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Eberron Information.

Posted by ChroniclerFor group public
GM, 1 post
Sat 14 Dec 2019
at 12:48
  • msg #1

Keith Baker's Articles

Ask the Dreaming Dark
Ghaash'kala and Inspired
Karrnathi Undead and House of Vol
Dragonmarked Races
Oneiromancy and the Ebon Mirror
The Drow
Shapechanging and Draconic Prophecy
Progenitors and Merrix
Turning of the Age, Taratai, Sentira Pela and Quorforged Creation Forges
How to use the Dreaming Dark
Fives Nations reaction to the Dreaming Dark

Dragonshards Archive
The Children of Khyber
Psionics in Eberron
The Medusas of Droaam
Strike Force: Dhakaan
Druids of Khorvaire, Part Four
Druids of Khorvaire, Part Three
Druids of Khorvaire, Part Two
Druids of Khorvaire, Part One
The Reach of Riedra, Part Two
The Reach of Riedra, Part One
Masters of Magic
The Warforged, Part Two
The Warforged, Part One
The Elves of Aerenal, Part Two
The Elves of Aerenal, Part One
The Lhazaar Principalities, Part Two
The Lhazaar Principalities, Part One
The Role of Dragons
Lycanthropes and the Purge
The Kobolds of Khorvaire
The Moons of Eberron
House Phiarlan, Part Three
House Phiarlan, Part Two
House Phiarlan, Part One
Blades of the Quori
The Draconic Prophecy
The Race of the Eight Winds
Monastic Orders
The Gnomes of Zilargo, Part Two
The Gnomes of Zilargo, Part One
Church of the Silver Flame, Part Two
Church of the Silver Flame, Part One
Dwarves of the Mror Holds, Part Two
Dwarves of the Mror Holds, Part One
The Daughters of Sora Kell, Part Two
The Daughters of Sora Kell, Part One
The Elves of Valenar, Part Two
The Elves of Valenar, Part One
Welcome to Sharn!
Shulassakar: The Feathered Serpents
The Serens, Part One
The Khoravar: Half-Elves of Khorvaire
What Do You Know?
Magic in Eberron: Magewrights
Heirs of Dhakaan
Intrigue and Betrayal
Swashbuckling 101: Combat
Heroic Journeys
Religion in Eberron
The Last War
And So It Begins . . .

Eberron Expanded Archive
Complete Psionic
Player's Handbook II
Libris Mortis, Part Two
Libris Mortis, Part One
Weapons of Legacy
Heroes of Battle, Part Two
Heroes of Battle, Part One
Lords of Madness

Keith Baker's Blog
IfAQ: Figurines of Wondrous Power
Dragonmark: The Families of House Tharashk
Dragonmarks: Gem Dragons, Gem Dragonborn, and Gith
IfAQ: Working Without Lore, Sovereign Images, Nagpa and Princess Marhya
Medusa Fashions and the Population of Darguun
IfAQ: Awakened Animals and Eldeen Materials
IfAQ: The Eldeen Reaches, Continued
Dragonmark: The Roots of the Reaches
IfAQ: Transgender Visibility of Eberron
IfAQ: Smalltown Karrnath, Ghallanda Scouts, and Speaking with the Dead
IfAQ: Nationalism, Ancient Sailots, Merfolk and Masked Fey
IfAQ: Cartomancy in Khorvaire
Dragonmarks: The Overlords Revealed
IfAQ: The Lycanthropic Purge Campaign
IfAQ: Dreamspace and Flumphs
The Dark Six: The Devourer
IfAQ: Prince Oargev's Suitors
IfAQ Round-P: Archfey, Astral Questions, and Saints
Dragonmarks: The Grim Lords of Farlnen
IfAQ: What are Doppelgangers?
IfAQ: Fizban's Treasury and Eberron
Dragonmarks: The Astral Plane
IfAQ: Strixhaven in Eberron
IFAQ: Nonbinary Elves and More About Githberron
IFAQ: Yrlag and the Direshark Prince
IFAQ: Owlen, Wealthy PCs, Bahamut and the Plight of the Dragonborn
Dark Six: The Mockery
IFAQs: Seeker Crime, Targath, and the Dreaming Dark
Gameplay: Surviving The Impossible
IFAQ: September Lightning Round!
IFAQ: The Shulassakar
Dragonmark: Couatls and the Silver Flame
Dragonmarks: Night Hags and Nightmares
IFAQ: August Lightning Round!
IFAQ: Bagmon and Conqueror
IFAQ: Medusas
Dragonmarks: The Barren Sea
IFAQ: Whaling in Eberron
Lightning Round: Obyriths, Dhakaani Cruelty, and the Chamber
Dragonmark: Priests, Krozen and Zerasha
IFAQ: Talenta Dinosaurs
Dread Metrol: Into The Mists
IfAQ: War Crimes and Potatoes
IfAQ: Kaius and Lady Illmarrow
IfAQ: Blood of Vol, Malevenor, and Tairnadal Burial
Dragonmarks: Provinces of Riedra (full)
IfAQ: Thrane Fashion
IfAQ: Education, Overlords and More!
IfAQ: Dreams and Quori
Dragonmarks: Familiars, Homunculi and Animal Companions
Dragonmarks: Common Knowledge
IfAQ: Rakshasas and Native Fiends
Dragonmark: The Tricks of the Lords of Dust
IfAQ: Elven Miscellany
IfAQ: Elves and Pugs
Dragonmarks: Avassh, the Twister of Roots
Dragonmarks: Sphinxes of Eberron
Dragonmarks: Aiships, Expanded
Dragonmarks: Arcane Industry
IfAQ Lightning Round: Q'Barra!
IfAQ: Astakala, the Demon City
Dragonmark: High Level Adventures in Eberron
Dragonmark: Powerful Characters and Campaigns
IfAQ: Wizard Circles
Dragonmark: Arcane History
Dragonmark: The Arcane Arts
Dragonmark: Arcane Science
Dragonmark: Flight in Eberron
IfAQ: Wounding Werewolves and Changeling Hair
IfAQ: Dragons bad?
Eberron Confidential is Here!
IfAQ: Swearing, Djinn and Genasi
IfAQ: 5N Fleets, Rune Arms, and the Next War
IfAQ: Exotic Races
Ghost Stories of Eberron
IfAQ: The Crimson Covenant
IfAQ: Mummies and the BoV
Dragonmarks: Svirfneblin
Dragonmarks: The Gnomes of Pylas Pyrial
IfAQ: Transportation
IfAQ: Lightning Round!
Dragonmarks: The Gnomes of Lorghalen
IfAQ: Aerenal, Continued
IfAQ: Arcane Photography
Dragonmarks: The First War
IfAQ: Airships and Arcanix
IfAQ: Breaking the Law
IfAQ: Marchers, Zil, and Borders
IfAQ: Nobility Questions
Dragonmarks: Nobility of Galifar
Sidebar: Making History
IfAQ: The Emerald Claw
IfAQ: The Elvish Language
IfAQ: Creating Languages
IfAQ: Treaties and Laws
FAQ: Exploring Eberorn
IfAQ: Immortal Alliances
Dragonmarks: Cities in Riedra
Dragonmarks: Provinces of Riedra
Dragonmarks: Riedra in 5E
IfAQ: Inspired
IfAQ: Moons and Lycanthropes
IfAQ: The Elves of Aerenal
IfAQ: Who Leads the Tairnadal?
Aurum Concordians
Aberrant Champions
IfAQ: The Houses at War
IfAQ: Before the Houses
Dragonmarks: Reaching for the Stars
IfAQ: Galifar - One Nation or Five?
Dragonmarks: Aesthetics & Armor
IfAQ: Show Business in Eberron
Exploring Eberron: The Thunder Sea
IfAQ: Who trusts the Trust?
IfAQ: Mysteries of History
Dolurrh, the Realm of the Dead
Exploring Eberron: Dhakaan
IfAQ: Houses and Politics
IfAQ: Historical Figures in Thelanis
IfAQ: Faerie Tales in Eberron
IfAQ: Lhazaar Princes
IfAQ: Dhakaani Artificers
IfAQ: Evil Tairnadal Ancestors
What Defines the Mror?
IfAQ: University Adventures
IfAQ: Magical Education
IfAQ: Aereni Learning
Dragonmarks: Modern Medicine
IfAQ: Dragonshards and Tharashk
Gnolls and the Znir Pact
IfAQ: Warforged and the Blood of Vol
Cults of the Dragon Below
When is a crossbow not a crossbow?
Travel by Montage
Dragonmarks: UA Subclasses
Mordain the Fleshweaver
Tairnadal Patrons and Beasts
IfAQ: Can Warforged Cry?
FAQ: Changelings
Rising from the Last War: The Dwarves
Exploring Eberron: The Cover
Rising from the Last War: The Warforged
Eberron: Rising from the Last War
Gith in Eberron
Lightning Round: Dragons, Tarkanan and More!
Yuan-ti 2: How would I use them?
Sidebar: Yuan-ti
Daelkyr and the Prophecy
Transformers of Eberron
Sidebar: Starting a New Campaign
Sidebar: Elves of Eberron
Sidebar: Aberrant Dragonmarks
The Dark Six: The Traveler
Dragonmarked Houses
Lightning Round 3/26/19
The Artificer
The Dark Six: The Shadow
The Dark Six: The Fury
The Dark Six: The Keeper
Karrnathi Undead
Firearms in Eberron
The City of Silver and Bone
The Aurum
Druids in Eberron
Lightning Round 6/29/18
The Raven Queen in Eberron
Shavarath and the Blood War
Sorcerers and Manifestations of Magic
Undead, Sarlona and More!
Monks in Eberron
Good and Evil
The Age of Demons and You
Languages, Elementals and Pirates
Lightning Round 2/17/18
Building a Foundation (Starting in Q'barra)
Under the Sea
Changelings, Shifters and Lycanthropes
The Fighter
The Bard
Magewrights and Wand Adepts
Common Magic, Part One
People of the Five Nations
Locks and Wards
Player Races, Goblins and Overlords
Planar Q&A
Planes of Hope, Peace and Order
The Endless Night
Origin of Planes
Lizard Dreams
A Q'Barra Campaign
The Demon Wastes vs The Mournland
Orcs and the Ghaash'kala
The Blood of Vol
Fens and Marches
Rural Eberron
Catching up and the Eldeen Reaches
The Lords of Dust (flashback)
Exotic Races in Eberron
Thelanis and the Fey
Aberrant Dragonmarks
Faith and Wisdom, Arcane and Divine
Cults and Fiends
Planes, Druids and Fiends
Ravenloft and Cyre
Origins, Authors and Thrane
Under the Sea
Warforged and more!
Drow, Dwarves and more!
Subraces, Sarlona and more!
House Heraldry
Vol, the Dark Six and the Trouble with Aundair
Spies, Heraldry and a Lightning Round
Lost Lands and Obscure Places
Jorascocare and the Mark of Snails
The Gatekeepers
The Dragonmarked Houses Part 2
The Daelkyr and their cults
Khyber and Archivists
The Lords of Dust
Teleportation, Warforged, Paladins and more!
Demons and Deathless
Codex, Cannith, and Changes I'd Make
Is Boranel Evil?
Siberys, Flame and hybrids
Sports, Holidays and more!
What makes a Monster
Lightning Round 5
Lightning Round 4
Lightning Round 3
Lightning Round 2
The Dragonmarked Houses
Lightning Round 1
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:59, Thu 09 June 2022.
GM, 5 posts
Sun 22 Dec 2019
at 05:01
  • msg #2

