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, welcome to Whispers of an Ancient Wind

11:48, 19th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Out of Character Chatter.

Posted by KaviFor group 0
GM, 72 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Mon 31 Jul 2023
at 22:14
  • msg #1

Out of Character Chatter


Put up your feet and sit a while!  Share in your favoured brew and a tale or two :D

My name is Deb and I am your Hostess (aka DM)! I hail from the lovely province of Saskatchewan (hard to pronounce but easy to draw), known best for weather that is completely unknowable.

Would love for you to share where on the great blue marble we call Earth you homestead and anything else you might like to tell.
Garvin Fingaerdir
player, 2 posts
Tue 1 Aug 2023
at 20:02
  • msg #5

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Hi again, Kavi.

I'm still in for the game. It started off good the last time.

I will take a look at Garvin's sheet to see if I need to make changes.  .  Garvin should be ready to go when you're ready to reboot the game.
Varael Feradion
player, 8 posts
Wed 2 Aug 2023
at 18:30
  • msg #6

Re: Out of Character Chatter

it looks like Varael was only half done when this game died last time, so I am going to have to go back over his concept and see what is going on first.
Victor Frank Phiphlas
player, 10 posts
Wed 2 Aug 2023
at 19:13
  • msg #7

Re: Out of Character Chatter

I'm definitely going to need a refresher on what this game was about (setting/lore wise and the plot hook). Other than that, I see no reason why not to give it a shot. I'm free, I only have 1 other game to worry about here on rpol, let's give it a shot.
GM, 76 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Thu 3 Aug 2023
at 17:26
  • msg #9

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Garvin Fingaerdir:
Hi again, Kavi.

Greetings Garvin!

Garvin Fingaerdir:
I'm still in for the game. It started off good the last time.

I will take a look at Garvin's sheet to see if I need to make changes.  .  Garvin should be ready to go when you're ready to reboot the game.

Excellent!  Thank you.  If you want to rethink or change anything up on your character, feel free.

With a smile,
GM, 77 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Tue 8 Aug 2023
at 03:22
  • msg #10

The dawn rises on a new chapter...

Whispers of an Ancient Wind will officially begin anew on September 4th 15th, though some characters may begin their journey sooner.

I have added a map for beginning purposes and will be adding more game information.  I will be posting a Players Wanted ad once that is done.

I invite players from the last incarnation of this game to go over their character and feel free make changes or even change out characters completely if you have new ideas you would like to try out.

I look forward to weaving a new history for the people of our corner of Golarion.

With a smile,
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:08, Thu 07 Sept 2023.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 1 post
Wed 9 Aug 2023
at 14:01
  • msg #11

The dawn rises on a new chapter...

Greetings.  Looking forward to starting up in this game.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 2 posts
Wed 9 Aug 2023
at 18:50
  • msg #12

The dawn rises on a new chapter...

BTW, looks like I'm a time zone away from you, Kavi.  I'm in the SE corner of Washington State.
GM, 79 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Thu 10 Aug 2023
at 04:43
  • msg #13

Re: The dawn rises on a new chapter...

Pyrite Sunwalker:
BTW, looks like I'm a time zone away from you, Kavi.  I'm in the SE corner of Washington State.

Howdy neighbour :D
Tola Vonrak
player, 2 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 05:15
  • msg #14

Re: The dawn rises on a new chapter...

In reply to Kavi (msg # 13):

I'd fallen out of the habit of checking on this site, and by random chance I check today to find activity here?! How's that for unusual happenstance?

I'd be down for giving things another go. Definitely need to refresh my memory banks though. :)
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 3 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 10:42
  • msg #15

Re: The dawn rises on a new chapter...

Nice.  Happy to be a part of this.
GM, 80 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 13:11
  • msg #16

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Greetings Varael!

Varael Feradion:
it looks like Varael was only half done when this game died last time, so I am going to have to go back over his concept and see what is going on first.

I am glad you will be joining us!  Look over your character and if you can't get the feel for them again, feel free to change up to your heart's content.  PM me with any questions or ideas :)

With a smile,
GM, 81 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 13:15
  • msg #17

Re: The dawn rises on a new chapter...

Greetings Tola,

Tola Vonrak:
I'd fallen out of the habit of checking on this site, and by random chance I check today to find activity here?! How's that for unusual happenstance?

The Fates played their hand *g*!  Happy to have you join us.

