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, welcome to Georgia Taylor and the Martian Death Ray (OneDice)

16:45, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment.

Posted by Georgia TaylorFor group 0
Dick Dixon
player, 25 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 10:10
  • msg #87

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

With the man distracted by dodging Georgia's punch and by a sudden loosening of his trousers, Dicky swings his valise in a quick arc to impact the man's scrotal area.

Dick Dixon rolled 6 using 1d6+1 for Fight with 1 STR.
The Whip Cracker
NPC, 18 posts
A University
Mon 20 May 2019
at 21:12
  • msg #88

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Andrei's knife moved in quickly and sure enough, the man was debagged, his trousers dropping to the ground. Dick's own valise impacted him in the pleasure department and Jock's own punch then knocked him backwards to the ground.

Georgia looked down.

"That was brutally efficient..."

Then came a loud sharp whistle...

OOC: Perception check please. 1d6+Quick+Perception. Target Number 3.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:14, Mon 20 May 2019.
Andrei the Amazing
player, 25 posts
Mon 20 May 2019
at 21:20
  • msg #89

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

17:19, Today: Andrei the Amazing rolled 5 using 1d6+3.  Perception.

At the sound of the whistle, Andrei puts his knife away in his boot and steps away from the man on the ground, striving to look like he's out for an evening stroll.
Dick Dixon
player, 26 posts
Tue 21 May 2019
at 02:40
  • msg #90

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Dick Dixon rolled 7 for Perception.

Dixon looks about, waving one hand to attract police attention, while with the other he gestures for his friends to slip away.

"Over here, constable! Quickly now. I'm afraid the poor devil has had a fit of some sort," As the policeman draws near he adds, sotto voce, "I trust he hasn't done himself a mischief through drink. Frightful thing."
Georgia Taylor
GM, 26 posts
Sat 25 May 2019
at 11:40
  • msg #91

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

The police constable came running over as the other started to slip away. He was a young man, about six feet tall, dressed in uniform complete with the distinctive British police helmet.

He came over and looked down at the blackshirt rolling on the ground in agony.

"Bit of a strange fit for you to lose your trousers..."
Dick Dixon
player, 27 posts
Sat 25 May 2019
at 15:43
  • msg #92

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

In reply to Georgia Taylor (msg # 91):

Dick Dixon rolled 5 using 1d6+4 for Clever 3+1.
Georgia Taylor
GM, 27 posts
Fri 31 May 2019
at 21:55
  • msg #93

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

The officer looked at Dick with even more suspicion.

Georgia stepped forward at this point.

"Dickens? It is Dickens, isn't it? You know this guy's a bit of an idiot, prone to running his mouth off... and handy with his fist. He accosted this gentleman here and decided to start a fight. We ended it."
Andrei the Amazing
player, 26 posts
Fri 31 May 2019
at 22:47
  • msg #94

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

18:47, Today: Andrei the Amazing rolled 8 using 1d6+3.  Quick.
The Whip Cracker
NPC, 19 posts
A University
Fri 7 Jun 2019
at 10:49
  • msg #95

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Andrei manages to successfully get the knife away before the officer sees it.

Dickens nods and turns to Dick as the strongest man in the group.

"Well, well... in that case, sir, would you mind helping me carry this chap to the hospital so we can get him checked out?"
This message was last edited by the player at 10:30, Sat 13 July 2019.
Dick Dixon
player, 29 posts
Sun 30 Jun 2019
at 19:27
  • msg #96

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Dick Dixon:
msg #90 Dixon looks about, waving one hand to attract police attention, while with the other he gestures for his friends to slip away.

Wouldn't Jock and Georgia have taken a powder with Andrei?
This message was last edited by the player at 19:35, Sun 30 June 2019.
Georgia Taylor
GM, 32 posts
Sat 13 Jul 2019
at 10:29
  • msg #97

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Noted and edited.
Dick Dixon
player, 32 posts
Sat 13 Jul 2019
at 12:22
  • msg #98

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

The Whip Cracker:
Dickens nods and turns to Dick as the strongest man in the group.
"Well, well... in that case, sir, would you mind helping me carry this chap to the hospital so we can get him checked out?"

Dixon smiles at the constable, but indicates the suitcase in his hand: "Erm... Well, I'd be happy to assist, officer, but already rather burdened, you see, and... uh...."

He trails of as the man fixes him with a glare.

"But...ah...certainly, always happy to help the strong arm of the Law, as it were."

He lays a hand on the fallen man's shoulder as the cop gets him to his feet. The bloke's pants drop to his ankles. Dicky grimaces and looks around for help.

"If I might suggest, constable, perhaps a couple of porters or --yes!-- a baggage cart. That's the ticket! I'll see if I can find one."

Leaving the peeler to support the full weight of the debagged miscreant, Dixon begins to edge away, looking for his companions.
Jock Tavish
player, 28 posts
Sat 13 Jul 2019
at 16:43
  • msg #99

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Jock edged away with the others. They had things to do, places to be...
The Whip Cracker
NPC, 22 posts
A University
Tue 16 Jul 2019
at 10:28
  • msg #100

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Having managed to edge away from the scene, leaving a constable with a bigot, Dick Dixon managed to join the others at the pie and mash restaurant.

