Thanks for the warm welcome GM.
I imagine we are still all polishing our character concepts, but I'll throw out what I have in the hopes that it might be useful.
Ariston is a very young man, barely an adult, and hails from the northern mountainous region of Skranos. His family are free born and hold a small estate there where they have traditionally farmed and raised livestock.
His father felt it important that his son and heir was literate, and like many young men Ariston was raised on the literature of the Heroic age of Argos. The stories had a profound effect, so much so that Ariston lost any interest in inheriting his families land and took an interest in the sport of Pankration, which was an art held in high esteem by the authors of his favorite stories.
His parents indulged him, perhaps to excess, and Ariston travelled to Athos to study under the champion Myron when he was eleven. Seven years later, without the support of their son at home and having fallen into a string of bad luck, his family has fallen into shameful poverty.
Unable to afford his instruction, Ariston's father has been forced to reach out to his oldest friend and brother in arms, Marcion, who resides in Messantia. Marcion nominally runs the recruitment and training of gladiators for House Gabrio, and has been caught up in a series of political events within his employers family.
Ariston travels south with the caravan with message in hand, desperate to find gainful employment in Messantia, and to send home coin to his family before they are reduced to ruin.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:20, Fri 18 Sept 2020.