Tola Vonrak:
I'd be down for giving things another go. Definitely need to refresh my memory banks though. :)

Completely understand!  Look over your sheet, if you want to add or change anything, or if you want to start fresh, its doable.  PM me with any questions or ideas.

With a smile,
GM, 82 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 13:41
  • msg #18

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Greetings and good morrow Frank!

Victor Frank Phiphlas:
I'm definitely going to need a refresher on what this game was about (setting/lore wise and the plot hook). Other than that, I see no reason why not to give it a shot.

We are in (slightly modified) Golarion, starting in the Cordelon (Caershire/Fenlee), Galt (Dhelwuhr) and Kyonin (Rallian).  In typical medieval(esque) society people often never strayed far from their home town but there is a small swath of folks who are cut of a different cloth, who have a destiny to do mighty things and perhaps become legend.  That is how adventurers are molded.  So to start with you will be in your home town, trying to find your way out :) however that path develops.

Victor Frank Phiphlas:
I'm free, I only have 1 other game to worry about here on rpol, let's give it a shot.

RPoL seems to have quieted down some since last I was here.  Or perhaps it is but a summer lull.

As I have mentioned to the others, feel free to revamp your character as desired, pm me any questions or ideas you may have.  Delighted to have you back.

With a smile,
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 4 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 14:11
  • msg #19

Re: Out of Character Chatter

BTW, I'm done with my character sheet if you'd like to look it over.
Garvin Fingaerdir
Half-Elf Ranger, 3 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2023
at 16:54
  • msg #20

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Hello to my new friends.  Looking forward to meeting you in game.
Varael Feradion
player, 9 posts
Sun 13 Aug 2023
at 18:44
  • msg #21

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Var is done - I am typing up his sheet right now and will be done later today. So, you should have an Elven Investigator.
Human Alchemist, 1 post
Wed 16 Aug 2023
at 23:45
  • msg #22

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Good evening everyone.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 5 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 00:33
  • msg #23

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Hi ya!
Varael Feradion
Elven Investigator, 10 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 01:59
  • msg #24

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Hello all. Well, it seems like an interesting group. Looks very melee focused. Should be an interesting group.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 6 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 02:21
  • msg #25

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Interesting observation.  Melee focused in what way?
Garvin Fingaerdir
Half-Elf Ranger, 4 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 02:54
  • msg #26

Re: Out of Character Chatter

We have a barbarian, a fighter and a ranger.  On the other hand we have an investigator, an alchemist and a scholar.  If we ever end up together, things would balance out.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 7 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 05:46
  • msg #27

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Heh.  I see Logi is working up a soundtrack as well.  Nice.
Human Alchemist, 2 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 05:48
  • msg #28

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Yup. Music makes the creative juice flow.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 8 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 05:51
  • msg #29

Re: Out of Character Chatter

BTW, how do you pronounce that name?  Is it Lo-gee as in Geese?  Or Lo-jee as in Jeep?  Or something else?
Human Alchemist, 3 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 05:59
  • msg #30

Re: Out of Character Chatter

If you are from Caershire it's Low-ee like 'allow E'. Anywhere else it's Lo-Gee as in Geese, cause no one can say it right outside. XD Farmer boy name never comes out right with fancy elves, dwarves, and somesuch.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 9 posts
Thu 17 Aug 2023
at 12:58
  • msg #31

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Ha!  Love it.  Very nice.
Human Alchemist, 4 posts
Fri 18 Aug 2023
at 05:05
  • msg #32

Re: Out of Character Chatter

And for yourself? Went mail dwarf rather than crafter?
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 10 posts
Fri 18 Aug 2023
at 13:15
  • msg #33

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Pye is largely a blank page.  That's one thing that I find so interesting in the Fighter class.  I mean, there's nothing that says you can't make a Fighter a fighter.  But fighting and defending is so integral to the game - if not life itself - that a Fighter could really be anything.  At the moment, Pye delivers the mail for her village's homegrown postal system.  But, her Da was a professional teamster at one time, working the caravan circuit.  I'm toying with having Pye try her hand at dispatching caravans.  Or, possibly crafting wagons, barrows, and such as a wainwright.

