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01:18, 21st January 2025 (GMT+0)

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 22 posts
Master of the Universe
Sun 5 Jul 2020
at 13:39
  • msg #1

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

UPF Ships

Hull Points15Current Points15
Assault Rocket4TBATBA
Laser BatteryN/ATBATBA
SpeedTBAStart Hex 
Course Changes End Hex
Damaged Systems DCR50

PlayerMichael Kramer
Hull Points40Current Points40
Laser CanonN/ATBATBA
Rocket Battery4TBATBA
Laser BatteryN/ATBATBA
DefencesRHMasking Screen2
Defences Interceptor Missiles4
SpeedTBAStart Hex 
Course Changes End Hex
Damaged Systems DCR70

Hull Points25Current Points25
Laser BatteryN/ATBATBA
DefencesRHInterceptor Missiles6
Speed1Start Hex 
Course Changes End Hex
Damaged Systems DCR13

Militia Ships

SHIP NAMEPurple AvengerSHIP TYPEAssault Scout
Hull Points15Current Points15
Assault Rocket4TBATBA
Laser BatteryN/ATBATBA
SpeedTBAStart Hex 
Course Changes End Hex
Damaged Systems DCR50

SHIP NAMEMauve MarauderSHIP TYPEAssault Scout
Hull Points15Current Points15
Assault Rocket4TBATBA
Laser BatteryN/ATBATBA
SpeedTBAStart Hex 
Course Changes End Hex
Damaged Systems DCR50

Sathar Ships

Hull Points50Current Points50
Laser CanonN/ATBATBA
Rocket Battery4TBATBA
Laser BatteryN/ATBATBA
Electron BatteryN/ATBATBA
DefencesRHMasking Screen2
Defences Interceptor Missiles5
SpeedTBAStart Hex 
Course Changes End Hex
Damaged Systems DCR75

PlayerRobin Hood
SHIP NAMESAV PerditionSHIP TYPEHeavy Cruiser
Hull Points80Current Points80
Disruptor CanonN/ATBATBA
Rocket Battery8TBATBA
Laser Batteryx2N/ATBATBA
Electron BatteryN/ATBATBA
Proton BatteryN/ATBATBA
DefencesRHStasis Screen-
Defences Electron Screen-
Defences Proton Screen-
Defences Interceptor Missiles8
Speed12Start Hex 
Course Changes End Hex
Damaged Systems DCR120

This message was last edited by the GM at 17:00, Tue 07 July 2020.
GM, 23 posts
Master of the Universe
Sun 5 Jul 2020
at 16:32
  • msg #2

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

Does everyone have a physical or digital copy of the Knight Hawks battle map?

The sample map I have uploaded to this site is almost the biggest size file I can upload here
GM, 36 posts
Master of the Universe
Sun 5 Jul 2020
at 19:40
  • msg #3

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

Anyone up for a practice run, pick a ship.

First come, first served!  Only 2 Sathar ships, everyone else is either UPF or Militia
Shawn Johnson
player, 7 posts
UPF Fleet Command
Sun 5 Jul 2020
at 20:43
  • msg #4

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

What time did you want to play?
GM, 40 posts
Master of the Universe
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 04:25
  • msg #5

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

In reply to Shawn Johnson (msg # 4):

No set time, play by post.  Real time play sessions are not practical considering time zones.
Robin Hood
player, 6 posts
Sathar High Command
Admiral Fleet Delta
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 16:58
  • msg #6

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

In reply to GM (msg # 5):

"Task Force Commander, the Yuppie scum forces are light. ONe station bearing 270 exactly, distance 25 hexes. They have an assault scout and a frigate, both Yuppie Navy. There are a pair of local militia assault scounts but they are so far away as to be unlikely to be able to engage us. What are your orders?"

"Make our speed 12. Leave our masking screens and stasis screens disengaged for now; we need a clear shot with our lasers and I don't want to attract any of their guided weapons. At our closest approach fire EVERY WEAPON WE HAVE at the station, making a turn to port if need be but I suspect we can get a gravity assist for that. We should have a nice head-on shot at effectively point blank range. Energy weapons may fire defensively at the Yuppies, but only to the extent that they don't interfere with targeting the station."

"And after we make our run?"

"Our speed should carry us out of most of their defensive fire; we'll make a turn and set up for either another pass at the station if it remains, or we may take the opportunity to destroy the UPF ships. Let's see how the Yuppies react before I decide."

