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23:46, 20th January 2025 (GMT+0)

[Book 1.2] - Local Heroes.

Posted by The Man Behind The CurtainFor group 0
player, 23 posts
Sat 18 Jan 2020
at 13:38
  • msg #18

[Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

"Sounds good to me." Rory nods to the druid and Asur then salutes the Sheriff with a grin and jogs out after Vano.

Once she catches up to Vano outside she gives him a conspiratorial grin as they make their way to the market. "So, pinched by Black Arrows, huh? That's rough. What did you do?"
player, 33 posts
Sat 18 Jan 2020
at 15:02
  • msg #19

[Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Vano's ever present smile fades briefly. "Not so rough really, all things considered. I mean its a dangerous occupation, that's for sure. But they were the first people in years to treat me fairly or give me a worthwhile purpose. You could say I owe the Arrows my life. So if I lose it fighting giants at the border, well I suppose that's only their due."

"But that's enough serious talk." The smile returns. "Let's go make some gold!"
The Man Behind The Curtain
NPC, 30 posts
Pay no attention...
Sun 19 Jan 2020
at 18:04
  • msg #20

[Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Sheriff Hemlock listens to everyone discuss their plans, nodding in agreement occasionally.  At Rory's question about Garridan, however, his face tightens noticeably.  "Yes."  He does not comment further on the matter.

As the chatter winds down, he nods to each of you in turn.  "Your cooperation in this matter is most generous.  It's a two-day trip to Magnimar, and I expect it will take several days to convince the powers-that-be to send us more men.  Hopefully I will be absent for no more than a week.  If there is nothing more, our business is concluded, with my thanks."

Monday Rova 23, 4707 - Savah's Armory

Savah's armory is just a short ways down the lane from the Sandpoint garrison, back towards the cathedral.  The northeast corner, closest to the garrison, bears a few old scars from a fire years before.  Upon entering, Vano and Rory find the squat shop is lined floor-to ceiling with an almost dizzying array of weapons and armor.  All manner of blades, bludgeons, and projectiles can be found propped up in tightly grouped, well-organized racks.  A well-muscled woman with closely-cropped blonde hair is perched behind the small counter at the back of the room, and her face lights up at the visitors.  Contrary to her gruff appearance, her voice is actually rather melodious. "Welcome!  I'd been hoping you would stop by; the town is abuzz with news of what the four of you did, and it would be my genuine pleasure to help repay you as well as I'm able.  I can't afford to give away my wares, not if I want to stay in business, but you'll get the friends and family rate, and make no mistake!"

Monday Rova 23, 4707 - Outside the Sandpoint Walls
Due to Sandpoint's coastal nature, most of the city is surrounded by water, rather than stone walls.  However the northern edge of the city, where the Lost Coast Road connects Sandpoint with the outside world, is protected from the encroaching forest and its dangers by a low stone wall - a hair over ten feet high, it would not stop an army serious about invading, but is more than enough to give the occasional raiding party of goblins pause.  The gate to the road is watched by a small stone gatehouse, large enough to hold a scant handful of men.  Currently it is occupied by a pair of the town's full-time guards.  They are obviously not inclined to let anyone in or out of the city after the attack, but after a moment of quiet discussion the larger of the two guards cuffs the other over the head.  "Bohrs, you idiot, these two are part of the group that fought the goblins off yesterday.  If they wanted to do us harm, seems to me they could have just stood aside and done nothing."

The small guard pauses for a moment, rubbing his head.  "I suppose, Wilkins, but it's on you if Hemlock gets angry."  And reaching into the gatehouse he pulls a hidden lever, unlocking the heavy wooden gate blocking the road.  "You two be careful out there.  There might be more of them goblins creepin' about."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:11, Sun 19 Jan 2020.
player, 24 posts
Tue 21 Jan 2020
at 22:32
  • msg #21

[Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Before entering the shop, Rory blinks at Vano in surprise after his answer. "Well... that is not what I expected. So are you a fully reformed, upholder of the great laws of civilization now? Maybe I should watch my step!" She laughs like it's a joke.