In fact, Kavi asked me the other day about how the mail system worked, and whether there would be anyone to take over if Pye should have to leave.  Good god damn question.  And the answer was no.  I hadn't thought of that.  Damn.  But, now that you, Logi, have got me thinking about it, there are any number of things I could cook up.  There's that one special package for a good neighbor that could take Pye elsewhere.  That's easy.  But it leaves a lot of loose ends.  I could manage a career shift.  The primary cash crop grown by Pye's village is lemons.  The need might arise to drive a few wagon loads of lemons to a city somewhere.  And Pye's sister Rose might have a new boyfriend.  He doesn't do much, and that might be one reason that Pye doesn't approve of him.  But, Pye could be convinced to leave the mail route to him.  Make him more responsible.

We'll see.  All kinds of options.

BTW, thanks.  For getting the creative juices flowing.
Human Alchemist, 5 posts
Fri 18 Aug 2023
at 15:32
  • msg #34

Re: Out of Character Chatter


Given all the wild stuff we can run into in the world it makes postal work seem to be exclusive to adventuring. Sure, roads get patrolled, but it takes one owl bear to ruin the post. May be a wise means of getting extra coin to have a literal post board. "Adventurer X in town, going to Y location. Accepting packages going to Y"
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 11 posts
Mon 21 Aug 2023
at 14:04
  • msg #35

Re: Out of Character Chatter

That's a good idea.  I think I can integrate that.
Garvin Fingaerdir
Half-Elf Ranger, 5 posts
Mon 21 Aug 2023
at 19:14
  • msg #36

Re: Out of Character Chatter

It would make for a very useful plot device for a GM to get you to travel to a certain place.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:34, Mon 21 Aug 2023.
Varael Feradion
Elven Investigator, 11 posts
Mon 21 Aug 2023
at 23:31
  • msg #37

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Being the mail carriers might be what your whole clan does. Started out just delivering local mail and then centuries ago it started to evolve into guarding caravans and now your whole clan are mail carriers, caravan guards, and special high risk delivery experts.

Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor orcs bold, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

Could then have cousins in every major city or town. Every caravan an aunt, and every port an uncle.
Victor Frank Phiphlas
Human Scholar, 11 posts
Mon 21 Aug 2023
at 23:38
  • msg #38

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Hmmmm, I'm not getting the OK for my character from Kavi. Hopefully she won't wait till last day before green-lighting it.
GM, 83 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 00:17
  • msg #39

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Dear Victor,

Victor Frank Phiphlas:
Hmmmm, I'm not getting the OK for my character from Kavi. Hopefully she won't wait till last day before green-lighting it.

Got your message Saturday, had a friend lose their mom Sunday so been a bit tied up.  I will answer you much sooner than two weeks out.  In private.
Victor Frank Phiphlas
Human Scholar, 12 posts
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 00:37
  • msg #40

Re: Out of Character Chatter

In reply to Kavi (msg # 39):

k, sorry.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 12 posts
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 01:14
  • msg #41

Re: Out of Character Chatter

My condolences, Kavi.  Distantly.  For your friend.
GM, 84 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 02:24
  • msg #42

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Pyrite Sunwalker:
My condolences, Kavi.  Distantly.  For your friend.

Thank you Pyr.
GM, 85 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 02:38
  • msg #43

Re: Out of Character Chatter

So.  I have argued with saying anything, but think I should.

I don't want to get 'heavy' here, but I will just clarify that I quit RPoL because I had two friends in that year commit suicide.  It really knocked me.  They were in two different aspects of my life.  I felt I had let them down.

Ironically, I came back to RPoL after losing my younger daughter (and best friend) to a car accident.  I need to keep my brain busy and RPGs can keep the brain busy.  However, I have bad days where I curl up in my jammies in front of the tv watching movies we loved instead of functioning in the world like an adult.  James' mother passing kind of stirred up an emotional hornets nest for me.

Enough emotional drama - I am trying to keep it out of the game here, truly :D

Didn't mean to pick on poor Victor (Sorry Victor).

Anyways, I am not looking for pity.  I am not ignoring players, I am sorting out what exact direction this game is heading.  I am here and hope to weave the world for your characters to each build a story worthy of legend!

With a wry grin,
Human Alchemist, 6 posts
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 02:56
  • msg #44

Re: Out of Character Chatter

My very first rtj to this game was in 2018, not going to vanish over a bit of quiet. Real life comes first. We will be here when you are good and ready.
Garvin Fingaerdir
Half-Elf Ranger, 6 posts
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 03:59
  • msg #45

Re: Out of Character Chatter

I've been hanging almost as long.  Patience is an essential requirement for gaming in an environment like RPOL.

