Let's change up the name to Slender Willow Swaying.
Going to take some time on background and the like.
Silver Bhoddisatva
GM, 29 posts
Sat 4 Dec 2021 at 05:27
msg #3
Silver Pact Conclave: OOC Topics
I know its been a long time since since this game has been active. But I'm wondering if both of you would like to continue playing Exalted? Continuing where we left off?
Seeks What Is Forgotten
player, 19 posts
Personal: 17/17
Peripheral 39/42
Sat 4 Dec 2021 at 06:59
msg #4
Silver Pact Conclave: OOC Topics
Totally on board, Seeks is hard to play, but really fun.
Slender Willow Swaying
player, 21 posts
Changing Moon Caste
Many legs in shadows
Sat 4 Dec 2021 at 13:13
msg #5
Silver Pact Conclave: OOC Topics
Sure, I am down to continue being a violent, lunatic cautionary tale about what happens when you let hate and idealism consume you lol.