The Auction

Divatox stood next to Master Kenobi again one year later. Revan and his followers, including one-third of the Republic Fleet, had left for the Unknown Regions a year ago as well, and no one had heard anything from them since. Things had been peaceful since then. Now Divatox and her master were awaiting their next assignment. Finally the doors to the Council room on Coruscant opened and the Jedi pair were shown in.
"Welcome, Master Kenobi, Padawan Divatox," Master Zez-Kai Ell said in greeting, his thick mustache acting to emphasize his genuine kindness.
"Thank you," Master Kenobi responded. "How can we be of service?"
"We have recently received word that an ancient ship wreck has been discovered on the Outer Rim world of Bheriz," Master Lonna Vash answered with a calm, but serious demeanor. "We have reason to believe that there are Sith relics on this ship, and we need you to recover them to ensure they do not fall into the wrong hands."
"It will be more complicated than would at first appear however," Master Kavar warned, his stony face revealing nothing. "The planetary government has taken control of the ship and the crash site, and are putting the ship up for auction to the highest bidder. And since Bheriz is outside the Republic, we cannot simply appropriate the site."
"We will be sending you with 20,000 credits to attempt to acquire the ship through the auction," Master Ell said. "However, you must not reveal that you are acting on behalf of the Council, or the price may be driven up, or inappropriate attention may be drawn to the situation. While the ideal result will be the acquisition of the ship and the rights to remove it from Bheriz, we must emphasize that you must search the ship and recover any Dark Side items at any cost."
"Understood Masters," Master Kenobi conceded.
"Do you have any further questions about your assignment?" Master Vash queried.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:34, Wed 02 Sept 2020.