When they enter the armory Rory smiles at the woman, "Of course not, that is very generous! You have some amazing items!" she eyes a masterwork dagger, "I am sure there are things we want to purchase, but to begin, we have this very well made halberd. My friend here is tempted to keep it, but I don't think it's his style. How much would you offer for it?" She motions for Vano to put the halberd on the table for the woman to see.
player, 34 posts
Tue 21 Jan 2020
at 23:06
  • msg #22

[Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Vano's eyes wander the shop, obviously appreciative of the arsenal. He follows Rory to the counter and sets the masterwork horsechopper down in front of the shopkeep. "This one is high quality. I just feel more comfortable with a scimitar in my hand."
player, 14 posts
Wed 22 Jan 2020
at 16:40
  • msg #23

[Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

As they leave the garrison and head toward the gate, Jensox will make a point to stop in the courtyard and have Nova sniff around the goblin bodies, even going so far to rip off a handful of their clothing or armor (shirt sleeve, bottom of a pants leg, etc). If the goblins have been moved he would like to go to their remains.

Once though the gate, Jensox turns to his younger companion. "I's thinkin' we walk t' ou'er walls 'n see if we can find where them 'erblins wen' through." Without waiting for a response, he turns and starts following the city walls south, examining the walls themselves and the ground 30-60' out from them. If the forest comes all the way up to the wall, he'll weave in and out, still examining the ground and walls, and never going much more than that same 60' deep. Nova loosely follows along, staying within 30' or so, and sniffs at everything with intense focus.

Jensox will make Perception checks along the city wall, looking for cracks, gaps, broken sections, tunnels, etc - anywhere a small creature could have gotten through. He will also make a survival check looking for goblin tracks. Nova will use his track/scent feats to see if he can find a trail:

Jensox rolled 27 using 1d20+12.  Survival check looking for tracks along outside of city wall.
Nova rolled 23 using 1d20+4.  Nova: track/scent survival check searching for tracks.

This message was last updated by the player at 16:40, Wed 22 Jan 2020.
The Man Behind The Curtain
NPC, 31 posts
Pay no attention...
Fri 24 Jan 2020
at 17:45
  • msg #24

[Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Savah's Armory
Eyeing the halbred, Savah reaches under the counter and pulls out a small magnifying glass and begins looking over the weapon's length.  "Interesting.  The metal is higher quality than we can produce from local ores; I'd guess this is of dwarven make?  Perhaps gnomish, they have some skilled craftsmen.  Definitely not made by goblin hands, though, that's for sure.  I'd love to know how it made its way to Sandpoint."  Putting the magnifying glass away, she grabs the halbred in both hands and spins it through a few simple maneuvers with practiced ease.  "Excellent balance.  A wizard could enchant this without issues, if you had the gold and a mind to see it done."  Nodding to herself, she sets it down on the counter.  "I can offer you 170 for it." 

Outside the city walls
Jensox, Asur, and Nova begin their careful search of the town's walls, always staying within easy reach, looking for evidence of passage.  Traveling southwards along the wall, Nova alerts to a scent and leads the two to a cluster of small goblin-shaped footprints near the wall somewhere in between the two southernmost guard towers.  Looking closer, Jensox notices that the goblin tracks lead only in one direction - away from Sandpoint and into the woods. 

On reaching the river they turn back north.  Nova again leads the way, and they pass without incident, the silence of the forest their only company.  They are nearly back through the gate when a depression in the dirt catches Asur's attention, and looking down in the dirt he sees a second cluster of goblin tracks in the road.  Tracks that lead directly up to the heavy wooden gate, and then continue past it into town.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:51, Sat 25 Jan 2020.
player, 25 posts
Fri 24 Jan 2020
at 18:02
  • msg #25

[Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Rory notices Vano eyeing one of the masterwork scimitars, "More than fair. Now, how much would one of those masterwork scimitars cost? Do you make them yourself? You seem well practiced with blades as well."
player, 14 posts
Mon 27 Jan 2020
at 19:00
  • msg #26

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

The Man Behind The Curtain:
Outside the city walls
...Nova alerts to a scent and leads the two to a cluster of small goblin-shaped footprints near the wall somewhere in between the two southernmost guard towers.  Looking closer, Jensox notices that the goblin tracks lead only in one direction - away from Sandpoint and into the woods.

When Nova first keys in on the scent, Jensox just as quickly keys on Nova and follows the pup's nose. Finding the goblin tracks, Jensox gives some encouragement and follows the goblin's path a few steps. "Now wait 'ust a min... These 'ere steps 'r leavin' town! Where's a'bouts along the wall you's reckin' we's at now, son? 'n over 'ere, look'a this ground here! 't's all flatten'd, like some dum' soul thought t' take t' wheels right off 'er wagon or some'n! Ha!"

