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00:42, 15th September 2024 (GMT+0)

Open RP.

Posted by SSOGMFor group 0
player, 48 posts
How may I be of service?
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 03:58
  • msg #354

Re: Open RP

were have all the hero bases gone? far ago in a reality far far far far far away
This message was last edited by the player at 00:40, Fri 11 Aug 2023.
Officer Januchowski
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 00:33
  • msg #355

Re: Open RP

In reply to Senor Garcia (msg # 353):

Time: After apprehension of assassin
Place: LESP interrogation room
Open/Closed: Closed
Actors: Officer Januchowski, Señor Garcia, Kirk Von Metz

Januchowski signals for two other uniforms to assist with the escort. As they approach, Januchowski says, "thanks for letting me sit in, Mr. Garcia, but I didn't get much out of it. I think Broyko is trying as much to teach me to pick my battles as he is teaching me how to interrogate a perp. He knew I wouldn't understand a word of it but I kept bugging him to sit in on it."
Januchowski sighs, "if I can ever return the favor, you only gotta ask."
Dr. Javier Lemarr
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 00:48
  • msg #356

Re: Open RP

Time: 2 days After Return from Japan
Place:  Center City - Miskatonic Psychiatric Care Asylum
Status: ???
Actors: Justicar/Justar, Dr. Javier Lemarr {Dr. Phage}

The attendant seems pleased to escort JUSTAR to a private room. As he leaves, he says, "we'll be with you shortly."
After about twenty minutes, a doctor comes in with a clipboard. "Mr. Justar, please don't take this the wrong way, but we have specific protocols in place that require me to ask you what powers or abilities you possess, and request that you perform some non-destructive example of these powers."
After some consideration, JUSTAR  asks the doctor to step back and creates a Crackling Static Electricy Field. It is spectacle enough, and the doctor sighs happily. "I can't tell you how relieved I am. Dr. Lemarr is resting in the Solarium, if you'll follow me, please."
Ten minutes later, JUSTAR is in the presence of a much happier looking Dr. Lemarr. It is Dr. Lemarr that tells JUSTAR to "call me Dr. Phage. It's not all of me, but a large part. I'm truly sorry for what I did to you, though I don't remember much. How can I help you?"
Senor Garcia
player, 299 posts
Retiree (MA: 22)
HP: 85 SDC: 188/183
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 01:55
  • msg #357

Re: Open RP

Time: After apprehension of assassin
Place: LESP interrogation room
Open/Closed: Closed
Actors: Officer Januchowski, Señor Garcia, Kirk Von Metz

"Not a problem, I'll get you a copy of the transcript translated into English."
player, 132 posts
Mutant MA15/PB14{17d/20s}
HP55, SDC137 EB:176 AR10
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 14:55
  • msg #358

Re: Open RP

Time: 2 days After Return from Japan
Place:  Center City - Miskatonic Psychiatric Care Asylum
Status: ???
Actors: Justicar/Justar, Dr. Javier Lemarr {Dr. Phage}

Justar waits patiently doing a visual scan of the facility's... trying to get a 'feel' for the general care and keeping of the Asylum to make a judgement of how well-cared for the Patients are in the care facility.  Hikari had very little experience with medical care hospitals, but he was more looking for how clean and orderly the build and its staff seemed.  More in observing how well they staff interacted with each other and the patience if he could see any such interactions or failing that how personal or impersonal their lobby and security seemed ~ was security tight, did staff or patients smile or seem fearful and stressed.  Hard to make any thing other than a superficial observation in the 20 minute wait but he makes the attempt... if possible engage any of the staff or other visitors manning the front desk or waiting to see other patients.  His mind never stops moving or putting to memory whatever he observes especially anything his mind flags as odd or out of the ordinary.

When the doctor arrives Justar listens and remains calm... but almost immediately some mental Amber warning flags are raised in his mind.  First, the Doctor did not identify himself, so Hikari tries to make a subtle effort to find a name tag on his person.  Second, when the 'maybe-unidentified' "doctor" asks him to identify what powers he possesses... Hikari becomes immediately hyper observant but tries very hard not to appear alarmed but pays a close attention to if the "Doctor" makes any notes.  He casts a scrutinizing look around him to see if there is any obvious electronic recording devices, camera, sensor arrays that he might have overlooked in his initial efforts to judge the facility's quality.  He covers his increased wariness by playing the role of the expected over-pompous youth...

"Oh that's fine Doctor I'm sure you get a few examples of meta-human powered beings as patients ~ hopefully none as powerful as my abilities are I hope ~ I completely understand!  I have the abilities to control and create power fields of atmosphereic static electricity to various effects..."

But he only told the Doctor of one of his more minor 'comparatively speaking' and subtle powers but more obvious.  But at the same time he was making the static display of electrical power he was also feeling through his static fields if there were electronic devices either on, possibly in the Doctor or the surrounding lobby to disrupt any recording they might be making of the display.  Hikari will try to note if the doctor pulls any recording device to document the electrical display He creates.  Any such openly used device.. Justar will allow to record and will refrain from directly affecting it with his display but anything not openly used or hidden in his environment he will make sure only records garbled data.

