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20:59, 12th January 2025 (GMT+0)

Performance for the Elf Queen.

Posted by BenFor group 0
player, 11 posts
Oh, just an elf
Sat 8 Aug 2020
at 14:51
  • msg #30

Performance for the Elf Queen

"You're used to people, aren't you, little one?"  Siankiir spoke soothingly, continuing to follow the bat's body language as to where it was safe to pet.  She glanced over towards the wagons.  "Are you a part of the circus?  I bet you have a brave act, little one..."
Nwofia Barandi
player, 134 posts
Acrobat, Actress and
A Living Surprise
Sat 8 Aug 2020
at 18:43
  • msg #31

Performance for the Elf Queen

Nwofia moves her feet as if on sand, beating out a rhythm with her soles as she drove the musicians with her body as a driver drives the horses with his whip.  She is wearing her flimsiest costume, seeming almost naked before the audience, covering only enough to hide what little modesty she has.

As the music swells, she tumbles across the area she has made her stage, flying like some kind of creature of the desert winds.  Heels over head she goes, undulating, a sky serpent made of shadows, a living darkness, lithe but never lewd.  Loving she is, but never lascivious, this kind of love is wholesome and life affirming.

The ropes come next, trailing behind her as she has tails much longer than she is. She adopts the persona of the lizards of the Sand Sea, half fish, half reptile and the rope dances with her, not as a partner but as a part of her.  She clambers up a tree on the edge of the arena, one whose inclusion in the act has of course been requested before hand so that the Queen could agree it.

She dances still, more monkey now than lizard, and though she has no idea whether the elves have any knowledge of monkeys, she hopes her movement conveys something of the monkeys' nature. moves along the thinnest branches with the grace of a desert bird, whirling through sandstorms, then surfing the dunes like a snake.

She ties one end of the rope to one tree and then flies through the end to another, tying the slack rope there and dancing along it, not a tightrope, not tight at all, this is like dancing along a skipping rope in the sky.  She dances as an angel might on the end of a pin, finally, dancing to one end of the rope, untying it and climbing to the other end as she falls through the air.

She unties the other end of the rope and finally launches herself into the heavens, finishing the dance with a triple somersault before landing on her feet to curtsey to the queen, a deep and formal curtsey that ends with her forehead pressed to the floor at her majesty's feet.
player, 129 posts
Sat 8 Aug 2020
at 21:37
  • msg #32

Performance for the Elf Queen

Tahra rises, walks so she is seen, and sits by the elf. His name is Klimmin, which means "soft". He is a friend and a comfort, for sometimes even amid a group, one is alone. And a great help too. He watches when I sleep, and predacious bugs discover—too late;that they are bat food.
player, 31 posts
Sat 8 Aug 2020
at 22:09
  • msg #33

Performance for the Elf Queen

Topaz makes no performance of his own, rather joining the other musicians in accompanying the performers.  Well the Faun knows that music and dance are the languages of the world, together encompassing all the tales that water and wind, fire and earth, spirit and soul have to tell, whether their stories be magical or mundane.

He signals a percussionist to play as a rising crash on cymbals as Nwofia begins, Apollo rising to stir Zephyrus to motion, then bends his efforts to Nwofia's performance.  He alternates between joining the other musicians and leading them,  weaving melody, counter-melody, harmony and percussion into the spell the other players cast to accentuate the mood of her dancing.  Wild skirls, sudden changes of rhythm and volume, and a fey, ethereal longing of strings hint at the freedom of motion Nwofia embodies.  She is not dancing, the music entreats the audience to believe, but is the endless wind itself, slipping over hot sand.  There are no ropes, only the dancer, lianas and branches of the jungle, and the ever-present desert wind.

