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12:47, 22nd January 2025 (GMT+0)

The Mangy Dog Tavern.

Posted by An Uncaring UniverseFor group 0
An Uncaring Universe
GM, 17 posts
Thu 13 May 2021
at 12:39
  • msg #26

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to Kayleigh (msg # 25):

"Like I said sir," the drunk slurs," I tried the hunters in the village first. We don't have any guards like the city does. We rely on watersdeep for that kind of protection but when I came asking here they said they would be of no help to a dead girl. They sent some soldiers to the village or they said they would to stave off future attacks."

He gesticulates a little too wildly and sloshes some ale down his front. He doesn't even notice though as he continues, "I saw eight of them. Led by one that was bigger and had older burn marks. But there were more in the raiding party. I don't know how many. The village is just a bit outside of the troll gate. We are between the city and the foothills of the sword mountains. My daughter is has rose gold hair past her shoulders, granite Grey eyes, buxom, and stands yeah tall."

He holds an unsteady hand out to show height though it indicates the woman to be anywhere between four foot ten and five foot five...

(The game map of waterdeep and faerun maps
player, 7 posts
Fri 14 May 2021
at 13:25
  • msg #27

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to An Uncaring Universe (msg # 26):

"That's why you can only have one," Kayleigh states to Cody, watching the hand keep changing heights.
Cody Panther
player, 9 posts
Sat 15 May 2021
at 02:22
  • msg #30

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to An Uncaring Universe (msg # 26):
"Oh, come on!", Cody said angrily. Then starts downing the pint of ale. "Good stuff.", Cody said contently, slamming the empty glass on the table. Giving the bartender the required money, Cody walks off to talk to Ged and Kayleigh. "This place is nice!", Cody said to Ged and Kayleigh.
Ged Poomjer
player, 7 posts
Sun 16 May 2021
at 14:54
  • msg #31

The Mangy Dog Tavern

"If we stay here too long, you might have to rethink that." Says Ged, pressuring the group to get moving. "We have to check out where our HQ is going to be"
player, 8 posts
Wed 19 May 2021
at 06:43
  • msg #32

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to Ged Poomjer (msg # 31):

Kayleigh drops a few coins on the counter to cover the drunk man's next drink as promised, maybe even one after that.  After all, he was giving them a job, and a happy customer...

She accepts the offered coin purse as down payment.  "We will take the job offer.  We will take the rest of the day to ready ourselves and leave in the morning to rescue your daughter."

She looks to Ged, agreeing with his sentiment of needing to do more than sit around.  "Okay, we would like to see the space, so do we just go up or must we be escorted?"  Oh, please don't let it be escorted!  She absolutely does not want to be any closer to anyone in this bar than necessary...
Cody Panther
player, 10 posts
Thu 20 May 2021
at 02:20
  • msg #33

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to Kayleigh (msg # 32):

Cody, walks over to kayleigh to accept the quest, as well. "I'm ready when you guys are.", Cody says, ready to go.
An Uncaring Universe
GM, 18 posts
Thu 20 May 2021
at 18:46
  • msg #34

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to Cody Panther (msg # 33):

The man starts to blubber drunkenly in happiness as he quickly reaches out to shake what ever hands he can manage to nab but the booze and exhaustion seem to finally catch up to him with this emotional release. He wobbles on the stool sniffing back snotty tears then just sorta crawls down off it and lays down on the filthy floor. Snoring, the buzzsaw kind, starts issuing from him only moments later. The pouch he had waved around with coin in it was left sitting on the table.

Behind the bar the orcish man sighs in mild annoyance. He scoops up the coins Kayleigh offered up as well as the bag of the mans coins even as he moves to step out from behind the bar.

"No. The space is at the top of the stairs over there. Here is the Key. Bring it back and drop it on the dog bed if you don't want the space. keep it and the space is your's. I am gonna go put this guy in a room to sleep off his booze and his stuff in the safe till he can claim it in the morning minus the room fee and our cut of your business if you keep the space."

With that the half-orc reaches down and hauls the unconscious miller off the ground with one hand like he was a light sack of potatoes and heads for a different set of stairs.


The mangey poodle follows you all up the stairs when you go to check out the space and when you open the door you find...