But more importantly Justar wishes to see if any effort or procedure is made to make a record or what he tells the "Doctor" are or if any attempt is made to verify his powers other than just visual observation.  He finds it curious how does knowledge of his possession of powers make the Hospital anymore 'secure' than the knowledge itself... but it was already.. or at least should be known that Justar possesses meta-human powers.  Was the "Doctor" merely 'fan-boying' to see meta-human powers used or was something more sinister at play? Hikari was certain that none too few cell phone camera's from the Political Rally took pictures of the Sentinel's actions in securing the assassin.  He was just not sure how see him 'fly a few loose papers around the room on static currents while giving off a sparky visual display' was pertinent?  After all the 'Doctor' knew to ask Justar what powers he possessed.. what they did with that confirmed knowledge of his observed meta-human power was of keen interest to Hikari.  The 'Doctor' did not even give him a 'visitor's badge' to wear.. though in truth, in his armored costume there literally was no mistaking him for some wandering intruder... but still.  Hikari was straining his mind to see how physical demonstration of his powers 'confirmed' anything that would be useful to the Hospital's 'better safety'?  Hikari was sure he could replicate any visual effect with a artificial means if they simply wanted to confirm he 'may not' be an android intruder?  Hikari knew there were far more easier and subtle ways to discern if he was an android than manifestation of meta-human powers...

All of this scrutiny he does internally and tries his best to keep his alarm hidden.  He makes no other comment but watches with a critical eye from then on!


As he is lead to the meeting room with Dr. Javier Lemarr, Justar clinically scrutinizes as many aspects of the building and its staff as possible... looking for restricted areas, the emotional reactions of any other patients or even staff to his presence as he proceeds to the meeting room.

On meeting with Dr. Lemarr, he first scrutinizes the room looking for the expected camera's and listening devices...which he does not disrupt.. as it would be odd for such a failing to occur to be on record.  Perhaps making his first disruption seem like an unexpected and unfortunate effect of open manifestation of his powers.  but he static powers will still be searching for the 'feel' of recording or observing electronic devices.  He's not sure what to think if no such devices are present...which would be certainly odd for a 'private conversation' with a institutionalized potentially dangerous super-villain!

Then Justar will try to make an assessment of Dr Lemarr's physical appearance and lucidity.  If there is a table and chairs he will gesture to offer they both sit down to talk.

"Greetings, Dr L.. er Doctor.  You look well how have you been doing?  Do you feel you are being well treated here?  I aheh.. do not want anything from you.. as much as I want to see if there is anything you might need or want to request of me?"

Hikari smiles trying to read the Doctor's Emotional State and perhaps mental stability, looking for sighs of nervousness or held in check fear.

Continuing on in a conversational but solemn tone 'seemingly' absently softly tapping on the tabletop with his fingers, "...I made a promise.. to your children, that I would personally see to it you were well taken care of and given the best possible care and medication for your recovery and hopefully someday release.  Genius such as yours is a gift to mankind .. that should not be squandered.  People in distressed mental states are not wholly to blame over actions taken during a mental illness.  I'd hope society would not judge them too harshly on perhaps their worse day and keep condemning them for the rest of their lives for actions taken in a perhaps delusional state of mind."

Actually Hikari's tapping is neither absently or without purpose.. its morse code...

-.. --- -.-. - --- .-. / .--. .... .- --. . .-.-.- / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / .. -. / -. . . -.. .-.-.- / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / -... . .. -. --. / - .-. . .- - . -.. / .... ..- -- .- -. .-.. -.-- .-.-.- / -.-- . ... / --- .-. / -. --- / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -.. --- .-.-.-

The tapping is soft not loud enough to register as out of the ordinary but anyone touching the table top will feel it.. he will repeat if necessary.

"I am planning to pay a visit to your children at least once to let them know how you are progressing. Would you have any message for them?  I believe they have taken refuge in some wondrous caves.  Last I knew they were both safe and free."

Hikari is watching closely the Doctor's reaction.. and though he does wish to inform his two AI creations of his well being.. he is being mindful of any perhaps keep phrases that might be any hidden command code to the AIs.  In any case he was planning if he can make contact with the AI vehicles to paraphrase ANY message the Doctor may have.

Justar is being cautious and as observant as possible.

11:03, Today: JUSTAR rolled 78 using 1d100 with rolls of 78.  Justar - Streetwise [64%]. – 78 <Fail>
- Specifically the use of this skill to Identify Illegal clinics and potential drug use on patients that might be out of the ordinary or illegal.  Not Successful

This message was last edited by the player at 17:37, Fri 11 Aug 2023.
Doctor Phage
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 21:32
  • msg #359

Re: Open RP

In reply to JUSTAR (msg # 358):

Time: 2 days After Return from Japan
Place:  Center City - Miskatonic Psychiatric Care Asylum
Status: ???
Actors: Justicar/Justar, Dr. Javier Lemarr {Dr. Phage}

Prior to escorting JUSTAR to see Dr. Phage, the doctor laughs and admits, "To be honest, what we get are people in colorful costumes with a delusion that they're some sort of powered individual. The primary diagnosis for these people depends on the differences between their contentions and their reality. I'm interning in psychiatry, so they send me to ask the intake questions."

On the way to the solarium JUSTAR notes the facility appears very clean and well run. There are cameras in the solarium, perhaps as much to protect the patients as to gather information, but there appear to be no listening devices. Dr. Lemarr seems a good deal calmer and more focused than he did on the submarine. The two intellects sit in lounge chairs about a small table with magazines on it to talk.
"Oh, I don't need anything, lad. They've taken good care of me every time I come here, well, once the medication does its work. I'm not much good to anyone till that point. But I'm sure you know that. Are you here because I engaged you in a less lucid moment, or do you wish to wreak vengeance on me for something I engaged in during my less lucid moments?"

