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00:00, 12th October 2024 (GMT+0)

CMMS Loire Valley.

Posted by The RefereeFor group 0
The Referee
GM, 3 posts
Sat 30 Nov 2019
at 13:26
  • msg #1

Collace Merchant Marine Ship Loire Valley

Type R2 - Akkigish Class Far Trader “Loire Valley”

                                                        | Tons | Cost (Mcr) |
              Hull: 400 tons                            |      |    24.00   |
                    Streamlined                         |      |            |
             Armor: None: 0                             |      |            |
    Maneuver Drive: Thrust 2                            |   8  |    16.00   |
        Jump Drive: Jump-2                              |  25  |    37.50   |
       Power Plant: TL-C Fusion, Power 210              |  14  |    14.00   |
              Fuel: 4 weeks operation, J-2              |  82  |            |
            Bridge:                                     |  20  |     2.00   |
          Computer: Computer 10                         |      |     0.16   |
           Sensors: Improved                            |   3  |     4.30   |
           Weapons: Double Turret (Pulse Laser) x2      |   2  |     5.00   |
                    Double Turret (Sandcaster) x2       |   2  |     2.50   |
           Systems: Fuel Scoop                          |      |            |
                    Fuel Processors (20/tons/day)       |   1  |     0.05   |
                    Docking Space (20 tons)             |  22  |     5.50   |
                    Launch                              |      |     2.367  |
        Staterooms: Standard x19                        |  76  |     9.50   |
                    Low Berths x9                       | 4.5  |     0.45   |
          Software: Jump Control/2                      |      |     0.20   |
                    Library                             |      |            |
                    Maneuver/0                          |      |            |
                    Fire Control/2                      |      |     4.00   |
             Cargo: 140.5 tons                          |140.5 |            |
 Total Tonnage And Cost:                                | 400  |   127.527  |

Maintenance Costs: 20,921/month
Life Support Costs (Full Occupancy): 19,000/month

Ship Quirks

The Loire Valley is a famous and respected trader with a good reputation throughout District 268.

Her thrusters were damaged during a recent pirate attack.  This invokes a -1 DM on all piloting checks.

Due to her age and condition, the Loire Valley requires twice as much maintenance (in time and material) as compared to a newer starship.  The extra material costs have been included in the maintenance costs listed listed above.

During her last overhaul, the Loire Valley's sensor suite was replaced by a salvaged unit taken from a Kugashin class Laboratory Ship (TL-C Improved Sensors w/Densitomter, Jammers, Lidar, Radar).  Unfortunately, the scrappers damaged the sensitive and expensive system during their hasty removal.  This previous damage now results in a -1 DM to Electronics (Sensors) checks, which cancels out the normal +1 DM from Improved Sensors.

A petrochemical leak occurred in the lower deck center cargo bay following the ship's last visit to Inchin.  The leak was never properly cleaned up.  The center cargo bay has a 70 dton capacity, which represents approximately 50% of the ship's total cargo capacity.  Without adequate precautions, vulnerable cargos stored in this location maybe be damaged in transit.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:11, Thu 12 Dec 2019.
The Referee
GM, 4 posts
Sat 30 Nov 2019
at 20:26
  • msg #2

Ship's Locker & Operating Funds

<Ship's Locker Equipment>
19 ea. Field Kit
14 ea. Emergency Softsuit
12 ea. Bulkhead Patch
5 ea. TL-A Vacc Suit w/TL-A Electronics Suite, Mag Boots, Vacc Suit Emergency Kit
5 ea. Cutlass
5 ea. Accelerator Rifle w/Sling, Bayonet, Secure Weapon (CMM Biometric Database) & TL-A Laser Sight
5 ea. Tactical Webbing
30 ea. Accelerator Rifle Magazine
900 ea. Accelerator Rifle Rounds, Boxed
10 ea. Aerosol Grenade
10 ea. Tranq Gas Grenade
2 ea. TL-A Stunner w/Secure Weapon (CMM Database), Power Pack
2 ea. Belt Stunner Holster
250 ea. Snub Pistol Rounds, Boxed
Boarding Shield
TL-9 Radio Transceiver (Regional 500 km)
Portable Airlock
TL-A Mechanical Toolset
TL-A Electronics (Comms) Tool Set
TL-A Electronic (Computers) Tool Set
TL-A Electronic (Sensors) Tool Set
TL-C Engineering (J-Drive) Tool Set
TL-C Engineering (Life Support) Tool Set
TL-C Engineering (M-Drive) Tool Set
TL-C Engineering (Power) Tool Set
TL-A Medikit
19 ea. Fast Drug
19 ea. Radiation Emergency Applicator

<Standard Stateroom Equipment>
2 ea. Rescue Balls
Bulkhead Patch Kit

<Ammunition & Spare Parts>
60 ea. Sandcaster Canisters Total (20 per Turret + 1 dTon of Reloads)
1.0 ton Spare Parts

<Ship Operating Fund>
112,816 Cr.
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:58, Tue 17 Dec 2019.
The Referee
GM, 5 posts
Sat 30 Nov 2019
at 20:30
  • msg #3

Ship's Launch Chenonceau

Type UML Utility Craft - Launch/Lifeboat “Chenonceau”

                                                        | Tons | Cost (Mcr) |
              Hull: 20 tons, Streamlined                |      |     1.20   |
             Armor: None: 0                             |      |            |
    Maneuver Drive: Thrust 1                            |   0.2|     0.40   |
       Power Plant: TL-8 Fusion, Power 10               |   1  |     0.50   |
              Fuel: 4 weeks operation                   |   1  |            |
            Bridge:                                     |   3  |     0.50   |
          Computer: Computer 5                          |      |     0.03   |
           Sensors: Basic                               |      |            |
           Weapons:                                     |      |            |
           Systems:                                     |      |            |
          Software: Library                             |      |            |
                    Maneuver/0                          |      |            |
             Cargo: 14.8 tons                           |  14.8|            |
 Total Tonnage And Cost:                                |  20  |     2.367  |

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:51, Wed 11 Dec 2019.
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