Nwofia flies, transforming herself to the creatures of her native land, one of elements mingling and conjoining to always become a new thing.  Nwofia dances life, and transfiguration.  Topaz answers with the sun's passionate lover's kiss on sand and stone, with wind's ephemeral caress of the land and the creatures and forest within it.  When she finishes, landing with acrobatic tumble and deep bow, the Faun cues the same percussionist to end the performance along with her, the sudden brazen crescendo on the cymbal left to fade away with Zephyrus' passing her stillness portrays.
player, 12 posts
Oh, just an elf
Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 15:38
  • msg #34

Performance for the Elf Queen

"He is adorable," said Siankiir, before realizing there was another person with her.  She blinked.  Bowing her head with a chagrined expression, she looked at Tahra.  "...I hope I am not disturbing anything.  I -- I did not mean to interrupt..."
player, 143 posts
Half Elf Equestrian
Comely and young
Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 17:09
  • msg #35

Performance for the Elf Queen

Alayna blushed, not coming any closer, as she didn't want Angel to startle the bat. "Forgive me, I did not mean to intrude. I am Alayna, and I have to perform soon. but I heard voices, and I was curious," replied the half elf. Her costume very much dictated that she was going to perform. "I will go, so you can talk."
player, 130 posts
Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 20:53
  • msg #36

Performance for the Elf Queen

Klimmin nudged the elf to remind her to keep petting. The human woman smiled. Lady, we're the one interrupting you. As for "disturb", we think you were disturbed already. It drew us. </Blue> (pause) So, here we are, perhaps at your service. What now? I'm Tahra Schwarz by the way.
GM, 151 posts
Your Master of Ceremonies
Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 23:57
  • msg #37

Performance for the Elf Queen

The attention of hundreds of Elves is on the performers.

Not on one fox scurrying around behind them.

Vulenk comes across Topaz as the Faun finishes up.  "Hail to the musicians!" the Fox says.  "I have not heard anything like that in... quite long.  It's been a while.  How I wish I could join you in your journey!  Alas, there are great demands on me, and promises to keep.  There is a great gift in the freedom to travel, you know.  Such a terrible thing that the Elves, bound by such duties as bind me, cannot enjoy it.  It is the only way to know, to grow, to explore.  We explore, and the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time."

"The Queen knows herself, the older Elves know themselves, but the young ones, who were born past the time when the Black Forest Elves forsake all beyond their well guarded mountains, they have never had the chance.  The dream of what they do not know, their elders do not understand what an awful yoke they place upon them.  I wish I could travel with you.  I know that if I did, and I chanced upon a young Elf who also wished to share your adventure, I would do my best to support that Elf, even risking the ire of her queen, for in the long run, it is best for all of the Elves, even if the do not see it.  You, I, them, we are all creatures of forest and magic, of the land.  We cannot be who we are if we have cut ourselves off from it.  We risk never learning the things we should."

The Human musicians give the Fox puzzled "What the heck is this creature talking about?" looks.

"To think most of the Elves have never even seen the Rhinefalls" the Fox adds.


As each act is completed there is applause and cheers from Elves.  Hylensia Argentos is with Elven leaders, at times explaining and introducing, answering a lot of questions, as so much of what they are seeing is beyond their cultural knowledge.

Some of it's beyond anyone's cultural knowledge, but Phileas values showmanship over dogged adherence to authenticity.

Hylensia asks about what's ahead, as Phileas will no doubt wish to get moving again, the next morning.

"Baiovari," the Elf queen says.  "Wild and uncivilized Humans, Germanics who have absorbed the remnants of Celts who came before them.  Not a friendly people, and certainly not our friends.  They are full of the wild stories the Huns told them about us."

"Perhaps we can bring them a little understanding, then," Hylensia says.
player, 144 posts
Half Elf Equestrian
Comely and young
Thu 13 Aug 2020
at 02:50
  • msg #38

Performance for the Elf Queen

Alayna, not wanting to leave, looked at the two. "I have to go perform. Please, come see me? It... It will either be my best, or my worst, but I want my friends to see it."

So saying, she led Angel to the front of the wagons... and to the show.
player, 32 posts
Fri 14 Aug 2020
at 06:10
  • msg #39

Performance for the Elf Queen

After Nwofia is done, Topaz slips off his tunic, using it to wipe the perspiration from his brow.  He then sits down to rest and take a long drink of wine, mead, or whatever beer is to hand while the acts go through and other musicians take up highlighting the physical performances.  He's mid-swallow when Vulenk "happens" by.

The Faun nods in acknowledgement of the fox's comments about the music, then situation, but doesn't immediately reply.  This, too, he suspects is one of the vulpine provocateur's efforts to pry loose young elves from the safety and sanctity of their forest.  He listens until Vulenk reaches his conclusion, taking the opportunity to finish the remainder of his beverage, only answering afterward.