Eberron Major Races

Player's Handbook

Humans- Humans come from Sarlona mostly, during a time of unrest known as the Sundering. The people of the Lhazaar Principalities were first to come to Khorvaire, but the those fleeing the Sundering came soon after, landing all over the continent. Humans range from the clannish folk of the Shadow Marches all the way up to Galifer's previous provinces, but no one ethnicity or skin colour from old Sarlona dominates any region, with the people of the ancient kingdoms mostly mixed and spread out over Khorvaire.

The swamp dwelling dragonshard hunters of the Shadow Marches developed the Mark of Finding (Tharask), the wilderness dwelling druids and rangers of Eldeen developed the Mark of Handling (Vadalis), the messengers and couriers of Aundair manifested the Mark of Passage (Orien), the warlike soldiers of Karrnath bear the Mark of Sentinel (Deneith) while the cunning smiths of Cyre developed the Mark of Making (Cannith).

Dwarves- hailing from the frozen north of the Frostfell, the dwarves crossed into northern Sarlona and Khorvaire in antiquity, and in Khorvaire they settled the Ironroot and Hoarfrost Mountains into the Mror Holds and began their great kingdoms and clan intrigues. Thousands of years ago the lands of the dwarves were destroyed by some fell evil, and now the dwarves who have reclaimed the Ironroot Mountains are descended from the exiles, criminals and wanderers cast out of those same great kingdoms. A dwarf of any standing at all is always judged by the things he owns, the clothes he wears, the bearing he has and the food and drink he can afford. Servants and goods are the mark of a successful dwarf, a fine axe is good both for how well it is made and how beautifully it is decorated.

The only remnants of the original dwarves of the Mror Holds, House Kundarak developed the Mark of Warding some time after sealing the vaults and kingdoms below. Though they've become rich and powerful bankers and warders, Kundarak (and all the other dwarven clans) would love to mount a successful campaign to retake the kingdoms below from the aberrations who dwell there and recover lost dwarven artifacts

Elves - In ancient Xen'Drik the elves were first brought low by the giants, made into slaves, save the ones who escaped into the wilds of the mountains and forests. After the giants won their war with creatures from the planes, the elves rose in rebellion. The shadowy drow were created by the giants from loyal elves and the kinslaying and great deeds and bitter betrayals became the stuff of epics until the elves fled Xen'Drik before the dragons cast the giants down. Those that escaped swore to remember and preserve their great mages and warriors, so no more of their greatest members would be lost to death. The Aereni of Aerenal took ancient necromancy and the natural positive energy of Aerenal to create the deathless, undying elven warriors and councilor mages, while the warrior Tairnadal of Aerenal's northern steppes (mostly descended from the escaped elves of the wilds) preserved their ancestor's stories and memories in emulation, each elf assigned an ancestor to emulate in battle and in deeds, whether butcher, craven or great hero. The third group of elves who settled Khorvaire are neither Aereni or Tairnadal, and besides age and an obsession with death, perfection and stories, are mostly like their shorter-lived neighbours. One of the defining marks of an elf is this lust for perfection, after a childhood measured in a century. Where humans adapt and improvise, an elf knows the technique, because they practiced it a thousand thousand times.

The spies and bards of the rebellions against the giants are also keepers of the stories, and traveled with the Khorvaire elves in exile from Aerenal, manifesting the Mark of Shadows and establishing House Phiarlan until the Shadow Schism, a bitter civil war of assassinations and bloodlines being extinguished. Now the Mark of Shadow is split in two between Houses Phiarlan and Thurrani, both expert entertainers, spies and, when necessary, assassins.

Gnomes - hailing from Thelanis, the plane of stories and fey (much like the elves), the gnomes tumbled into southern Khorvaire in antiquity and carved a series of kingdoms in the jungles of Zilargo. Quickly establishing themselves as a thorn in the goblin and kobolds' sides they took to using illusion, small size and poison to strike back against their larger enemies and a ruthless dedication to security to thwart the small reptilian tunnlers. The first to map the continents of the smaller races (they claim), they were also early seafarers, trading with remnants of the giant civilization in the north of Xen'Drik, the Aereni and the dwarves and Lhazaar humans. Always conflict was a last resort, the gnomes often ceding ground, goods and autonomy to get what they needed. And if that failed, poison and trickery. The gnomes count chronicles (newspapers), the finest universities (they say) and elemental binding among their contributions to Galifer's culture

Always the law and the bindings of the agreement have ruled Zilargo, and House Sivis and their Mark of Scribing have the magical power to seal legal documents and translate ancient or foreign writings, making them indispensable to Khorvaire's interests anywhere in the world.

Half-Elves - The Khorovar are the children of two great continents, Sarlona and Xen'Drik. The true children of Khorvaire (no word what the goblins, orcs, kobolds and halflings think of this claim) claim descent from both human and elven blood. Half-elves are mostly a true breeding population, large enough to sustain themselves without elven or human pairings, though that doesn't mean they shun those. A half-elf and a human produce half-elves, as does a half-elf and elf. The light of Aerenal dims, but never fades, as the Aereni say. Anywhere the Khorvaire elves and humans lived in proximity in the early days of Galifer, the Khorovar served as a bridge between the two peoples. And now they are counted among the diplomats, artists and explorers of the Nations, effortlessly walking the line between human flexibility and elven perfection.

The rainsingers of Thrane gave birth to the house of Lyrander and the Mark of Storms, great sailors and weather controllers, of late the sole house controlling the fielding of airships in commerce and travel. The Mark of Detection manifested among the Brelish Khorovar, enabling them to becomes amazing bodyguards and investigators, though the House Medani has long been rumoured to serve the Prince (and after Jarot's death, King) of Breland to the exclusion of the other Nations

Half-Orcs - The Jhor'gataaal are a proud lineage. When the humans of Sarlona mixed with the orcs of the Shadow Marches, their two bloods mixed in one, the "Child of Two Bloods". A half-orc in the marches is considered an auspicious person to have at any agreement, marriage or mediation, even if a human or orc does the talking, as their presence shows a common agreement. So powerful is the blood of the orc that a half-orc results from any coupling of orc or half-orc and any other medium race, be they human, dwarf or goblin. Though there is something special about the Jhor'gataaal of the marches.

As if to underscore this, while a half-elf cannot manifest the Marks of Making or Shadow, the half-orcs can manifest the Mark of Finding of House Tharask as often as the human members of the house, though full-blood orcs cannot. As a matter of fact, the half-orcs are some of the house's best trackers, surveyors and manhunters.