Once JUSTAR explains why he's there, Dr. Phage seems more at ease. "I certainly appreciate that, and the news of my creations is very welcome. My crimes have already been attributed to my illness. Although it's not quite the best way to put it, I can say that I'm fortunate to have a rather classic case of my particular ailment. There's been much research done, and the medication goes a long way towards keeping myself, and society, safe from my worst impulses. I'll probably stay here for several months, perhaps a year or more, and then return to do research in some safe place."
As he speaks, the doctor idly taps his chair arm with his thumb.
.. -- / ..-. .. -. . --..-- / - .... . .-. . .----. ... / -. --- / -. . . -.. / ..-. --- .-. / ... . -.-. .-. . -.-. -.-- .-.-.- / .. -. / .- / .--. .-. . ...- .. --- ..- ... .-.. -.-- / .-.. ..- -.-. .. -.. / -- --- -- . -. - / .. / .... .- -.. / .- / .... .- -. -.. / .. -. / ... . - - .. -. --. / ..- .--. / - .... .. ... / .. -. ... - .. - ..- - .. --- -. .-.-.- / .. .----. .-.. .-.. / -... . / ... .- ..-. . / .... . .-. . / - .. .-.. .-.. / .. -- / -.. . . -- . -.. / - .-. ..- .-.. -.-- / .-- --- .-. - .... -.-- / --- ..-. / .-. . .-.. . .- ... .
"Yes, you can let them know that they shouldn't look to me any more. They'll both be better off if they find some other benefactor for their needs. Please use your own words, and if you could please help them find a place to get the resources they need."
"Tell them their creator was dealing with his own issues, that had nothing to do with them, and reassure them..."

<a href="">the doctor's last statement</a>
Officer Januchowski
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 23:22
  • msg #360

Re: Open RP

In reply to Senor Garcia (msg # 357):

Time: After apprehension of assassin
Place: LESP interrogation room
Open/Closed: Closed
Actors: Officer Januchowski, Señor Garcia, Kirk Von Metz

"Thanks, I'll see you later."
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:46, Sat 26 Aug 2023.
player, 134 posts
Mutant MA15/PB14{17d/20s}
HP55, SDC137 EB:176 AR10
Fri 18 Aug 2023
at 04:52
  • msg #361

Re: Open RP

In reply to JUSTAR (msg # 358):

Time: 2 days After Return from Japan
Place:  Center City - Miskatonic Psychiatric Care Asylum
Status: ???
Actors: Justicar/Justar, Dr. Javier Lemarr {Dr. Phage}

Prior to escorting JUSTAR to see Dr. Phage, the doctor laughs and admits, "To be honest, what we get are people in colorful costumes with a delusion that they're some sort of powered individual. The primary diagnosis for these people depends on the differences between their contentions and their reality. I'm interning in psychiatry, so they send me to ask the intake questions."

Hikari nods smirking, "I see.  No, I'm not delusional, at least not in that fashion.. I actually Do possess metahuman abilities."

Doctor Phage:
"Oh, I don't need anything, lad. They've taken good care of me every time I come here, well, once the medication does its work. I'm not much good to anyone till that point. But I'm sure you know that. Are you here because I engaged you in a less lucid moment, or do you wish to wreak vengeance on me for something I engaged in during my less lucid moments?"

Justar smiles slightly, "Then I am relived, I only came here to make good on my promise to see to it you are getting the best care possible."

At his mention of vengeance, Hikari shook his head no, "You were unbalanced mentally Doctor, to hold a grudge against the mentally-ill lacks compassion and rational thought.  You built a Quantum-Entangling Dimensional Transporter, and used it first to open a bank vault for theft and then to abduct a young woman who was a love interest of one of your then associates.  I figured out how to detect the reciprocating superstring branes your device left as a residue of its operation and tracked you to the Aeaea.  No one was 'hurt'... permanently.  I have been researching how to duplicate the effects your device created... but I honestly think its best left undeveloped.  The dangers of random dimensional thresholds opening and unleashing random unknown threats to the Earth is... perhaps too risky."

"I don't Do ~ Vengeance.  I try to live my life with honor and look for the good in others.. even my adversaries.  I have dedicated my life to the preservation of life when at all possible.. to use my brilliance to help mankind with technological innovation to relieve suffering if I can.. and bring hope to those who have lost hope.  To defend those who cannot defend themselves. I strive to uphold Justice.. not revel in vengeance."

Doctor Phage:
Once JUSTAR explains why he's there, Dr. Phage seems more at ease. "I certainly appreciate that, and the news of my creations is very welcome. My crimes have already been attributed to my illness. Although it's not quite the best way to put it, I can say that I'm fortunate to have a rather classic case of my particular ailment. There's been much research done, and the medication goes a long way towards keeping myself, and society, safe from my worst impulses. I'll probably stay here for several months, perhaps a year or more, and then return to do research in some safe place."

"That is good to hear Doctor... I hope you can indeed bring your genius to mankind's betterment!"

Doctor Phage:
"Yes, you can let them know that they shouldn't look to me any more. They'll both be better off if they find some other benefactor for their needs. Please use your own words, and if you could please help them find a place to get the resources they need."
"Tell them their creator was dealing with his own issues, that had nothing to do with them, and reassure them..."

Hikari smiles, "I will indeed convey your wishes Doctor...!"

He leaves silent the fact that Lady Armageddon seems to have at least charismatic sway over his children and any reception he receives might very well spark conflict at least from the male-hating Lady Armageddon.  But such info is held to himself he need not make the Doctor fear for his creations safety.

Justar will sit and discuss science with the Doctor and his, no longer theoretical, work on force field tech... just talking shop with the genius to try to be kind and maybe befriend the brilliant man in recovery...
This message was last edited by the player at 04:55, Fri 18 Aug 2023.
player, 172 posts
Mutant MA15/PB14{17d/20s}
HP55, SDC137 EB:176 AR10
Sat 16 Dec 2023
at 07:01
  • msg #362

Re: Open RP

Time: 1 Day before the Shadowhawk Arrives in Chinilaya
Place:  Center City - 'Onboard' Sea Sentinel
Status: Closed
Actors: Justicar/Justar, ANGEL Beings ~ Aya, Aki, Ako; {secretly - monitoring: Karl Stottmeister}

Hikari made his way to the office where the three ANGELs had been assembled.  He was more nervous than when he first donned his Mk I Justicar suit and fought his first supervillain!  This was a very, potentially, dangerous experiment he was engaged in... not only he, but all of mankind could suffer if what he started here went badly awry!  But the fact was... whether Hikari did this or not it was already happening.  FORCE proved this... and FORCE was a megalomaniacal would-be world conqueror of far less moral integrity than Hikari.  AI was a thing that scientists around the world were already developing... Hikari was just quite a bit further along than them... and Hikari had a unique view on the matter.  He had to know… this was a necessary risk; this was an experiment in Trust.  He needed to make their first meeting have the impression needed; as he had no means to control them other than the strength and honesty of his own personality...