After a tasty meal where the conversation stayed on non-mission topics in case of eavesdroppers, the group went to the recently opened Quadrant Arcade with an array of shops and offices. Charlotte Silk was already waiting for them at the entrance.

Taylor led them up the stairs to the offices of "M. Taylor, Private Detective", where she unlocked the door and led them into a waiting room with a three seater sofa, a large coffee table and two well-worn armchairs. A sink and stove was over against the wall opposite the window; the sink was from the Armitage Shanks company.

"I would give y'all a cup of tea, but I'm out of tea bags," Georgia said.
Dick Dixon
player, 34 posts
Tue 16 Jul 2019
at 12:13
  • msg #101

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

In reply to The Whip Cracker (msg # 100):

Dixon drops his case in an empty corner and to a volley of cracks, crunches and creaks, stretches his back, rotates his neck, and flexes his fingers.

"Ah...just  as well then, eh?"
Jock Tavish
player, 32 posts
Tue 16 Jul 2019
at 14:36
  • msg #102

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Jock eyed the kettle on the stove. "You want me to pop down to the arcade and get some? How are we for milk, sugar and biscuits?"
Andrei the Amazing
player, 30 posts
Tue 16 Jul 2019
at 14:45
  • msg #103

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Andrei leans against the wall next to the window, setting his valise down beside him.

"I would prefer something stronger than tea," he says mildly, "but I suspect that can wait until later.  You are a private detective, Miss Taylor.  Who is paying for this expedition?"
Charlotte Silk
player, 2 posts
Wed 17 Jul 2019
at 22:08
  • msg #104

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

"Indeed." Charlotte added, nodding slightly at Andrei.

Not that Miss Silk particularly needed the money, but it always did to see who was footing the bill. In her experience, "free" things often came with quite the price-tag.

"Also... well, how much on the QT is this, Georgia? I expect I very well can't tell Father- everyone in his social swim would simply die for souvenirs, if they knew the vacation we were planning, and... well, that might be literal 'dying' if I read the situation right."

She then concedes "Not that I wouldn't go, of course. It's just a matter of how one prepares for the occasion."
Georgia Taylor
GM, 34 posts
Thu 18 Jul 2019
at 11:40
  • msg #105

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

"Shops will be closed by now. I have some powdered milk in the cupboard and a few biscuits in the tin, but I'll have get my husband to do a shop at some point."

Andrei the Amazing:
Andrei leans against the wall next to the window, setting his valise down beside him.

"I would prefer something stronger than tea," he says mildly, "but I suspect that can wait until later.  You are a private detective, Miss Taylor.  Who is paying for this expedition?"

"I will be able to recoup some expenses from a contact that Fraulein Winter knows, but to be honest, I'm going to be running this at a loss. Rebekka's parents sold what property they had to get out to France and she's not got a lot of money left.

I have a steady stream of income on the divorce and tracing work... but at some point, I'm going to need something a bit more lucrative."

She opened the door to her office and reached for an atlas.

"This will be very much on the QT. Quite a lot of sympathisers for Mr. Hitler out there."

She started to flick through the pages.
Jock Tavish
player, 34 posts
Thu 18 Jul 2019
at 18:20
  • msg #106

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Since he wasn't going shopping, Jock settled himself into one of the armchairs, and waited to hear the plan.
Georgia Taylor
GM, 35 posts
Mon 22 Jul 2019
at 21:53
  • msg #107

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

Georgia found the atlas, showing the eastern part of Germany.

She pointed to the city of Breslau on the map; it was in the southern part of the mouth of Germany.

"We're going to go up to London to tomorrow to arrange the journalism stuff with the German Embassy, then travel over there over Monday and Tuesday. I doubt we can get any flights from the aerodrome round here."
Charlotte Silk
player, 4 posts
Tue 23 Jul 2019
at 12:36
  • msg #108

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

OOC: Amateur pilots should be pretty common in the "inventor crowd" Silk is from in this era. Would she know someone to arrange a flight out if need be?

That is, she's fine with the plan Georgia's got to get in, but is there useful information she can give for getting out in a hurry?

Andrei the Amazing
player, 31 posts
Thu 25 Jul 2019
at 16:34
  • msg #109

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

"We should be certain we know what circuses are touring, if any," Andrei suggests.  "In dire straits I may be able to impose upon them to hide us from the authorities."
Charlotte Silk
player, 6 posts
Sat 27 Jul 2019
at 23:34
  • msg #110

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment


"I would put the word about, here, but you're right of course- that would give away too game, too soon. "

OOC: Is there something more we should do? I'm set.
Georgia Taylor
GM, 36 posts
Sun 28 Jul 2019
at 20:06
  • msg #111

Re: Chapter 1: Third Class Compartment

"We could probably make some discreet enquiries while we are in Silesia. If anything, we might need something actually comic and not scary."

The telephone in the office began to ring. Georgia went to pick it up then closed the door.

OOC: She might know someone in the area. I'll let you decide.

Have a chat among yourselves while Georgia is on the phone.

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