That said, I'm eager to see where this reboot goes.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:32, Tue 22 Aug 2023.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 13 posts
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 15:20
  • msg #46

Re: Out of Character Chatter

That's an inordinate amount of tragedy and grief to contend with Kavi.  I mean, if you're looking for perspective, it seems like a lot to me.  I say that not to extend sympathy - though there's that as well.  Despite that, you sound pretty hale and grounded to me as well.

There are some people here that I've known for years.  Some of them I feel closer to than others.  Some of them share more of themselves than others.  But that's not much different from life in the face to face.  Sometimes, it's comforting to be part of a community.  In addition to the gaming, that is.  And the stories.

At any rate, thank you for the opportunity to know you better.  The understanding helps.  I'm looking forward to the game.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 14 posts
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 15:24
  • msg #47

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Varael Feradion:
Being the mail carriers might be what your whole clan does. Started out just delivering local mail and then centuries ago it started to evolve into guarding caravans and now your whole clan are mail carriers, caravan guards, and special high risk delivery experts.

Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor orcs bold, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.

Could then have cousins in every major city or town. Every caravan an aunt, and every port an uncle.

Sorry, I'm catching up here.  That's a great idea.  Especially for a clan of dwarves.  Or maybe gnomes.  But, it won't fit with Pye's character concept.  At least not in this incarnation.  Pye's a more free and independent character.  That's a little too organized.

Though I hope you don't mind if I steal the idea for use later.  ^_^
Victor Frank Phiphlas
Human Scholar, 13 posts
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 17:39
  • msg #48

Re: Out of Character Chatter

The ranger is naturally inclined towards ranged combat (even if you go melee focused). If you give composite bows to the ranger, fighter and especially Barbarian, as a side-arm they can deal out some serious ranged DPS.

The alchemist can cover the part with the AoE arcane nuke position with his bombs as well as utility to a point, the investigator has the face and skill monkey part covered, and I can assist with the utility and skill monkey part (not the face or the nuke though).
GM, 86 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 22:35
  • msg #49

Re: Out of Character Chatter

We've had some great applications for characters, so looks like we will be starting with two, perhaps three groups.

I will post four threads, one for each community, with the main highlights of that community.  Anyone from that community is welcome to sort out if and how well you know eachother.  If you travel between communities, you will be added to multiple communities but should have the strongest ties to your 'home'.

Also, if you wish to keep a particular relationship on the downlow you can also communicate privately.

Hope that makes sense to everyone :D.  Will let you know when the groups are up.

With a smile,
Finnegan Bramblewhistle
Halfling Bard, 1 post
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 22:53
  • msg #50

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Fenlee, represent!


No one else?


Hello, everyone; thanks for having me!
GM, 87 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 22:55
  • msg #51

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Finnegan Bramblewhistle:
Fenlee, represent!


No one else?

Not as yet, but I am hoping some friends will join you :D
Aluil Aualinde
Elven Paladin, 1 post
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 23:41
  • msg #52

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Greetings, all!  Looking forward to playing with you.  I hope Aluil will be more interesting and less obnoxious than the stereotypical paladin :).
Victor Frank Phiphlas
Human Scholar, 14 posts
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 23:47
  • msg #53

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Victor: *Pulls out notebook, writes Aluil's name and adds W.H.C. next to it*
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 00:04, Wed 23 Aug 2023.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 15 posts
Tue 22 Aug 2023
at 23:59
  • msg #54

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Wow.  That's a lot of players.  Welcome everyone!
Varael Feradion
Elven Investigator, 12 posts
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 00:02
  • msg #55

Re: Out of Character Chatter

In reply to Pyrite Sunwalker (msg # 47):

Do what you got to do. I don't mind. I used to have a guy who loved to GM games, and would come up with a seed of an idea and then tell me it - I would curse him out - and then the next day give him his setting and expanded idea for his games.

Interesting additions to the group. Welcome all.
Finnegan Bramblewhistle
Halfling Bard, 2 posts
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 00:05
  • msg #56

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Victor Frank Phiphlas:
Victor: *Pulls out notebook, writes Aluil's name and adds WHC next to it*

WHC ... WHC ... Would Have Coitus?
Victor Frank Phiphlas
Human Scholar, 15 posts
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 00:06
  • msg #57

Re: Out of Character Chatter

No, it stands for "Watch Him/Her Closely!"

I don't need any troublemakers.