Halflings - when the dwarves founded their great kingdoms, the halflings were there in the great Talenta Plains. When the gnomes sailed the seas, the halflings tamed and rode their dinosaurs in great migrations. When the orcs and goblins ranged across Khorvaire, the halflings moved out of their way. The lizardfolk and dragonborn claimed the Endworld Mountains and jungles of Q'Barra and the plains beyond them, but the halflings continued to ride the grasslands and deserts undeterred. Only the coming of Galifer forced the halflings to ride beyond, some of the nomadic dinosaur riders even coming to live among the cityfolk and take on their ways. As it turns out, the halflings have a rare skill at organized crime . . .

The Marks of Hospitality and Healing originally manifested on the nomads who would become Houses Ghallanda and Jorasco and were seen as blessings of the gods before the Dragonmarked Houses discovered the tribes and bade them join their august number. Now the Ghallanda Golden Dragon Inns dot the landscape, a sign of quality and security where none break the laws of sanctuary and hospitality, while the Jorasco hospices and healers have driven disease and death from the cities of Khorvaire.

Eberron Campaign Setting

Changelings - In the times before the humans came to Khorvaire, a woman named Jes prayed to the Traveler to protect her children. They had many enemies who wanted to kill them, and so the Traveler cast his cloak over Jes' Children and they were able to blend in with other people, taking on their forms and hiding from those who would kill them. Other people would call them changelings, and they would be hated and feared in many places. Changeling came over with Lhazaar in her expedition, they fled Sarlona in the Sundering. They are here in Khorvaire, and still they believe the Traveler watches over them. But the gifts of the Traveler are to be wary of, and they do not serve for good or for ill, only for change. Some Changelings live in communities together, and often share roles and jobs across a static identity with multiple people who work as that person. Others live in isolation, trying to pass as a member of another race, or flitting between identities as the mood suits them.

Kalashtar - Before the Sundering in Sarlona, the mountain lands of Adar served as a peaceful refuge for those seeking enlightenment. Monastery fortresses dotted the landscape with schools of devout monks walking the path to a greater understanding of the cosmos. But all that changed when thirteen monks were possessed by creatures from the planes. Dal Quor, the plane of dreams, was in turmoil. Twice before it had undergone cataclysmic change, and now it stood to change a third time, erasing all that lived there. The Quori, the masters of Dal Quor, wished to stop it. And these Quori who had fled to Adar and bonded with the monks, they sought to bring the change on, to hasten the natural cycle. Because the plane of dreams was a place of nightmares.

Hounded by the Inspired of Riedra, the Kalashtar are the children of the bloodlines of twelve of these thirteen monks, psionically gifted and otherworldly in their looks and manner. Strong emotions caused their eyes to glow, and they are fond of wearing delicate metalwork and diaphanous silks. Some come to Khorvaire to escape the endless sieges of Adar, or being hunted elsewhere in Sarlona. But the Inspired have embassies in all the major cities of Khorvaire, and Riedran ethnic conclaves in Sharn (and elsewhere). Always the Kalashtar must be watchful, for the spies of Riedra are everywhere, and they sometimes cannot trust anyone but the quori spirit within them and all who share their bloodline.

Shifters - In Sarlona the Shifters once roamed all over the great continent, through the tundra, mountains and forests, until one day the moonspeakers, their sacred druids, foresaw a great migration would be undertaken. Wandering through a portal into Thelanis, the land of dreams, the shifters who undertook this quest were guided by Olarune, the moon of Thelanis, to the other side, where they emerged in Khorvaire's Eldeen Reaches long before the gnomes built their first boats.

Divided amongst groups which share animalistic traits when they shift, the shifters are strong in Eldeen but can be found all over Khorvaire, often thought of as the brutish and simple laborers and hunters in the Five Nations, better than goblins, but not amounting to much. The Last War changed these perceptions in places though, as the shifters also took to war exceptionally well, with a larger percentage of the shifter population being decorated veterans by war's end than the greater humanoid populations. But Khorvaire is slow to trust them, as the Lycanthropic Inquisition of the late 800s shows, when the Church of the Silver Flame and the shifters joined forces to end the threat of lycanthropes, only for zealots and opportunists to turn on the shifters as "potential lycanthropes" after the Church left Eldeen.

Warforged - In 965 YK, in the midst of the Last War, Cannith perfected the warforged, a golem of sorts capable of independent thought and learning. Able to be trained, to continue training and to make decisions for itself. Their first buyer was the beleaguered Cyran kingdom, but soon enough warforged fought on all sides of the war (after all, the Korth Edicts prevented Cannith from choosing a side, and profits were as profits did). The first models were limited to the more simple vocations, barbarians and rogues and sorcerers tapping into their dragonshard components, while as the years went on Cannith was able to perfect warforged who could do any job, even one as complicated and intricate as wizardy. Some even became clerics, raising the question of if a warforged had a soul.

At the end of the war, the Treaty of Thronehold provided warforged with the rights of a citizen of the Five Nations, but did not provide them any resources with which to live. They do not eat, drink or need to sleep, so their needs are few, but already they have need of work to earn their place in society in peacetime and there are cries of unfairness from certain circles that the tireless, strong and undistracted warforged are being given the work of other labourers at half the pay.

Monster Manual

Goblins - Once, the goblins ruled Khorvaire. The Tairnadal may have set up beachheads in Valenar, the orcs may have held the swamps and high mountains, and the dragonborn may have ruled Q'Barra, the dwarves might have had the valley between the Ironroot and Hoarfrost Mountains, but as far as the goblins were concerned they ruled all that was worthwhile in Khorvaire. The Dhakaani Empire stretched from the Bitter Sea to the Thunder Sea, from the Barren Sea to the Sea of Rage and Lhazaar. They worked metallurgy still unmatched by Cannith, they built the foundations of cities so strong they stand today. But when the Daelkyr invaded Eberron, they targeted the goblins with madness. Even with the help of the orcs, victory only led to the Empire fracturing as they turned to the worship of strange gods, and took to infighting. A few cells of goblins locked themselves away beneath the earth to avoid this plague of madness, but the damage was done. The Dhakaani broke down into tribes and sects, the bugbears taking to the high mountains and the hobgoblins to the lower crags, the smaller goblins suffering under both. And the humans of Sarlona only enslaved them or drove them off from good land.

When Cyre wanted mercenaries, the hobgoblins provided the forces they needed to hold off Breland and Thrane in the west, but treachery led to the goblins annexing southern Cyre (those mountains and hills they'd dwelled in already) and renaming it Darguun. Now the goblins seek to rediscover their old cultures, reconnect with the lost cells of Dhakaani who are only now emerging, and come together under one banner. It just can't be decided who should rule between the bugbears and the hobgoblins as of yet, and great artifacts of the Dhakaani empire may tip the balance

Lizardfolk - the lizardfolk once ruled the Talenta Plains, the Endworld Mountains and the jungles of Q'Barra, roaming and warring with the Tairnadal, the goblins and even the dinosaur riding halflings. Of special note were the dragonborn, somewhat smaller but more given to civilization, building palaces, walls and keeps in the places the lizardfolk went, the first of their number sent from Argonnessen as the Dhakaani Empire rose to oversee the lizardfolk and guide them back towards the teachings of the dragons. They took this to mean, after a time, ruling the lizardfolk and warring with the other races. Before the Empire had crumbled fully, the dragonborn already had diminished to warring tribes and clannish feuds, ignorant of the darkness they'd been sent to watch over in Q'Barra.

Now these two lizardfolk groups are considered one by the humanoids of Khorvaire, and a nuisance by most, occupying good land and raiding the towns of honest prospectors who have come to mine the dragonshards of the jungles. A joint effort by Purifiers of the Church of the Silver Flame and House Tharask would see the dragonborn and lizardfolk driven back into the sea to make New Galifer a true home for the good folk. The "scales" respond in kind, though some other motivation seems to move in the unsmiling eyes of the lizardfolk proper which not even the dragonborn can fathom.

Orcs - In ancient times the orcs rose in the Shadow Marches, the first druids of Khorvaire's lands. Tutored in the ancient druidic secrets by a renegade dragon, the orcs have sang and danced and kept the mysteries in the swamps and mountains of the continent. And one day, the prophesied danger they'd trained for came. The Daelkyr ravaged across the land, the goblins (hated enemies) stood on the brink of extinction. And some of the orcs came to their aid (though many also joined the Daelkyr), for while the goblins had long since done away with faith and gods, the orcs had long held the secrets of divine magic by that point and took to binding the Daelkyr away beneath the earth, in Khyber. Orcish and goblin alliance fell apart as the Empire crumbled though, and the orcs returned to their swamps and mountains, to keep watch over the seals.

