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11:47, 22nd January 2025 (GMT+0)

Modern AGE.

Posted by The Ageless OneFor group 0
player, 26 posts
Fri 13 Sep 2019
at 17:01
  • msg #23

Re: Modern AGE

I got threefold very nice looking book now just have to find the time to read it
player, 8 posts
Fri 13 Sep 2019
at 19:10
  • msg #24

Re: Modern AGE

In reply to jamat (msg # 23):

Whoa! I hadn't heard about it before, but that does look cool. Let us know how it reads!
player, 27 posts
Fri 13 Sep 2019
at 19:56
  • msg #25

Re: Modern AGE

It reads well though only flicked through looks great though wife doesn't know it yet but I'll be mostly reading threefold this weekend lol
The Ageless One
GM, 43 posts
The name is ironic
Don't get many games
Fri 13 Sep 2019
at 20:34
  • msg #26

Re: Modern AGE

That moment when you wish you had money.
The Ageless One
GM, 44 posts
The name is ironic
Don't get many games
Tue 29 Oct 2019
at 05:35
  • msg #27

Re: Modern AGE

I've been working to a point of actually having enough money for Threefold. Should have it next month. If I get it, I might do a game of it. I've also been trying to get some play time done with a few specific character ideas. So far, fruitless. My name in this Discussion Group is literal truth.
player, 28 posts
Tue 29 Oct 2019
at 17:17
  • msg #28

Re: Modern AGE

If you do set up a threefold game count me in it's a great setting :)
This message was last edited by the player at 17:17, Tue 29 Oct 2019.
The Ageless One
GM, 45 posts
The name is ironic
Don't get many games
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 23:35
  • msg #29

Re: Modern AGE

The last bill I was expecting this month went out and I got out of walmart about 50 bucks cheaper than I expected, so I"ll be reading on it for a little bit. Of those possibly interested in Threefold, are there specific opinions on what type of game to play? I know I'll most likely create a Huldra just to toy with the system.
player, 29 posts
Fri 1 Nov 2019
at 10:14
  • msg #30

Re: Modern AGE

I see from your GM wanted post you have a copy of threefold :)
The Ageless One
GM, 46 posts
The name is ironic
Don't get many games
Fri 1 Nov 2019
at 14:59
  • msg #31

Re: Modern AGE

Also, my last post here

The last bill I was expecting this month went out and I got out of walmart about 50 bucks cheaper than I expected, so <ui>I"ll be reading on it</u> for a little bit.

Just... I dunno, let me know some stuff I guess :D. My immediate gut reaction toward running one is a Aethon campaign because
1. Lucifer is one of the Machinors rather than an Inimical or Alastor.
2. I like the idea of a grand conspiracy earth where all the conspiracies people think about the real earth are either dead wrong, or came about for a different reason (occult significance behind JFK's death because he was going to reveal the secret or whatever)

But I'm not about to shy away from a game other players are interested in. 2 days reading and I've only read to the Huldra (I initially looked over the ancestries without actually reading heavily into them) so far, and I gotta say I really like that (unlike the People of Companions) the Ancestries actually replace background features to the extent that the player likes (i.e. more player freedom). I super want to play a Huldra.
player, 30 posts
Fri 1 Nov 2019
at 18:36
  • msg #32

Re: Modern AGE

I quite like the Dreygur with armoured hide and natural weapons basically a demon :)
The Ageless One
GM, 47 posts
The name is ironic
Don't get many games
Fri 1 Nov 2019
at 18:59
  • msg #33

Re: Modern AGE

I had similar thoughts when I looked it over, except making a succubus with fearful symmetry instead of armored hide... possibly modified where the communication specialization is Seduction...

But of course, me being who I am, ya know... Huldra :D
The Ageless One
GM, 48 posts
The name is ironic
Don't get many games
Mon 4 Nov 2019
at 03:52
  • msg #34

Re: Modern AGE

Current Threefold ideas:
Sodality "Academy Days"- Players are students of the Sodality. I don't have anything specific, but totally considering just letting missions that occur build up to a cohesive storyline. The "Chalk Branch" and other rumors of strife within Vitane are of particular interest.