EDIT: Also, why am I not surprised that the Bard would assume that's what the acronym stands for >_>
This message was last edited by the player at 00:08, Wed 23 Aug 2023.
Human Alchemist, 7 posts
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 00:14
  • msg #58

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Sounds like the C.A.C. files I make. Catalogue, aquire, contain. XD
Finnegan Bramblewhistle
Halfling Bard, 3 posts
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 00:23
  • msg #59

Re: Out of Character Chatter

In reply to Victor Frank Phiphlas (msg # 57):

Half-Bards are more ubiquitous than Half-Humans!
Garvin Fingaerdir
Half-Elf Ranger, 7 posts
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 01:51
  • msg #60

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Pyrite Sunwalker:
Wow.  That's a lot of players.  Welcome everyone!

That player list exploded today.  I didn't expect that so soon after the player's wanted post.
Eilwynn Erdicie
Elven Magus, 1 post
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 01:55
  • msg #61

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Hello! Looking forward to playing with you all, looks like we're gonna have lots and lots of elves in this party! :D
Garvin Fingaerdir
Half-Elf Ranger, 8 posts
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 02:09
  • msg #62

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Three and a half to be exact
Tola Vonrak
Dwarven Barbarian, 3 posts
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 03:58
  • msg #63

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Welcome new folks!
Arakar Drogh
Human Shaman, 1 post
Human Shaman
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 15:45
  • msg #64

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Hello everyone, I'm happy to be here. Working on my character.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 16 posts
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 16:25
  • msg #65

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Hey, Tola.  Is Dhelwuhr a village in the canon?  Or is the village of your creation?  Regardless of which, can you place it on the map for me?

I haven't given Pye's village a name yet.  But, it's near the Five Kings Mountains close to the border with Galt.
Tola Vonrak
Dwarven Barbarian, 4 posts
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 17:09
  • msg #66

Re: Out of Character Chatter

I was going off the town listed in the game play thread, as I believe that's where we're meant to start from. (Unless I'm mistaken/misremembering something)

*edit* it's center-bottom of the actual map
This message was last edited by the player at 17:11, Wed 23 Aug 2023.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 17 posts
Wed 23 Aug 2023
at 18:03
  • msg #67

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Thanks.  I didn't notice the name above the picture.  All I saw was the Five Kings Mountains in the description below.

And I missed the game map entirely.

Double thanks.
Finnegan Bramblewhistle
Halfling Bard, 4 posts
Tunes dance, spirit free,
Mirthful heart, wild glee
Thu 24 Aug 2023
at 02:24
  • msg #68

Re: Out of Character Chatter

As silence falls on the gathering place, a young halfling man takes to the stage--dragging a stool noisily behind him. After finding a spot adequately center-stage, the halfling dressed in the unassuming clothes of a commoner climbs upon the short stool and, after flipping his head to shake the bangs from his eyes, pulls the finely carved and polished, if a bit clunky, hurdy-gurdy from the sling at his side to rest in his lap. After a small cough to clear his throat, the halfling begins to turn the crank at the end of the instrument--releasing a deep, steady drone as the several strings of the unusual instrument begin to sound their lowest notes in unison. Soon, almost in a cappella against the hurdy-gurdy's drone, the little man begins to sing an encouraging, up-beat song in his slightly nasal and gravelly voice before pressing the keys to introduce a complementary melody,

"Listen, comrades, to my merry tune,
A call to shape your characters, and soon!
In realms of fantasy, let dreams take flight,
Complete your sheets and join our wondrous plight.

With pens and dice, let destinies entwine,
Forge heroes bold, in stories vast they'll shine.
Unveil the traits that make them unique, strong,
Let backstories unfold, emotions throng.

Embrace the world's magic, let tales unfold,
As ink meets paper, let your stories be told.
Adventure awaits, the canvas is your sheet,
So heed my song's call, make your heroes complete!"

This message was last edited by the player at 03:42, Thu 24 Aug 2023.
GM, 88 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Thu 24 Aug 2023
at 17:08
  • msg #69

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Greetings and good morrow folks,

There has been a great deal more interest in our wee game than I expected.  So many people are keen to move on to the next game system 'improvement' and leave the old systems behind.  Great concepts that are really tickling the story creator in me :D.  You will NOT be all together!

Please don't worry, I will not overtax myself.  Though he has been thus far silent, I do have a Co-DM and fortunately not much of a 'real world life' so I think the fun can commence on schedule!

