Modern AGE definitely has various sources of powers throughout, and even cross compatible arcana from Fantasy and DAGE, but I'm not sure I'd call anything about it "super". It definitely fits that "low level" thing you mentioned. I think in order to make it
super you'd have to come up with powers that pretty much
don't fit the system, or engage in a lot more handwavium than cinematic even suggests. Don't get me wrong, I've done a fair bit of noodling over since Companion came out for a different project (that's never come to fruition) and I like the powers system, I just don't think it scales to super as written.
And the noir part should be easy. Set the system to pulpy or gritty, make it so that you can’t trust anyone, especially no one that seems to trust you, make everyone grumpy or sassy and you’re most of the way there.
Setting the system to pulpy is easy. Delivering on the notion of grumpy/sassy is not so much a problem for me. Untrustworthiness can be though. It's an aspect of my neurodivergece I think. It's undiagnosed though, so I can't say for sure.