Potential Games we're recruiting for

Edit: Shards and Deepwater are full
These games will start up once we get enough people who are interested in them.
The Sundering of Thronehold
Historically the death of King Jarot was attended by his five children with nothing more than raised voices and paranoia. Three of their number refused to crown Jarot's chosen heir, and the old king's work playing his children against each other bore the fruit of a cascading set of alliances that began the Last War.
This game will go another route. Players will play Aundairan and Cyran guards in the party of Prince Wrogar and the heir Princess Mishann attending what should be the small private coronation ceremony post Jarot's passing before the planning of the ascension. It will turn bloody. You will all die.
This game will be short and likely only contain a few combats, so play characters that will be interesting right at 4th level as you're not likely to level up. Any characters who do survive likely didn't last much longer in the Last War. No warforged, no airships.
Forgotten Forge, Shadows of the Last War, Whispers of the Vampire's Blade, Grasp of the Emerald Claw, then the two adventure paths from Secrets of Xen'Drik
Starting at 1st, a conflict between the broken factions of House Cannith, the mysterious Lord of Blades and the Karrnathi supremacy group the Emerald Claw, culminating in a battle in the lost continent of Xen'Drik. After the dust settles (and if the game is still going) higher level adventures in Xen'Drik (material is ripe here, lots of published stuff for all this). This is probably the most "iconic Eberron" sort of story, lots of varied parts of the setting to interact with. Be prepared for mostly going where your employer sends you and conflict with Karrnthi and warforged enemies
Eyes of the Lich Queen
Starting at 6th, a mysterious benefactor approaches an elite group of heroes to tempt them with an offer to explore ancient ruins and break into places they would never dream of going before. Along the way, ancient and strange magic is unlocked within the characters. Shades of the great game of intrigue between the dragons and the demons echoes across the game, ending at 12th with either the prophecy's newest chapter, or the party's lives forfeit to eldritch magic. For best results, characters who would have an interesting story from gaining a dragonmark or aberrant dragonmark are encouraged. Dungeon-delving, stealth and the ability to interact with charisma checks helps too
Chimes at Midnight, Quoth the Raven and Hell's Heart
Starting at 5th and going to above 10th, the Raven Trilogy follows the schemes and hatreds of Sharn's crime scene, as the city is gripped by grisly plots and horrible murders, culminating in a the descent into an asylum of Breland's dark soul. Investigation and social skills preferred
Shards of Eberron
The ancient Crypt of Crimson Stars has been found, and treasure seekers and adventurers move quickly to claim its riches. But the things found deep within the ruins of Talenta will set in motion the machinations of a madman, with a fiery conclusion in the depths of Sharn the only certainty.
Designed for convention play, the three adventures of Shards of Eberron promise dungeon-delving and exotic traps, as well as the pulpy excess Eberron is loved for. Game starts at 7th level and adventures are fairly short.
The town of Deepwater, a frontier town in the jungles of Q'Barra. The party play townsfolk just trying to get by in the mineral rich land of Q'Barra, a "Wild East" lawless land called Hope. Q'Barra was founded as the last remnant of the ancient kingdom of Galifer when the war broke out, but the deserters, refugees and prospectors of Hope are a far cry from the cities of idealistic New Galifer. And what's more, the lizardfolk have overrun most villages within two years of their founding, and Deepwater's already been around for a year and a half. Three players will need to take on the roles of the town's Law, Money and Faith, the three pillars that will shape what Deepwater is like.
Law: you'll be the town's sheriff, and have some control over exactly how you fit in the town. Are you a normal citizen who's been thrust into the position? Someone from New Galifer who's been sent down to Hope to the town to install some of the King's laws? If your character is religious, will they be able to work alongside the Faith (and the population) if the Faith is of a different religion?
Money: you either own the biggest business in town and by association a majority of the town, or you own the town outright via owning the mine. Your assets are mostly tied up, so wealth will be mostly an ideal than material, but are you a representative from House Tharask's dragonshard mines? House Kundarak's banks? House Sivis? Or perhaps are your backers more sinister, House Cannith's crafters looking to get around the Korth Edicts and bypass certain other houses? The Aurum, the secret cabal of Khorvaire's wealthiest? Or if you simply are a wealthy investor who has the biggest place in town, what is it? A store, a saloon?