Slight change of plan from my original, but I think with the four starting points it will still be important to have the townships residents aware of each other at some level.  To that end I will get the Town threads up this weekend and you can start posting in there.  Friendships are encouraged, rivalries are too (no active trying to kill each other though :D).

If you do NOT wish persons from your backstories to be part of the NPChood, please pm me.

With a smile,
Garvin Fingaerdir
Half-Elf Ranger, 9 posts
Thu 24 Aug 2023
at 18:34
  • msg #70

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Feel free to use any NPCs mentioned in my background. You can even expand on them if you want.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 18 posts
Thu 24 Aug 2023
at 18:54
  • msg #71

Re: Out of Character Chatter

I'll probably introduce all of them in my first IC post.  Hopefully build a scaffolding of personality.  From then on, feel free to use them as you would.
Human Alchemist, 8 posts
Thu 24 Aug 2023
at 23:05
  • msg #72

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Logi's family are a bunch of fungus farmers so I don't rightly think they will come up much.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 19 posts
Thu 24 Aug 2023
at 23:42
  • msg #73

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Don't they come up when they spore?  ^_^
Garen Deadeye
Half Elf Ranger, 1 post
Fri 25 Aug 2023
at 14:21
  • msg #74

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Tola Vonrak:
Welcome new folks!


Yeah, working on getting everything set up. Work server has d20pfsrd blocked, but not RPOL, so I'm having to go slow/piecemeal it

But, as an introduction, I'm playing a non-magic, archery-focused ranger. Taking the wild shadow & skirmisher archetypes
Garvin Fingaerdir
Half-Elf Ranger, 10 posts
Sun 27 Aug 2023
at 20:45
  • msg #75

Re: Out of Character Chatter

You can try Archives of Nethys. That might not be blocked.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 20 posts
Sun 27 Aug 2023
at 21:50
  • msg #76

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Or, google the rule that you're looking for.  There might be one out there that is not blocked.

Of course, if your work is monitoring URL's you have a different, but related problem.
Garen Deadeye
Half Elf Ranger, 2 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 04:59
  • msg #77

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Got everything mostly picked. Just need to rummage through weapons/armor/misc items and I'll be done
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 21 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 10:47
  • msg #78

Re: Out of Character Chatter

That's always the tough part for me.  Adding on the *stuff*.
Garen Deadeye
Half Elf Ranger, 3 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 15:52
  • msg #79

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Yes and no. I have a standard adventurer preparedness list of things I make sure I have, because I've definitely had some DMs who were sticklers about everything down to amount of rations and lamp oil (thanks AD&D), but just the mental exhaustion after planning all the feats out through lvl 20 to make sure I don't get myself stuck with a poorly-planned build ... it's a lot. And my ADHD conks out after the hard part, because hard is interesting and easy is hard to stay motivated
Aluil Aualinde
Elven Paladin, 2 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 20:57
  • msg #80

Re: Out of Character Chatter

I don't suppose you'd be willing to share your preparedness list, for those of me who don't have one but probably should?

Pretty please with sugar on top?
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 22 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 21:08
  • msg #81

Re: Out of Character Chatter

I wouldn't mind taking a look at that as well.
Tola Vonrak
Dwarven Barbarian, 5 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 23:33
  • msg #82

Re: Out of Character Chatter

I totally get you about the focus to get a character plan setup the way you like. I'm working out a Gloomblade fighter for another eventual game, and talk about complicated, yeesh.

By comparison, Tola almost feels too simple, like, I know what totem line I'm taking, and that's about the extent of a plan. :p

But I also would be curious to see your standardized prep list.
Garen Deadeye
Half Elf Ranger, 4 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 23:43
  • msg #83

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Aight. Here's what I can remember from scratch:
10' pole (collapsible, if possible)
50' rope (preferably spider silk)
Lantern + 5 days' lamp oil (alternatively, torches)
Trail rations x5 days
Flint + steel
Plate, bowl, spoon
Canteen/flask x 2-3
Chalk/oil pastel
Pitons x10
Metal polish/leather oil/wood oil
Needle + thread
Adventuring clothing + waterproof cloak
Class specific items (components pouch, alchemy kit, etc)
Fishing rod + line
Spares (arrows, bowstring, reeds/lute strings, etc)
Bag of holding/handy haversack/backpack
Grappling hook

Where possible, going for what's lightest and/or has multiple functions
This message was last edited by the player at 00:04, Tue 29 Aug 2023.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 23 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 23:47
  • msg #84