"It will be done, Commander."
GM, 47 posts
Master of the Universe
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 17:12
  • msg #7

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

OK Robin has command of the SAV Perdition.  I am going to command the UPFB Doliin Bay

I am changing the ships around for the start up, it made no sense to have the Militia at the edge and the UPF next to the station and planet.

So this is the Starting Set Up

Sathar deploy anywhere on right edge of the map at any starting speed.

Militia Assault scouts within 2 hexes of the planet at starting speed of 5

UPF ships anywhere on the left edge of the map at any starting speed.
Robin Hood
player, 8 posts
Sathar High Command
Admiral Fleet Delta
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 17:22
  • msg #8

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

In reply to GM (msg # 7):

"Err, Commander?"

"Yes, what is Scan?"

"There seems to be some sort of interference with my sensors, causing a mis-identification. The vessels near the planet are in fact local militia, and the far ships are the Yuppie Navy. Still working on getting a fix of their positions, headings, and speeds."

"Grrrrr.... we'll attribute it to interferance or possibly some sort of ECM. See to it that you don't make that type of mistake again, Scan, or it will go... poorly... for you."

"Yes Commander!" *salutes*
GM, 49 posts
Master of the Universe
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 17:25
  • msg #9

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

Victory Conditions

Sathar have to kill the station and at least 3 other ships.

If the UPF can kill the Heavy Cruiser, that Destroyer is not gonna hang around.
Robin Hood
player, 9 posts
Sathar High Command
Admiral Fleet Delta
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 17:43
  • msg #10

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

In reply to GM (msg # 9):

OOC, shoulding Dolin Bay have 80HP instead of 25?
Robin Hood
player, 10 posts
Sathar High Command
Admiral Fleet Delta
Mon 6 Jul 2020
at 17:46
  • msg #11

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

In reply to Robin Hood (msg # 10):

And a rocket battery with about six salvos in the magazine?
GM, 50 posts
Master of the Universe
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 03:14
  • msg #12

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

In reply to Robin Hood (msg # 11):

Those are the stats from the basic game scenario, it doesn't really matter for this scenario.  As a practice game it's more about figuring out how to run combat via the various web sites instead of face to face
Michael Kramer
player, 3 posts
UPF Fleet Command
Task Force Prenglar
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 03:59
  • msg #13

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

In reply to GM (msg # 12):

"Stiletto to ZGata. Unless you think otherwise, I'm taking this ship to full thrust and making for that Worm heavy cruiser. He is the key to them wiping that station. We'll hit him with every thing we've got as long as we can."

"Okay lieutenant, full acceleration. Make your course for that cruiser best possible speed. We need to line up that assault rocket on target and then prepare to swing around for another pass. Those militia vessels can't hang for long."

Ooc: full adf, target Perdition. Weapons fire as they enter range.

Let me know if I've got this right.
GM, 52 posts
Master of the Universe
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 04:11
  • msg #14

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

When we set up the map will need your starting speed and also starting hexes for all ships but looks all good so far.
Robin Hood
player, 12 posts
Sathar High Command
Admiral Fleet Delta
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 04:48
  • msg #15

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

In reply to GM (msg # 14):

If we don't have the original map... is theree a way for us to tell you what hex our counter is on on the OFFICIAL map? I don't think I can zoom in on the map here in RPOL.
GM, 53 posts
Master of the Universe
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 05:24
  • msg #16

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

When I post maps here on RPOL, depending on where ships are on the map, I will crop it down as small as possible.  If the numbers still cannot be read then I will put those hex numbers into a text update.  Alternately, depending on how things play out on Roll20, we might be able to use screen shots from there.  Until I have fooled around with Roll20 more I am not sure if we can use it to do more, still making this up as we go :)
Michael Kramer
player, 4 posts
UPF Fleet Command
Task Force Prenglar
Tue 7 Jul 2020
at 23:51
  • msg #17

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

In reply to Robin Hood (msg # 15):

Sorry, assumed it was the speed  that was originally assigned the militia shops before they traded places. Speed 5 initial.
Shawn Johnson
player, 16 posts
UPF Fleet Command
Task Force Cassidine
Wed 8 Jul 2020
at 03:11
  • msg #18

Practice Battle:  Surprise Attack!

Are the maps downloadable?  And if so, where are they?

I think the only way t get maps from Roll20 into anywhere else would be via screenshots.  Was there something specific you were after?
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:37, Wed 08 July 2020.
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