"Shops will be closed by now. I have some powdered milk in the cupboard and a few biscuits in the tin, but I'll have get my husband to do a shop at some point."
Andrei the Amazing:
Andrei leans against the wall next to the window, setting his valise down beside him.
"I would prefer something stronger than tea," he says mildly, "but I suspect that can wait until later. You are a private detective, Miss Taylor. Who is paying for this expedition?"
"I will be able to recoup some expenses from a contact that Fraulein Winter knows, but to be honest, I'm going to be running this at a loss. Rebekka's parents sold what property they had to get out to France and she's not got a lot of money left.
I have a steady stream of income on the divorce and tracing work... but at some point, I'm going to need something a bit more lucrative."
She opened the door to her office and reached for an atlas.
"This will be very much on the QT. Quite a lot of sympathisers for Mr. Hitler out there."
She started to flick through the pages.