[019-1104] Jump Space en route to Tarsus B584620-A Ag Ni
Duncan nodded sagely at Aelasaid prompting, "Miss. Aelasaid is exactly right. While you were drinking wine, you suddenly fell into a coma.", he said motioning to the captain.
"With the help of mr. Ley", and he motioned at the assistant, "we have been able to ascertain that this was probably caused by you ingesting Vilani food". With a calm voice the doctor continued his explanation, "Now most Vilani food is inedible for us humans and in this case it they might even have been improperly prepared or perhaps they got creative with their ingredients."
"Either way, or which your body could not metabolized it properly.", he continued, using his arms in smoothly movement to support his explanation.
The explanation done, the doctor went on to current order of business. "How are you feeling now, any dizziness, headaches or extremely thirsty?", Duncan asked his patient, "These are symptoms to look out for in the coming hours." "Now, You should make a good recovery, but you should keep to your bed for now", Duncan continued while motioning him to stay in bed, "Also, I would suggest to leave the bottle for a while to avoid complicating your recovery."
The last while not strictly necessary in this case, was good advice any time. Mentioning that they used his p-com was something he would mention at a later date.
Turning around, he turned to the rest of the crew and made explicit eye-contact with each of them, thanking them silently with a nod. He had screwed-up by ignoring vital information, and it was thanks to them the ambassador had recovered that quickly. This was a learning opportunity and he knew it.