"I cannot join you in your intrigues, Master Fox.  I am but recently departed from this place and returned to it again as well you know.  It would be a most grave breach of courtesy for one of my own court to counsel one of the Queen's people to go against Her desires or commands.  But shortly ago, I came here as embassy from my own Lady and it would reflect most poorly on relations between the two, now I am returned as Guest," he says.  "Were She to wish to discuss the matter, then I should be obliged to share my counsel would she hear it."

He considers what duty a fox might have, though he suspects Vulenk isn't entirely simply a talking fox.  All Fey have their cynosure, the thing they protect, the place, object, concept, even person to which they are linked.  Though some Elves might have an inkling, it isn't something to be discussed the other folk, even Elves.

With half an ear to the performances outside, the Faun pens a hasty note, then folds and seals it with a mark.  "Deliver it to the Queen unopened, unaltered, and unread, Master Vulenk.  If it is Her Will, then we shall converse on the matter.  Otherwise ... well, the river of the question must find its own course."

Hearing Alayna enter the performance space, Topaz uses a quick seeming to cover himself in fine musicians clothing, though beneath the glamer he remains bare to the skin.  The bard gestures to the other musicians, calling them again to their own duty.  "If you'll just deliver that, Master Fox, and pray excuse us.  The show must go on."
player, 13 posts
Oh, just an elf
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 23:04
  • msg #40

Performance for the Elf Queen

"...I suppose we should see your friend's performance.  She seems quite insistent on needing an audience..."  Siankiir felt very reluctant to stop petting the (very cuddly) Klimmin.  "Would I be permitted to maybe talk to you after your show?  I don't want to distract anyone where I shouldn't be..."

Elven bards were very protective of their rehearsal time and space -- Siankiir wondered (and worried) if it was the same for other humanoid entertainers.
GM, 152 posts
Your Master of Ceremonies
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 01:30
  • msg #41

Performance for the Elf Queen

The Elf Queen watches Alayna's performance, and notes that the Irkayo Sathower, the Elf who guided the entertainers here and took a special liking to the talented horse girl, is still around.

"You must be the greatest fan of these performers, among our people," the Queen says.

"I have seen three of their shows," Irkayo admits.  "For our people, I think I hold the record.  I very much wish they will come back this way."

"Human entertainers travel for money," the Queen says.  "Humans enjoy things that are different.  They will pay more money to see something fresh and new.  So the entertainers travel.  They have done so for centuries.  I have seen it before."

"Do you think the Baiovari will let them travel?" Irkayo asks.  "Might an Elf guide help them through?"

"Absolutely not!" the Elf Queen says.  "And it is not only that those who know that land well are few, and needed.  The Baiovari have been fed stories by the Orcs.  They believe we are all immensely rich and sitting on our wealth and magic which we stolen from the world by cunning and mischief.  I would say the opposite would be true, Phileas and Hylensia Argentos would only by burdened by an Elf.  Do not even think of this- you must return to your home."


Nwofia, and just about everyone, is back for the finale, of course.  Phileas believes in big, colorful, noisy, get them to their feet finales.  For the finale, even Hylensia, who normally is not a performer, has something to do- it's just playing the cymbals on cue, but it's something, and it adds.  Nobody's abilities are wasted.

Phileas concludes the show, with a glittery bow.

"Lords and Ladies of the most remarkable and beautiful Kingdom of the Black Forest, we thank you for the opportunity to show you our skills.  We hope we have touched you in some way."

"Indeed," says the silver white Fox.
player, 145 posts
Half Elf Equestrian
Comely and young
Tue 18 Aug 2020
at 04:24
  • msg #42

Performance for the Elf Queen

Alayna was both relieved and happy. She had managed another nearly perfect show, despite her fatigue. She landed both her backflip on Angel's back as well as the flying dismount, which looked to many as if she momentarily flew. Her glittering silver costume looked wonderful, and letting her hair fly free did not cause problems at all.

Of course, her eyes, when they went to the audience, were on Irkayo, and she winked at him when she circled the ring in a handstand, her hair blending with Angel's. She hid how tired she was when she took her bows, and finished the finale with everyone as Angel stood on her hind legs.

