Potential Character Sheets for Review
Amblus Foret, 1st level Human Cleric of Asmodeus [Unholy Barrister, Lawful Evil, Law (Inevitable) and Trickery (Innuendo) domains]
(25pt, +2 Wisdom from Human) (5 skills ranks = 2cl+2int+1hum, + 2 background)
8 STRENGTH (-1) -1 melee (+0bab-1str), 1d8-1 damage (-1str), carry 26/53/80lb
-7 Climb (0) (-1str-6acp), -7 Swim (0) (-1str-6acp)
12 CONSTITUTION (+1) 9/9hp (8hd+1con), death: -13hp (-con-level), +3 fort (+2cl+1con)
10 DEXTERITY (+0) +0 ranged/finesse (+0bab+0dex), AC17 [10touch,17ff] (10base+0dex+5scale+2shield)
+0 init (+0dex), +0 ref (+0cl+0dex)
-6 Acrobatics(0), -6 Escape Artist (0), (-6acp), -6 Fly (0) (-6acp),
-6 Ride (0) (-6acp), -6 Stealth (0C)(-6acp),
-4 Sleight of Hand (dagger) (0) (-6acp+2 dagger)
14 INTELLIGENCE (+2) +2 skill rank/level, Languages: Common, Infernal(acolyte),
Abyssal(int), Celestial (Int)
+2 Appraise (0C), no Craft (-)(C), +2 Knowledge (Arcana)(0C)
+3 Knowledge (Dungeoneering)(0)(+2int+1trait),
+7 Knowledge (Geography)(1C)(+1rb+3c+2int+1trait), +6 Knowledge (History)(0C)(1rb+3c+2int),
+2 Knowledge (Nobility)(0C), +7 Knowledge (Planes)(0C)
+7 Knowledge (Religion)(1C)(+1r+3c+2int+1trait),
+2 Linguistics (0C), +2 Spellcraft (0C)
18 WISDOW (+4) +6 will (+2cl+4wis), +1 1st - 4th level spell
+4 Heal (0C), +6 Perception (0)(+0r+4wis+2alert),
no Profession(-)(C), +10 Sense Motive (1C)(+1r+3c+4wis+2alert)
16 CHARISMA (+3) +7 Bluff (1C)(+1r+3c+3cha), +8 Diplomacy (1C) (+1r+3c+3cha+1trait),
+3 Disguise (0C), +3 Intimidate (0)
Medium size, 20ft move (5ft climb, 5ft swim) [30ft move normal (7ft climb, 7ft swim)]
+0BAB, -1 CMB (+0bab-1str+0size), +0 CMB finesse (+0bab+0dex+0size), 9 CMD (10+0bab-1str+0dex+0size)
ACTIVE FEATS AND POWERS (2 feats, 1st level + human)
Demanding Channelling (Su): 6/day (0 used) (3+3cha) - Standard for 1d6 damage in 30ft radius (can include/exclude self).
DC13 for half damage (10+1/2cl+3cha). Cannot be used to heal undead.
Can heal heal evil creatures for 2 uses and if they swear an oath to Asmodeus first (immediate).
Gain Devil's Pact feat for 1 (cleric level) minute, but only one use.
Devil's Pact (modified, through above only): +2 profane bonus to one d20 roll (declare before roll).
Spontaneous casting: Drop one non-orison, non-domain spell for an 'inflict' spell.
Command (Su): 7/day (0 used) (3+4wis) - standard, as 'Command' spell but only once per creature. DC15.
Touch of law (sp): 7/day (0 used) (3+4wis) - standard, touch, for 1 round all rolls treated as 11
Fool's Privilege (Su): 1/day (+1 per 4 levels) (Not used) - swift action, no consequences for failed Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate. May retry without penalty.
Copycat (sp): 7/day (0 used) (3+4wis): Move, as mirror image, for 1 (cleric level) round.
Spells: Base DC14 (10+4wis) +spell level.
