The Emperors Will (Rules and Houserules)

Weapon Range, Stances
- Any Stance with Any Weapon
- New Rule: Range.
-- Combat takes place at multiple ranges. Each PC will have a "Range" status;
--- Close, Short, Medium, Long, Extreme
--- Nature of the combat determines at which range the PCs begin the combat at (determined during Onset) and which ranges are possible (e.g. a firefight in narrow, twisting corridors might be limited to Close-Medium ranges). Some of these aspects may be decided by the Players if they successfully Ambush their foe.
--- Player Characters may exchange one Bonus Success Die from Combat Advantage to either increase or reduce their Range by one step (e.g. Extreme to Long or Short to Medium) during Onset. Only one such CA Die may be used in such a fashion during a given combat.
--- Your Stance determines whether you may reduce or increase your Range status;
----- Forward Stance: Must reduce Range by one step (minimum Close), if possible.
Combat Task: Forward Stance: Charge! - You reduce your Range by one (additional) step. If this brings you into Close Range, you may attack with a melee weapon.
----- Open Stance: May reduce or increase Range by one step, at your option.
----- Defensive Stance: May increase Range by one step, at your option.
Combat Task: Defensive Stance: Cautious Advance - You reduce your Range by one step.
Combat Task: Defensive Stance: Protect Companion - (the character being protected must be at the same Range Status)
----- Rearward Stance: May not reduce Range. May increase Range by one step, at your option. May only adopt Rearward Stance if two allies fighting at the same Range step and not outnumbered by enemy >2:1.
-- Weapons have a "Range" stat, describing the Ranges at which they are useful (e.g. melee weapons are only useful at Close range, while a Heavy Rifle might only be useful at Short to Extreme, or Shotgun at Close to Medium). A weapon CANNOT be used outside of its Range stat.
-- These rules do not replace, but largely render obsolete, the rules for Opening Volleys. Combats that begin their engagement beyond Extreme range may allow for one or more Opening Volleys. Only weapons capable of Extreme Range may perform Opening Volleys.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:03, Thu 16 Apr 2020.