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, welcome to Second Sathar War

01:13, 21st January 2025 (GMT+0)

War Diary.

Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 105 posts
Master of the Universe
Sun 16 Aug 2020
at 15:38
  • msg #10

War Diary

FY80.037 The eighth day of the Second Sathar War

  Sathar fleets from Kizk-Kar continue towards Kaken Kar and Fromeltar and a fleet element from Fromeltar continues heading towards Dramune.  The Sathar fleet closing in from Zebulon enters the jump point to Truane's Star.

  UPF ships from the Prenglar system enter the jump point to the Cassidine system, ready to risk jump at twice normal speed.  Ships from Timeon, Gruna Garu and Athor all converge on Prenglar and the Theseus contingent continues toward White Light.  Another detachment proceeds from Araks toward Screen Fron and militia ships from Fromeltar and Kizk-Kar move toward Dramune and Kaken Kar respectively.

FY80.038 The ninth day of the Second Sathar War

  There is no change in the course or speed of any Sathar forces.

  There is no change in the course or speed of any UPF forces but for one exception.  The Militia Assault Scout from Kizk-Kar does not proceed into the jump point to Kaken Kar, instead it reverses direction and begins heading back toward it's home system of Kizk-Kar.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:06, Mon 24 Aug 2020.
GM, 106 posts
Master of the Universe
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 04:51
  • msg #11

War Diary

FY80.039 The end of the first tenday of the Second Sathar War

  The Sathar fleets close in on their targets, now only one more day until their fleet arrives in the Truane's Star system.  Their fleet from Fromeltar arrives at the jump point to the Dramune system and both fleets from Kizk Kar also remain on course.

  The risk jumping element of Task Force Cassidine arrives back at their home system while all other Militia and UPF forces continue along their projected routes.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:07, Mon 24 Aug 2020.
GM, 107 posts
Master of the Universe
Mon 17 Aug 2020
at 09:02
  • msg #12

War Diary

FY80.040 The start of the second tenday of the Second Sathar War

  As Sathar fleets closed in on Dramune, Fromeltar and Kaken Kar, their Fleet designated Sathar Fleet Gamma entered the Truane's Star system.

  The UPF fleet in Cassidine once again accelerates to Risk Jump 2 speed as it heads for Dramune.  The Militia Assault Scout from Kizk-Kar returns to it's home system, effectively cutting the supply lines for the Sathar fleet heading towards Kaken Kar.  The ships from Theseus arrive in White Light while the rest of the UPF and Militia vessels move toward their objectives.

  The alerts across all UPF and Militia ships in the Truane's Star system are activated as soon as the Sathar Fleet enters sensor range.  The second major engagement of the Second Sathar War is now underway!
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:07, Mon 24 Aug 2020.
GM, 109 posts
Master of the Universe
Tue 8 Sep 2020
at 01:03
  • msg #13

War Diary

FY80.041 Day 11 of the Second Sathar War

  After lunch, reports began to filter in to UPF HQ from UPFS Faith in the Truane's Star system as well as from the Truane's Star militia ship, Thunderchild.  The incoming Sathar fleet Gamma had been engaged around Pale.  Initial reports were garbled and confusing but after several hours it became clear that one of the damaged militia Assault Scouts had broken off combat and escaped the battle after the loss of the other two militia Assault Scouts and the UPFS Dauntless.  Three Sathar fighters had also been destroyed but the Thunderchild, UPFS Faith and Fortress Pale were still in action and keeping the Sathar ships at bay.
  When news came in that the destroyer UPFS Faith was lost with all hands and the Thunderchild was running low on ammunition, an atmosphere of grim determination descended over UPF Fleet Command.  Then a report arrived from Fortress Pale, the Thunderchild was on fire and burning out of control.  It's captain ordered the crew to abandon ship as he turned the Thunderchild back toward the Sathar fleet that was now bearing down on Fortress Pale.  Somehow the frigate was able to avoid or absorb an enormous amount of incoming fire from the worm fleet before slamming into a Heavy Cruiser, believed to be the SAV Blood War.  "Farewell", was the last message from the Thunderchild.
  Within the hour, the last transmission was received from the fortress.  "Remember Pale" and then silence.  The remaining Truane's Star Assault Scout managed to effect repairs en-route to New Pale and took up a sentry position, waiting for the Sathar fleet to arrive.
  As UPF Fleet Command analyzed the transmissions and attempted to reconstruct the battle, it seemed the fighting was sustained, brutal and both sides had demonstrated extraordinary levels of commitment, as shown by the Thunderchild ramming an enemy cruiser.  The battle had lasted almost 7 hours, fires had raged through many of the ships involved, apparently triggered by the proton beam and electron beam battery's.  At least one of the Sathar fighter pilots had also demonstrated incredible skill in avoiding destruction as it evaded UPF attacks for several hours whilst returning to their Assault Carrier to re-arm.
  It was clear now the Sathar were adapting, changing their tactics and this was not going to be the short war everyone had hoped for.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:04, Tue 08 Sept 2020.
GM, 110 posts
Master of the Universe
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 03:09
  • msg #14

