Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

In reply to Daniel Blakeman (msg # 38):
Dixon gives Andrei a silent laugh before turning to Daniel.
"That journo dodge could work, though I don't know why any paper would send six of us. Hmmm..." He casts his eyes to the ceiling as he ruminates.
"Perhaps if we had a photographer (he points to Andrei) and a woman's reporter (indicating Charlotte) and a general assistant (Daniel), maybe a man to tote the baggage, which would be you Jock... and Georgia could be my blushing American bride on our working honeymoon --no strings attached,old gel, of course. Heh-heh.
"Shouldn't be anything to do with politics, though. We'd never shake off the Geheime Staatspolizei --the secret police, commonly called the Gestapo. Breslau's a big trade and industrial city, went pretty heavy for Herr Hitler in the elections. The Mirror's been pretty strong for Mosley and his British Union of Fascists for the past few years. The new owners are changing all that, thank goodness, but the news probably hasn't spread very far in Deutschland yet.
"Aha! We can be a Daily Mirror team sent to get the real story of how the Nazis turned a hotbed of Red sympathizers into loyal Sons of the Vaterland, including their wives. I can type up some sort of letter of introduction to the local Gauleiter or his press assistant. Should hold up for a few days.
"If we're a bunch of reporters from the same paper, there's nothing odd in our being together, or in going off separately on our own leads."
This message was last edited by the player at 00:45, Tue 09 Apr 2019.