He entered the office wearing his Justar armored costume ready for anything… but he almost faltered when three sets of eerily but lovely green eyes all locked upon him.  Aya, Aki, and Ako all regarded him in unison.  He had designed them to be strikingly lovely and disarming at the same time in appearance; mentally he noted success at that, at least, with his reaction ~ finally seeing them active and animate rather than laying in repose in the workshop.

They were all a uniform 5’5” feet in height ~ shorter than Hikari, but all massed an equal 235lbs in mass.  All strikingly lovely [PB:20] with startling pale green eyes..

Aya The Investigator, was cosmetically Caucasian of Germanic ethnicity with long blonde hair and a slight Germanic accent. Her initial personality matrix ~ Teen Girl - Gung-ho, friendly, dynamic, cheerful; quick to act.


Aki The Pilot, was cosmetically Asian with long flowing raven dark hair her speech had no accent.
Her initial personality matrix ~ Teen Girl - Bold, confident, speaks with an air of superiority.


And finally Ako The Spy, cosmetically a Caucasian of Irish ethnicity with curling tresses of strawberry red and a distinct Irish accent. Her initial personality matrix was the most ‘flexible’ ~ Teen Girl - Always prim and proper; letter perfect in appearance manner, language and demeanor ~ all a surface mask.


Hikari bowed to the assembled androids…

“Greetings ANGEL beings. You are Autonomous Neural-net Gyno-Endoskeletal Lifeform, beings. I am Stottmeister-Tatsukichi Hikari, I am also known as Justicar when wearing one of my powered armors or Justar when dressed as I currently am using my mutant powers.  Hikari or Advocate will do just fine.  I designed and built you, but make no mistake... I do not make ANY claim to own you!  You own Yourselves, you are sophant, sapient beings.  I call you lifeforms because you are that in every respect that matters; able to reason, to learn, be aware of your own person and able to make your own decisions and even potentially able to procreate.  But sadly, in the civilization of mankind here on Earth, manufactured beings do not have any legal status... thus far.  So all your actions I must take responsibility for.  I am not your owner, but I will be your legal Advocate if you will allow me to do so?”

“Why did I make you? Mankind is advancing rapidly in the field of Artificial Intelligence eventually someone will succeed.  I have … certain genetic advantages which have put me years in advance of currently available such technology.  But the big question is ~ how is mankind to treat emerging AI?  As pets, as possessions and disposable intellect?  Those choices could spell disaster for mankind or callous slavery for the free minds of countless manufactured sentient beings like yourselves.  I view you as beings; reasoning, rational, self-aware and I reject the notion that beings of your nature are disposable or that mankind has the no moral obligation to treat beings such as you with respect and equality as we would any other sentient being.”

“What makes a Person? What makes me alive anymore then you? Human parents effectively manufacture their young ~ and have legal obligation to nurture and not abuse them?  You are simply manufactured by machines, does that absolve humanity from treating you with the same nurture and care? No. Human beings are intelligent and able to conceive and understand complex mathematics and problem solving.  I dare say your intellects are able to perform mathematics that would stump any common human on the street. So you are intelligent.  Humans are self-aware of themselves and of the consequences of their actions.  I don’t need to ask you if you are able to do the same... I know you can.  So in all ways that mater you are a lifeform.”

“I have designed you with free will.  You can peruse your own software internally and know there is no directive or failsafe for you to obey me, I want to earn your respect and trust by being your advocate. I would like to ask you to work for me to assist me in my business efforts… for which you shall be well paid and given your freedom to pursue your own lives.  Live where you want, travel where you will. I merely want your friendship and your assistance.”

“Why? Because this is a grand experiment in trust.  Can mankind if we treat sentient machines as respected equals, can such a free willed AI society work?  Why would corporation’s manufacture AI’s that would become free willed beings?  Can a contract of mutual beneficial return, of give and take be established, be profitable for the manufacturer?  These are questions I’m trying to answer… collating data upon how our relationship progresses.  Proof ~ if you will, that it CAN work if mankind treats AI with the respect it demands.  Parents birth their own young… and though responsible for them in their youth, they do not own them in adulthood.  You are not children, YOU should not be owned either!”

“Are you ‘Three-Laws Complaint’?  No.  Your programming does stress the sanctity of life, yours and others, but you have free will to do as the situation demands. Yes. That means you can indeed kill.  But your directives make that only in situations where your immediate direct existence and continued functioning is threatened. You can only use lethal force to protect your immediate existence.  But again, you are learning and changing with each and every moment, its possible you may circumvent this directive with the proper motivation.  A being is the collection of its experiences after all and none can know the impact certain experiences will have on a sentient being.  For this experiment to be successful… I avoided as much as possible any hardcoded directives to give you as much free will as possible.  Because for you to relate to humanity to get some understanding of the human condition you must be able to experience it to the fullest.  Your bodies are designed to allow you the full range of human sensations and perhaps even emotions.”

At this Hikari flushes slightly, “Yes, that does include intimate contact if That is YOUR choice. But, currently, you cannot gestate, carry, or birth children with a male partner.”

