companions on assisting me in doing a far more far reaching search for data upon the man. But as per the Senator's wishes.. I will stay on the periphery of the security detail."
"Any ideas, insights or suggestions you two might want to volunteer would be appreciated?"
The Drones sent to have the
Force Field Projectors installed once their construction completed, the workship was already preparing to install the drone's retractable anchoring utility arms, he had
K3, the AI within the
Justicar-Polymer upload the copies of the files he'd scanned from
Bellissima's file on
Kurt Von Metz.
Justar/Hikari again turned his attention back to the costume project calling up the proposed
Sentinel MK II designs from his touch screen pad still within the Justicar-Polymer. He began typing again making a few adjustments to the proposed costumes.
Justar/Hikari pointed to a flat-screen nearby,
"I'm going to display your costume designs upon that screen... see anything you want changed? Oh.. and As usual, pay no attention to the listed price.. I do not charge Sentinel's Members for gear upgrades."
Lilibeth "Cammie" CosPlay Costume - Sentinel MKII, Total WT: 18.1lbs Total Cost 'To Hikari': $17,900 ea
1. Light Armor – Point Blank Vest ‘Bodysuit’ = AR10, SDC 70 {14lbs} [$1,100]
- Climbing Kit Harness & Attachment Hooks = An builtin harness with clamps {Harness-Only} [suitable for Attach to other Climbing harness - load bearing] - w/Quick Release Belt Trigger [$50.00]
2. 'Miniaturized' Night-Sight {2x Monocular Eyepiece} = Passive Night Vision Optics 1,600'ft [$4,800]
3. 'Miniaturized' Infrared Optic System {Goggles 'Superior'} = Infrared 1,200'ft [$880]
4. 'Miniaturized' Gas Mask [$50]
5. Motorola MR350R: By coordinating channel and privacy code, clear and secure radio communications are available. These things can also operate hands-free and supports an added earpiece and microphone. = Range: 35mile Transmissions, Power: 48hrs?, {0.5lb}
6. Ear Mike Radio Receiver and Transmitter: It is so effective that the user can transmit a whisper. Compatible with any portable, two-way radio equipped with an external speaker/microphone
Wt: 6 ounces (170 grams), Power source: 1.5 volt AA battery, Range: 1mile (1.6 km), [$700.00]
7. Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. [$350]
Note: Conventional video systems, cameras, lenses, optics and audio recorders, are also effective tools for surveillance
8. Pocket Vibration - Bug Detector: [$700.00]
9. Compass-Impact Resistant [$50]
10. Tracer Bug: This is a tiny device, about the size of a checker Range: 8miles (13 km) away, Battery powered: limited life of 72 hours of constant transmission
- Modified 'Button' clothing clamp, Normally NOT turned ON {must be turned on} [$340.00]
- NOTE: All the above devices are integrated for Hands-free use
- All systems are removable as desired {Modular construction}
11. First Aid Kit {1lb} [$50]
12. 2x Atropine Injectors 'Nerve Gas-Antidote' [$800]
13. Swiss Army Knife/Pocket Tool [?$50.00]
14. Pack of Zip-Tie Restraints {10}
15. Small Roll of Duct Tape
16. {2x} Bracers - Brass Knuckles/Slap Glove = 1D6+2+PS{+Stun Blast}
- << Wired to Wrist Stun Gun 'Blaster' >> {On Punch}
2x {2x} Stun Gun ’Blaster’ {L&R Bracer} = Ra: 100’ft,
Dam: Special [Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge, for 2D4 melees – Save Vs Toxin], RoF: 5/melee, charges: 10 WP: Energy Pistol {1lbs ea [2lbs]}, [$8,000 + $2,000 E-Clip];
17. 3x Hand Grenades – {0.2lbs/ea [0.6lbs]}
- Stun/Flash {CoCW, p.32} = Blast: 10’ft radius, Effect: —8 ST/PY/DG, -1 Intv, -1 AT, Dur: 1D4 melee
- Tear Gas = {HU 2e, p. 207} Effects: -10 ST/PY/DG, Dur: 4D6Mel. Saving Throw: None, $40/ea. [$160]
- {HU 2e, p.341} Effects: -6 to strike, parry, dodge, and lose initiative. Effects are immediate. Saving Throw: None ~ Not sure which is valid stats
- Smoke {HU 2e, p.341} = Blast: 20'ft radius, Effects: {-8 ST/PY/DG, shooting wild-only ‘Aimed shots or controlled bursts are impossible’}, Color: Grey, $40ea. [$120]
Captain Justice - Combat Environment Armor, Total WT: 62.6lbs {+31.5lbs Weapons} '94.1lbs' Total Cost 'To Hikari': $1,340,400
1. Hard Armor, Full Suit "Jumpsuit w/Colonial Marines-Style Sectional Plates Worn over {Aliens} - Matte Grey" = AR16, SDC 260
{20lbs} [$1,400]
- Climbing Kit Harness & Attachment Hooks = An builtin harness with clamps {Harness-Only} [suitable for Attach to other Climbing harness - load bearing] - w/Quick Release Belt Trigger [$50.00]
- Not Concealable
2. Super-Solar Engine = Indefinite lifespan, Main Power {8hrs} / Emergency Reserve {4hrs}, {40lbs} [$1,000,000]
Sensor Systems:
3. {Custom} H.U.D.: Targeting Sight as an active, minor combat computer that is tracking with GPS Navigation. A visual electronic displaying other readouts as well.
