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, welcome to (TOR 40k) Shattered Doctrine

12:54, 6th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Requesting To Join? Read this next.

Posted by The HereticFor group 0
The Heretic
GM, 6 posts
Not Sauron
Wed 8 Jan 2020
at 00:09
  • msg #1

Requesting To Join? Read this next.


Any RTJ that includes a character sheet, complete or incomplete, will be summarily ignored.

You have been warned. Now, with that unpleasantness out of the way, let's have a look at what I am looking for!

1) I'm not too interested in your roleplaying history, but a general idea of how familiar you are with GW/40k/Dark Heresy lore and The One Ring rules would be appreciated. Don't be put off if the answer to one or both is "not a lot"; if I like the way you play and your character concept, your familiarity/experience will have little to no bearing on your chance of being accepted. I just like to know where I stand with who I'm playing with.

2) Your "High Concept". This is stolen somewhat from FATE, but will have no bearing on gameplay after character creation. If you're not familiar with FATE, your High Concept is a short, punchy description of your character. Your character in a nutshell.  How they might be described in-character, either by themselves or others that know them. This might include their profession, background, attitide, equipment or any number of things, but if it gets to being a full sentence, it's probably too detailed and might not even tell me what I want to know.

For example;
"Trigger-happy Guardsman with dual-wielded lasguns and a grudge against orks" is definitely too long and simultaneously not descriptive enough; it tells me the facts, but almost nothing about the character.

"Rootin' tootin' Ork slayin' Guardsman" is much better. I know he likes to kill orks and that he's a Guardsman, same as the former description, but I get the impression of an actual character; a bit of a cowboy, probably overenthusiastic, a loose cannon that might be prone to the absurd (like dual-wielding lasguns) or being trigger-happy. It's a framework that details can be hung upon or decided at a later date.

3) What sort of game you're looking for. This could include;
- Whether you prefer a lot of combat or more roleplaying.
- Whether you like a strategic puzzle or something more narrative.
- Whether you want a high degree of player agency or to be more story/GM led.
You can also include here the sort of enemies you'd prefer to face, an idea of where you'd like the story to go or how it might develop and any other details you care to include. I don't mind what you include in this section, so don't feel like you have to address any of the above specifically. The purpose here is to give me an idea of how willing you are to be invested in the game. The only detail I require of you is;
3a) Which Order of the Inquisition you'd prefer to be attached to, if any.

4) A writing sample. Please make it original and specific to this RTJ/Game and your character, abiding by the suggested posting requirements and stipulations outlined in The Ground Rules. Failing to provide an appropriate sample here will not endear me to your RTJ, but is not a deal breaker (yet). Quality counts.

In summary;

1. 40k/Dark Heresy/The One Ring familiarity
2. Character "High Concept"
3. Game Preferences
3a. Ordo ???
4. Writing Sample
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:22, Tue 07 Apr 2020.
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