Three 0-level orisons (3), DC14: Guidance, Resistance, Virtue
Three 1st level spells (1+1wis+1dom), DC15: Infernal Healing, Infernal Healing, Command, Sow Thought, Disguise Self
Available domain (1st): Protection from Chaos (law) or Sow Thought (Innuendo)
No 2nd level spells (+1wis+1dom), DC16: N/A
No 3rd level spells (+1wis+1dom), DC17: N/A
No 4th level spells (+1wis+1dom), DC18: N/A
PASSIVE FEATS, TRAITS, RACIAL AND CLASS FEATURES (2 feats, 1st level + human, 2 traits)
Human: +2 to base Wisdom, +1 feat 1st level, +1 skill rank per level
Evil aura (Faint)
Proficient all simple weapons
includes proficient in Mace (deity's favoured weapon)
Proficient light armour
Proficient medium armour
Proficient shields (except tower)
Persuasive: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Intimidate
Selective Channeler: Choose up to 3 (charisma) targets to exclude from channeling.
Trickery Domain: Bluff, Disguise, Stealth are class skills.
Asmodean Acolyte: +1 trait bonus to Diplomacy, Knowledge (planes), Knowledge (religion). Infernal language for free.
Fiendish Confidence: +1 trait to Intimidate, class skill.
Scholar of Ruins: Knowledge (geography, dungeoneering) +1 trait, geography class skill.
EQUIPMENT (73lb / 80lb) Heavily loaded +1max dex, -6acp base [26lb, 53lb, 80lb]
Cleric's vestments, 6lb
Unholy symbol of Asmodeus (small piece of old altar / old symbol?)
Scale mail: +5AC, +3 max, -4acp, 20ft move, 30lb
On back:
Heavy wooden shield: +2AC, -2acp, 10lb
Backpack, 2lb, containing:
Bedroll, 5lb
10 candles (10)
Flint and steel
Common lamp, 1lb
Oil flask (1 pint) for above, 1lb
Rations (2 days), 2lb
Waterskin (full), 4lb
On belt:
Belt pouch (containing 23gp 5sp), ~ 1/2lb
Spell component pouch, 2lb
including Vial of demon's blood (material component)
Heavy mace: 1d8-1 bludgeoning, x2 crit, 8lb
Silver dagger (concealed): 1d4-1 piercing/sharp, finesse, 19-20 x2 crit, 1lb, +2 SoH to conceal
(Money: 140gp -12gp-22gp-50gp-20gp-2gp-1sp-1sp-1gp-1sp-1sp-1gp-1gp-1gp-1gp-5gp)
Amblus appears older than his years, dirty brown hair already greying in placed, always moving with a stiffness, and a little pale. Occasional inuries, very old but still visible, occasionally manifest, and can be seen around the edges of his face and hands. His voice can be raspy, the occasional catch in his breathing. He seems harmless for a cleric, empathetic for one of the church of Asmodeus, and oddly flippant for one of any faith. His brown eyes can show a gentle warmth, and he seems patient and open to debate.
However, it does not take long to realise the man is still every bit the zealot of Asmodeous. He moves his body against its will when he must, warm brown eyes becoming intense nd he brooks no weakness. His empathy seems to mask a disdain for any he talks to, his eyes becoming hard. His patience is the patience of explaining things as if to a slow child, there is no yeilding to another's view. Any thinking they have had a profitable discussion have clearly missed a hidden cost. His flippancy appears to be the lack of caring of one who is so certain in their beliefs that it does not matter if you know his faith, nor does it matter if you show any. The reality of Asmodeus and His ways are absolute, and you can accept them and benefit from the natural order, or be crushed opposing them. In the end, it seems it is only Amblus's whim whether he cares to help you in the moment or not. Or the usefulness of the one he speaks to.
Age: 25 Height: 5ft 10in Weight: 170lb
Amblus was a curious child, roaming the forests and exploring the deep caves. His body still shows the scars and consequences of such failures, but it was all worth it for the things he found. Hidden were old altars and temples to Asmodeus, and the face staring back at him and the acts depicted filled young Amblus with wonder. Some of Amblus's happiest times still are times spent rapt in silent contemplation in the warm light of a candle, in the otherwise chill depths looking at the harsh, sharp but still alluring lines of these hidden places of worship.
