This will be a GM post a day game, excluding scheduled holiday breaks. If folks aren’t able to check in at least once a day, they may find themselves falling behind. As a GM, I find games move along faster if they don’t wait for every single player to post before moving on. If you’re unable to post for a few days, post in the absence thread and I’ll NPC your character as required. If you don’t post for 48 hours and the need arises, I’ll NPC your character, poorly. It’s assumed that if you don’t post, your character agrees with the majority. After a week, your character will become an NPC and phased out quickly. There’s real life and there’s courtesy to your fellow players. Post in the absence thread that you’re tied up. My goal isn’t to keep every player, just the ones that really want to play. I expect significant attrition.
I do promise not to introduce an overpowering NPC to lead you around by the nose. Your characters will be the primary drivers of this sandbox game. When an NPC says something, it’s the NPC speaking, not the GM coercing you onto a predetermined path. NPCs are people, too. They’re not always right, they may come up with bad ideas they think are great, they may be trying to kill you.