In the Ironroot Mountains the Jhorash'tar clans of orcs have long menaced the dwarves of the Mror Holds, raiding their lands and even occupying the underkingdom halls of their forefathers to plunder Daelkyr and dwarven treasures alike. The addition of Karrnathi  military strength under Galifer's alliances to drive the orcs deeper into the wilds of the mountains only inflamed the tensions between the two groups. Now the dwarves are split, some wishing to mount a final campaign of blood to drive the orcs from the mountains, while others wish to give them a seat on the council of clans, to involve them in decisions which affect all of the Holds, and hopefully to stop their raiding and fighting.

Northwest of the Eldeen lies the Labyrinth of the Shadowcrag Mountains, and the Ghaash'kala of the Kalok Shash. The orcs and half-orcs here are a shadowy and elusive group, seldom seen except when absolutely necessary, but they serve a power they describe as a ghostly flame which sends them forth to make war with the Carrion Tribes of the Demon Wastes beyond. Khorvaire would long have fallen to the fiends of Khyber spilling forth from the Demon Wastes if not for these stern and watchful guardians of the Labyrinth.

Other races of note are:

Planetouched (aasimar and tiefling) who are mostly born of exposure to the planes though the fiendish rakshasa also produce the tiger-stripped Kalah, and the Heirs of Ohr Kaluun in Sarlona produced a number of tieflings which mostly live in Droaam.

Kobolds have been on Eberron since the dawn age, claiming to have sprung from the blood of the great dragons who forged the universe. Whatever the truth of that, three subraces exist, the violent and deadly Irvhir below, the binders of the Iredar between and the elusive winged Irsvern

The monsters of Droaam count the medusae, the harpies and the minotaurs among their number, as well as roving mercenary packs of gnolls.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:47, Sun 22 Dec 2019.
GM, 6 posts
Sun 22 Dec 2019
at 15:50
  • msg #3

Eberron Religions

The Silver Flame
Exorcism, Good, Law, Protection, Inquisition, Purification, Truth

The Sovereign Host
Blue and Yellow
Any of the domains in The Sovereign Host

Bronze and Green
Creation, Good, Life, Plant, Weather

White and Black
Knowledge, Law, Magic, Force, Mind, Oracle, Spell

Brown and Red
Air, Animal, Earth, Celerity, Retribution

Orange and Gray
Community, Family, Good, Law, Protection

Dol Arrah
Gold and White
Good, Law, Sun, War, Glory

Dol Dorn
Red and Silver
Chaos, Good, Strength, War, Competition, Liberation

Kol Korran
Gold and Silver
Charm, Commerce, Travel, Pact, Trade, Wealth

White and Dark Grey
Feast, Good, Healing, Luck, Pride

Red and Orange
Artifice, Fire, Good, Creation, Metal, Warforged

The Dark Six
Any of the domains in The Dark Six

The Devourer
Cold, Destruction, Evil, Pestilence, Ocean, Water, Weather

The Fury
Evil, Liberation, Hatred, Madness, Passion, Wrath

The Keeper
Death, Decay, Evil, Greed, Hunger, Pact

The Mockery
Destruction, Domination, Evil, Illusion, Trickery, War

The Shadow
Chaos, Evil, Magic, Shadow, Darkness, Mind

The Traveler
Artifice, Celerity, Chaos, Charm, Creation, Liberation, Travel, Trickery

The Blood of Vol
Death, Deathbound, Evil, Law, Necromancer

Cults of the Dragon Below (Khyber Cult)
Corruption, Cavern, Darkness, Dragon Below, Earth, Evil, Greed, Madness, Pact, Pain, Pestilence, Summoner
Heavy pick

The Path of Light (il-Yannah)
Balance, Law, Meditation, Protection, Mentalism
Unarmed strike

Path of Inspiration
Law, Meditation, Community

The Undying Court
Deathless, Fate, Good, Protection, Planning

The Keepers of the Past
Destruction, Protection, War, Elf, Revered Ancestor
Double scimitar

Lesser religions include (details on request):
The Becoming God, a cult of warforged seeking to build a god for their race
The Lord of Blades, the messianic figure of the Mournlands who seeks a world stricken of non-warforged
The Reforged Philosophy, warforged seeking a secular intellectual transfiguration by exploring their humanity and seeking to hone their personhood
Thir, a draconic mystery cult that venerates the three progenitor dragons instead of the Sovereigns' draconic forms
The Principles of Life and Health, a Jorasco cult that empowers their scions magic instead of a tradition church
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:04, Sat 05 Dec 2020.
GM, 7 posts
Sun 22 Dec 2019
at 15:57
  • msg #4

Nations of Khorvaire

Presented below, the Five Nations of Galifer and their respective dependents which became their own countries under the Treaty of Thronehold


The wizard of Galifer, Aundair's people are passionate, artistic and devoted. Whatever someone from Aundair chooses to do, they put their whole self into, even if it's multiple things at once. Old ways are best, but new fashions are sometimes even better, and you can always tell the old stock from the newcomers. Recently dealt two blows in the war with the secession of the Eldeen Reaches and the loss of their capital city of Thaliost, Aundair has simply transitioned her government to the royal residence city of Fairhaven.

Whether it's the eldritch knights and duskblades of their knighthood, the frenzied fencing of the Aundairan flameblade barbarians or the quiet glamours of the spies of the Royal Eyes of Aundair, Aundair involves magic in almost everything it does.

Eldeen Reaches

The Eldeen Reaches were once the great arboreal wilds of Aundair, home to the farmers, rangers and foresters who lived there along the hill lands. As the altitude climbs higher and higher, the rangers remain but the rest gives way to the shifters and the druidic sects who battle each other but all defer to the great pine Oalian, and the fey groves and horrible aberrations who crawl the woods. Occasionally, the demons of the Demon Wastes or rogue packs of lycanthropes will rampage down through the farmlands, and during the Last War the Lhazaar pirates and Karrnathi naval raids took their toll as well with little help from Aundair. And so the Eldeen Reaches declared independence and the rangers, shifters and druids sealed this declaration with traps and skirmishes, defending the farmers where Aundairs arcane knights failed.


The rogue of Galifer, Breland has always been more pragmatic than her siblings, a nation in love with good sense and democracy and not afraid to speak its mind. However this has also led to consolidating influence and power in Breland's cities and fostering a sort of meritocracy, for good or ill. Each person in Breland succeeds or fails on their own merits, but rebellions are common, banditry and civil unrest a common occurence and the common folk speaking out against their betters an uncomfortable reality. Of the rebellions to seat a different king on the throne from the ones in direct succession, most have been fostered in Breland, from Faidran's Folly to the current all-but explicit plan to do away with the monarchy entirely upon the death of King Boranel.

Luckily Breland also maintained Galifer's courts of law and government intelligence services, including the often whispered about King's Dark Lanterns, who answer only to the Citadel and the King. Breland's independent streak has led to the rise of some of the Last War's greatest commanders, commissioned officers who lack the ancient education of Karrnath's Rekkenmark, but make up for it in grit and personal charisma, inspiring men to the heights of heroism, and sadly also to the depths of depravity in the name of victory.


West of the Byeshk Mountains, the dusty crags and windsweapt mountains of Droaam have long been a place of monsters. Tales of Aundairan and Brelish knights riding off to fight the monsters have long thrilled children of Galifer. The reality however is a land devoid of many resources, where ogres, trolls, shifters, changeling, goblins and orcs form the majority of the populace among more fantastical creatures like harpies, goliaths, medusae, minotaurs and gnolls. Once clannish and territorial, the three hags known as the Daughters of Sora Kell bound all the various groups together into a fighting force ready to respond to Breland's occupation. At the battle of Faidran's Folly they declared their independence, laying the crown of the fool Faidran at Boranel's place when the Treaty of Thronehold was signed, though Khorvaire does not recognize Droaam's sovereignty to this day. Now scattered cities and a few smaller towns and villages hold Droaam's future, as the three hags seek to both prove that these "monsters" are capable of civilization, and to delve deep into the ancient goblin and daelkyr ruins of this lost land for weapons should they need to fend off attack . . . or invade.

The Shadow Marches

If Droaam was ignored by Breland right next door, the territory of the Shadow Marches, lying west of the land of monsters, was more distant still. The forests, bogs and swamps of the Shadow Marches hold little save snakes and gators and aberrations and oozes, but its people are a hardy and cautious lot who've sat out much of the rise and fall of kingdoms before. It wasn't until the area was identified as a major source of the common red dragonshards known as Eberron shards, combined with the discovery of the human/half-orc House Tharask among the swamp dwellers, that the place became somewhere of note. From the ancient petrified trees of Zarash'ak a naval trade to Sharn and Stormreach and Sarlona beyond began, with orc and gnome cooperating to bring the shining red shards to markets far and wide and open up the Marches to a wider world.


Ever since the king of the gnomes bent his knee with all his armies behind him and kissed the sword of Galifer I, Zilargo has been a province of Breland (and Galifer above her). Their soldiers, honed in battles for centuries against the likes of kobolds, Malleon the Reaver and Karrn the Conquerer, excelled in guerilla warfare and poison, but it was their ships and their libraries that made Zilargo useful to Galifer. With the war came the wartime reports of the Korranberg Chronicle, and after the war the country gained independence from Breland with an agreement of mutual support and alliance. The Trust, the rumoured secret cabal that rules Zilargo, may have other plans though.


