Split Personality
Requirement: Deceit/Disguise: 5+, Separate Persona
Effect: Replace five skills, two aspects, and one stunt when in alternate personality
Your embodiment of your alternate personality is so complete that you have fooled yourself. Your other persona actually has different skills, different aspects, and a different stunt that you do not have. From your skill tree, replace one skill you have at Great (+4), one skill you have as Good (+3), one that you have as Fair (+2), and two that you have as Average (+1). Note that these refer to the slots that the skills sit in. If you have specialized the skill, so that one sub-skill is a level higher and the others are lower, ignore the specialty – it is the overall level for the skill that matters. Also, you can not replace the Deceit/Disguise skill.
The new skills that you take for the alternate personality can be specialized normally. If you take a skill that is also one on your primary list, but specialized differently, or at a different level, this still counts as one of your five skill replacements.
In addition to replacing five skills, you replace two aspects and one stunt. Of course, the new stunt must be one that your new personality qualifies for. Finally, you can not replace Separate Persona or Split Personality.
You have to change your disguise to gain the benefit of the other personality, and you should be secretive about it. Even if your comrades know of your separate persona, you should be unhappy about letting them actually see you change.
You must have the correct clothes/gear/makeup/wig available in order to make the change, and it will take up to five rounds of reasonable calm and privacy to do so. However, if you are pressed for time, make a Deceit/Disguise roll to determine how long it will take and apply the following table.
Deceit/Disguise Roll | Rounds needed |
Epic (+7) | 2 |
Superb (+5) | 3 |
Good (+3) | 4 |
(Automatic) | 5 |