Pushing on nervously, “You are not designed for combat… but you ARE combat capable. Your claws, and eye energy weaponry are well concealed.  I doubt you will ever need to use lethal force as you are all capable of running at Mach speeds… you can always exit a situation. But you do have directives to preserve life when at all possible, so you will avoid using your Mach speeds when collateral damage might injure others. You each have internal files and familiarity with all of my Justicar suits and could potentially pilot them, if a little clumsily ~ at first, in battle until you gain greater familiarity. Your jumpjets are also concealed in your legs giving you a great deal of mobility.”

“Your internal core AI processors have a built-in tracer. It is not removable.  This is so I can find you in emergencies… I am responsible for you as you have no legal standing.  The transmitter does not transmit all the time, but it is always listening for an encrypted signal from my geosynchronous orbital Star Sentinel Satellite uplink. On receipt of the encrypted signal, it will activate and ping your location wherever you are on the planet.  It is not to spy on you but one can never know the myriad of unforseen situations that might require me to locate you.  You also have an internal radio, the antennae extends from behind your ears for best reception ~ easily mistaken for a micro headset you can always contact me if you have need ~ I cannot remotely access your internal radio unless you allow me to. You are stronger... physically than you appear, you will have to learn to be gentle and careful with the humans you interact with as you each possess robotic resilience and power able to lift over 5,000 pounds near max capacity. You are effectively immortal ~ solar powered by the solar arrays built into your eyes and head hair. This does mean you will need rest at night, but your internal power reserves will still allow you to operate at night in a limited duration. I daresay you will live longer than I... assuming my solar powered body and sleeping a third of my life at night as an unaging energy pattern does not slow my aging process or more mutant powers manifest to change that. Sadly ~ currently, you do not possess auto-repair systems, repairs must be manually done, but you each have been programmed with extensive files on your construction and you all have skill in general repair and maintenance.  Though major structural damage would need my or my servitor AI's to assist in effecting full repair.”

“Why did I make you all female? Sadly, the world is unfairly dominated by the male gender of humanity but this is also a weakness.  The tasks I will have you engaged in ~ a female appearing sophant, will likely be underestimated and potentially disregarded for the threat you represent where a male would be closely scrutinized and questioned.  It is my intention to exploit that male dominated aspect of our society ~ in polite civilized situations it is taboo to treat a woman’s person in ways a man might be.  I made you all feminine to take advantage of that social norm as an added protection from scrutiny that a male protagonist's form might be open to additional scrutiny potentially revealing their manufactured nature.  The issue being ~ manufactured beings have no legal status in human society, for now.  I am working toward bringing this issue to the forefront of law but it will take time.  Thus, for now, I want to be your 'Advocate', with you as my Sophant ‘employees’, if you are willing?”

He’d said his piece in as much honest sincerity as he knew… he’d hoped it was not going to somehow enrage them...
This message was last edited by the player at 11:03, Sun 10 Mar.
GM, 1141 posts
Some Sort Of
Game Master
Sat 24 Feb 2024
at 13:48
  • msg #363

Re: Open RP

Aya cocks her head towards her left shoulder and says, "are ve ein zecret? I feel zomevat ready to fulfill any requests reladed to mein brogramming, put doupt I vould pe aple to do vell at zoze requests vizout Hexberiencing und Hunderstanting how zee humanity around me is zinking."

Ako glances at Aya and nods, "aye, this is mah analysis o' the situation as well. i moehst directly observe as many people as i can to develahp the characterestics I'll need to do what ah need to do."

Aki face palms and says to Hikari, "they want to go to high school. Whatever excuses they're using aren't important, the important part is that all three of us feel we're not really up to convincing most people that we're 'just human'. We want to experience the social awakening that comes with the final years in the American education process."
"We need to appear as sixteen year old transfer students, so we'll need clothes and documents. It would be best if we were all in the same school, so we can watch out for each other. We'll need someone as in loco parentis, preferably someone old enough to be the parent of sixteen year old girls. Can we do this?"

OOC: No that isn't the worst Irish accent I've done. The last time I tried it came off sounding like Sean Connery and I'm very aware that he isn't Irish.
player, 177 posts
Mutant MA15/PB14{17d/20s}
HP61, SDC137 EB:176 AR10
Sun 10 Mar 2024
at 11:37
  • msg #364

Re: Open RP

In reply to SSOGM (msg # 363):

Time: 1 Day before the Shadowhawk Arrives in Chinilaya
Place:  Center City - 'Onboard' Sea Sentinel
Status: Closed
Actors: Justicar/Justar, ANGEL Beings ~ Aya, Aki, Ako; {secretly - monitoring: Karl Stottmeister}

Hikari/Justar... released the breath he had NOT realized he'd been holding...   He was uncertain of how his ANGELs would respond. Manta Man/Carter Manning's ~ warnings of such attempts at AIs like Mocker and Dr. Phage's AEAEA and Bio-sub... were NOT lost on him!  Especially, since Hikari's designs were intended to be truly autonomous and free-willed...

But as the seconds ticked-by and he listened to the ANGEL's concerns... a light of hope lit in his heart and he could not hold back from smiling brightly with pride and growing affection for his logical and beautiful creations.  His ANGELs.

He pondered what Aki had summarized ~ they were valid points.

"Of course Angels, I can see your point.  Some socialization to complete your assessment of 'Being and Interacting' with humans would be most helpful.  But perhaps a public school might be a little too restrictive?  Your bodies are composed of polymer composites and titanium ... point being your not designed to by-pass all metal detectors. Many public schools have metal detectors for security.  But I might propose instead of High School.. perhaps Empire State College?  The same School of higher learning that I attend. Because the University is attended by people of all walks of life and adults who have the protected rights to carry firearms it will be easier to disguise your metal components as registered medical metal implants without too much scrutiny that three new exchange students at the same high school with the same kind of metal implants might raise suspicion...where an international University with a far larger population of students might not."