The bard of Galifer, the glittering purple jewel of Galifer's crown, Cyre always had the best. Selected as the choice province to give to Galifer's heir to govern, the practice continued from there, with each new ruler placing their next in line as Prince or Princess of Cyre, with the other four nations divided out between the four foremost heirs after that. Each of the other four nations paid tribute to Cyre, in taxes and in people, with wizards from Aundair, soldiers from Karrnath, priests from Thrane and spies and judges from Breland, trained by the best each region had to offer. Each dragonmarked house strove to give, if not their best, at least a very good showing in the capital city of Metrol, with Cannith and Phiarlan housing their headquarter enclaves in the city. Thronehold may have been the seat of Galifer's throne, but Metrol was the heart of his bloodline, a spectacle to the kingdom that bred little besides contempt in the other nations. Their best and brightest, their hard labours, all went to Cyre so a beggar in Metrol lived better than a crofter in Karrnath.

When the Last War broke out, Cyre found herself bereft of her benefits. Gold and the right of succession were on her side, but many of the "best and brightest" fled for their original homes. Not all, but enough that Cyre was gold rich and poor in all else. Worse still were the nobles of many great houses who fled from Cyre to Q'Barra, claiming to represent the true Galifer and seeking to start anew in the jungles. Mercenaries from House Deneith supplemented the armies at first, but it was a price any nation could and would pay, and a contract with goblins of South Cyre and another brokered with the Tairnadal elves of northern Aerenal left Cyre with less land than before when both turned against their employers within decades of each other. The warforged turned the tide for a time, but soon enough like the soldiers of Deneith they were sold to anyone who could afford them.

Every Cyran knows in their heart the war was lost before it ended. They just disagree on when it was certain. Was it when the Dragonmarked houses valued profit over loyalty? Was it when the elves and goblins seized Cyran lands? Was it when the Brelish and Karrnathi began committing atrocities? Or was it when Mishann trusted that the crown was hers, by right?

Grey fog and twisted wasteland stand now where Cyre once was, but no Cyran will forget in their heart what they lost, or who took it from them.


South Cyre was always a rocky land, but the nobles and commonfolk who lived there were living on borrowed time by the time Cyre was desperate enough to field the goblin mercenaries against Breland. Now Darguun stands where Cyre's southern edge once was, a riot of goblin ruins turned into new keeps and old Cyran towns converted to new markets and castles for the goblins to ply their wares. Slavery is rampant, both of goblins who've been captured or forced into indentured service, and the selling of other races that are taken by bugbears in the mountains or hobgoblin slavers in the valleys. Though the head chieftain of the hobgoblins speaks of peace and forging a new civilization, his countrymen are given to barbarity beyond his control, whether due to their nature or a long held thirst for retribution against Galifer.

The Marguul bugbears of the highlands oppose the hobgoblins of the lowlands and prove even more difficult to deal with for the Five Nations, a proud and vicious series of clans which have designs on Zilargo and Thrane. But most dangerous of all are the Dhakanni, remnants of the ancient goblin empires who locked themselves away beneath the ground at the fall of the empire. They bring with them knowledge and arts now lost, and almost all of those were turned towards expansion and conquest when their writ ran large.


In the times of the Dhakanni Empire, the Tairnadal established a territory south of Talenta and Q'Barra called Valenar. It was a place of wild jungle, lush oasis and roving desert, and the ruins of goblin and elf still dot the landscape. In the intervening time, humans from Sarlona (mostly the blood of the ancient wizard kingdoms of Khunan and their surrounding kingdoms) settled in the deserts and grasslands, and the nation of Metrol conquered those people and set their nobles to rule over them until Galifer united the Five Nations and renamed Metrol to Cyre.

The Tairnadal accepted the charge to fight Cyre's enemies willingly, and took their cavalry against Karrnath and its allies across the Talenta Plains. When the time came for payment, the self-titled King of these Valenar elves balked at the gold and riches of Cyre and claimed the lands of East Cyre instead, turning out the nobles of ancient Metrol to flee back to their queen, barefoot and shirtless. The Valenar now hold this land, though they raid frequently into Talenta, Q'Barra and even farther afield on their wind-swift horses. Few if any children live in Valenar save the human commoners who've traded one lord for another (and this one cares nothing for taxes), and the only noncombatants are what might be called camp followers among other militaries, the grooms and horsekeepers, the smiths and cooks. All the children are in Aerenal, and come over to Valenar once they are grown.


The fighter of Galifer, homeland of Karrn the Conquerer and the great uniter Galifer I, Karrnath's martial pedigree cannot be denied. Her people are cold and stern like the winters that whip down from the Bitter Sea to the north and they have little patience for sweet talk or bluster, preferring to speak at length of their proud heritage. After all, while many of the noble families of the Five Nations made overtures of being an older line than the royal line of kings, it was Karrnath who bore that bloodline into existence, and it was Galifer who made the other nations kneel.

Initially bolstered by their superiour soldiers and officers trained in the military academy of Rekkenmark, Karrnath took loss after loss during the Last War, with Thrane's devout archer commonfolk, Aundair's fierce phantom cavalry, Breland's impassioned commanders and the Valenar cavalry of Cyre driving the Karrnathi to turn to another method to bolster their ranks. Long had the Seekers of the Divinity Within, the Blood of Vol, ruled central Karrnath's farmlands, uniting neighbour with neighbour in brotherhood in defiance of the Sovereign Host, and it was their necromancers and priests who turned Karrnath's fallen soldiers into undead who would not break at a cavalry charge and could shrug off the silver tipped arrows of the Flame.

It was Karrnath's war to lose and lose it they did, with famine the last in a long line of setbacks near war's end. With the people starving as the war was called to an end with the signing of the Treaty of Thronehold, Kaius III, grandson of the man who'd started the war against Mishann's ascension, betrayed both his warlords' martial spirit and the Seekers who'd buoyed their victories in one fell swoop. Suing for peace in a war which the warlords could have won in their minds was tantamount to desertion, though few would grumble loud enough for the king to hear. And the Seekers and their undead were attainted by the king, signed off in the Treaty as grievous weapons which had no place in peacetime, and the Seekers were blamed for the famine and Karrnath's inability to achieve victory (their necromancy not being in line with the warrior spirit of Karrnath)

Now the Seeker-led patriot forces of the Emerald Claw are fugitives from their own country, though with many places to hide even in Karrnath so long as they don't wear their colours openly in Kaius' sight. And the Seeker's finest weapons, the marriage of paladin and undead that was the bone knights, ride as men and women without a country, a sacrifice for their king now leaving some of them forever bonded within their bone plate armour.

Lhazaar Principalities

Long before Karrnath lay (tenuous) claim to the Principalities, it was the first footfall of humans in Khorvaire. All races ply these waters now, but the humans and changelings of the mainland and lower islands and the exiled elves of the Bloodsails make up the majority of the people here. Merchant sailors, pirates and sea barons alike hail from these islands and sail out across the Bitter Sea and Sea of Lhazaar. During the war, some Princes of the islands sailed with their Seeker allies in Karrnath, but many turned to piracy against all nations, seeking to use the chaos for profit. Now with the Treaty signed, the Principalities are allies of the Five Nations again, and all is forgotten . . . by no one.

Mror Holds

The Mror Holds did not prevent dwarves from fighting for any nation in the Last War, though they backed their liege lords of Karrnath well enough. However, the Ironroot Mountains provided more than soldiers, becoming the underwriters of the loans of all the nations in the war, locking the great vaults of Galifer off from any of the belligerents until the conflict had a clear winner, with money borrowed against future gains. Not only House Kundarak, but the independent investors from many of Mror's clans saw fit to hedge their bets and sow seeds to profit from later. A shadowy society of the wealthiest citizens in Khorvaire is rumoured to be headquartered in the Mror Holds, the Aurum, and if it is true, this new nation of ancient dwarf ruins needs only wait and watch as Khorvaire tears itself asunder with no clear end of the war.


The wide plains of Talenta saw much of Cyre and Karrnath's conflict in the Last War, with halfling tribes mostly remaining neutral, those who didn't simply raid and attack both sides. However the Last War proved beneficial for both of the halfling dragonmarked houses, with all sides employing the services of hospitality and healing.

Now the plains mostly play host to the twin undead fortresses of Fort Bone and Fort Zombie, holding out against the attacks by the Valenar and certain tribes of halflings who have not recognized the Treaty's authority (they are, after all, not obliged to listen to the majority of tribes, as the elders warned at Thronehold), but with the war over elsewhere the Talenta are mostly spreading out across Khorvaire again, following adventure, employment with the houses, the call of their gods, or the easy money of crime in the big cities.