She waited to see if she would be called to the Queen, or to Irkayo. She kept her youthful smile on her face, hiding her fatigue and pulling her very long hair over her shoulder so it would stay out of the way.
GM, 153 posts
Your Master of Ceremonies
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 01:14
  • msg #43

Performance for the Elf Queen

The Fox continues his wanderings, even after the show.  He seems to pause by each person in turn, sometimes chatting a little, sometimes offering his cryptic words.  But he moves on, goes on his way.

Looking for something.

And perhaps, in Tahra, he has what he needs.  He senses... something.  And for a few brief moments.. Vulenk puts his aloofness and vague words aside, and says what needs to be said.

"They say Elves are bound more closely to nature than Humans are.  Nature finds voids and fills them.  Clear a patch of forest, and give it enough time and its forest again.  Elves are like that.  The queen worries, there are too few Elves.  But there is too little Elven land.  My theory is, if there is more land, there will be more Elves, just like trees return to the clearing in the forest.  But not just any land.  Some places are more special than others.  The Elves have left the Rhine Falls long ago, but it is a place they need.  They are weakened without it, stronger with it.

"There is a turnoff just outside of an old town, held by the Baiovari.  Iuliomagos.  A great, old oak, with sheets of moss like curtains.  Faerie Fire will reveal the path.  Be very careful when you travel it, it has been unused a long time and the smell of magic calls to many things, but it still leads to the Rhine Falls.  There are some things there an Elf was meant to rediscover.  I would say more, but it would just burden you.  You understand."

"I do hope I am right about this," Vulenk says as he turns away.


The queen is still with Hylensia Argentos, and many other Elves.  If Alayna is headed in her direction, she does not make it.  Alayna is intercepted by Irkayo Sathower first.

"That was marvelous," he says.  "I cannot wait to see you perform again... I hope it is soon.  They tell me that great performances among Humans is an occasion for the giving of gifts.  So I have gathered flowers."

He presents her with a large bouquet of wildflowers.  The Black Forest Elves do not have garden grown flowers, but their wild flowers are diverse and impressive, and there's a few in there with a pale blue glow.

"And.. I cannot deny that I am not happy to know that you are going through the land of the Baiovari.  I heard it discussed around the Queen.  They are dangerous people.  Human, but civilization has barely touched them.  They drink heavily and they can be as brutish as Orcs.  If you need to disappear quickly, I have this."

He gives Alayna a small skin flask with a stopper, and explains that it is Potion of Invisibility.

"Just in case, because you know I want to see you again."
player, 131 posts
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 03:50
  • msg #44

Performance for the Elf Queen

Tahra has heard (let's say she heard before hearing the elf maiden's crying). She awaits that maiden's reply.
Nwofia Barandi
player, 135 posts
Acrobat, Actress and
A Living Surprise
Tue 25 Aug 2020
at 12:15
  • msg #45

Performance for the Elf Queen

Nwofia curtseys once more at the end of the show and makes herself available to talk to any of the elves who wish to talk.
player, 14 posts
Oh, just an elf
Thu 27 Aug 2020
at 19:45
  • msg #46

Performance for the Elf Queen

Siankiir's expression had been the picture of wonderment during the entirety of the show.  It was like experiencing a whole new world.  But, as it came toward the inevitable end and reality reasserted itself, the young elf felt again the doubt and uncertainty skulk back into her heart.  Siankiir dreaded returning back to her home (if it ever was a home) and to Ualiar's icy hatred of her. could anyone take pleasure in the pain of their own flesh and blood?!

Siankiir saw the tail of the old fox as he departed from Tahra and cocked her head curiously.
player, 146 posts
Half Elf Equestrian
Comely and young
Sat 29 Aug 2020
at 01:13
  • msg #47

Performance for the Elf Queen

Alayna ran to meet Irkayo. Upon seeing the flowers, she gave a girlish squeal of delight and literally threw herself at him, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck, pull herself up and kissing him soundly. "I love them! Oh, so beautiful! Nobody has given me flowers!"

Fortunately, she was both petite and light, and had strong arms. She held herself there, then lowered herself with a blush. "Um... I thank you, and appreciate the flowers and the compliment. I hope you see many more shows." She took the potion and held it carefully. "I know we shall see each other again. I would not have it any other way. And I promise to be most careful."