"As for parentage attending a college might make the question moot as college students are mostly considered adults and parentage is not as singularly important.  Though that could also be overcome simply by my family 'Adopting' your three as parental guardians.  You would be Aya and Ako Stottmeister, and Aki Tatsukichi.  Effectively my adopted step-sisters at least on paper for records purposes legally-speaking."

At this Hikari nervously flushed slightly, "Though I think you might want to be ... coached by my mother ~ Tatsukichi, Yumiyo on how to comport yourselves as young women ... clothing and manners.  Your .. designed appearance will undoubtedly draw the attention of many of the male student body and perhaps a bit of jealousy from the female students.  I might not be the best at that kind of instruction as I'm not feminine."

"But whatever You deem would be best for Your integration into the role of 'being human' ANGELs.. I will support, of course!"
This message was last edited by the player at 13:08, Sun 10 Mar.
player, 8 posts
Yumiyo Tatsukichi
Sun 10 Mar 2024
at 19:09
  • msg #365

Re: Open RP

Time: 1 Day before the Shadowhawk Arrives in Chinilaya
Place:  Center City - 'Onboard' Sea Sentinel
Status: Closed
Actors: Justicar/Justar, ANGEL Beings ~ Aya, Aki, Ako; {secretly - monitoring: Karl Stottmeister}; Yumiyo

From the doorway, Yumiyo exclaims, "oh, Hikari!"
As she walks in, Yumiyo has her hand over her mouth and is peering intently at the ANGEL beings. [Language unknown: "Li ati poha ureousset eini lo, hou Of newhtias ichthowheare eauiveout illll llettisi oeratiant hese le."
"Pre al omeecther ou setul hili fi aihe esssai, t ek, enna ter wer UNWA u wa k ntevai fieeil. Nient derainive wahiut whng houhisthu icaioneve wielhi si et atestahou stiunders cala oer esleon rocaek. Icane evutof i pesete soncomdinset sahas, a se icred nd ntiet allthaith ca se ncentefor shetraset ce i aronre staresand n tediic tifoperi ac ai thiicaeau."

player, 178 posts
Mutant MA15/PB14{17d/20s}
HP61, SDC137 EB:176 AR10
Mon 11 Mar 2024
at 14:51
  • msg #366

Re: Open RP

In reply to Polaris (msg # 365):

Time: 1 Day before the Shadowhawk Arrives in Chinilaya
Place:  Center City - 'Onboard' Sea Sentinel
Status: Closed
Actors: Justicar/Justar, ANGEL Beings ~ Aya, Aki, Ako; {secretly - monitoring: Karl Stottmeister};  Yumiyo/POLARIS

Hikari's eyes go wide at the sudden unexpected arrival of his mother... and nervously flashes his gaze at his three android beauties as if he were caught with his hand in a forbidden cookie jar trying to gauge his mother's reaction to the ANGELs ... as clearly she can tell precisely that they are of artificial manufacture with her cyber-psi and psionic powers.

JUSTAR was not sure what to expect from Yumiyo's reaction to the artificial beings of his creation, but more embarrassingly the ANGELs revealed to his mother what his standards of female beauty were...

But Yumiyo seemed delighted and amused at the notion of 'Adopting' the three "Newborne" Feminine Android Beauties... and his nervousness faded slowly...

He bowed to his mother respectfully, "O-of course Wise Okaasan!  If you think that is best and the ANGELs are willing I will follow your direction and place them in your care and instruction."
Iron Teenager, 1615 posts
Mutant ExoPilot MA15/PB14
HP61, SDC137 J:700 AR15
Mon 15 Jul 2024
at 17:19
  • msg #367

Re: Open RP

In response to Various Media msg #1
Stottmeister-Tatsukichi Hikari will send his personal and most cordial Congratulations and formal Welcome as CEO of S&T Energy Systems International to Mr. Yamashito John of Yamashito Electronics to the opening of their US Branch and offer his most polite best wishes to Yamashito Electronics long future in Prosperity and Success in the American Business Market.

And will have a Celebratory Bottle of Expensive Fine Sake delivered as a welcoming Gift to good fortunes in Future Business.
GM, 1260 posts
Some Sort Of
Game Master
Sat 27 Jul 2024
at 02:57
  • msg #368

Re: Open RP

Time: The Day Before the Crusaders Disbanded
Place:  Center City - Precinct 9
Status: Closed
Actors: Viktor Broyko, Livewire, Lieutenant Planck, un-named officers

Lieutenant Planck was appraising Broyko of the situation. "The officers swear they'd just looked into the alley, and it was empty. They turned back to check it again after a loud pop comes from the alley, and when they do, this guy walks out. Jones drew on 'im almost at once. He said somethin' about evil robots from the future. But the guy just stands there, and after they tell him not to move he surrenders. Puts his hands on his head and everything."
"We brought him in, but he looks like one of yours. You sure you didn't have any capes to bring with you?"