When nobles from all over Galifer balked at the idea of fighting in the Last War, they turned to the ideals of Galifer of old and sailed for Q'Barra at the edge of Khorvaire, away from the war. Mostly Cyran, but with all nations represented, the nobles set about establishing a perfect kingdom beneath their king of royal blood Ven ir'Kesslan. They resurrected the ancient sword styles of old knights of Galifer, and waited for the war to end so all would see the perfection of Q'Barra. It was not to be, as the lizardfolk and raiders from Lhazaar began attacking the New Galifer, and before long the colony was in danger of collapse. That was when help arrived out of the east, with the dark sails of Riedra on the horizon. Riedran soldiers, the beastly shifter and ogre Savage Legion and the wise counsel of the Inspired proved to fortify New Galifer, and now Q'Barra welcomes these allies who ask for nothing save a place to trade and join hands in brotherhood.

The area south of New Galifer is named Hope, and is a lawless place which saw a swell of population as refugees, deserters and prospectors for dragonshards settled in the region. Dragonshards prove to be Q'Barra's greatest export, mirroring the Shadow Marches on the other side of Khorvaire, and House Tharask has added their support to Riedra's in protecting and bolstering the fledgling nation.

To the north, the lizardfolk muster alongside warring tribes of dragonborn, and deeper still in Q'Barra more twisted lizardfolk of the poison dusk and great hulking blackscales kill dragonborn, lizardfolk and humanoids alike, sheltering in great ancient ruins even older than the goblins.


Always the cleric of Galifer, the start of the Last War was the end of the royal rule in Thrane. Seizing the nation in short order, the Church of the Silver Flame which had ruled not only Thrane but more and more of Khorvaire each century turned to make Thrane into a theocracy, emphasizing self-sufficiency and complete support of the nation. Commonfolk drilled with longbows and great silver-plated knights rode forth into all the other four nations to battle their enemies for the glory of the Flame. Stories abounded among more sympathetic groups of Thranish soldiers taking up arms with their Purifier brethren in other nations when the monsters of Droaam or the undead of Karrnath would threaten all, but the war was still a war and Thrane fought to win, as the cardinals increasingly pushed for more and more power.

The current Keeper of the Flame, the highest authority of the Church, is Jaela Daran, and though she is young her voice and edicts carry much weight, though the cardinals' focus on earthy matters stands in opposition to her heavenly pursuits. Currently Thrane is divided, between those who would serve the Keeper, those who would serve her cardinals and their theocracy, and those who would see the Queen Diani, little more than a figurehead at moment, returned to her rightful place as ruler of Thrane. To say nothing of the schisms between the moderate and extremist sects of the Church.

Thrane's greatest victory in the war was their capture of Thaliost, a mostly Purifier city given over to the Pure Flame, an Aundairan extremist sect of the Church. As they strove for self-sufficiency there was little at the Treaty that Aundair could leverage for the return of their former capital. Now Thrane stands poised to either lead the crusade against evil once more like in the days of old Galifer, or to fall to politics and in-fighting as the various factions tear the country apart.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:08, Tue 24 Dec 2019.
GM, 21 posts
Thu 9 Jan 2020
at 12:38
  • msg #5

Money, Days and Months

Zarantyr (January),
Olarune (Feb),
Therendor (Mar),
Eyre (April),
Dravago (May),
Nymm (June),
Lharvion (July),
Barrakas (Aug),
Rhaan (Sept),
Sypheros (Oct),
Aryth (Nov),
Vult (Dec)

There are 4 weeks of 7 days each in a month, for a total of 28 days. The days are as follows;
Sul (Sunday)
Mol (Monday)
Zol (Tuesday)
Wir (Wednesday)
Zor (Thursday)
Far (Friday)
Sar (Saturday)

In the modern age, merchants have begun to use letters of credit to handle large transactions, drawing on the reserves of the dwarf banks of the Mror Holds. But most day to day transactions are dealt with through the use of coins made from precious metal. Once all coins were minted under the authority of the King of Galifar. With the collapse of the old kingdom, each of the Five Nations began to mint its own currency, as did the Mror bankers. However, while the designs imprinted on these coins vary based on the source, each of these forces has continued to use the same metals, weights, and denominations set forth in the days of Galifar, maintaining a simple standard for commerce across Khorvaire.

The crown is made from copper and traditionally depicts the crown of Galifar on one face. The crown is the lowest denomination of coin minted under the rule of Galifar. Ten crowns are worth one sovereign.

The sovereign is made from silver and bears the face of a living or recent ruler. An unskilled laborer can expect to earn a sovereign for a day’s work. Ten sovereigns are worth one golden galifar.

The galifar is made from gold. It bears the image of Galifar I, the founder of the old kingdom. Ten golden galifars are worth one platinum dragon.

The dragon is minted from platinum and bears the image of one of the dragons of legend. With a value of one hundred sovereigns, these coins are used only by the wealthiest citizens of Khorvaire, and the average peasant may never see such a coin.

There are a number of other coins in circulation, such as the double crown of Breland or the silver throne of Cyre, which has a value of five sovereigns. However, all of the major nations make use of the four basic coins described above.

To summarize the values: 1000 copper crowns = 100 silver sovereigns = 10 golden galifars = 1 platinum dragon.
GM, 30 posts
Mon 13 Jan 2020
at 01:45
  • msg #6

Sharns Laws

Breland adheres to the Galifar Code of Justice. Currently, the protection of the law is extended to all citizens of the 12 nations recognized by the Treaty of Thronehold and all members of the dragonmarked houses. This notably excludes Droaam and the Shadow Marches, although Marchers or Droaamites in the employ of House Tharashk are protected. As a result, creatures from Droaam are not protected by the law unless they are working for House Tharashk. All beings are expected to abide by the laws of the city, so while there is technically no legal penalty for killing a Droaamite gnoll, the gnoll is held accountable if he murders a Brelish citizen.

Undead are also excluded from the protection of the law, regardless of whether or not they are intelligent. Once a creature has died, he no longer has any status in the eyes of the law.

The warforged are protected due to rights granted them by the Treaty of Thronehold, but getting the representatives of the law to always enforce this protection is tricky.

Breaking the Law
As a civilized city bound to the basic tenets of the Brelish law and the Galifar Code of Justice, Sharn has a fairly typical set of laws. While many crimes are obvious, a character can always make a DC 10 Knowledge (local) check to establish the legal status of a specific action.

Common crimes are described below.

Some of the most serious crimes under the law are those actions that bring direct, physical harm to another person.

Assault and Battery: The consequences of unarmed brawling depend on class. In lower class districts, the law completely ignores brawling. An innkeeper may throw a rowdy barbarian out of the inn, but the guards simply don’t have time to follow up on every bar fight.
In a middle-class neighborhood, the consequences depend on who is involved in the fight. If two laborers get into a fight, the guards don’t care—but if a seedy adventurer punches a respectable barrister, that’s another story. Officers of the Watch break up any fight involving respectable citizens. This is a minor offense that can be handled by a sergeant of the Watch. A mark is made on the identification papers of the guilty party. He is fined 5 sp for each assault charge shown on his papers. Finally he is escorted out of the district and ordered to stay away for at least one day. If the character doesn’t have gold or identification papers, he is taken to the local garrison and assigned to labor detail. Generally guards do not investigate any sort of assault that they did not personally observe.

An upper-class district follows the same guidelines as middle-class. There are more guards on the streets of an upper-class neighborhood, so a brawl is more likely to be spotted and stopped.

Armed Assault: Once people start inflicting lethal damage on one another, a brawl becomes more serious. Guards rarely investigate armed assault in lower-class areas, provided that both parties survived (if not, it’s murder). But they certainly do break up fights that they observe and fine the aggressors. The fine increases to 10 gp per offense, and a character with three or more marks on his record may be sent to the garrison and held for trial. It is also common policy to confiscate the weapon of the aggressor, which could be a far more serious loss to a high-level adventurer.
Assaulting an Officer: Attacking an agent of the law is always a bad idea, and anyone captured after such a battle is held for trial.

Murder: Murder—the theft of life—is a serious offense. A murderer who is taken by the Watch is held for trial, and execution is certainly a possible punishment. However, this assumes that anyone reports the crime, and that the guards consider it worth the time to investigate. Self-defense is a strong mitigating factor; if the party is attacked by a group of Daask gnolls and kills them, the Watch won’t try to track them down and hold them accountable. Likewise, the identity of the victim plays a major role in determining punishment. The murder of a city councilor likely results in execution; the death of a goblin gambler probably never reaches court.

Dueling: There is a long tradition of dueling in Khorvaire, especially in Karrnath and Thrane. In adventurers’ quarters, duels are taken quite seriously; people help the combatants find a safe place to duel, and people who refuse what is seen as a valid challenge suffer a significant loss of face in the district. Most duels are fought to first blood (10% of a duelist’s hit points) or until a combatant chooses to yield, but duels to the death are not unheard of.

However, the Galifar Code of Justice provides no exceptions for dueling. The Sharn Watch considers duels to be assault with two guilty parties, potentially armed assault or even murder depending on the nature of the duel and whether it is interrupted in time.
While most duels are centered on combat, duels based around displays of skill or magical prowess also occur. Thieves may select a single wealthy target and see who can steal the richest jewel without being noticed.