She glanced to see if anyone else was watching, but still did not leave him.
GM, 155 posts
Your Master of Ceremonies
Fri 4 Sep 2020
at 01:19
  • msg #49

Performance for the Elf Queen

Following the performance...

Vulenk pokes around a lot.  He asks questions of everyone.  Just innocent simple questions.  Always different.  As if perhaps from a myriad of tiny little answers, some great secret will emerge.

But it is soon evident that the Fox is doing more.  Vulenk also intercepts and talks to Elves that might stray in the direction of Siankiir, asking yet more questions, telling brief, amusing anecdotes, and guiding them away.  He does this on several occasions. But unless one actually knew where Siankiir was, or of course if one was Siankiir, there'd be no way to notice.

Eventually, he makes an appearance to Siankiir as well.  He offers very short, simple advice.

"There has been no finer opportunity in ages.  Their fears are hardly inappropriate, there are more than enough tales of young women curious to see the world and coming to dreadful ends.  The world is a dangerous place, of course, or what would heroes do?  But the Argentoses are good, and with them you are safe.  They are more experienced and have more resources than they let on.  And there are other kinds of heroes.  The Elves need an emissary, they must be connected to the world, or the world might pass them by and leave them behind and that would be a terrible thing. You can help them.  With every tale and memory you bring home, you will.  Keep yourself hidden from the Argentoses until you are past the bounds of Black Forest Elf territory, do not put them in the position of deciding whether to turn around to take you back, or not."


The company spends its last night here.  It's not worth the effort packing up and moving out on the same day as a major show like that.  Things can be pushed too fast, there is more work involved in getting ready for a show than actually performing it.


They have discovered that Marcos's Golem friend is of considerable help, there.  Jolo seems remarkably unable to learn new skills (not remarkable at all, as the Gnomish artificers all know) but the one thing it is good at it is really, really good at, and as costumes are very important to performers there is a growing list of "Could Jolo take care of..." requests.

The porcelain doll Golem does not mind.  It seems to enjoy doing work, though it is hard to say exactly one knows this.


Alayna is light.  This is a good thing.  Irkayo, being an Elf, is not exactly a pillar of solidity, but he's strong enough to not be knocked down.  He staggers just a little, because he was caught off guard.

"Somehow I am not that afraid," he says.  "Hylensia was near the queen the whole show, and they talked about the road ahead for you, how it goes through some dangerous country, but to Hylensia this was not at all disturbing.  Though, not in the way of someone who ignores dangers.   Someone who has confidence.  I understand they have been traveling with their show for many years, so maybe they have learned a few things."

He stops and thinks about what he said.

"Funny... many years.. they couldn't... not by our count of years.  But somehow when Humans tell you their stories, it is almost like they are in a rush to fill their years, and they have just as much life as we do, they just have it faster."

Then he shrugs it off.

"But we still have a last night.  The Argentoses leave in the morning.

We have a new thread:  The Baiovari
player, 16 posts
Oh, just an elf
Sun 6 Sep 2020
at 18:29
  • msg #50

Performance for the Elf Queen

"Please, if there's any way to hinder my mother from knowing where I've gone. I fear her trying to stop me or worse..."  Siankiir was afraid to elaborate further to the old fox.  Disobeying the Queen was one thing -- but family was more terrifying.
GM, 158 posts
Your Master of Ceremonies
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 02:55
  • msg #51

Performance for the Elf Queen

Vulenk gives Siankiir a nod before scurrying off.  Off.. and then, briefly, back...

"There is a funny little magical doll walking around here," the Fox says.  "It looks like it is managing clothing.  How strange.  Perhaps you can ask it for something different to wear.  If you wish to hide, a good start is for you to not look like you."

And then Vulenk scurries off again... and Siankiir sees neither the Fox, nor her mother.
player, 132 posts
Mon 7 Sep 2020
at 03:27
  • msg #52

Performance for the Elf Queen

(Tahra is accompanying Siankiir. [Some PMs])
player, 17 posts
Oh, just an elf
Sun 13 Sep 2020
at 15:07
  • msg #53

Performance for the Elf Queen

(joint post)

"I am feels so odd, talking to a stranger.  Yet I do not know if any of my people would be willing to listen."  Siankiir sighed.  Klimmin's fur felt like velvet under her finger tip.  She shot a glance back towards her residence.