War Diary

FY80.041 Day 11 of the Second Sathar War addendum

  Perhaps the strangest encounter of the war took place on the same day of the Battle at Truane's Star but was largely overshadowed by those events.  On the fringes of the Kizk Kar system there was an engagement between the civilian vessel Gaston and what are presumed to be two pirate vessels.  Whilst the action lasted just over 90 minutes and resulted in the destruction of the Gaston, it is what happened afterwards that is of note.
  The sensors of the militia Assault Scout patrolling around Zik-Kit detected an explosion and one of the pirate vessels was destroyed.  It is believed that an errant seeker missile launched by one of the pirate vessels destroyed one of their own ships however even this was not what drew the UPF attention.
  The remaining pirate ship, when it fled the Kizk Kar system did not head toward either Fromeltar or Kaken Kar.  The ship headed toward the Sathar entry point into the Kizk Kar system.  It seems that there are elements within the Frontier actively working with the Sathar.
GM, 111 posts
Master of the Universe
Wed 9 Sep 2020
at 03:30
  • msg #15

War Diary

FY80.042 Day 12 of the Second Sathar War

  Sathar fleets continued toward Kaken Kar, Fromeltar and Dramune as expected by all involved.  Their fleet in the Fromeltar system also remained in place and the fleet in Truane's Star redeployed to assault the station at New Pale.  The Darkstar Warrior, now presumed to be under Sathar control began accelerating away from the Kizk Kar system toward the Sathar entry point.  The militia Assault Scout in Kizk Kar attempted to pursue the Darkstar Warrior but by the time it arrived on the scene of the fight with the Gaston, the enemy ship had accelerated to jump speed and was beyond reach.

  All UPF ships continued along their own trajectory's toward Scree Fron from Araks and toward Prenglar from Athor, Gruna Garu and Timeon and Task Force Cassidine was now only 1 day away from arriving at Dramune.  The one significant new fleet movement was Task Force Prenglar launching towards Dixon's Star.

  The thoughts and prayers of billions of citizens through the Frontier were now directed toward the brave crew of the Armed Station at New Pale and the sole militia Assault Scout.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:18, Thu 10 Sept 2020.
GM, 112 posts
Master of the Universe
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 13:46
  • msg #16

War Diary

The fight at New Pale only lasted 30 minutes.  The Sathar fleet closed with the last Truane's Star assault scout and fired a volley at long range with just the electron beam and proton beam battery's and destroyed the scout before it could maneuver away.  The first pass with the Sathar fleet severely damaged the Armed Station in orbit around the planet.  The return fire from the station was ineffectual and on it's second pass the Sathar fleet destroyed the station before leaving the system.
GM, 113 posts
Master of the Universe
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 14:18
  • msg #17

War Diary

FY80.043 The 13th Day of the Second Sathar War

  After two days of fighting in the Truane's Star system, Sathar Fleet Gamma splits into three components.  One stays in the Truane's Star system, one launched for Dixon's Star and the third returned from whence they came, the Zebulon system.
  The Sathar Fleet designated Fleet Alpha A slowed down and did not enter the Kaken Kar system, while the rest of Fleet Alpha proceeded toward Fromeltar.
  At Dramune, Sathar Fleet Beta A also continues it's approach while the Darkstar Warrior made good it's escape from Kizk Kar.

