015-1104 Collace B628943-D S Hi In
Aelasaid took a moment before she addressed Dr. Halleck, she finished setting up the third set of core diagnostics on the Loire Valley's mainframe - configuring the alarm parameters before locking the screen and turning her seat to face Duncan.
"Thank you for your offer, Doctor." she noted with a casual smile, "I can always use help on the bridge, but only if you are done with inventorying the med bay and ship's locker." The lithe redhead seemed genuinely grateful, giving no hint that the doctor would be intruding on her domain or anything of the sort.
Tilting her head in a slighly quizzical, if entirely feminine, way, Ally smiled slightly at Duncan's hesisitation. "Please, Doctor," she soothed idly, "Feel free to speak freely." The last thing Aelasaid needed was for the crew to be withholding information. With her left hand, she gestured to one of the nearby station seats, prompting, "What's on your mind?" The bridge while, theoretically not private, contained only the two of them.
After listening to the good doctor's 'issue' concerning speculative cargo, Aelasaid looked thoughtful for a contemplative moment. "Well," she ventured, even as Teddy joined the conversation - making it less private, but probably more relevant, "I applaud and appreciate your speed and initiative, Doctor. You've negotiated a very reasonable ..." she'd almost said surprisingly reasonable, but had stopped herself in time. It was is, in fact, quite good - especially given what was listed in his crew dossier that she'd seen, which was little to no actual negotiation or trade arbitrage experience, "... price for that cargo."
"Ms. Suedzuk may have more to say on the matter - given that I believe she has the most brokering experience." she noted, at least based on what she'd seen, and her tone took on an air of authority on the matter as she'd been briefed on the crew roster, "but as far as I am concerned, it is likely a deal we should pounce on. However, in the future, please clear transactions with her, if possible." She contemplated trying to get Kaelra on the line, since the rest of the crew seemed hot to trot. Her fingers pressed a button to open a commlink to Kaelra in case the vargr engineer were available. And perhaps the young, furry canid would be inclined to, uh, apprentice the others on the crew; Aelasaid would probably have to ask her later about that. Ultimately, most of this informal briefing/information dump, she'd prefer not to have to repeat if possible - but, of course, would repeat it as necessary. They all needed to be on the same page.
In any case, she tried to reign in a bit of the burgeoning mercantile enthusiasm, "Boys, let's remember that we have already signed onto a corporation of sorts here. While, the CMM doesn't necessarily require exclusivity in employment; we do have to be mindful. Paying into the CMM and the operating fund isn't a bad thing." She patted the console for emphasis, "None of us could afford something this large on our own. And they are being lenient, by giving us discretion in our cargo allocation - safest for them would be us hauling short jump freight all the time until they gave us different orders."
Her burgundy lips curled up slightly, when she added, "Of course, then none of us would have signed on." And Ally gave the others a sly wink.
"Now that said," and she moved on to the business at hand, "We have discretion on the remaining fifty tons in the hold. From what I understand, there are fifteen tons of mail available for us to haul; I am inclined to pull that ticket - unless anyone has real concerns. And when we take on passengers - which only makes sense given personnel ..." and she inclined her head towards Teddy, whose cooking prowess preceded him, "... and the living space we have onboard and are already paying for, some of the hold will have to be reserved for them - especially if they are high passage." Standardly, each high passenger was reserved a ton of cargo space as an amenity. "Once we account for both of those," Aelasaid ticked off, "We'll only have about thirty tons of space left."
Which wouldn't be enough space to house the entire 40 ton lot that Duncan had found. "Of course," Ally added, "Even taking on thirty tons would require more liquidity than what we could currently cover - even with the entirety of the operating fund we've been allocated." She shrugged slightly, "We can't really risk using the entire fund on a single venture, anyways. I could see using perhaps 50% of the fund on speculation, but the rest really is required to keep the ship operating. We can't have it fully tied up in speculative cargo at any given time." The red-headed merchant seemed entirely adamant on that.
"Now, barring one of you having a cool half a million credits lying around and burning a hole in your pocket ..." which Aelasaid could definitely say didn't apply to her personally and would have to make her serious question why they were signing onto the CMM at this point, "we can take on as much speculative cargo people are willing and able to contribute. And round out the hold with incidental cargo."
Her spiel over, Aelasaid simply looked towards both Duncan and Teddy with a raised eyebrow, "Questions?"