Scene 1: Journeys and Finding
Seeks What Is Forgotten thought himself a creature of intellect, of logic and careful planning.
He was patient, that was true at least. Yet the more time he spent with Slender Willow Swaying, the more he began to doubt his own rationality. She was an entity of pure madness, in some ways, something impulsive and wild and bold. He would never have thought himself like her in these ways, yet the more time he spent with her the more similarities he saw between them. Had it not been madness to strike out at the corpulent dead thing, to ignite the flames of Luna's banner and draw a blade of myth and legend to do battle? To reveal himself and his nature to watching eyes? Yet that was exactly what he had done, responding to instincts he hadn't even realized he'd possessed to cut the thing to howling pieces.
At least the instincts he followed now were familiar, old friends. He had struck, like the hunting spider that even now sought to crawl its way to the surface of his skin. Now it was time to scuttle back into the shadows, and find for himself what he had captured.
He landed in a shadowed glade surrounded by thick shrubs and trees, fleshing and form shifting and warping until feathers were cloak and withered skin once more.
"That was madness, what we did."
He croaked, looking to his companion and then to the flowing lines of burning silver tracery along his shriveled hand.
"But I can't say it wasn't fun. Your scholar has kept interesting company, it seems."
As he spoke, he began tracing runes into the soft loam beneath their feet, clearing away rocks and pulling plants up by their roots to create the space he needed. He looked up at the sun, now low in the horizon, squinting a little beneath his hood.
"My blood is up, I'm going to call a Hunt to cool it. Means I'll be busy till just shy of midnight. What do you want to do while I'm hunting?"
All about him, the shadows began to condense and thicken, Mara's secrets contesting Luna's light. His hands had found the cat's cradle made of Heron Sleeve's hair, and as he continued his work he began peeling off strands of it to weave into the calligraphy he was scribing in the dirt. More and more, the flowing shapes began to take form, forming a web of magic. Tendrils of blackness began to weave about, first upon the ground, but as he worked shooting up to strike nearby tree branches. So thin as to be almost unnoticeable, the gossamer strands of shadow began to form a beautiful geometry. All it took was a turn of the head, a shift of perspective, and it was lost.
Yet there was order there, intention. This was no idle spinning, no nervous twitch of his hands. This was sorcery, secrets whispered by Mara herself into his ears in the dead of night. His soul was attuned to this web, and it was everything. It was the hunt, it was the very core of his being. A sacred eight sided weaving that was both seal and beacon. It was a beckoning, a summoning, the bait of a trap. Yet is was not mortal of flesh and blood that he sought to lure into his web, but ethereal shadow.
For shadows were his prey, and he their Hunter.
The soul was a complicated thing, but the sorcery he worked now was a delicate tool. Through the sympathetic link of Heron Sleeve's stolen hair, he already had the binding ties he needed. He drew on his power, extending it into the threads as they were drawn tight. They would be consumed by the working, of course, but he only truly needed the shade once. Attuned to his fundamental nature as this magic was, he would draw forth what secrets he desired. It was, as in so many things Seeks What Is Forgotten did, a curious blending of Luna and Mara's gifts. Twisted Sorceries whispered to him in Dreams by the Demon Queen, and the stirring of his celestial blood in the thrill of a hunt. It was in this moment when he felt most himself, most alive, despite the burning plaguecraft that even now threatened to devour him from the inside out. This is what it meant to be a Hunter, and he exhilirated in it.
OOC: Casting Shadow Dirge, which is my Control Spell. Using it meet the trigger condition for Whispering Heart Revelation – p. 235.
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