It is an open space with a couple beat up old beds, tables, stools and some other assorted things that were being stored up here after being retired from other parts of the tavern. It was all covered in dust but it was not drafty and didn't seem to have spots where leaks had dripped water or anything horrible....
player, 9 posts
Sun 23 May 2021
at 05:22
  • msg #35

The Mangy Dog Tavern

Kayleigh looks very put upon as the man manages to shake her hand before she can withdraw it.  She may have been understanding when Cody had an emotional moment, but he was her friend and this guy was... not.  He was drunk and emotional all over the place and she doesn't care for it.

As such, she quickly grabs the key and makes a break for the attic space.  She comes in far enough to let the others up as well, looking around before moving to physically inspect the area.  "This... Could work," Kayleigh states, clearly surprised.  "Maybe it could be cleared out, we can put in a work space, a desk, cabinets for files?"
Cody Panther
player, 11 posts
Mon 24 May 2021
at 01:06
  • msg #36

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to An Uncaring Universe (msg # 34):

"It's okay...", Cody says, unimpressed. He was hoping for more.
Ged Poomjer
player, 8 posts
Mon 24 May 2021
at 01:13
  • msg #37

The Mangy Dog Tavern

"I thought it would be worse." Ged says, moving to inspect the beds and whatnot. "It's not all bad. There doesn't look to be any leaks, and the floor works. What do you think, Kayleigh?"
This message was last edited by the player at 01:14, Mon 24 May 2021.
player, 10 posts
Sun 30 May 2021
at 14:32
  • msg #38

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to Ged Poomjer (msg # 37):

"I think it's a good space.  You're looking at it wrong, Cody. It's a decent space, really.  Structurally seems fine.  It's a decent size.  We'd have to find out if we are able to use any of these things out, but ... You just have to imagine it, what it could be.  I think, really, the question is do we think it's worth two gold a week plus five percent?"  She looks at the others, having gestured at the various items in the area.  A bed would be helpful if they have to pull an all-nighter or need a place to lay low for a moment.  "I'm not sure we're getting a better deal for the gold.  It's the percent, really, that I'm hung up on. I wonder if we'd be able to work that out..."  Kayleigh muses, trailing off as she follows that train of thought.
An Uncaring Universe
GM, 19 posts
Sun 30 May 2021
at 15:06
  • msg #39

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to Kayleigh (msg # 38):

The dog wandered around the room as the discussion continues over the merits of the space and the price. As kayleigh finishes speaking it hops up on one of the beds, which could make this a living space as well as an office. It barks once and circles thrice before laying down.

A single night in a decent room at a commonplace inn often runs around five silver a night, so the big open attic space for a mere 2gp a week was a steal... kayleigh was right, the five percent on the business would be the biggest charge.
Cody Panther
player, 12 posts
Mon 31 May 2021
at 23:14
  • msg #40

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to An Uncaring Universe (msg # 39):

Cody goes over to the dog, to pet it. Then, he sits on the bed.
Ged Poomjer
player, 9 posts
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 00:06
  • msg #41

The Mangy Dog Tavern

Ged sits down next to Cody, bouncing up and down on the bed to test his springy it is. "You gottaa use your Imagination" Ged says, complete with jazz hands. "Also, if we ever will really need to lay low, we need to make sure the bartender can be trusted we wouldn't want a black sheep in our flock. Does anyone trust their smooth talking enough to get on his good side?" Ged inquires.
player, 11 posts
Thu 3 Jun 2021
at 00:50
  • msg #42

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to Ged Poomjer (msg # 41):

She had known there were beds and other things, ergo the comment on it.  However, she is surprised that the dog went to it the moment she thought it.  Weird dog.

Still, the boys were acting like children, playing with the dog and testing out the bed.  Her distress at them touching the dirty mutt is obvious in her expression as she starts considering all of the diseases it had, and how they'd clearly have to replace the bedding, if not the entire thing.  Disgusting dogs...

"I'm not sure he likes me," Kayleigh states in response to Ged, though still keeping her distance.  "He seemed offended by my standards of cleanliness."
An Uncaring Universe
GM, 20 posts
Fri 4 Jun 2021
at 05:24
  • msg #43

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to Kayleigh (msg # 42):

Cody's touch sent several flees with odd white spots on their heads scattering away from the dog. The dogs fur was dry and rough, the skin under it just as bad. Definitely not a pleasant thing to pet even if the weird dog seemed to appreciate the attention.

