Lost Wizard
Each Hunter is paid 1,500 gold coins, paid by the venerable Emperor himself. Any treasures found are bonus payment.
The set of armor grabbed by De Van Kinby:
Adeste Fideles Armor:
This Magical suit of plate mail allows the wearer total protection in defense. Unlike normal plate mail, this mysterious, ultralight metal armor does not slow down its wearer and has no penalty to stealth checks or armor check penalties. It weighs 10lbs.
Elven Plate Mail AC +9, Max Dex 1, arcane failure 15%
The chest grabbed in the nisse shop by De Van Kinby
30 small stuffed bears, penguins and deer. Worth about 30 silver
Wardoz's Chest grabbed by Vain:
Wardoz’s chest contains 1440 gold coins,
Pipiwar grabbed papers from the desk
Wardoz’s Desk contains papers that prove he was consumed by the Chaotic Magic, putting him on a “list” that left him under the powerful control of the Half-Demon Half-Goat figure.
There is an instruction manual on how to build a machine, to generate chocolate molds for creating chocolate golems. But it doesn't specify how to bring to life the molds.
There was also a spellbook, not so much good for actually casting spells, but good for altering spells you can cast. It modifies them into a sugary-themed spell. Not much for ways of enhancement it seems.
Xander managed to grabbed a few scrolls. everyone else seems to have snatched up all they could before leaving.
Scrolls (all cast as if a 6th level caster):
Touch of fatigue
Summon Instrument
Hypnotic Pattern
Color Spray
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:19, Sun 03 Feb 2019.