The Man Behind The Curtain:
On reaching the river they turn back north.  Nova again leads the way, and they pass without incident, the silence of the forest their only company.  They are nearly back through the gate when a depression in the dirt catches Asur's attention, and looking down in the dirt he sees a second cluster of goblin tracks in the road.  Tracks that lead directly up to the heavy wooden gate, and then continue past it into town.

"All-righ', Now I'm 'ust stump'd. We got, we got 'erblins 'ust walkin' in t' fron' gate, it look'n like, 'n then other 'erblins hopin' t' wall 'n runnin' out down by the riva'. 'n some flat grass make none kinda sense. I... uh, I don't 'hink I gah t' mental for-tiss-itude wha' make 'ead or 'ind outta 'his one. You seem-a smar' one, kid, you got's any ideas 'bout all this?"

This message was last edited by the player at 19:00, Mon 27 Jan 2020.
player, 21 posts
Mon 3 Feb 2020
at 22:08
  • msg #27

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

In reply to Jensox (msg # 26):

Hmm, well, we haven't checked out the cemetery and a few of the tracks seem to run along there. We should have a few more with us if we go trekking through the woods. Asur starts making his way through the town gate towards the cemetery.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:50, Mon 03 Feb 2020.
player, 15 posts
Tue 4 Feb 2020
at 12:43
  • msg #28

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Jensox and Nova fall in behind Asur walking into town. "T' ceme-tary, huh? Wasn't tha' next t' th' new church wha' was 'tack'd? On'ly thing is, is, I don't 'member any 'erblins gettin' a-ways, who could'a run this ways."

Once through the gate, Jensox suggests walking along and searching the inside of the wall on their way to the cemetery, repeating the search process from outside the wall. Once in the cemetery, he's willing to venture/search the whole grounds, not just near the wall.
The Man Behind The Curtain
NPC, 32 posts
Pay no attention...
Thu 6 Feb 2020
at 03:48
  • msg #29

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Savah's Armory
Savah nods and smiles.  "Done then."  Reaching under the counter she pulls out a heavy leather bag and counts out the requisite coins before placing the halbred on a rack next to several other exceptionally well-made polearms.  "It's no secret, I've spent more hours than I care to count with a weapon in my hands.  Never a forge hammer, though; the collection you see here is my retirement investment.  I made a few coins adventuring, but found this life to be less stressful."  She watches Vano for a moment.  "If you want that one, I can let it go for 252 gold.  Not cheap, but better than you'll find else where, I can promise you that."

Sandpoint Cemetary
Jensox and Asur comb carefully over the graveyard, finding the occasional footprint from a goblin or one of their strange riding dogs.  The door to the undertaker's hut is partially broken and hanging from a single hinge, and the handle to a broken dogslicer sits on the ground just outside.  In their careful examination of the wall, Jensox's keen eyes spot a set of two small indentations in the ground about two feet apart.
player, 35 posts
Thu 6 Feb 2020
at 08:24
  • msg #30

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Vano turns away reluctantly from the scimiter he was eyeing. "That is a more than fair price. Sadly, it's not within my means today. Maybe another time. We do have some other items we are looking to sell though." He places the remainder of the loot down in front of Savah.

The small pile he makes includes the following:
2 sets of studded leather armor (small)
2 small shortbows
40 small arrows
1 small whip

(Was there anything else I'm missing? I don't know if we were ever told about loot from the Cathedral battle)
player, 16 posts
Sat 8 Feb 2020
at 21:26
  • msg #31

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

The Man Behind The Curtain:
Sandpoint Cemetary
Jensox and Asur comb carefully over the graveyard, finding the occasional footprint from a goblin or one of their strange riding dogs.  The door to the undertaker's hut is partially broken and hanging from a single hinge, and the handle to a broken dogslicer sits on the ground just outside.  In their careful examination of the wall, Jensox's keen eyes spot a set of two small indentations in the ground about two feet apart.

Jensox mentions the footprints to his younger, human companion. "Hey, A-sur! Look-a these 'ere prints! I'm a-thinkin' this be 'bout where those 'racks were on t' other side of t' wall. Looks t' me like 'ere were som' 'erblins wha' ran from t' fight yes't-day. Musta climbed in a hurry righ' over this 'ere wall 'n ran."

