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13:17, 6th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Haven: Domum Vivos Mortuis

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
GM, 17 posts
Wed 3 Jan 2018
at 05:21
  • msg #1

Haven: Domum Vivos Mortuis

Emperor Haloise Giovanni recently renovated an old Haven of his on the outskirts of Venice that he occupied several centuries ago. The structure is a rebuilt Roman villa given all the luxury of the modern era hidden beneath the charm of antiquity.

The villa sprawls out over an expanse of land mostly one floor some parts climbing to a second floor while some rooms have a basement. The masters suite is windowless and somewhat spartanly decorated with a private stairwell leading to a library overlooking the villa and peering in to the city, there are also numerous guest rooms allowing the villa to accommodate numerous Kindred guest. Boyond the sleeping chambers there are also the expected rooms and chambers, a servents quarters, kitchen, an interior and exterior dining area. Adjacent to the exterior dining area is a garden which is both well groomed and provides product for the villas kitchen. There is also an area with a hot, warm, and cold baths set in the traditional Roman fashion.

The superstructure of the building surrounds a clear courtyard with effigies to ancient household gods and a doorway that leads to a flooded basement.
GM, 19 posts
Mon 15 Jan 2018
at 07:31
  • msg #2

Haven: Domum Vivos Mortuis

Ulbrecht Von Brandt has been given one of the guest chambers at the elaborate estate owned by the Emperor and acting Haven to Queen Selene Giovanni and some of her entourage while they stay in Venice. Ulbrecht has quickly set about making arrangements within the space to make himself useful. Little of his quarters offers anything in the way of leisure, the place is neatly organized with the accrued lore Ulbrecht has garnered over his Requiem as well as numerous pices of scientific and occult equipment.

The Mekhet has also seen to an alignment of energy for the estate to help fule thought and self reflection. Those familiar with the elaborate work with lay lines done by the Ordo Dracul can sense such an alignment.

Those who call this place Haven gain a +4 Bonus to perception while residing in the Haven, additionally those making use of the Academics or Occult Skill gain a +3 Bonus to their roll while in the Haven.

Ulbrecht can be tasked to research something for a night granting 8's again to any relevant rolls, with sufficient help and the expenditure of a point of willpower give this roll the Rote quality.

GM, 20 posts
Tue 16 Jan 2018
at 02:39
  • msg #3

Haven: Domum Vivos Mortuis

Xaver Furst has been tasked by the Emperor to see to the safeguarding of his representatives negotiating in Venice, namely Selene Giovanni whom the mysterious Mekhet has a history which some might call complex, regardless he is steadfast in his dedication to the Emperor and those of his house and also resides within the estate. He is an imposing figure who has long studied the arts of fighting in both a mundane and supernatural sense, to this end he has learned many of the most advanced craft of his Khaibit blood.

Intruders in the Haven will at first find themselves hindered by darkness that seems to dampen the light, should they continue their trespass the shadows will create what problems they can going so far as to lash out in the form of black tentacles.

Intruders in the Haven suffer a -4 Penelty to all Perception rolls based on Sight or Sound, in addition the Storyteller has a dice pool of 4 dice for causing mischief for the intruders. Xaver can spend a point of Vitae to create a six foot shadow tendril anywhere there is darkness on the estate, this tendril can either lash out or restrain a foe (11 Dice), fire or sunlight instantly kills the tendril otherwise it has 5 Health Levels and 0 Defense.
GM, 21 posts
Thu 18 Jan 2018
at 06:23
  • msg #4

Haven: Domum Vivos Mortuis

Selene Giovanni, a Vampire who has propelled herself in the highest stage of the Danse Macabre when making herself Queen of France and defacto leader of the regions Invictus and Wife and surrogate of Emperor Haloise Giovanni. She was a Kindred of some infamy long before she entered the fray of Kindred politics. In another life she was a member of the Ordo Dracul, a prominent Dragon who holds the distinction of uncovering and formalizing the obscure Mystery of Blood. When her allegiance shifted to the Invictus the, Ordo Dracul quickly attempted to bring her back in to the fold going so far as to force the matter, having weathered the storm and with some political rangeling she has reconciled with the Dragons and has even continued her work on the Mystery of Blood.

Utilizing the unique energies of the estate roused by Ulbrecht and her own ensight in to Vitae the Blood Rose has crafted a web of blood that allowed her to sense those who have tasted her blood. The experiment is not entirely perfected but the relitively small city of Venice is a perfect opportunity for her to refine the effort.

Within the estate Selene can spend a point of Willpower and for the remainder of the Scene anyone who comes in to contact with her Vitae become contaminated by it for five nights. She gains a one way Blood Sympathy with the subject, so long as they remain within Venice she can sense them. 
GM, 22 posts
Thu 18 Jan 2018
at 18:00
  • msg #5

Haven: Domum Vivos Mortuis

The Library of the Master is an old place looking like something from a forgotten time with lore the dates back to the most distant parts of history. The library reveals the truth of the estate which dates to the time of the Roman Empire and the Camarilla but it's archives are far older. Though this place is now claimed by Haloise the truth was it was at one point a place where the Giovanni and their allies hoarded their accrued knowledge and was eventually forgotten until Haloise originally made his Haven here centuries ago. The lore in this place can be of significant for many but deciphering its secrets takes work and time leading many to disregard the archives.

Ulbrecht can take his time delving in to the mysteries of the Underworld and its inhabitants, charting where many Avernian Gates are and where the dark roads follow. With time other mysteries might be uncovered by Ulbrecht.

Xaver can use the library and uncover the secrets the Giovanni have stolen from mortal Mages, subjects such as the Abyss particularly useful to the ancient Makhet.

Selene can delve in to the accrued lore of her Clan and learn more about its shrouded history and broken origins. This knowledge could help her elevate herself among the rest of her clan beyond just her own Dynasty.

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