  In response the UPF fleets continue towards Scree Fron and Dixon's Star.  Three more groups approach Prenglar, expected to arrive over the next two days.  Two militia Assault Scouts shadow the Sathar fleet heading towards Dramune and Task Force Cassidine reunites in Dramune before the arrival of the militia and the Sathar.

  Tomorrow promises to be a most eventful day.
NPC, 2 posts
Thu 10 Sep 2020
at 16:49
  • msg #18

War Diary

FY80.044 The 14th Day of the Second Sathar War

  From Truane's Star, Sathar fleets advance toward Dixon's Star and Zebulon.  In the Fromeltar system, elements of Sathar fleets Alpha and Beta come together and the remaining elements of both fleets arrive in Dramune and Kaken Kar.

  In Dramune, the two militia assault scouts shadowing the Sathar fleet, immediately head toward the other UPF and militia ships already in the system and prepare to defend either Inner Reach or Outer Reach.  UPF ships also remain on course for Scree Fron and Dixon's Star and the first of three fleet elements arrives to reinforce Prenglar.

  Then Chaos erupts all across the Frontier in UPF Headquarters, on the bridges of Battleships, even in Sathar control centers.  The Sathar High Command have just informed their fleet admirals that a new asset is being deployed to prosecute the war.  The admirals of the various clans are outraged that High Command have held back assets that they could have been using to supplement their existing strategy.  Even more insulting is the announcement of a new, previously unknown attack route that the 4 Clans have not had access too.

  The arrival of this new threat sends shock waves through the UPF as well as they scramble to respond.

  Unbeknownst to most citizens of the Frontier, the Spaceship Construction Center at Araks was also where the UPF Fleet decommissioned vessels and refit ex-UPF vessels for various militia fleets.  That situation changed overnight when an enemy fleet appeared in the Scree Fron system in the second tenday of the Second Sathar War.
  While on a shakedown cruise at the outer rim of the Scree Fron system, the frigate UPFS Flying Cloud detected an unknown ship exiting the void.  Through nothing more than pure luck, the Flying Cloud and it's two escort scouts, UPFS Starpacer and UPFS Morning Star happened to be in the vicinity and closed in to get more accurate scans of the vessel.
  "That can't be right?"  The senior officer in the C and C center of the Flying Cloud reacted to the incoming data.
  "What seems to be the problem Mr Herks?"  The captain asked his yazirian XO.
  "Well according to these readings, that ship is around four times the size of one of our battleships!"
  Suddenly the C and C went silent apart from the sounds of it's automated systems as every crew men turned to stare at the XO.  Captain Ooorum joined his XO at the monitor and reviewed the data personally before reaching for the ship to ship communicator.
  "This is Flying Cloud actual to Starpacer and Morning Star.  Get me some close range scans on that ship.  And be bloody careful!"  The dralasite captain turned to his XO.  "Get us back to Hakosoar ASAP!  Messenger?  Send this to HQ immediately..."

  The following day UPF Fleet Headquarters received confirmation from additional scans conducted by the Assault Scouts that this massive new vessel, code named Juggernaut, was indeed a Sathar vessel, markings on the hull had confirmed that.  A long forgotten contingency plan was revived, revised and activated along with special powers granted to the UPF Fleet during times of war.

  Over recent years, UPF Fleet had been replacing it's Heavy Cruisers with Battleships.  Two of those cruisers, the UPFS Galactica and UPFS Pegasus, were still mothballed at the Araks facility.  Orders were immediately issued to re-activate both vessels, priority one!  Another Assault Scout, the UPFS Dirk was also in the process of being refitted for militia service has also been reinstated to the UPF Fleet at Araks.  All Fleet personnel, active and retired, in the Scree Fron, Araks, Gruna Garu and Athor systems were ordered to report to UPF facilities in Araks.

  Using special emergency powers granted by the Council of Worlds during time of war, UPF Fleet begin commandeering civilian vessels, mostly megacorp privateers and yachts, ordering them to concentrate at Araks to stop this new Sathar incursion.  The new UPF formation is designated "Rogues Gallery".