After looking further and turning up what was listed above, Jensox heard Nova's stomach growl and will suggest that they should meet back up with rest of their companions at the White Deer Inn for some lunch and to talk about the findings from the morning.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:26, Sat 08 Feb 2020.
The Man Behind The Curtain
NPC, 33 posts
Pay no attention...
Sat 15 Feb 2020
at 18:00
  • msg #32

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Savah's Armory
Savah looks at the pile of miscellaneous equipment on the counter and gives it a once over.  "That more or less matches what I'd expect after what I'd heard of your fight with the goblins.  Everything looks more or less in working order, so I should be able to make you a reasonable offer.  Let's see here..."  With practiced ease she starts separating the items into smaller piles, picking up a few individual pieces to give them a closer examination.  Satisfied with her examination, she quickly and carefully counts out a small stack of coins.  "Since you came by this defending Sandpoint I can part with fifty gold for the lot.  If that's all, I'll get this new inventory shelved and recorded."

White Deer Inn
Jensox and Asur arrive back at the inn before Vano and Rory.  Asur gets a respectful nod from Garridan, the innkeeper.  Upon seeing Jensox, the innkeeper's face lights up and he bows respectfully, speaking in Shoanti.    "Elder.  It lifts my spirits another of the Hawk Clan this far from our homelands.  I welcome you beneath my roof, and am pleased to offer you whatever hospitality I can."  Nova also gets a solemn nod.  "You are most welcome as well, little brother."
This message was last edited by the player at 18:01, Sat 15 Feb 2020.
player, 17 posts
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 20:28
  • msg #33

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Jensox and Nova walk easily behind Asur as he leads the way toward the inn. The sheriff's words about needing some contacts still rang in his head, and truthfully the morning spent investigating with Asur was... kind of nice, actually.

Upon seeing the Shoanti Garridan, however, his good thoughts grind to a halt. As the innkeeper extends his pleasant greeting, Jensox's hands twist and tighten on his staff. He sees some tattoos matching his own, faded ink, and his face sets in a grimace. In Shoanti he replies, "I... have nothing to do with the. Hawk. Tribe." He nearly spits a foul taste out of his mouth. "Anymore. May cindersnakes bite their aurochs and Gozreh barren their fields." A brief pause, debating his next words and continuing anyways. His knuckle s are white on his staff. "May their *children* fall down the Storval Stairs. I... Your offer, I... " Jensox turns on his heel, patchwork cloak spinning behind him, and hastens out of the inn.

Nova looks terribly confused by the rapid change in demeanor, and glances several times between his master and the innkeeper. As Jensox turns heel, Nova casts a long glance with sad eyes at the nice stranger and follows him out.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:37, Sun 16 Feb 2020.
player, 26 posts
Wed 19 Feb 2020
at 01:53
  • msg #34

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Rory thanks Savah as they finish the transaction and promises to come back soon for that scimitar. She pockets the gold as they leave.

They reach the White Deer just in time to see the druid storm out. She blinks and then makes a b-line to the upset old man. "Are you alright, Master Druid?" She glances back a the inn, "Did something happen?"
player, 36 posts
Wed 19 Feb 2020
at 22:39
  • msg #35

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Vano can be seen coming down the road, catching up after making a brief stop along the way.
player, 18 posts
Thu 20 Feb 2020
at 01:34
  • msg #36

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

They reach the White Deer just in time to see the druid storm out. She blinks and then makes a b-line to the upset old man. "Are you alright, Master Druid?" She glances back a the inn, "Did something happen?"

Jensox exits the inn and looks around wildly as a prisoner searching for escape. Rory's inquiry interrupts only momentarily, and he mutters something in Shoanti lost on Rory. His eyes find a track leading north and he sets off running, arms and legs an uncoordinated flurry compared to his regular morning jogs. His path takes him north, back to the city gate and out into his comfortable trees.

Nova follows along side his Master at a trot, sensing the distress. His eyes linger on Rory slightly, and lock with Vano in the distance for a moment, but he never breaks stride or stops for his usual dalliances, staying focused and close to his troubled friend.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:37, Thu 20 Feb 2020.
player, 37 posts
Fri 21 Feb 2020
at 20:41
  • msg #37

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Seeing the druid unexpectedly take off at a sprint, Vano follows as quickly as he is able. He tries to figure out if they are running from something or running toward something...maybe a lead on the goblins? He regularly checks behind him to make sure nobody else is following.