Deception is stock in trade for criminals, almost a prerequisite for any other sort of crime. In some cases, however, the deception itself is the crime.

Forgery: Counterfeit coins and false identification papers are the most common forms of forgery, but there are many others. For minor offenses, a guard simply confiscates the counterfeit goods and applies a fine with a value appropriate to the damage caused by the crime. Using forged identification papers carries a standard fee of 10 gp. Participation in a counterfeiting ring or forgery of a more serious nature results in the character being held for trial, with major fines, branding, and exile as possible punishments.

Fraud: Technically, fraud is “deliberate deception with the intent to cause injury to another.” This covers a wide array of crimes, from oath breaking to selling false goods to what the Galifar Code of Justice calls “Counterfeit of Identity with Criminal Intent”— a charge typically brought against changelings. There are a few factors that determine the degree to which the Sharn Watch pursues a fraud investigation. First, how much damage was done? The guards won’t bother with a charlatan selling supposed beholder eggs for 5 cp apiece, but a false alchemist selling worthless “healing potions” for 750 gp may run into trouble. If some form of concrete damage cannot be shown, the case certainly won’t be investigated.

The next questions that need to be answered are where the crime took place and who was involved. Scams that occur in the lower wards are rarely investigated; people who stay in Dragoneyes or Hostelhome are asking for trouble. And as is usually the case in Sharn, the guards typically protect the wealthy at the expense of the poor.

Cases of fraud generally need to be resolved in court; fines, branding, or exile are the usual punishments.

Slander: Currently, slander is not a crime under the Galifar Code of Justice. If a bard pens a satirical song about Kalphan Riak, he won’t have a lawsuit on his hands, though he might have to deal with the wrath of the merchant prince.

It is far more common for criminals to steal, harm, or smuggle property than people. Crimes of property are both more common in the city and less serious under the law.
Theft: Theft is the most common form of crime in Sharn. It’s said that every minute someone picks a pocket or cuts a purse, though this is undoubtedly an exaggeration. For minor offenses where the stolen property is returned, the thief must pay the victim twice the value of what he stole. If the item cannot be returned, the fine may rise as high as ten times the value of the item that was lost, with hard labor if the fine cannot be paid. Branding and exile are common punishments for repeat offenders.

Smuggling and Contraband: Characters who sell or possess prohibited goods can find themselves in trouble with the law. Typically, contraband goods are confiscated and the criminal is ordered to pay a fine of up to twice the value of the contraband. Large smuggling operations may result in greater fines, along with branding and exile.

Treasure Hunting: Under the Galifar Code of Justice, it is illegal to plunder and sell the relics of past civilizations for personal gain. So, treasures recovered from Xen’drik, the Depths, or similar locations are actually contraband goods, and the Wharf Watch searches all vessels returning from Xen’drik for treasures.

There are a few ways that adventurers can avoid having their hard-won treasures confiscated. If they wish to work within the law, they can purchase a letter of marque from the Wharf Watch. A letter of marque costs 500 gp and lasts for one year. A letter of marque covers a single region, such as Breland or Xen’drik.

When an adventurer attempts to sell recovered goods or passes through customs, he must produce a valid letter of marque for the region where he obtained the recovered goods. Characters who wish to keep these treasures must purchase a record of legal acquisition, a notarized resilient document that provides a brief description of the object and its owner; a single record can describe up to six different objects.

The need for letters of marque is one reason that adventurers may seek patrons to sponsor their expeditions; Morgrave University has standing letters of marque for almost anywhere adventurers might go. However, an adventurer could choose to avoid the law altogether. Fences throughout Cliffside and the city are happy to make contraband treasures go away, and a good forger can produce letters of marque at a far more reasonable price (typically 25 gp). An adventurer found using forged letters of marque is fined 1,000 gp and blacklisted by the Wharf Watch, which prevents him from acquiring letters of marque in the future.

The Galifar Code of Justice includes strict guidelines for the use of magic, as laid down by the Arcane Congress in ages past. These include the following:
Use of any spell that can inflict physical harm on another being—from magic missile to finger of death—is considered to be armed assault. This includes spells that permanently incapacitate a target, such as flesh to stone. Careless use of fire magic is treated especially harshly, due to the significant threat of property damage. If a summon spell conjures a dangerous creature that harms another person, the conjurer is liable for the actions of the beast.

Spells that incapacitate a target—such as sleep— are treated as simple assault.
Spells that tamper with the thoughts of another being—charm person, suggestion, fear—are considered to be a form of fraud.

There are also a few more obscure laws. House Ghallanda has the sole right to make use of heroes’ feast or Leomund’s secure shelter within the city limits. Rope trick and Leomund’s tiny hut can only be used in private rooms. Knock can only be used by or on behalf of the legal owner of the locked item.

The problem with magical crimes is that the burden of proof falls on the accuser. Can she prove that she was charmed? The Blackened Book only investigates high-profile cases that have resulted in major damages. Otherwise, if spell use cannot be proven, the crime is not prosecuted. The forces of the law are authorized to use any form of magic in pursuit of their duties.

The accusation of treason against the Brelish Crown or the city of Sharn is a serious matter. The Guardians of the Gate handle the investigation of treason, and the King’s Citadel generally becomes involved if the accusation is serious. Treasonous behavior can include:
• Conspiracy to harm a city offi cial or member of the Brelish Parliament or Royal Court.
• Conspiracy to steal or damage property of the Crown or the government of Sharn.
• Espionage on behalf of a foreign government.

While these are the most common categories, the agents of the King’s Citadel can extend the umbrella of treason to cover any activity they see as threatening the security of Breland. Crimes of Treason are tried under the authority of the King’s Citadel, without access to a jury. Depending on the magnitude of the crime, treason can result in exile, indefinite imprisonment, or even execution.

Occasionally individual districts or wards have their
own laws. Upper Tavick’s Landing has a substantial
set of local laws, described below:

A character must obtain a license to carry a weapon within Upper Tavick’s Landing. This license can be obtained at the courthouse in Twelve Pillars, and costs 5 gp. However, the main purpose of the license is to keep armed undesirables out of the district. The typical adventurer must make a DC 25 Diplomacy check to convince the functionary to provide him with a license. He must be a Brelish citizen or a member of a dragonmarked house, and must provide a great deal of personal information, including a detailed description of the weapons he is licensed to carry. Any member of the Sharn City Watch or House Deneith can demand to see a license, and they will confiscate unauthorized weapons.
A different license is required to cast spells within the district; this costs 10 gp and requires the character to specify the spells he wishes to cast. Unauthorized spellcasting generally results in a fine of 50 gp times the level of the spell.

Upper Tavick’s Landing has a dress code. Inhabitants must dress “in a manner that upholds the solemn dignity of this proud ward,” and it is up to the individual Watch officer or Deneith guard to interpretwhat this means. Generally, an adventurer is safe if his clothes cost at least 5 gp, but this law provides an excellent excuse to harass undesirables. Armor is usually considered to be inappropriate unless the wearer is part of the Watch, House Deneith, or another branch of the city government or the crown. Anyone held to be in contempt of this law is escorted from the district and ordered to stay away until rectifying the situation.

Unruly conduct—fighting, shouting in the streets, and other forms of rude behavior—results in a fine of up to 5 gp and temporary expulsion from the ward (assuming that none of the other laws of the city were broken during the incident).

The Forces of the Law
Inevitably, adventurers who spend a significant amount of time in Sharn cross paths with the forces of the law. Heroic adventurers may be called upon to help in the pursuit of justice, while amoral or down-on-their-luck PCs may run afoul of the law. This section provides an overview of the organizations that enforce the law: the forces that adventurers may fight alongside of or against, depending on their motives.

The Sharn Watch is the overarching organization that enforces the laws of the city. The sentinels of the Watch patrol the streets of Sharn, ever vigilant for signs of unrest. Unfortunately, the Sharn Watch is riddled with corruption, from the commanding officers down to the patrols. There are a few dedicated guards who truly want to protect the innocent. But bribery runs rampant, and the watch has a way of never showing up at the same time as Daask or the Boromar clan. And aside from the general problems of greed, cowardice, and corruption, the watch commanders focus their forces on protecting the wealthy and powerful citizens of the city. The lower levels of the towers are lightly patrolled, while the only guards seen in the Cogs are assigned to specific locations that are vital to the welfare of the city. So the streets of Skyway are quite safe—but the character who runs into a band of angry ogres in the Cogs shouldn’t expect to see any help from the Watch.

While the majority of the members of the Watch are simple street pounders, there are also a few elite divisions within the organization that have special duties. A few of these groups—such as the Blackened Book and the Guardians of the Gate—are described on their page. Other less interesting branches include the Wharf Watch, who oversee trade and taxation (despite the name, they operate throughout the city); the Cog Guards (who patrol the reservoirs and most critical areas of the sewer systems), and the Goldwings, an air cavalry unit who use Vadalis-trained hippogriffs to scout for trouble and to respond to mid-air crimes.