Faith: you are a religious leader and will therefore determine the make-up of the local populace. This can be the Sovereign Host in whole or a community dedicated to one of them. A town of Purifiers of the Silver Flame, Seekers of the Divinity Within of the Blood of Vol, perhaps one of the druidic sects from the western part of the continent or even a town of mostly elves and Khorovar who revere the court of the undying or the revered ancestors? A key question will be two-fold, why did you come to Q'Barra's distant jungles, and does the town of Deepwater respect your teachings? Do you follow a splinter group of a major faith? Did something bring you here? Did you come with the town's people wholesale or are you just another shepherd in a long line of them for a group of people stitched together from other towns that fell to the lizardfolk?
Anyone applying to be the Faith, the Money or the Law should be prepared to either alter the character or have a backup one in case they do not get the chosen role in the town.
Other things the town will need, a teacher (or historian), wandslingers, grifters, loners and out of towners, and other western stereotypes.
An entirely different continent for these next three (no premade adventures, would be a collab with players to help create a truly epic story of conflict in Sarlona)
Sarlona was once a continent of thirteen great kingdoms, until a time called the Sundering set kingdom against kingdom, some destroyed from within by upheaval, some destoryed by alliances between kingdoms only for mistrust to turn former allies against one another. Now Riedra's Unity rules most of the former kingdoms, with only Syrkarn, Tashana and Adar left out of the glorious peace and tranquility of the Chosen's benevolence
Syrkarn is a place of vast open plains, tangled jungles and stunning mountains. Nomadic half-giants mingle with the human and eneko (ogre-giant mongrels) tribes that settle this vast land, and Riedra does not bother them. Once Syrkarn was four of the great arcane kingdoms of Sarlona, but now it is nothing but ruins and whispers of horrible monsters in the dark. Anyone who is running from Riedra can come to Syrkarn and not be bothered, it is so easy to disappear in the great rolling hills and savanna. The game would consist of exploring, wilderness survival and dealing with border incursions or infiltration by Riedra or the Horned Shadow (a cabal of evil ogres and eneko that hide among the other peaceful groups) not too mention the giant-derived death cult of Karaak, the hoarder of souls, now spreading even to human tribes.
Adar is, in a word, fantasy Tibet. High mountains and isolated valleys and lashing rain are Adar's most constant features. A shroud of fog and light surrounds this land, preventing widescale invasion by Riedra, but make no mistake the Unity wants in. To the people of Riedra, the Adarans are demons, violent extremists and consort with monsters. In the century before the Sundering thirteen beings from another plane fled to Adar and possessed thirteen monks. Since then, those monks' bloodlines have guarded Adar, and the Chosen of Riedra speak of the demon monks (totally different from their enlightened possession by spirits from another plane) as the prime threat to the Unity. Players will play Adaran villagers, their dromite (insect men) allies, or Kalashtar (the descendants of those monks), or refugees/exiles from Riedra, mostly fighting Riedran troops and their ogres/shifters, with growth into plumbing the secrets of Adar's mystical defenses in the hopes of finally completing the protective rituals started centuries ago.
The Tashana Tundra is a land of cold and family. The birthplace of the shifter race (and their 'cousins' the lycanthropes) this land is rolling grasslands giving way to stark hills, breathtaking tundra, and towering mountain ranges. Along the coast, the merchant tribes of shifters and coastal maenads trade with Khorvaire's seafaring traders of Lhaazar and the Shadow Marches, while in the north the nomadic shifters avoid almost everyone, and the clans of rugged dwarves forment a civil war, siding between the iron-fisted council of elders and the young upstart paladin orders. The south has the Akiak dwarves (the greatest artisans Sarlona ever saw) either enslaved to Riedra's expansion or sheltered by the river shifters. Human, neanderthal and half-giant nomad tribes wander the tundra. To the south, Riedra looms looking to expand and take the rest of the Akiak. But from within the dreaded Khalaak reavers rove across the tundra, killing herds of caribou and leaving their remains to rot, pushing the nomadic and aggressive shifters of the tundra to raid their coastal brothers and the already battle-nervous dwarves for enough food to survive. The leader of the river shifters has called his best pipers and drummers to go north and gather aid, to fight back against the Khalaak and Riedra alike, for he sees a great evil slumbers within Tashana's permafrost.
The Sarlona ideas are less direct but more character driven, interacting heavily with a specific part of the world (and one that's away from the "magepunk" and politics of Eberron's usual setting)
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:54, Tue 28 Jan 2020.