[015-1104] Collace B628943-D S Hi In *Highport*
03:00 Collace Highport
Travis and Kaelra worked into the late hours, fueled by a Chinese food delivery, to get the Chenonceau fully operational. The small craft was still a mess inside of left over parts boxes, storage containers, and even several small 1d ton cargo cubes, but in an emergency, those could be vented into space relatively quickly. What counted was the power plant, m-drive, and avionics, and those were now working within acceptable parameters.
When Travis indicated that he wasn't currently a ship's crewmember, Suedzuk flagged that for Aelasaid, who passed that info to Cortez. A few hours of midnight negations with Director of HR (who was not happy with Cortez about being awoken over the staffing of a single ship), has resulted in a horse trade of sorts - Rafael would transfer to the Highport and handle CMM drive inspections for a few days and Travis McGee would transfer to the Loire Valley as her new Chief Engineer. Official orders would follow in a week or so but for now, the temporary duty assignment had been blessed in the interest of getting the LV to Tarsus on time and with her needed crew.
This message was last edited by the GM at 09:24, Wed 01 Jan 2020.