"I have just realized that my mother never loved or wanted me.  I think she resents being burdened with me -- yet at the same time, she does not want me to leave.  That my unhappiness and failure is some perverse enjoyment to her.  I will never be a mage like her.  The callings of a druid or a priestess have never come to me, nor am I a great hunter.  I am just...there.  In the background forever."

The elf chewed her lip, looking shamed.  "...I probably sound rather silly and selfish to you.  My people are supposed to respect our elders -- but my own mother will never respect me..."

Tahra looks, or seeks to look, the elf maiden in the eyes. "Neither silly nor selfish; quite otherwise. A question, if you don't mind, what about your father?"

"I never knew him.  He left while my mother was pregnant with me." Siankiir flinched suddenly.  "Left the Black Forest entirely.  Perhaps that is why my mother hates me so -- I am the last reminder of him.  Or, my birth was what drove him away?  I know not.  Maybe it is better that I never know.  Maybe he would be just as miserable and spiteful as her if I ever met him."

Siankiir cast her eyes downwards.  She had no far off hopes pinned on her mystery sire somehow being wonderful, waiting for his long-lost daughter.  He had, after all, chosen to leave Ualiar while she was with child -- with her.  As harsh as her mother's attitude was in the end, what sort of man would willingly do that?

Gods, what sort of people are my parents to do this to me?!  Am I supposed to be some sort of punishment?  Or am I the one being punished...?

Tahra nodded. "You're discovering. Would you discover more; do you want to change your situation? As you consider, know this: Despite all, you have grown straight and beautiful. Klimmin, to me; this must be her uninfluenced decision."

The bat gently disengages and flutters over and into his pocket; his eyes peep out, ears up.

"...just -- just what are you asking?"  Even the elves had their tales about bargains too good to be true -- and the cost never revealed until it was too late.  Siankiir wanted to leave the Black Forest, leave her mother desperately enough -- but not at the expense of sticking her head in the noose.  "...please speak plain.  Can I safely leave with you?  Is this something that your group's leader would even allow?  Because yes, I would dearly like to...."

"I don't know about "safely", but you can leave and travel with me...and I'll be traveling with the group.  So...if you have some packing to do, let's get with to it. By the way, what's your name?"

Tahra observes how the elf maiden stands when/if she rises.


(OOC: SHE-ahn-keer)

The elf was tall and willow-thin.  The two cutlasses she possessed were peacebonded -- one sheathed at her side, the other strapped to her back.  One never knew when the quiet of the forest would be endangered as the Queen stressed.  She bowed her head to Tahra. "I do not need much."

Tahra bows her head back. "Siankiir, shall we proceed to retrieve the 'not much' you are entitled to take with you?"


As the two of them walked, they passed by the fox with his cryptic words.  Siankiir knew not what to make of them, but sensed that they would have no trouble now in her gathering her belongings.

Especially once she met the little automaton Vulenk mentioned.  Some shyly spoken words and the elf's clothing was now what she hadn't worn that morning.


And Siankiir's mother was, thankfully, not in her residence (though the young elf noted that Ualiar had returned the shutters to their "closed" position).  It took her little time to throw together a pack of Useful Things, not to mention collecting a mithral shirt and a well-made belt.  Siankiir hoped that they wouldn't be needed, but at the very least, she owed Tahra and her troupe now the use of her sword arm should misfortunes rise.

"I am ready."

Somehow, the guilt Siankiir was steeling herself for leaving never came.
GM, 160 posts
Your Master of Ceremonies
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 00:56
  • msg #54

Performance for the Elf Queen

The one remaining issue for Siankiir would be hiding, of course, long enough not only to leave the Elven land behind, but to make it impractical to turn around are return her once found.

After all, the Argentoses would hardly want to be accused of kidnapping.

But Siankiir appears to have an accomplice, now. What Tahra can do, and what the Argentoses can do, are very different things.

The concept of Plausible Deniability had not yet entered the world.  At least not officially.
player, 148 posts
Half Elf Equestrian
Comely and young
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 05:12
  • msg #55

Performance for the Elf Queen

Alayna took her time to kiss her elf long and hard. "I will come back to you, my love. I promise. And I will be careful. When I come back, we'll be together. But... I have to travel and perform. Forgive me?"
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