Worldline Deleted- The game starts off in an apocalyptic scenario. Some scientists discover there's about to be an asteroid impact, or solar mass ejection or something. They're trying to get humanity to massive Arks being constructed in the hopes of seeding mars. Lo and behold, they're actually headed toward primeline, because the whole thing is being orchestrated by the Primeline Machinors. Players would effectively be VIPs. We have two options with this one. Either make the Apocalypse and race to the Arks a major part of the game, or have the intro comprise the apocalypse and start off on Primeline with the players having just crossed into it.

Alternately, the deletion can be more directly attempted with Aethon posing as aliens. The players win, but will only discover Aethon involvement if they investigate crashed ships or somehow go aboard the mothership.

Otherworld Heterarchy: Western Arcana- This worldline doesn't know anything about Aethon or the Sodality but they are aware of interplanar travel because magic is more readily apparent in this world. This was brought on by the use of the Gutenberg Press to print spellbooks for given arcana, and sometimes all the arcana mages knew. Talents, backgrounds, and Specializations might need reskinning to scrape off the threefold specific references. (I originally wrote the setting for GURPS)


Also, has Threefold discussion progressed to the point I should start a thread for it?
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:12, Mon 04 Nov 2019.
The Ageless One
GM, 49 posts
The name is ironic
Don't get many games
Sun 16 Feb 2020
at 06:47
  • msg #35

Re: Modern AGE

Don't know how well this would work out, but...

Spend Every Resource Point
  • Instead of purchase TNs, you lower resource for every purchase you make.
  • The amount of Resource Spending an item costs is (Old TN/2 rounded up)-3. So TN 7 items cost 1 Resource 9 costs you 2, and so on up to... Well, I feel like 17 is the highest in the book, that'd be 8.5 or 9 minus 3 or 6.
  • The amount of Spendy Resources players start with is 3 more than usual

The Ageless One
GM, 53 posts
The name is ironic
Don't get many games
Mon 30 Mar 2020
at 03:03
  • msg #36

Re: Modern AGE

So I wrote that post apocalypse thing if anyone cares. Ended up with Freeform Character Creation as the go to method, instead of those archetypes I considered. What can I say? Modern AGE Threefold distracted me and I ran with it.
player, 36 posts
Sun 14 Jun 2020
at 20:46
  • msg #37

Re: Modern AGE

Hi guys

Just thought I'd drop in and check everyone is safe and well.

Still in lockdown here and working from homr.

Reading modern age in my spare time and enjoying it :)
The Ageless One
GM, 54 posts
The name is ironic
Don't get many games
Tue 16 Jun 2020
at 02:30
  • msg #38

Re: Modern AGE

I'm semi-safe, but my state is hitting a second wave. Haven't been doing as much with AGE lately since BESM 4 came out, but I haven't completely abandoned it and don't plan to. I owe the GRP folks an updated version of the post apocalyptic thing that doesn't contain any exact text from an existing AGE document.
The Ageless One
GM, 55 posts
The name is ironic
Don't get many games
Tue 2 Nov 2021
at 05:08
  • msg #39

Re: Modern AGE

I know I haven't posted here in a long time, but Modern AGE recently came out with a Mastery Guide, and honestly I thought it was amazing that they have rules like condensed Abilities (Physique/Reaction/Anima) and also static damage, I'm considering the possibility of a Modern AGE game based in the Fable universe.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:08, Tue 02 Nov 2021.
player, 1 post
Thu 27 Jan 2022
at 20:13
  • msg #40

Re: Modern AGE

I saw that Mastery Guide and started poking my way through it as well.  It really opens up the scope of Modern AGE.  The corebook felt mostly pulpy and pretty low powered.  But the Mastery book really makes running a Urban Fantasy, or even just games set in other time periods, much easier.

Running a Fable game could be really cool.  I always liked the how it felt sandboxy and like your choices mattered.  And the mix of industrial revolution stuff with high fantasy was also really interesting.  I think that was the first piece of media I consumed that had that mix.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:14, Thu 27 Jan 2022.
The Ageless One
GM, 56 posts
The name is ironic
Don't get many games
Fri 28 Jan 2022
at 00:40
  • msg #41

Re: Modern AGE

Running a Fable game could be really cool.