The bed is dusty and not overly soft but actually would probably be comfortable. The space really did just probably need some TLC and Imagination despite how the building looks from the outside. In fact the dichotomy of the ramshackle exterior and the much more sturdy interior may be something to investigate some time...when you had time anyways. There was afterall a damsel potentially in distress someplace in the foothills to the north being held by goblins for who knows what purpose.
Cody Panther
player, 13 posts
Sat 5 Jun 2021
at 02:10
  • msg #44

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to An Uncaring Universe (msg # 43):

Cody jumps back in surprise. His first instinct was to apologize, so he did. He didn't bump into anyone, which was awkward.
Ged Poomjer
player, 10 posts
Mon 7 Jun 2021
at 16:10
  • msg #45

The Mangy Dog Tavern

Ged looks at Cody funny, given him jumping. "We really do need to get going, we have women to save, and dragons to slay. We can handle the HQ when we get back, maybe pick up some bedding on the way. But that's my opinion, also, stop petting the dog, he is foul."
player, 12 posts
Mon 7 Jun 2021
at 18:38
  • msg #46

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to Ged Poomjer (msg # 45):

"We'll need to put downpayment on the room, clearly, before we leave.  Maybe a few weeks in advance, as we can't guarantee that we will be back in one week's time."  Kayleigh's eyes haven't left the weird fleas that fled the dog, that was still on the bed, and looks almost green at the idea of it's fleas infesting the bedding.  Fire, that was all that would come to mind...

"Also, Cody... you realize you apologized to thin air.  Again.  Right?"  Her tone is teasing, but there's a hint of concern for the attention-errant elf.
An Uncaring Universe
GM, 21 posts
Thu 10 Jun 2021
at 17:27
  • msg #47

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to Kayleigh (msg # 46):

The dog doesn't seem upset by Cody recoiling, and takes the apology to be aimed at it instead of thin air. Oddly enough so do the Fleas. They all start hoping back onto the mangy poodle and disappearing into his fur. The last of them seeming to gather and do a strange bowing dance thing. Cody's hearing is acute enough to hear a very faint chanting in a strange language then the tiny vermin join the others on the dog.

This goes seemingly unnoticed by the dog as it turns a glare upon the rude Ged with a small growl at being called foul. This does not last though as Kayleigh brings up the topic of gold and it hops up to head back down stairs ahead of everyone.

The Barmen is back in his customary place again wiping mugs with a rag like before.
Cody Panther
player, 14 posts
Sun 13 Jun 2021
at 17:05
  • msg #48

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to An Uncaring Universe (msg # 47):

"'Foul' is a strong word, Ged" Cody says angrily, hoping Ged would take it back. Then, Cody walked downstairs with kayleigh.
player, 13 posts
Sun 13 Jun 2021
at 17:09
  • msg #49

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to Cody Panther (msg # 48):

"And yet, somehow, still not strong enough," Kayleigh mutters with a look, and wink, at Ged.  Turning to follow Cody, she adds, "So, I think a month up front should cover the space for the entirety of our first mission.  Two gold a week, four weeks, so eight total.  We can round it out and make it nine gold up front.  Does that work for everyone?" she asks, pausing to the side of the stairs for confirmation or denial.
Ged Poomjer
player, 11 posts
Mon 14 Jun 2021
at 18:37
  • msg #50

The Mangy Dog Tavern

"Works for me. A month sounds like enough." Ged heads down the stairs, passing by Kayleigh as he goes. Completely ignoring the fleas' Silly little dance.
Cody Panther
player, 15 posts
Thu 17 Jun 2021
at 15:23
  • msg #51

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to Kayleigh (msg # 49):

"Cool with me." Cody says, excited for some action.
An Uncaring Universe
GM, 22 posts
Thu 17 Jun 2021
at 17:09
  • msg #52

The Mangy Dog Tavern

In reply to Cody Panther (msg # 51):

The Bartender seems to be okay with the arrangement as well and so it is you find yourselves with a guild hall in the attic.

You can move in right away and your first job is just outside the city.

OOC: You now have both an office and living space in the attic. I am going to assume that you settle in tonight and leave the next morning.

Exit to Greenfork thread

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