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12:34, 6th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Nightly Actions

Posted by NarratorFor group 0
GM, 44 posts
Wed 31 Jan 2018
at 19:55
  • msg #1

Nightly Actions

During Nights when there are no scenes to play out we will utilize the following rules.

Vampire Action Points: 2
Henchmen Action Points: 1

Characters can spend up to their total number of Action Points per night utilizing their Haven abilities or doing any of the following Actions. Some Actions may consume more Action Points because of circumstances during the course of play and Characters may also earn additional Actions as a result of events.

Mental Actions
Hunting (Regain Vitae through clever machinations)
Investigate Mysteries (Uncover information about some secret)
Investigate Rivals (Uncover possible damaging information about a rival individual or group)
Claim Hunting Grounds (Make a claim to territory)
Pursue Pleasures (Regain Willpower)
Break a Blood Bond (Spend a Willpower and possibly reduce a Blood Bond)

Physical Actions
Hunting (Regain Vitae through physical actions)
Assault Henchmen (Neutralize a rival retainer)
Assault Rival (Neutralize a rival)
Intrude Hunting Grounds (Damage a rivals Herd or control over territory)
Heal (Spend Vitae to heal wounds)
Create Ghoul (Spend a Willpower and create a Ghoul Henchmen)

Social Actions
Hunting (Regain Vitae via social craft)
Support Rumors (Offer your support to one of the cities rumors)
Create Rumors (Spend a Willpower a create a new rumor)
Defend Rumors (Damage the credibility of a rumor)
Build Herd (Enthrall mortals on the Rack)
Blood Bond (Spend a Willpower and possibly create a Blood Bond)

Henchmen Actions
+1 to a Mental, Physical, Social Actions
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