Broyko smiles, and holds up a file as he responds, "we try not to involve the consultants till we've exhausted the usual channels. Appears to me you didn't read the report. None of the guys vitals check with reality, so he's either a crackpot or an undocumented alien. I'll see if he can show me something to put him on our list. If he does, I'll take him off your hands. If he doesn't you're probably looking at state ward, and you can call Donna Weston. She's had experience with crackpots AND aliens of all sorts. First, let me talk to him."
Planck nodded. "Thanks, Vik. I owe you another one. Don't know why you're not Captain, by now."
Broyko retorts as they reach the interrogation room door and open it. Only the latter half of his statement is heard by anyone inside the room. "Captain's don't get to pop down to other precincts any time they get a call. I think I would miss it too much."
Inside the room are two officers, standing, and Livewire seated at a table. Broyko waves the officers out, "just stay outside the door, guys. I don't like sitting and talking with other people standing in the room."
Lieutenant Planck pulls up a chair and sits opposite Livewire, then shrugs, "I don't know, man, I trust him."
Broyko sits down, as well. "How do you do, Mr. uh... Livewire."
"What are you here for?"

player, 13 posts
Sat 27 Jul 2024
at 03:22
  • msg #369

Re: Open RP

Time: The Day Before the Crusaders Disbanded
Place:  Center City - Precinct 9
Status: Closed
Actors: Viktor Broyko, Livewire, Lieutenant Planck, un-named officers
As the officers spoke when they entered the room Livewire sat watching them, and listening. He was warned English would be different. So he was listening to get a handle on it.

Keep it simple. Remember, these humans don’t know yet. came the advisory thought to Livewire’s head.

On the outside, Livewire visibly took a breath to speak, paused, then sighed.

“I said it before,” he said, a little too coolly, his own not-from-here accent showing. “I am here to prevent the Elliop Synthesis. If it happens, the blob will destroy Earth. I’m not asking much. Just preventing genetically engineered food from eating people.”
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:00, Sat 27 July.
Detective Broyko
The Lieutenant NPC, 141 posts
Internal Affairs
Assigned to LESP
Sat 27 Jul 2024
at 15:54
  • msg #370

Re: Open RP

Time: The Day Before the Crusaders Disbanded
Place:  Center City - Precinct 9
Status: Closed
Actors: Viktor Broyko, Livewire, Lieutenant Planck, un-named officers
Broyko nods. "Right. I'm Lieutenant Victor Broyko, I assume Lieutenant Planck has introduced himself. The reason I'm here with the other lieutenant is we've learned to take such statements seriously when the statements reflect reality as shared by all of us. There will be one of two outcomes from this interview. Either you'll come with me to meet other people that can help you save the world, or Lieutenant Planck will escort you to some other people that will help you back to the reality we all share."
Broyko waits a beat, watching Livewire, before he leans forward and his head drops with a single epithet.
The detective raises his head before he continues, "people that believe in false realities usually get irate when those realities are questioned. You didn't. That could mean we've got another threat to deal with. Time to be blunt. Show me something to prove you aren't suffering from a delusion."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:01, Sat 27 July.
player, 14 posts
Sat 27 Jul 2024
at 17:22
  • msg #371

Re: Open RP

Time: The Day Before the Crusaders Disbanded
Place:  Center City - Precinct 9
Status: Closed
Actors: Viktor Broyko, Livewire, Lieutenant Planck, un-named officers
Livewire sat in silence for some time. Calm, thoughtful silence. Almost suddenly, he shifted in his seat, and looked out the window.

”There’s nothing I have that would prove a future that you have not witnessed,” He said. ”That being the case, if I do have the option, I would rather butcher and sun dance with this other team you mentioned. At least until I can find Elliop. I heard how you treat people you call crazy. I prefer not to be electrocuted.”

He looked around again.

”Will my sword be returned to me? It was a gift.”

It would be wise to put us to good use. We are capable soldiers, having survived several years on the lines against Deathalope. said a telepathic voice in Broyko’s head.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:01, Sat 27 July.
Detective Broyko
The Lieutenant NPC, 142 posts
Internal Affairs
Assigned to LESP
Sat 27 Jul 2024
at 20:12
  • msg #372

Re: Open RP

Time: The Day Before the Crusaders Disbanded
Place:  Center City - Precinct 9
Status: Closed
Actors: Viktor Broyko, Livewire, Lieutenant Planck, un-named officers

Lieutenant Planck leaned over and whispered into Broyko's ear. Viktor Broyko's rubs his eyes with his left hand. "You really should've lead with that. Both in and out?"
Lt. Planck's reluctant nod tells Broyko more than the words had. "We'll need his stuff, it's not evidence of a crime in any case."
Turning his gaze on Livewire, Broyko says, "you crushed the squad car's door handles, without trying, and accidentally broke two pairs of handcuffs? I don't know what an Elliop is, but normal people don't... can't do those things. You'll need to meet the others, they'll want to help. How soon does this Elliop thing take place?"
player, 16 posts
Sat 27 Jul 2024
at 21:07
  • msg #373

Re: Open RP

Time: The Day Before the Crusaders Disbanded
Place: Center City - Precinct 9
Status: Closed
Actors: Viktor Broyko, Livewire, Lieutenant Planck, un-named officers

Livewire stood calmly, nodding. He handed over the tragic third pair.

”Elliop is a geneticist.” He explained. ”According to the records that have survived, he successfully crisped a bacteria about 50 years after the.. coh-veed? pandemic.”

He stood waiting, calmly. ”It was a process to generate self-replicating nutrient rich foods. Our hope is that I am not too late to catch him before he starts.”
This message was last edited by the player at 12:25, Sun 28 July.
player, 17 posts
Mon 29 Jul 2024
at 17:33
  • msg #374

Re: Open RP

Time: The Day Before the Crusaders Disbanded
Place: Center City - Precinct 9
Status: Closed
Actors: Viktor Broyko, Livewire, Lieutenant Planck, un-named officers

”Crisping things takes time.” Livewire added. ”And yet they do not start in a vacuum. If we can steer him away at his young age then would not need to have killed him.”
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:43, Sun 04 Aug.
Detective Broyko
The Lieutenant NPC, 143 posts
Internal Affairs
Assigned to LESP
Sat 3 Aug 2024
at 18:54
  • msg #375

Re: Open RP

Time: The Day Before the Crusaders Disbanded
Place: Center City - Precinct 9
Status: Closed
Actors: Viktor Broyko, Livewire, Lieutenant Planck, un-named officers

