Time: 1 Day before the Shadowhawk Arrives in Chinilaya
Place: Center City - 'Onboard' Sea Sentinel
Status: Closed
Actors: Justicar/Justar, ANGEL Beings ~
Ako; {secretly - monitoring: Karl Stottmeister}
Hikari made his way to the office where the three
ANGELs had been assembled. He was more nervous than when he first donned his
Mk I Justicar suit and fought his first supervillain! This was a very, potentially, dangerous experiment he was engaged in... not only he, but all of mankind could suffer if what he started here went badly awry! But the fact was... whether
Hikari did this or not it was already happening. FORCE proved this... and FORCE was a megalomaniacal would-be world conqueror of far less moral integrity than
Hikari. AI was a thing that scientists around the world were already developing...
Hikari was just quite a bit further along than them... and
Hikari had a unique view on the matter. He had to know… this was a necessary risk; this was an experiment in Trust. He needed to make their first meeting have the impression needed; as he had no means to control them other than the strength and honesty of his own personality...
He entered the office wearing his
Justar armored costume ready for anything… but he almost faltered when three sets of eerily but lovely green eyes all locked upon him.
Aki, and
Ako all regarded him in unison. He had designed them to be strikingly lovely and disarming at the same time in appearance; mentally he noted success at that, at least, with his reaction ~ finally seeing them active and animate rather than laying in repose in the workshop.
They were all a uniform 5’5” feet in height ~ shorter than
Hikari, but all massed an equal 235lbs in mass. All strikingly lovely [PB:20] with startling pale green eyes..
Aya The Investigator, was cosmetically Caucasian of Germanic ethnicity with long blonde hair and a slight Germanic accent. Her initial personality matrix ~ Teen Girl - Gung-ho, friendly, dynamic, cheerful; quick to act.
Aki The Pilot, was cosmetically Asian with long flowing raven dark hair her speech had no accent.
Her initial personality matrix ~ Teen Girl - Bold, confident, speaks with an air of superiority.
And finally
Ako The Spy, cosmetically a Caucasian of Irish ethnicity with curling tresses of strawberry red and a distinct Irish accent. Her initial personality matrix was the most ‘flexible’ ~ Teen Girl - Always prim and proper; letter perfect in appearance manner, language and demeanor ~ all a surface mask.
Hikari bowed to the assembled androids…
“Greetings ANGEL beings. You are Autonomous Neural-net Gyno-Endoskeletal Lifeform, beings. I am Stottmeister-Tatsukichi Hikari, I am also known as Justicar when wearing one of my powered armors or Justar when dressed as I currently am using my mutant powers. Hikari or Advocate will do just fine. I designed and built you, but make no mistake... I do not make ANY claim to own you! You own Yourselves, you are sophant, sapient beings. I call you lifeforms because you are that in every respect that matters; able to reason, to learn, be aware of your own person and able to make your own decisions and even potentially able to procreate. But sadly, in the civilization of mankind here on Earth, manufactured beings do not have any legal status... thus far. So all your actions I must take responsibility for. I am not your owner, but I will be your legal Advocate if you will allow me to do so?”
“Why did I make you? Mankind is advancing rapidly in the field of Artificial Intelligence eventually someone will succeed. I have … certain genetic advantages which have put me years in advance of currently available such technology. But the big question is ~ how is mankind to treat emerging AI? As pets, as possessions and disposable intellect? Those choices could spell disaster for mankind or callous slavery for the free minds of countless manufactured sentient beings like yourselves. I view you as beings; reasoning, rational, self-aware and I reject the notion that beings of your nature are disposable or that mankind has the no moral obligation to treat beings such as you with respect and equality as we would any other sentient being.”
“What makes a Person? What makes me alive anymore then you? Human parents effectively manufacture their young ~ and have legal obligation to nurture and not abuse them? You are simply manufactured by machines, does that absolve humanity from treating you with the same nurture and care? No. Human beings are intelligent and able to conceive and understand complex mathematics and problem solving. I dare say your intellects are able to perform mathematics that would stump any common human on the street. So you are intelligent. Humans are self-aware of themselves and of the consequences of their actions. I don’t need to ask you if you are able to do the same... I know you can. So in all ways that mater you are a lifeform.”
“I have designed you with free will. You can peruse your own software internally and know there is no directive or failsafe for you to obey me, I want to earn your respect and trust by being your advocate. I would like to ask you to work for me to assist me in my business efforts… for which you shall be well paid and given your freedom to pursue your own lives. Live where you want, travel where you will. I merely want your friendship and your assistance.”
