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01:24, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment.

Posted by Georgia TaylorFor group 0
Jock Tavish
player, 35 posts
Mon 29 Jul 2019
at 04:54
  • msg #112

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Jock stood just enough to shake hands with the young woman, before sitting down again.

"My name's Dougal Tavish, Miss Silk, but you can call me Jock - everyone else does. I'm a former Sergeant-Major in the British Army, and I think I'm here largely to add some muscle, though I have other talents.

"What brings you to Mrs Taylor's party, and what do you bring to it?"

Dick Dixon
player, 38 posts
Sun 11 Aug 2019
at 12:43
  • msg #113

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Once Miss Silk had made everyone's acquaintance, Dicksy pulled out his flask and put a bit of warm into his stomach.

"Are we staying here the night then, Georgy, before we return to London tomorrow? You know, I could probably put everything straight for our 'assignment' with a few telephone calls.

"When do we go across to Bocheland?"

Georgia Taylor
GM, 40 posts
Mon 12 Aug 2019
at 09:51
  • msg #114

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Georgia returned from the office once she had made her telephone call. She was smiling slightly.

"If you wish to stay here in Romford for the night, you can do so, but it'll have to be at your own expense, sadly.

The plan is to spend Saturday i.e. tomorrow sorting out all the arrangements for our assignment. I will try to see if we can get a flight to Breslau, but I'm doubting it. We'll have Sunday to rest before we start for Germany on Monday, aiming to arrive in time for lunch on Tuesday."

She moved over to one of the armchairs and sat down, adjusting her earring slightly.

"The person I've just called is a Hannah Lansky. Jewess but not obviously so, if you know what I mean. Speaks fluent German, Yiddish and Polish - she is Polish in fact. Comes from a village near Lwow in Poland. [OOC: Now Lviv, Ukraine].

She's a nurse by training; has some experience treating war wounds in Manchuria... anyway, she's also rather experienced at skulduggery. Ever heard of something called... I'm probably mangling this... Haganna?"
Dick Dixon
player, 39 posts
Mon 12 Aug 2019
at 10:34
  • msg #115

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

At the mention of lunch in Germany, Dicksy's thoughts run to schnitzel und wurst, rouladen und sauerbraten. He wipes a bit of saliva from his lips.

"You know, I've dossed down worse places than this sofa," he says, thumping the cushion, "That armchair looks like it would do you for a kip, Andrei, old chap. And we've simply acres of carpet for yon wee Scotsman.

"You girls can nip round to your flat, Georgy, for a solid forty winks, eh what?"

He grins round at his companions.
Andrei the Amazing
player, 34 posts
Tue 13 Aug 2019
at 14:05
  • msg #116

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Andrei nods at the mention of the armchair.

"That would do fine," he allows.  To Georgia, "Your friend is part of an underground army, yes?"
Jock Tavish
player, 38 posts
Thu 15 Aug 2019
at 12:44
  • msg #117

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Jock kept his ears open and his mouth closed. He's slept in places a lot worse than an armchair, but it would depend what else was on offer, and he hadn't heard any offers yet.
Georgia Taylor
GM, 41 posts
Fri 16 Aug 2019
at 10:34
  • msg #118

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Andrei the Amazing:
Andrei nods at the mention of the armchair.

"That would do fine," he allows.  To Georgia, "Your friend is part of an underground army, yes?"

"They call themselves a self defence force. Considering a load of smuggled weapons meant for them fell out of a barrel at a dock in Palestine recently, she's not exactly advertising the fact at present."

She considered the idea of accommodation.

"You'd have to sleep on the floor or the sofa at my place. I can't exactly kick my husband out of bed and he's not going to want to share with anyone else..."

She went slightly flustered.

"I'll bring some blankets over here. Might be a bit cold otherwise."
Andrei the Amazing
player, 35 posts
Sun 18 Aug 2019
at 15:44
  • msg #119

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

"I have slept in worse conditions," Andrei says.  "I trust none of my companions will smell as poorly as an elephant?"
Dick Dixon
player, 40 posts
Sun 18 Aug 2019
at 20:06
  • msg #120

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

In reply to Andrei the Amazing (msg # 119):

"Hah! With those long noses, you'd think elephants would smell terrific!" Dixon japes.
Jock Tavish
player, 39 posts
Mon 19 Aug 2019
at 04:29
  • msg #121

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

If Jock was preparing any japes about Georgia's husband sharing with Charlotte, he kept them to himself. He hadn't got a handle on Georgia's sense of humour yet. Or Charlotte's for that matter.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:30, Mon 19 Aug 2019.
Georgia Taylor
GM, 42 posts
Mon 19 Aug 2019
at 14:14
  • msg #122

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Andrei the Amazing:
"I have slept in worse conditions," Andrei says.  "I trust none of my companions will smell as poorly as an elephant?"