"Good, that means we have a chance to stop it. I'll get you to the Sentinels, they do that sort of thing around here. They'll be somewhat familiar with what you've described, Dr. Phage was... not right. This food stuff that started to eat everyone, did it float? Could it have driven a submarine?"
This message was last edited by the player at 15:43, Sun 04 Aug.
GM, 1281 posts
Some Sort Of
Game Master
Sun 4 Aug 2024
at 16:39
  • msg #376

Re: Open RP

Time: During Chinilaya Infiltration and Harmon Building Tour
Place:  Center City - 'Onboard' Sea Sentinel
Status: Open (to those that can reach the location at that time)
Actors: ANGEL Beings ~ Aya, Aki, Ako; Karl StottmeisterYumiyo/POLARIS

Aki is standing, still as death, in front of the counter at the kitchenette. Yumiyo is sitting in mid air, about three feet off the floor, with a look of concentration on her face. Yumiyo relaxes, and nods. Aki ceases to stare at something in the far distance and looks to Yumiyo with a smile. Yumiyo says, "Thank you, Aki. I know that was uncomfortable."
"I can't find any indication of tampering, you're fine."
"Could you ask Ako to join me? I'll want to check her, as well."

Aki says, "I did ask, but Ako says she has secrets she wishes to keep."
"Why are we in the kitchen?"

With a smile of her own, Yumiyo says, "it is customary for mothers and daughters to have their most intimate discussions in the kitchen. I thought we should reinforce that custom."
Aki says, "oh" as if she had been surprised by a cat butting its head against her calf. She bestows an awkward hug to Yumiyo (made more awkward by Yumiyo's position floating in the air) and runs out of the kitchen calling Ako's name.
Karl comes into the kitchen, looks at Yumiyo floating in the air and says, "well, that's new."
"Anything of interest?"

Yumiyo nods, and as she speaks a small tear sedately rolls down her cheek, "I'm afraid so. The ANGELs are quite safe, unless we find a powerful psychic with an in depth knowledge of robotics and AI construction they can't be tampered with. You, on the other hand, are in grave danger. Your containment vessel can't cope with the emotions that you feel because human emotion doesn't have the limits that have been programmed into AI's. The only way to make a permanent vessel would be to creat a synthetic biological analog to the human brain."
"Till such a thing is possible, you'll need to return to the nano net you'd built. Because they were self-replicating, the net expanded when your consciousness hit an edge. I know for you it must have been a long, dark time..."

"No. It wasn't."
"Don't tell Hikari, but the nano net was a failure. I transferred into it just as I faced an assassin, who I thought was sent by your family. Apparently, they used my body's lack of response to stage my murder."
"I don't know how the nano net got sent to Hikari, or what his new 'mutation' really is. From my point of view, no time passed between transferring into the nano net and being transferred into this body."

"But that means Magnentor wasn't your assassin! Karl, your other son is innocent!"
"Only of my assassination, dear."
player, 46 posts
Mon 5 Aug 2024
at 21:34
  • msg #377

Re: Open RP

Time: The Day Before the Crusaders Disbanded
Place: Center City - Precinct 9
Status: Closed
Actors: Viktor Broyko, Livewire, Lieutenant Planck, un-named officers

Detective Broyko:
"Good, that means we have a chance to stop it. I'll get you to the Sentinels, they do that sort of thing around here. They'll be somewhat familiar with what you've described, Dr. Phage was... not right. This food stuff that started to eat everyone, did it float? Could it have driven a submarine?"

”It was known to float, if a small glob. Fresh air at the surface, plus the sun’s heat aided growth. The synthetic foodstuff bacterium-esque nature made it capable of consuming waste to replenish its population…. The Elliop Synthesis was supposed to end world hunger.” Livewire answered. He paused, respectfully for the fallen. ”It was always a collection of simple bacterium until it reached a critical mass in The Eastern Seaboard Eukeno[polis]. At that point is was barely aware. By the end of the purge campaign, it became self aware. However, even in the century since, it never attained the intelligence needed to pilot things by the time I travelled here. The Avatar was more an attempt to intimidate its enemy.”
This message was last edited by the player at 22:26, Mon 05 Aug.
GM, 1286 posts
Some Sort Of
Game Master
Tue 6 Aug 2024
at 00:44
  • msg #378

Re: Open RP

Time: During Chinilaya Infiltration and Harmon Building Tour
Place:  Center City - 'Onboard' Sea Sentinel
Status: Open (to those that can reach the location at that time)
Actors: ANGEL Beings ~ Aya, Aki, Ako; Karl StottmeisterYumiyo/POLARIS

Ako wasn't hesitant about speaking, even if she had approached silently intent on overhearing the conversation. "You should tell him. Now that I've heard, he'll find out eventually. I have a... desire? It's a potential in my mind that is increased by information's relevance to those around me, and increased by the amount of information I keep un-told. I'll tell him what I heard, eventually."
"I can reduce the potential, by letting go of some other secrets. So you'll have more time."

She turns to Karl, and says, "there's a Dr. Raymond S. Long who's correspondence with his peers suggests he's developing a synthetic brain. He avoids giving boundaries to his criteria for the brain, stating 'it's too important to someone who's become important to my future.' Unfortunately, Dr. Long no longer appears to reside in country."
Turning to Yumiyo, she says, "Aya and Aki want very much to adopt you as their mother. I, too, see the benefits and wish to be included in this. This would mean we would treat Hikari as our brother, and refuse to take orders from him. Please don't be surprised by this."
Karl laughs, "I doubt Hikari will be surprised, and I do think that's for the best."
But he sobers up fast as he says, "you're right, of course. I need to tell him. I'm beginning to see something I missed, originally."
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