Character Creation
You may be any caste of Lawgiver, Warlock, or Vizier.
Use Lords of Creation (with errata!) established rules. With some exceptions. Backgrounds, as in the names and functions, are from the according manual. Dots are as stated in Lords...functions and options are as the manual. So no Panoply, or Wealth, for instance. Backgrounds for Warlocks are also as per Manual: Infernals. Ignore free dots in Lords, are Manual: Infernals.
Bonus dots are as follows:
Lawgivers gain 3 dots among mentor, or ally to represent your lunar mate.
Warlocks do NOT get free backing or influence in hell. Instead gaining the 1 cult, and 3 dots among Past Lives or Unwoven Coadjator.
Both those above must raise their essence to 6 through the appropriate charm, requiring the prerequisites as well. For Lawgiver is is Glory to the Most High. For Warlocks you have the option of any of the Ascendancy Mantles printed, or Isodoros.
Lawgivers may raise cult up to 5 as they would any other background. Warlocks may start with heretic charms as part of the starting 35. BP may not be spent on Heretic Charms or Spells. This can likely be avoided by just buying other charms with BP, if need be. If not, then you are limited to what you can fit within those 35 charms...which may be tight! Just remember BP are spent simultaneously, so you can use BP to buy requirements.
Viziers enjoy the ability to have up Essence 6, but need not raise their essence above 4. Viziers get 7 backgrounds of backing assigned to you with discussion on conventions. Then Viziers also start with 3 points among connections and salary.
All the above can raise limited background further with background points allowed, or with BP (which rating 5 requires BP).
All characters are part of a brotherhood through a mutual manse with the Stone of the Brothers' Bond, which the hearthstone will be possessed by a STC that is most appropriate. Players are forewarned to work together on why you would be sworn to a brotherhood this way.
This is a morally gray game. Whether ash or soot gray depends on the players' submissions and their ability to agree upon the limit. Akuma are allowed, for Lawgivers or Viziers, but it will only have two effects. One is an urge instead of a Motivation. The other is that sorcerous enlightenment is the only way to cast spells. You only get access to your patron Yozi's enlightenment. So this may be more appealing to Viziers for Adamant Spells. Vizier Akuma do NOT gain the above backgrounds. Instead gaining 6 dots among demon familiar(s), cult, and spies (which ONLY sidereals may choose to affect Yu Shan, not Hell.) Akuma never get patron, nor demonic heritage.
Sidereals may have Sifu, regardless of whether they are Akuma or not. Their Sifu will adjust their limitations accordingly. Sifu is not a free background, but it is a viable option. Cult may not be possessed by Viziers that are not Akuma. Viziers that are not Akuma, will be required to have at least one dot into Convention on the Reclaimation or Convention on Essence Users.
A final note for arbitration if I feel the need. If required, your character will be a product of Evocation from the Mirror to allow ease of play plausibility. For this purpose, you may have opposing Urges. Whether you are limited to touching a mirror to be trapped is dependent upon your ability to dematerialize.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:40, Sat 16 Nov 2024.