Alyn Reed:
Alyn nods as he holds then releases the glow-in-the-dark owl guide.
"This will work! and I bet there's a med kit for Pesky too." he replied.
"I also was curious about Lun. Seems like it's more of a friend than anything, but my main concern was to make sure you owls got freed. I was kinda surprised you were in what is basically willing-slavery. Almost like you did it for fun. But I'm the last person to be judging for that sort of thing, heh. And I got to feed my moths too. But you guys are all okay now in the end, so all is well that ends well." Alyn said.
"We are a peaceful people. We need little, thanks tooo the generoosity of Lun the Glistening. When we encoouunter thoose with desires and longings different from oouur oown, we try to flap carefully, sooo that all may be satisfied and get what they want froom interaction."
Alyn Reed:
Alyn turned to the swarm of moths that were fluttering around, and his eyes flickered a bit.
Go ahead and keep eating your fill, but we're moving upward toward the surface again so you're gonna want to move out soon too. The owls are probably only going to restrain themselves while I'm in the general area, so once I leave you'll be playing with fire staying too much longer so I wouldn't risk it.
We feel certain we can find our own way out, say the moths.
Although it sounds like the easiest path will likely be to just follow you to the surface again. But yes, we will definitely leave this area as soon as you do.
Alyn Reed:
He turned to the owls.
"Well then I have one final question before we go. If you guys are the only main intelligence down here besides us, and I sensed communication with something big and strong out East...can you tell me what it was you guys were speaking with? And is it something I should consider an enemy, a friend, or neutral? I'm sure you can tell by now I kind of like making connections with all sorts of different monsters and mutants and stuff, but I do like to know about the hostile ones who aren't so friendly."
We speak with Lun the Glistening. Please wait." The owls near N'tk have a little owl conference again. This one gets more excited, and they call twice as many owls over to hoot... energetically. "Yoouu have raised an impoortant issuue. We feel that the commuunication yoouu noted was between beings tooo the east and these green folk. The green folk were guided here... poossibly withoouut even realizing they were being manipuulated. I was noot personally aware oof thoose tooo the east tooo whooom yoouu refer, but one oof my brethren spotted them a day oor twoo agoo. They are powerful and mysterioouus. They dooo noot serve Lun the Glistening. I doo noot knoow if their desires mean harm or noot... but I woouuld noot guess them tooo be friendly. They are very strange."