Yeah, the problem that I keep having is that people don't like my assumptions about what I believe to be logical flaws of the main story line re: the tower being rebuilt, and how this is a stated cause of 3's primary plot (there was a specific line I hinged the logic on, but now can't remember it and ran into the trouble of people also not thinking too deeply about the particular line), so I assumed that the hero of 1 saw all this "writing on the wall" and opted to kill Theresa which springboards an alternate 2 in which I involve a group of Heroes/Archons (the players)

I tried to write a system for it a while back. AGE would be a band-aid on the problem of my lazy, but I could take a stab at it if there were enough interest.
player, 2 posts
Fri 28 Jan 2022
at 01:20
  • msg #42

Re: Modern AGE

Yeah. I definitely don’t remember anything about that line, lol, but it sounds like you’ve got the lore down and all that jazz. And if that’s the canon for your game, that’s the canon.
player, 3 posts
Fri 28 Jan 2022
at 15:01
  • msg #43

Re: Modern AGE

I was thinking of trying to run some sort of spy game or a low level super hero game in Modern AGE.

The low level super game would kind of be a Noirish mystery game with your classic two fisted heroes. A place to have the Shadow and the Phantom running around a city like New York, together.
The Ageless One
GM, 57 posts
The name is ironic
Don't get many games
Fri 28 Jan 2022
at 18:10
  • msg #44

Re: Modern AGE

I was thinking of trying to run some sort of spy game or a low level super hero game in Modern AGE.

The low level super game would kind of be a Noirish mystery game with your classic two fisted heroes. A place to have the Shadow and the Phantom running around a city like New York, together.

I was thinking someone on GRAAD said something about a supers splatbook for MAGE, but I don't know if anything ever came out of it. I myself woudn't run supers with it until I had such a book. Same for Cyberpunk really, although I can't remember whether it's AGE, BESM, or both that has those in an unofficial capacity. I don't know that I have enough noir expertise to run such a game in any case, but would take a serious look at playing one if you got it off the ground.
player, 4 posts
Fri 28 Jan 2022
at 23:18
  • msg #45

Re: Modern AGE

The Mastery book or the Modern AGE companion has a whole section on super powers and even different ways of making new ones that fit the system.  It definitely adds a level of complexity to the game, especially since I think for the most part the system is pretty straightforward, but it seems workable.

And the noir part should be easy. Set the system to pulpy or gritty, make it so that you can’t trust anyone, especially no one that seems to trust you, make everyone grumpy or sassy and you’re most of the way there.
The Ageless One
GM, 58 posts
The name is ironic
Don't get many games
Sat 29 Jan 2022
at 02:38
  • msg #46

Re: Modern AGE

Modern AGE definitely has various sources of powers throughout, and even cross compatible arcana from Fantasy and DAGE, but I'm not sure I'd call anything about it "super". It definitely fits that "low level" thing you mentioned. I think in order to make it super you'd have to come up with powers that pretty much don't fit the system, or engage in a lot more handwavium than cinematic even suggests. Don't get me wrong, I've done a fair bit of noodling over since Companion came out for a different project (that's never come to fruition) and I like the powers system, I just don't think it scales to super as written.

And the noir part should be easy. Set the system to pulpy or gritty, make it so that you can’t trust anyone, especially no one that seems to trust you, make everyone grumpy or sassy and you’re most of the way there.

Setting the system to pulpy is easy. Delivering on the notion of grumpy/sassy is not so much a problem for me. Untrustworthiness can be though. It's an aspect of my neurodivergece I think. It's undiagnosed though, so I can't say for sure.
player, 5 posts
Fri 4 Feb 2022
at 20:03
  • msg #47

Re: Modern AGE

Ah.  I could see how that could be difficult then.  But all sorts of ways around that when you're building your own world, right?  Maybe everyone tells the truth all the time, and are just jerks?  Or no one has any idea of what is going on?

There's ways. I don't know anything about neurodivergence though.
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