Re: OOC Thread

Hi folks, sorry for my prolonged absence. I haven’t died, but my computer did. Then the new computer wouldn’t run my old software, then I had to find something that would run, and how to run it. It’s been a nightmare.
It seems that Micros***, in its wonderful and beneficent wisdom, has decided to replace BIOS - the basic system that all computers use to understand their surroundings - the drivers that tell the computer how to recognize drivers...
It looks like Billy Gates’s people have made the computer companies an offer they can’t refuse, and all new computers are now using Micros***'s UEFI instead of the independent BIOS. Which is supposed to be great for Windows users, but if, like me, you use Linux: tough luck! “We’re takin’ over this neck o’ the woods, an’ you ain’t welcome round here no more." The new computer couldn’t even see my old software, let alone load it.
Eventually, I found a version of Linux that would run on the new computer, and managed to get it all set up and working, but it’s taken weeks!
I’ll come clean and say that this is not the only thing that’s kept me away from Rpol over the past few weeks, but it’s the biggest thing and it provides the best excuse, so I’m sticking to it. :)
Anyhow, if the game's still running, I'm here and willing to continue.