Evocation spells that current have SR: Yes are all changed to SR: Partial. Any damage component of the spell is SR: No, while any rider effects do allow spell resistance. For example, if you cast Ear Piercing Scream and fail to overcome SR, the target still takes the damage, but it is not stunned, even if it fails the fortitude save.
Detect Magic has a range of touch.
Identify is added as a level one spell on all spell lists.
The DC of concentration checks to cast defensively increases by +1 for each foe that threatens you. In addition, this bonus increases as their CMB scales with your CMD:
Attack CMB - Defender CMD | Casting Defensively DC |
-5 | +1 |
-5->0 | +2 |
0->+5 | +3 |
etc. etc.
For example, if you have a CMD of 15, and are threatened by two foes, one with a CMB of +3 and another with +11, your DC is increased by +3 (+1 for the first, +2 for the second foe).
Blood money is banned.
Planar Ally/Planar Binding, animate dead spells are allowed. Players attempting to abuse them will be smote.
Due to there not really being planes in this world, Plane Shift doesn't exist. Most other spells that interact with the planes (summons, shadow walk, etc.) still work as worded, with a little change to fluff.
Simulucrum do not get spells or spell-like abilities. Supernatural abilities are usually transferred, but may not be at GM discretion.
After casting a teleport spell, if a mishap is rolled, the caster cannot cast any [teleport] spells again for 24 hours.
General Rule: any spell that grants an automatic success or replaces a skill check instead grants a +10 circumstance bonus on that check.
Any spell that automatically prevents specific effects, instead grants a +10 circumstance bonus on saves vs that effect.
The below are examples of how this rule is applied. As I remember/hear of new spells, I will apply this rule accordingly.
Spells that grant a climb or swim speed instead grant a +10 circumstance bonus on those checks (e.g. spider climb, monkey-fish, etc.) Polymorph spells to grant speeds as normal.
The invisibility condition grants a +10 circumstance bonus on stealth checks, and the hide in plain sight ability.
In addition, you can make a stealth check as a free action at the beginning of your round, with the above bonus for being invisible. Any opponent who fails to make a perception check equal to your stealth check is denied their dexterity bonus to AC against you until your invisibility ends or the beginning of your next turn, whichever comes first.
Knock allows you to attempt to open up to two locks as a single free action as part of casting the spell. You must use disable device on this check, although you get a circumstance bonus equal to your caster level, and you may use it untrained. You do not gain any bonuses for having a MW tool, nor any penalty for lacking a tool, although other bonuses that affect skill checks still apply.
Detect Secret doors grants a +10 circumstance bonus on perception checks to detect secret doors, and automatically grants such a check when you come within 10 ft of a secret door.
The Fly spell does not grant a bonus on fly checks, and grants a maneuverability of average. Overland flight does not grant any bonus on fly checks, and grants a maneuverability of poor.
Freedom of movement grants a +10 bonus on CMD to avoid being grappled, +10 on checks to escape grapples, and a +10 bonus on saves vs. effects that cause the entangled, paralyzed, staggered, grappled, or pinned conditions. If a spell or effect has additional effects (such as damage), the save bonus does not apply against that effect. This may cause a creature to be partially effected by the effect. It also negates any penalties for fighting underwater, allows you to ignore difficult terrain, and ignore any effect that lowers your movement speed.
Detect magic (and similar spells) counts as interacting with an illusion if the illusion is within the range of the spell. A failed save means the illusion is not noticed, or appears to be magic of a different source (caster's choice). A successful save allows the standard spellcraft check to analyze the aura.
Mind Blank works against all spells that reveal information about the protected target. Instead of immunity, it grants a +10 bonus on saves against such spells and effects, and allows a save to negate any effect even if it doesn't normally allow a save.
True Seeing grants a +10 bonus on saves vs. magic that changes the way things appear, and allows a will save to negate the effect even if the effect does not normally allow one. The save can be made only once per effect, and is made automatically as soon as the effect comes into range (i.e. having True seeing automatically counts as interacting with all illusions within the spell's range)
Interacting with an illusion involves observing it with any sense. If the only sense being used is sight, the observer takes a -5 penalty on their save. If the sense being used is touch, the observer gets a +5 bonus on the save, or may automatically succeed in some cases. Once the save has been failed, it can be attempted again only by observing the illusion with another sense (for example, touching an illusionary wall). A character may believe that an illusion is fake without having made their save, in which case the illusion is not transparent to them, but they can still choose their own actions accordingly.