4. Multi-Optics Helmet/Visor (M.O.H.): {HU 2e, p.344} [$38,000]
5. Targeting Sight: 1,600 feet (480 m)
6. Infrared Optics System : 1,600 feet (480 m)
7. Telescopic Monocular Lens: Range: 2 miles (3.2 km)
8. Thermo-Imager: Range: 1,600 feet (480 m)
Special Bonus: + 1 to strike when the optics and targeting sight are engaged . Note that the thermo-imager is a special, optical,
heat sensory unit that allows the infrared radiation of warm objects to be converted into a visible image. Enables the person
to see in darkness, shadows and through smoke.
9. Radar Signal Detector (military): This is a mini-radar receiver that can fit in one hand ~ Built into helm.
Recently developed for the U .S. Army. Range: Effective 80 feet (24 m), maximum 4 miles (6.4 km). [$3000].
10. Bug Detector: A small hands-free device that picks up radio signals from listening devices (bugs). [$350.00]
11. Compass-Impact Resistant [$50]
Communications Systems:
12. Motorola MR350R: By coordinating channel and privacy code, clear and secure radio communications are available. These things can also operate hands-free and supports an added earpiece and microphone. = Range: 35mile Transmissions
13. Ear Mike Radio Receiver and Transmitter: It is so effective that the user can transmit a whisper. Compatible with any portable, two-way radio equipped with an external speaker/microphone
Range: 1mile (1.6 km), [$700.00]
Environmental Controls:
14. Life Support Unit = Internal Environmental Control- Not Sealed [$100,000]
- 'Miniaturized' Gas Mask
- {Custom} 'Miniaturized' Air Supply = short air supply 10min
- Environment Protection = Heat and Cooling
- NOTE: All the above devices are integrated for Hands-free use
- All systems are removable as desired {Modular construction}
Metal Electrical-Insulated Gauntlets & Shin-Guard Boots {Weapon-Parry} = Brass Knuckles/Slap Glove = 1D6+2+PS{+Electric Discharge}
- << Wired to Electric Discharge >> {On Punch or Kick}
{2x} Stun Gun ’Blaster’ {L&R Gauntlet} = Ra: 100’ft,
Dam: Special [Victims are dazed, -10 to strike, parry and dodge, for 2D4 melees – Save Vs Toxin], RoF: 5/melee, charges: 40 w/4 reloads {Effectively Unlimited-Super Solar power-Daylight}, WP: Energy Pistol {1 ‘2’lbs} [$8,000 + $8,000 E-Clip]
{2x} Electrical Discharge {L&R Gauntlet} = Ra: 12'ft, Dam: 4D6ea {8D6 dual-fire}, RoF: Once/melee, Payload: 6bursts {Effectively Unlimited-Super Solar power-Daylight}, Bonus: +1ST [$100,000]
+ {Stun Setting} Dam: Special [Victims are dazed, - 10 to strike, parry and dodge, for 2D4 melees – Save Vs Toxin], RoF: 5/melee
{2x} Spike & Tow-line Launcher {L&R Gauntlet} = Ra: 120'ft; Dam: 1D6 {2d6 dual-fire}{+Electric Discharge}; Line {1,000lbs, Reel 500lbs} [$80,000]
- << Wired to Electric Discharge >>
"The Hammer" - {Slung Center Back} Total Weight: 9.5lbs, SDC: 125
Warhammer = 2hd - No, LT - 3'ft, Dam: 3D4+PS{+Electric Discharge}, Wt: 3.5lbs
- << Wired to Electric Discharge >>
+ {Concealed} Ithace Stakeout Shotgun = RoF: 1AT/Single-Shot, Dam: 5D6{2m}/ 4D6{6m}+1D6{1m-spread}/ 3D6{14m}+1D6{2m-spread}/ 2D6{15+m}+1D6{4m-spread}{Buckshot}, Cap: 5sh tubular magazine; Wt: +6lbs
+ Pommel Detachable-Fastener = For Spike & Tow-line Launcher {So hammer can be thrown and 'reeled' back to hand}
2x Netgun = Ra: 35'ft, Entangle/Tripping an opponent. Does no damage, but knocks victim to the ground and he loses initiative and one melee attack), Cap: 1 single shot {Reload 5 min} {10lbs ea '20lbs'}
Carried Gear:
- Mini-Telephoto Document Camera: A tiny, easy to conceal camera, only a little bigger than a disposable lighter. [$350]
Note: Conventional video systems, cameras, lenses, optics and audio recorders, are also effective tools for surveillance
- Tracer Bug: This is a tiny device, about the size of a checker Range: 8miles (13 km) away, Battery powered: limited life of 72 hours of constant transmission
+ Modified 'Button' clothing clamp, Normally NOT turned ON {must be turned on} [$340]
- First Aid Kit {1lb} [$50]
- 2x Atropine Injectors 'Nerve Gas-Antidote' [$800]
- Swiss Army Knife/Pocket Tool [$50]
- Pack of Zip-Tie Restraints {10}
- Small Roll of Duct Tape
- 6x Hand Grenades – {0.2lbs/ea [1.6lbs]}
2x Stun/Flash {CoCW, p.32} = Blast: 10’ft radius, Effect: —8 ST/PY/DG, -1 Intv, -1 AT, Dur: 1D4 melee
2x Tear Gas = {HU 2e, p. 207} Effects: -10 ST/PY/DG, Dur: 4D6Mel. Saving Throw: None, $40/ea. [$80]
- {HU 2e, p.341} Effects: -6 to strike, parry, dodge, and lose initiative. Effects are immediate. Saving Throw: None ~ Not sure which is valid stats
2x Smoke {HU 2e, p.341} = Blast: 20'ft radius, Effects: {-8 ST/PY/DG, shooting wild-only ‘Aimed shots or controlled bursts are impossible’}, Color: Grey, $40ea. [$80]
This message was last edited by the player at 16:06, Tue 07 Mar 2023.