“Why? Because this is a grand experiment in trust. Can mankind if we treat sentient machines as respected equals, can such a free willed AI society work? Why would corporation’s manufacture AI’s that would become free willed beings? Can a contract of mutual beneficial return, of give and take be established, be profitable for the manufacturer? These are questions I’m trying to answer… collating data upon how our relationship progresses. Proof ~ if you will, that it CAN work if mankind treats AI with the respect it demands. Parents birth their own young… and though responsible for them in their youth, they do not own them in adulthood. You are not children, YOU should not be owned either!”
“Are you ‘Three-Laws Complaint’? No. Your programming does stress the sanctity of life, yours and others, but you have free will to do as the situation demands. Yes. That means you can indeed kill. But your directives make that only in situations where your immediate direct existence and continued functioning is threatened. You can only use lethal force to protect your immediate existence. But again, you are learning and changing with each and every moment, its possible you may circumvent this directive with the proper motivation. A being is the collection of its experiences after all and none can know the impact certain experiences will have on a sentient being. For this experiment to be successful… I avoided as much as possible any hardcoded directives to give you as much free will as possible. Because for you to relate to humanity to get some understanding of the human condition you must be able to experience it to the fullest. Your bodies are designed to allow you the full range of human sensations and perhaps even emotions.”
At this
Hikari flushes slightly,
“Yes, that does include intimate contact if That is YOUR choice. But, currently, you cannot gestate, carry, or birth children with a male partner.”
Pushing on nervously,
“You are not designed for combat… but you ARE combat capable. Your claws, and eye energy weaponry are well concealed. I doubt you will ever need to use lethal force as you are all capable of running at Mach speeds… you can always exit a situation. But you do have directives to preserve life when at all possible, so you will avoid using your Mach speeds when collateral damage might injure others. You each have internal files and familiarity with all of my Justicar suits and could potentially pilot them, if a little clumsily ~ at first, in battle until you gain greater familiarity. Your jumpjets are also concealed in your legs giving you a great deal of mobility.”
“Your internal core AI processors have a built-in tracer. It is not removable. This is so I can find you in emergencies… I am responsible for you as you have no legal standing. The transmitter does not transmit all the time, but it is always listening for an encrypted signal from my geosynchronous orbital Star Sentinel Satellite uplink. On receipt of the encrypted signal, it will activate and ping your location wherever you are on the planet. It is not to spy on you but one can never know the myriad of unforseen situations that might require me to locate you. You also have an internal radio, the antennae extends from behind your ears for best reception ~ easily mistaken for a micro headset you can always contact me if you have need ~ I cannot remotely access your internal radio unless you allow me to. You are stronger... physically than you appear, you will have to learn to be gentle and careful with the humans you interact with as you each possess robotic resilience and power able to lift over 5,000 pounds near max capacity. You are effectively immortal ~ solar powered by the solar arrays built into your eyes and head hair. This does mean you will need rest at night, but your internal power reserves will still allow you to operate at night in a limited duration. I daresay you will live longer than I... assuming my solar powered body and sleeping a third of my life at night as an unaging energy pattern does not slow my aging process or more mutant powers manifest to change that. Sadly ~ currently, you do not possess auto-repair systems, repairs must be manually done, but you each have been programmed with extensive files on your construction and you all have skill in general repair and maintenance. Though major structural damage would need my or my servitor AI's to assist in effecting full repair.”
“Why did I make you all female? Sadly, the world is unfairly dominated by the male gender of humanity but this is also a weakness. The tasks I will have you engaged in ~ a female appearing sophant, will likely be underestimated and potentially disregarded for the threat you represent where a male would be closely scrutinized and questioned. It is my intention to exploit that male dominated aspect of our society ~ in polite civilized situations it is taboo to treat a woman’s person in ways a man might be. I made you all feminine to take advantage of that social norm as an added protection from scrutiny that a male protagonist's form might be open to additional scrutiny potentially revealing their manufactured nature. The issue being ~ manufactured beings have no legal status in human society, for now. I am working toward bringing this issue to the forefront of law but it will take time. Thus, for now, I want to be your 'Advocate', with you as my Sophant ‘employees’, if you are willing?”
He’d said his piece in as much honest sincerity as he knew… he’d hoped it was not going to somehow enrage them...
This message was last edited by the player at 11:03, Sun 10 Mar.