He finally comes to a stop a good 15 feet away from the druid and looks around trying to find out why they ran here of all places. "You know, you're pretty quick for an old man. Is everything alright?" Seeing the slightly wild look in the druid's eyes, Vano decides to just keep talking and give the man some time to collect himself. "Sorry I was a little late getting to the inn, by the way. I had to make an extra stop to pick this up." He pulls a beef bone out of his pack and tosses it to Nova. "When I was a kid there were some dogs who traveled with us. They used to love to chew those things."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:43, Fri 21 Feb 2020.
player, 19 posts
Sat 22 Feb 2020
at 21:34
  • msg #38

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

After a minute or so, carrying them past the city gate and out into the forest, Jensox's wild gate slows into something more resembling coordinated, controlled motion. Another period passes, and realizing Vano is following, he slows to a walk, slows to a stop, turns and listens.

Nova sniffs at the bone briefly and looks at Jensox hopefully. His master gives a quick subtle nod and Nova gratefully and gleefully attacks the delicious treat.

After an extra moment's pause, Jensox speaks (in Common). "I... was of t' 'awk 'ribe, long 'ime ago. 'n they took't all 'rom me." A tear forms, and he takes a hard breath. "A new chief... didn' like us. 'e led t' tribe down t' stairs an' killed..." Jensox slumps against a nearby tree. "'ey killed  e'ryone. I 'scaped." The wild look comes back to his face, "'twas all I 'ould do! Was run!! ... I... ran."

He sits at the foot of the tree, and absentmindedly rubs a hand along Nova. Jensox looks up at Vano. "'n t' innkeep, he's one 'f 'em! He's a Hawk! 'n I 'ust ran." Jensox looks down. "Again."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:49, Sat 22 Feb 2020.
player, 38 posts
Sun 23 Feb 2020
at 00:11
  • msg #39

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

"You'll find no judgment here. I've done far worse than run away due to fear...and if my old Cap'n showed up in town , I'd probably be running all the way back to the Black Arrows." Vano pauses for a moment and then shakes his head. "But that's a story for another time...We can always find another place to meet if you want to avoid the inn.

For what it's worth, the whole Hawk Tribe can't be bad if that's where you came from. And the innkeeper might be alright if you gave him a chance. I mean I don't  know a thing about him. But for whatever reason he is living in town instead of following that bastard chief around."

player, 27 posts
Mon 24 Feb 2020
at 15:05
  • msg #40

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Seeing Vano follow the druid Rory decides it's best to investigate the inn to make sure no one else is in trouble. She frowns when the inn looks like it would on any normal day, no goblin attack, no signs of a recent brawl. It didn't seem that someone had been caught stealing. That caused a very particular look she had seen on innkeeper's faces before.

Confused, she approaches Asur and the innkeeper, "Something happen?"
player, 20 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2020
at 12:52
  • msg #41

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

Still sitting at the tree, breathing hard post-cry, Jensox responds. "Tha's kind 'f ya t' say, 'ano. 'n I liked th' 'awk tribe, a'fore. They was good people. T'was only once tha' new chief'tan came 'round tha' things star'ted t' change. He didn' like t' group 'f us livin' down b'low the stairs; said we was 'lexian heath'ns 'r som' such."

"I don't know I can go 'ack t' the inn 'ust now. I think I's stay near 'n t' trees for a mite-bit, get me 'n 'ova some lunch. If ya wouldn' mind goin' 'ack t' the inn, let 'em know... let 'em know I'mma all-righ', and 'ell t' innkeep 'I'm sorry,' I would app-reciate 'at. 'n thanks 'gain for the bone."
Jensox enunciates clearly, "Nova, he, uh, cer'nly likes it."

"We'll be 'ack 'n town shortly."

player, 39 posts
Fri 28 Feb 2020
at 23:37
  • msg #42

Re: [Book 1.2] - Local Heroes

"Fair enough. I'll pass on the apology. We'll see you later." Vano waves and walks off. He hurries back to the White Deer Inn, though not as quickly as he left it. Once he sees the others, he smiles and raises his index finger, asking them to wait a moment.

He pulls the innkeep aside and speaks quietly to him. "My friend wanted me to apologize to you on his behalf. Apparently seeing a member of your tribe dredged up some painful memories.". Not entirely sure what the druid actually did to the poor innkeep, Vano decides to just leave it at that.

After the brief exchange with the innkeep Vano walks over to Asur and Rory."The old man is fine. He'll meet up with us later. He's busy doing druidy things in the trees outside town. Asur, did you guys find anything during your search?"
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