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Isn't that more or less the nature of starting at L1?  Simple.  I'm not sure why you'd want to plan all the way to L20.  Isn't that locking yourself in?  I mean, what if we become bunny ranchers?  What use will your Improved Critical feat do you then?
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 24 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 23:48
  • msg #85

Re: Out of Character Chatter

LOL!  I don't think I've ever seen anyone use a 10ft pole.  I love the idea, though.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 25 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 23:53
  • msg #86

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Otherwise, that's pretty complete.  I'd add a pack to put it all in.  Or hang it on.  And some sacks.  Always handy for putting things in.
Aluil Aualinde
Elven Paladin, 3 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 23:56
  • msg #87

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Pyrite Sunwalker:
LOL!  I don't think I've ever seen anyone use a 10ft pole.  I love the idea, though.

What?!?  What are they teaching kids these days?!?

Thanks, Garen, that's very helpful.
Tola Vonrak
Dwarven Barbarian, 6 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 23:57
  • msg #88

Re: Out of Character Chatter

In reply to Pyrite Sunwalker (msg # 84):

Depends really on the type of game and goals. I go both ways, though I tend towards planning complicated builds that don't work at all if you take a feat at the wrong time.(the most complex/precise build I had was a starknife thrower).

Trying not to do that here though.

(Also, my Mummy's Mask game a couple of weeks ago had the party wishing they had a 10ft pole. The first time Ive ever ran into myself. ;)
Garen Deadeye
Half Elf Ranger, 5 posts
Mon 28 Aug 2023
at 23:57
  • msg #89

Re: Out of Character Chatter

In reply to Pyrite Sunwalker (msg # 84):

It's to help keep me on track and organized. Otherwise I can very easily get distracted by the shiniest thing at the moment, ending up with a Frankenstein's monster or wanting feats I'm missing prereqs for

It's my system to work with my brain. That's all

And yeah, as for the 10' pole, if nobody has a polearm, it's great for tapping along the walls, floors, and ceilings for traps, false walls, mimics, drop bears, etc. It's also useful for checking pits/wells, to anticipate if you might need feather fall out what the bottom consists of
Tola Vonrak
Dwarven Barbarian, 7 posts
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 00:01
  • msg #90

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Actually, I think the vanishing 10ft pole is a result of the move away from the early style of 'dungeon crawl' type game.
Garen Deadeye
Half Elf Ranger, 6 posts
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 00:03
  • msg #91

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Aluil Aualinde:
What?!?  What are they teaching kids these days?!?

Right? You never know. Like I said earlier, I grew up playing 2e/AD&D with my dad and, if you know anything about AD&D, you had to keep close watch on your items, consumables, and encumbrance, and the fact that there was a feat, skill check, and splatbook for everything

Aluil Aualinde:
Thanks, Garen, that's very helpful.

You're welcome
Garen Deadeye
Half Elf Ranger, 7 posts
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 00:04
  • msg #92

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Tola Vonrak:
Actually, I think the vanishing 10ft pole is a result of the move away from the early style of 'dungeon crawl' type game.

You know, I hadn't thought about it that way. Very true
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 26 posts
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 01:17
  • msg #93

Re: Out of Character Chatter

That's what I was thinking too.  I can see it for the kind of game your imagining.  Never thought it was very practical, though.  I've imagined always getting caught crosswise in doors.  Or try navigating your way to a table at a crowded inn with a 10ft pole.  But I see yours is collapsible.  That's a neat trick.  I've never come across that either.

Why can't you do the same with a staff, though?  Not long enough?
Garvin Fingaerdir
Half-Elf Ranger, 11 posts
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 01:26
  • msg #94

Re: Out of Character Chatter

It depends on if you want to possibly sacrifice a weapon if you poke the slime or possible trap.

That was a well thought out list.  Lots of useful items that most adventurers should carry and others that could be spread across the party.
Arakar Drogh
Human Shaman, 2 posts
Human Shaman
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 01:50
  • msg #95

Re: Out of Character Chatter

In the early type games you needed digging tools and wheelbarrels.
Garen Deadeye
Half Elf Ranger, 8 posts
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 02:08
  • msg #96

Re: Out of Character Chatter

I forgot about that, yeah. And not to mention pack mules/hired hands, sustenance for them, too, plans for their safety. The early games were intense/complicated. TSR was all into hyper-realism at the time.