Protection from (alignment) spells grant a +5 untyped bonus on saves vs. spells that control one's actions and allows a reroll against them if already in effect, instead of automatically rendering targets immune to mind-control. This bonus stacks with the resistance bonus to saves against all spells from (alignment) sources. The other benefits are unchanged.
Any time a creature successfully saves against a mind-affecting spell, they are aware of that fact, and can make a spellcraft check to identify the spell.
New Spells:
Ward Location.
Level 5 (all classes which grant access to 9th lvl spells), 4 (All classes which grant a maximum of 6th lvl spells), or 3 (All Classes which grant a maximum of 4th lvl spells).
Casting Time 1 hour
Components V, S, M (rare components worth 1,500 gp, plus 1,500 gp per 60-foot cube), DF
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area 60-ft. cube/level (S)
Duration permanent
Saving Throw: No, Spell Resistance: No
Ward Location seals an area against all planar travel into or within it. This includes all teleportation spells (such as dimension door and teleport), plane shifting, astral travel, ethereal travel, and all summoning spells. Such effects simply fail automatically. In addition, divination (scrying) spells cannot perceive or target anything or anyone within the area.
Note, this spell mostly replaces Mage's Private Sanctum and Forbiddance. Both spells still exist, since they have other effects, but Ward Location is commonly used throughout the world to protect important locations.
Persue the Enemy
Transmutation, Paladin 2, Anti-paladin 2, Inquisitor 3, Warpriest 3, Cleric/Oracle 3, Ranger 2
Components: V,S,DF
Range: Personal
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 minute/level
For the duration of this spell, you can, as a full round action move your speed and then make a full attack action. The motion must end next to a creature you have smited, or is of the creature type of a weapon you have made Bane using your Bane class feature, is a favored enemy, or be visibly a member of a rival faith, and you must then either make the attack or full-attack action against that creature. If your attack drops the foe, you may make any remaining attacks against other foes in reach as normal, but otherwise you may only make attacks against an enemy or enemies that meet the qualifications listed above.
The movement provided by this spell provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.
Beast Pounce
Transmutation [Polymorph]: Bloodrager 2, Ranger 2, Druid 3, Alchemist 3, Investigator 3, Hunter 3, Skald 3, Witch 3
Casting Time: 1 standard Action
Components: V,S,M/DF
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/level
The touched creature gains the pounce special ability.
Lesser Dimension Door
Conjuration(teleport)Wizard/Sorcerer 2, Bloodrager 2, Bard 2, Skald 2, Witch 2, Summoner 2, Magus 2
Casting Time: 1 move action
Components: V
Range: Short (25+5 ft/2lvls)
Target: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None, Spell Resistance: No
As Dimension Door, except for as above, and you can only teleport to positions you have line of sight to (you do not need line of effect however). This spell counts as Dimension Door for the purpose of meeting requirements for the Dimensional Agility and Dimensional Dervish feats, and may be used with them as if it were dimension door. Note that without those feats, as with Dimension Door, this spell ends your turn.
Dimension Jump
Conjuration(teleport)Wizard/Sorcerer 4, Bard 4, Skald 4, Witch 4, Summoner 4, Magus 4
Duration: 1 round/lvl
As Lesser Dimension Door, except as long as the spell is in effect, you may use a move action to teleport. This movement does provoke attacks of opportunity, but only for leaving your starting space, not for any other movement. This spell counts as dimension door for the purpose of meeting requirements for the Dimensional Agility and Dimensional Dervish feats, and may be used with them each round as if it were dimension door. Note that without those feats, as with Dimension Door, this spell ends your turn.
Lesser Death Ward
Cleric/Oracle 2, Inquisitor 2, Druid 3, Paladin 2, Witch 2, Alchemist 2
Duration: 10 minutes/level [D]
As death ward, however the bonus on saves is only +2, instead of providing immunity to negative energy, the affected creature ignores the first 10 points of damage from negative energy, and instead of immunity to ability drain, has a 25% chance of negating each instance of ability drain (roll separately for each imposed negative level).
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:09, Mon 31 Aug 2020.