"I once slept in a cave in Transjordan", Georgia said, "I suppose I'd better light the fire then. Don't want y'all to freeze to death, do I?"

She got up and walked over to the fireplace, where a bunch of coal was already in place. She looked around for some matches.

"Jock, can you find an old newspaper or something I can use for kindling?"
Jock Tavish
player, 40 posts
Mon 19 Aug 2019
at 16:55
  • msg #123

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Jock stood and inspected the waste bins for discarded newspapers, or any other sort of paper.
The Whip Cracker
NPC, 26 posts
A University
Thu 22 Aug 2019
at 11:16
  • msg #124

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Jock Tavish:
Jock stood and inspected the waste bins for discarded newspapers, or any other sort of paper.

A discarded copy of the Daily Express was folded up in the bin, along with some discarded envelopes that were torn into pieces.
Jock Tavish
player, 41 posts
Thu 22 Aug 2019
at 14:32
  • msg #125

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Jock cast an eye across the various papers, largely as a matter of habit, in case anything stood out, before handing them over as kindling.
Georgia Taylor
GM, 42 posts
Thu 5 Sep 2019
at 07:58
  • msg #126

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

The papers were replete with reports on the upcoming general election, announced for 14 November; Stanley Baldwin's National Government was hoping for a renewed mandate from the electorate, with new Labour leader Clement Attlee the main rival against him. Unemployment was the main issue on the campaign trial.

The incumbent government was planning to raise the school leaving age from 14 to 15.

Once this had been passed over, Georgia started to put together a fire and lit the kindling, watching as the newsprint caught hold to help ignite the coal.

The room was starting to warm up a bit and it would provide a cosy heat inside during the night.
This message was last updated by the GM at 07:58, Thu 05 Sept 2019.
Jock Tavish
player, 43 posts
Fri 6 Sep 2019
at 10:11
  • msg #127

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Jock eased himself back into the armchair. Pity about those teabags. Still he wouldn't be concerned about tea while he was asleep.
Andrei the Amazing
player, 36 posts
Fri 6 Sep 2019
at 12:48
  • msg #128

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Andrei eyes Jock relaxing in the armchair, and debates simply dumping the larger man out of it.  Yet, Andrei considered himself civilized, and these were to be his companions in a dangerous venture.  He settled for simply glaring.
Jock Tavish
player, 44 posts
Fri 6 Sep 2019
at 13:48
  • msg #129

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Jock noticed the smaller man glaring at him.
"Something wrong, Andrei?" he asked, genially.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:52, Fri 06 Sept 2019.
Andrei the Amazing
player, 37 posts
Fri 6 Sep 2019
at 15:20
  • msg #130

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

"The armchair was to be mine," he states.  "The Dixon's plan specified that."
Jock Tavish
player, 45 posts
Sat 7 Sep 2019
at 06:39
  • msg #131

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

"And what's wrong with the other one?" asked the genial giant.

OOC: Msg #100 above states 2 chairs and a settee are available. Perhaps the one Jock has chosen is closer to the fire? That might give Andrei a rationale for his ire. :)
Georgia Taylor
GM, 43 posts
Sat 7 Sep 2019
at 11:41
  • msg #132

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Georgia looked at the pair of them.

"Sort it out among yourselves. I'll be back in about fifteen minutes with the blankets."
Andrei the Amazing
player, 38 posts
Sat 7 Sep 2019
at 16:58
  • msg #133

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

"That one is Miss Taylor's," Andre says, seeming to think that that explains everything.  Andrei is a man of few words, though, and usually doesn't explain context without being pushed.

OOC: Mostly just killing time in character until the GM's ready for things to move forward.
Jock Tavish
player, 46 posts
Sat 7 Sep 2019
at 17:49
  • msg #134

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

A look of surprise passed over Jock's face. "Since Miss Taylor has a bed and a husband to occupy this evening, I don't suppose she'll be using her armchair. I don't see any reason why you can't use it in her absence, my friend."

OOC: OK. :)
Andrei the Amazing
player, 39 posts
Sat 7 Sep 2019
at 19:02
  • msg #135

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Andrei makes a sound a little like "Hmmph", and then goes to stand by the fire, examining the flames.
Jock Tavish
player, 47 posts
Wed 11 Sep 2019
at 17:51
  • msg #136

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Jock shook his head behind the little man's back.
"Och, if it's so important to ye, you can sleep in this chair and I'll tak t'other. It's all the same to me."
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