The central administration of the Sharn Watch is housed in the Citadel, the hulking fortress in Ambassador Towers that contains the Sharn Prison and the headquarters of the King’s Citadel. The bulk of the Watch is divided up between four garrison districts: Daggerwatch in Upper Dura, Warden Towers in Middle Menthis, Sword Point in Middle Central Plateau, and Black Arch in Lower Tavicks Landing. Each garrison has its own commander, and these officers have a considerable amount of leeway in how they interpret policy.

Any commander can call on the Blackened Book, the Sharn Guard, or the Goldwings for assistance. In dire situations, they can contact the Redcloaks or the King’s Citadel. But in practice, these elite units aren’t called into play that often.

As a general rule, the commanders of the Watch are only interested in maintaining the status quo and protecting the wealthy. As long as things are quiet on the surface, the Watch rarely goes searching for trouble. Even in times of crisis, most commanders prefer use personal agents to quietly resolve situations as opposed to bringing in the Redcloaks or the King’s Citadel.

Contraband in Sharn
The following items are considered to be contraband in Breland:
• Absentia (page 160)
• Dragon’s blood (page 161)
• Dreamlily (page 161)
• Most addictive substances (DM’s discretion)
• Blank pages notarized by House Sivis
• Any poison that can inflict more than 1 point of Constitution damage, permanent damage to any ability, or more than 1d6 damage to any ability.

Other items are not actually illegal, but are restricted. These items can only be sold to members of the royal military or the Sharn Watch. Possession of a restricted item is not illegal, but the Watch will want to know why the character has the item, and if the explanation is insufficient it may be confiscated.

Restricted items include:
• Any bane weapon that affects a humanoid creature type.
• Any type of poison that is not actually outlawed.
• Any magic item (including scrolls or wands) that reproduces the effects of any of the following spells: cloudkill, chain lightning, circle of death, cone of cold, contagion, delayed blast fireball, disintegrate, finger of death, feeblemind, fireball, flesh to stone, greater shout, horrid wilting, ice storm, imprisonment, incendiary cloud, insanity, invisibility (including greater invisibility), lightning bolt, meteor swarm, Mordenkainen’s disjunction, phantasmal killer, poison, polar ray, power word kill, soul bind, sunburst, or weird.

A wealthy nobleman starts a fight with one of the adventurers. After a few blows have been exchanged, a Watch patrol comes around the corner. The guards put a stop to the battle, and the sergeant asks for an explanation. What happens next?

Unfortunately, Sharn is a very corrupt city. The soldiers of the Watch and the Guard respect people who appear to be wealthy, and are happy to accept bribes. In any sort of “your word versus mine” situation, each side in the conflict should choose one member to make a Diplomacy or Bluff check; the guard accepts the word of the side that gets the better result. The modifiers below apply to a character’s check:

Resident of upper ward +6
Wearing royal outfit +6
Wearing noble’s outfit +4
Member of dragonmarked house +3
Ecclesiarch +3
Each impartial witness +2
Wearing courtier’s outfit +2
Shifter, half-orc, or goblinoid –1
Wearing traveler’s outfit –2
Non-resident –2
Warforged or changeling –2
Wearing peasant outfit –4
Resident of lower ward –4
Monstrous humanoid –4
Not a citizen of Breland –4

Bribes also help. A character gets a +1 to the roll for every 2 gp he slips the guard up to 10 gp (for a +5 bonus). Each additional 10 gp adds another +1 to the roll, up to 50 gp (for a +9 bonus). Thereafter, every 25 gp adds another +1 to the roll. So a bribe of 125 gp provides a +12 bonus.
These are guidelines, and the DM can always adjust them based on the specific guard involved.

A sergeant who is a shifter, half-orc, warforged, or changeling usually gives a +2 bonus to members of his own race.

The guards of Tavick’s Landing do not accept bribes and are not positively influenced by clothing (the –4 penalty for wearing peasant clothing still applies).
GM, 183 posts
Tue 3 Mar 2020
at 02:49
  • msg #7

The Toldunkarrn

With thanks to CountPeter (source) and edits by me

Karrnath and the Dwarves
In the overall history of Eberron, Karrnath and the Mror holds have a relatively short history. After the foundation of the kingdom of Gallifar, Karrn Galifar I conquered the divided dwarven people, and bound them in oath to the kingdom. Now uniquely for a power such as Galifar, a big deal was made out of considerable carrots and comparatively few sticks, an approach taken due to Karrn the Conqueror’s failure to maintain a lasting empire. This is where we draw our first divergence or compliment to canon. Continuing this trend, my lore here is that the new kingdom decided to solidify the dwarven interests towards loyalty by intermarrying nobles from Karrnath and the Mror clans.

Survival dwarfs Love
Although couplings would continue throughout the ages, the initial pairing of the two did not end well. In a surprise to both sides, the newborn children were both as tall as humans whilst retaining the strong structure of a dwarf. This was devastating enough for the unprepared human mothers, but was a near death sentence to dwarven mothers who were simply not built to deliver such offspring. As such an outcome was not known at the time, but as word spread the coupling became rare on the Karrnathi side and near nonexistent on the Mror side, making the Half-dwarf Phenomenon a rare one. Though Half Dwarves can breed fine amongst themselves and those who can afford healing can have little problem during delivery, the costs and risks have made the half-dwarf population almost exclusively the descendants of half dwarf parents.
(Note: this is obviously grim, but serves a few purposes. Firstly, it explains why Half-Dwarves are generally not as populous as other half-breeds and also cements their being normal largely only in Karrnath).

The bastard people
The early reputation of the dwarf-human pregnancies unfortunately led to a moniker of being a bastard people. Grieving fathers blaming the loss of their wives on their own children caused a large amount of disowning by said parents. This cultural phenomenon cemented the beginning of half dwarf culture, but surprisingly not retaliation against the society that spawned them.

Where their own families would often disown them, two facets of society would embrace them. In the military of Karrnath, name meant little to your overall advancement, and the strength + stoic nature of the half-dwarves made them superior on average than their human counterparts. To the half-dwarves, it became common to give their family name as Karrnath, for the state and its army was their real family, a trend that continued despite the formation of various half-dwarf lineages. To this end and in a similar vein to other half-breed peoples, half-dwarves will often call themselves the Toldunkarrn, or “They from Karrn”. Half-dwarf life is, within the military, very spartan and collective, with most half-dwarven families only distinguishing themselves (if they bother at all) with middle names.

The other group to embrace them was the Blood of Vol. The cultural trauma of their race’s origin was fertile ground for a religion that is distinctly grim, viewing the world as harsh, the gods unjust and the only divinity being that which flows through the veins and pumps in the heat of battle. To this extent, Half-Dwarves have been some of the most vocal proponents of the religion, but have not always been particularly Orthodox. For the half-dwarves, the gods may be awful, but the state is near divine, and a veneration of Karrnathi loyalty to the bloodline of monarchs as the closest thing to living Gods is a quirk which has largely stated insular to their culture for obvious reasons.

The Last War
Predictably, the half-dwarves of Karrnath were enthusiastic about the establishment of the war, and their high numbers within the standing army of Karrnath shaped the politics of the war. It is rumoured that the embracing of the Blood of Vol by the state was significantly influenced by the fact it was the majority religion of a significant part of the military. Though half-dwarves believed that they alone could win the war, few would discount the opportunity to fight for their king beyond the point of death and were enthusiastic Bone and Death Knights. One particular contingent in this line were the Toldrendor, an elite shock troop of vampire and ghoul half-dwarves that was skilled in offensive guerilla warfare and fear tactics, massacring entire villages, burying the bodies beneath the ground and then unleashing the dead as enemy soldiers who investigated were quickly surrounded.

The end of hostilities
More than for most, the end of the last war caused something of an internal struggle that threatens to boil into open conflict. The last war was ideal for the half-dwarves, being a time of military dominance and great endorsement for their faith. Although nobody WON the war, it was undeniable that the establishment of a separate Karrnath was a major victory for them… but they have lost the peace. The state has now distanced itself from the blood of Vol, and even outright condemned it. Now, the two pillars of half-dwarven culture are distinctly at odds with each other and is an inner conflict that has spawned quite a few different approaches to the crisis. For many, this has led to extremism, with the Emerald Claw housing great numbers of Half-Dwarves including the infamous Toldrendor. For those who know of half-dwarves, the end result will be clear and inevitable. Civil war.

Half-dwarves and you
If playing as a half-dwarf, it might be worth peppering you’re language with military terms in a way that might seem excessive to other races. [] Consider why you have left Karrnath if you are not adventuring there. Do you have any ties to the Emerald Claw? Are you part of the Karrnath military, or have you abandoned this tradition? What are your views on the blood of Vol and the inner conflict between church and state within your culture? How do you view the various peoples who were raised as civilians rather than soldiers?

If you are not a half-dwarf, it’s very possible that you haven’t heard of them, even if you fought them in the last war. They commonly wear armour from head to toe, rarely leave Karrnath are about as well known to the average citizen of Khorvaire as the Ghaash'kala are.

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