Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Dixon trots along toward the gates, his overcoat flapping and his tie flying back over his shoulder, tangled with his scarf. He sneers audibly at the Evening Standard boy hawking his fish-wrap broadsheet. In his right hand he carries a well-scuffed and bulging leather valise, the other occupied with a sausage roll that drips mustard over his fingers. Spotting Georgia, he pulls up at her and her group, panting and wheezing.
"Ah... Miss Taylor... is this.. our merry band... then?"
He sets his valise at his feet, takes a voracious bite of his sandwich, wipes his hand on his overcoat and extends it to Andrei, speaking around a mouthful of bread and mustard and sausage, "Saw you with Circus Gleich at Brighton a few seasons ago, Herr Ionescu. George Dixon, but they call me Dicksy, Daily Mirror.
"And this young woman, unless I miss my guess, is Miss Charlotte Silk," he says, swallowing, "I've admired your mother since before you were born--from afar, of course."
"And you--" he stops and peers quizzically into Daniel's face, extending his hand to the younger man, "I don't know you at all. Dixon's my name, reporting is my game, what?" He grins and tries to dislodge a bit of sausage from his canine tooth at the same time.
"So, what's the ruckus, Georgia old darling?"
This message was last edited by the player at 03:48, Tue 02 Apr 2019.