I do miss THAC0, though, controversial as that statement is
Varael Feradion
Elven Investigator, 13 posts
Tue 29 Aug 2023
at 02:16
  • msg #97

Re: Out of Character Chatter

A series of books redid a lot of the old adventures - White Plume Mountain, Descent, Demonweb Pits. With a Ranger, a faerie evoker, a sentient hellhound pelt, and the others they picked up on the way. The first book they were given all of the old items and almost all of them were used - if not the way they were intended.

THAC0 - perhaps the most counterintuitive idea in ADnD.
GM, 89 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Wed 30 Aug 2023
at 17:47
  • msg #98

Re: Out of Character Chatter

-THAT- didn't go as planned :D

Humble apologies, I had said I would get the four groups and the Wiki on the weekend.  I had (delightful) unexpected company so got absolutely nothing accomplished.  Will get on that though, especially if the heat keeps up. I hate the heat.

As a by the by, when -=I=- say 'the weekend', I mean Monday and Tuesday which are my 'weekend' from work.

Enjoying the chatter here.
Garvin Fingaerdir
Half-Elf Ranger, 12 posts
Wed 30 Aug 2023
at 23:52
  • msg #99

Re: Out of Character Chatter

No worries.   We're still here.
Garen Deadeye
Half Elf Ranger, 9 posts
Thu 31 Aug 2023
at 12:47
  • msg #100

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Aye. No dissent or mutiny here
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 27 posts
Thu 31 Aug 2023
at 13:35
  • msg #101

Re: Out of Character Chatter

... gang aft agley, you know.  Things come when they come.
Garvin Fingaerdir
Half-Elf Ranger, 13 posts
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 18:48
  • msg #102

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Any news for us?
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 28 posts
Wed 6 Sep 2023
at 19:03
  • msg #103

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Looks like the weather's cooled a bit where Kavi is.  That's got to be a plus.  All things considered.
GM, 90 posts
Keeper of History,
Memory and Legends
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 16:17
  • msg #104

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Greetings and good morrow folks,

Delay to start of game (Sept 15th) due to the last (hopefully) legal needs from my daughter's accident.  Thought I was gaining ground on the grief front, but receiving the coroner's report has set me back.

The background info is coming together and should give you a good chance to have characters knowledge of fellow townsfolk in play too.  That is my first focus.

I have been thinking that a map of each town detailed enough that characters can choose a home from it and add family info to that home would be fun.  Certainly not mandatory, but could be fun.  This is secondary to getting the game started, but on the burners as they say.

With a sigh,
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 29 posts
Thu 7 Sep 2023
at 16:48
  • msg #105

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Ouch.  My deepest condolences, Kavi.
Garvin Fingaerdir
Half-Elf Ranger, 14 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 03:04
  • msg #106

Re: Out of Character Chatter

I'm very sorry to hear that. Kavi.  Take all of the time you need.
Garen Deadeye
Half Elf Ranger, 10 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 20:54
  • msg #107

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Oof... I'm sorry to hear that. Losing a loved one is tough; I can't imagine working through the loss of a child.

Take as much time as you need
Garen Deadeye
Half Elf Ranger, 11 posts
Thu 14 Sep 2023
at 19:05
  • msg #108

Re: Out of Character Chatter

My sheet is ready for review
Finnegan Bramblewhistle
Halfling Bard, 5 posts
Tunes dance, spirit free,
Mirthful heart, wild glee
Sat 23 Sep 2023
at 21:15
  • msg #109

Re: Out of Character Chatter

How is everyone doing?
Human Alchemist, 9 posts
Sat 23 Sep 2023
at 22:13
  • msg #110

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Fair. been shopping for an RV. how you be?
Garvin Fingaerdir
Half-Elf Ranger, 15 posts
Sun 24 Sep 2023
at 06:40
  • msg #111

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Hanging in here. Just waiting patiently.
Varael Feradion
Elven Investigator, 14 posts
Sun 24 Sep 2023
at 20:51
  • msg #112

Re: Out of Character Chatter

Just realized that my last PC set in Golarion was also an elf.

Also just started to read the new Marvel RPG game. They have 130 or so character sheets in the book. That seems a little excessive.
Pyrite Sunwalker
Dwarven Fighter, 30 posts
Mon 25 Sep 2023
at 11:36
  • msg #113

Re: Out of Character Chatter

I have tons to keep me occupied.  But, I'm ready to jump in when things start up.
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