Amblus's parents put up with, and even encouraged, their son's excurions. It was an easy way for the otherwise rote devotion to country and patron to be elevanted. The old priest of the village had a special smile for tales of Amblus, even as he had to set bones, or cure poisons of the pale child shuddering in bed. Yet the child had a broad smile of his own, shugging off suck weaknesses. It certainly let Amblus's parents otherwise get on with their life, safe from harsh scrutiny. Sometimes they even tried to do things for Amblus to salve their consciences in allowing such dangerous play.
However, despite their devotion and patience, Amblus's parents finally betrayed him when he said his plans and desire to go with the old priest in to the ways of Asmodeus. To his parents who had allowed much for their child and for their pretences, it was one indulgence too far, and certainly one sacrifice too many. Amblus was no fool though, and he knew it took not many words to the old priest to get his wish. The old priest was not smiling that day, at least not until Amblus was walking by his side away from that 'home'. Nor were his parents, for who knew what deal they had been forced in to by the old priest. However, they did not matter anymore, and Amblus never gave them another thought. In point of fact he didn't even care for the once more smiling priest pontificating on their journey to the local temple.
No, he only had one face in his mind. Only one care, one thing that made him smile.
And for a while, in his anticipation of being fully ordaned, it seemed to be his happiest time. He was surrounded by others who shared his beliefs. Though of course not to his levels of devootion, none had been in the quiet depths, alone in secret temples. None showed the price of thir devotions on their body with bones reset and bite marks that still throbbed some nights. But that was fine, he learned to tolerate and converse with them all, just so happy to be understood. Happy to settle in to the structure that would guarantee him finally meet his god.
And when he learned his devotions and verbal skills made him not just a potential priest, but a cleric - one to carry the fight, metaphorical or literally - of Asmodeus's worship in to the world, he felt he was at the pinacle of his achievements.
And then, finally, he felt the attention of his god - and for the second time, he felt betrayed. His god smiled on him, in some distant way, granting the prayers he had uttereed in such loving whispers. But.... that was it. There was detatchment. His god treated him as any other. He was being given gifts from afar, to his station, but not to his devlotion.
Still, it was what it was. The smile left his eyes that day, if not his mouth. His devotions to his god was absolute, he would no more question his god's power and workings than the existence of the earth by his feet. However, some would question his faith, or his lack of zeal and ceremony. His god demanded flattery and worship, after all. Those instances of questioning became fewer and further between, for any questioning of his faith was met with either a dead look of incomprehension, or worse the flaring of some petulant, deep burning zealory none could match. And that was the problem. Amblus could turn any question back at the asker. His devotion was so ingrained, so matter of fact, that others found themselves on shaky ground when suddenly subjected to his counter-questions, his hissed rebukes. Those who dealt in tortured logic and the gaps in contracts suddenly were finding the sub-conscious gaps in their own beliefs being laid bare.
Amblus's strange ways were tolerated, and understood. By the clergy, because he made a good inquisitor. None could shake his faith, none could stand against his solid retoric, and he always seemed to spot the weaknesses in others to exploit and push or punish as needed. If a zealot would push a non-believer to their deaths in the rocks below, it could be said it was the ground that kiled, not the zealot. This was Amblus. Not the yelling finatic, but the cold, hard, unyileding ground. The solid, uncaring mace. You could accept the inevitable way the world worked, or die. Who knew why his god tolerated the lack of flattery. Perhaps it was refreshing for once to not be lied to. Or perhaps it was because Amblus's very existence, despite himself, was a continuous act of worship.
And so it was that Amblus came to his schools of power without even having to choose. The rules of Asmodeus, and therefore the rules of His chosen rulers the House of Thune, were absolute. And so he drew power from the Law. And secretly, Amblus saw believers bleating their prayers and non-believers bleating their protestartions as fools all. In his best moments Amblus would explain or guide them to the hard, unyielding truth, and in his worst he would simply berate them, trick them, or make an example of them. Everyone else were fools to be tricked in to accepting the inveitable. Only Amblus had his eyes open to the harsh realities of the world. He would walk his path anyway for his god. Achieve power to maintain the structure of law. And occasionally he would allow himself the indulgence of the memories of times when his naive self looked at the flame of the candle and the flame of the altar, and he would smile in to the smiling, beguilling face carved there that seemed to look only towards him.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:23, Fri 01 Jan 2021.