  Desperate times called for desperate measures.  Muster 2.0!
This message was lightly edited by the player at 16:50, Thu 10 Sept 2020.
GM, 115 posts
Master of the Universe
Sun 13 Sep 2020
at 05:25
  • msg #19

War Diary

FY80.045 Day 15 of the Second Sathar War

  After executing successful Recon missions in Dramune and Kaken Kar the Sathar frigates exit those systems.  The frigate retreating from Dramune heads back in the direction of the Fromeltar system.  The frigate leaving the Kaken Kar system heads on towards Ktsa Kar.
  In Fromeltar, another Sathar ship starts heading toward Dramune at accelerated speed however due to miscalculations in it's navigation, the ship misjumps and is lost in the Void when it reaches the jump point on FY80.046
  Around the Truane's Star System, Sathar fleets continue heading towards Zebulon and Dixon's Star while the third element remains at Truane's Star.
  The Juggernaut decelerates toward Screen Fron, projected to arrive in three more days.

  Meanwhile the UPF response to the Sathar incursion at Scree Fron continues apace.  The UPF forces in Scree Fron commandeer a civilian armed freighter, the Gullwind and two mega corp vessels, the CDC Reliant, a Moonbright Stinger class privateer and the CFM Integrity, an Astro Blaster III class yacht and begin heading towards Araks.
  Waiting in the Araks system the UPF have taken command of the PGC Free Enterprise, a Condor class privateer and a Rollo's Revenge class privateer, SS Regulator and are working desperately to bring the Heavy Cruisers online in time to meet the enemy threat.
  At Athor, the UPF press three more ships into service, a pair of  Corvettes, the Starbuck and the Apollo, along with PGC Investor, a Nebula class yacht. While in Gruna Garu, the SS Rogue Trader, CDC Dependable and CFM Ethical are also added to the UPF forces bringing a Belvedere class yacht, a Nova class yacht and a Rim Song class yacht to reinforce the other ships gathering at Araks.

  With Battle Group Rogues Gallery now concentrating at Araks, the UPF deployed the rest of their ships to counter the Sathar movements around the rest of the Frontier.
GM, 117 posts
Master of the Universe
Tue 15 Sep 2020
at 04:36
  • msg #20

War Diary

FY80.045 Day 15 of the Second Sathar War

  The UPF fleet exiting the jump point at Dixon's Star divides into two elements, Battle Group Dixon decelerates toward the system while Task Force Prenglar accelerates and turns back toward Prenglar.  In Dramune another UPF fleet element leaves Dramune heading toward Fromeltar and two fleets emerge from Kaken Kar, one heads toward Ktsa Kar, the other accelerates at twice normal speed, heading towards Kizk Kar.
  In Prenglar, fleet elements arrive from Gruna Garu and Athor to reinforce the core system and the last fleet heading from Arakas to Scree Fron executes a U-Turn back toward the Araks system.
GM, 118 posts
Master of the Universe
Thu 17 Sep 2020
at 06:33
  • msg #21

War Diary

FY80.046 Day 16 of the Second Sathar War

  Sathar Fleet Gamma B closes in on Dixon's Star, expected to arrive in 2 more days while Sathar Fleet Gamma C is due to arrive in Zebulon at the same time.  Sathar Fleet Beta A retreats from Dramune back toward Fromeltar and Sathar Fleet Alpha A moves toward Ktsa Kar where it should arrive in three days.  The remaining Sathar fleet holds position at Fromeltar.
  The Juggernaut battle group decelerating into Scree Fron arrives in two more days and Rogues Gallery Fleets A, C and D move a day closer to the Araks system.
GM, 119 posts
Master of the Universe
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 02:23
  • msg #22

War Diary

FY80.046 Day 16 of the Second Sathar War

  The UPF Fleets from Dramune and Kaken Kar follow the Sathar Fleets heading to Fromeltar and Ktsa Kar respectively and the Fleet traveling from Kaken Kar to Kizk Kar arrives at the jump point ready to risk jump.
  Battle Group Dixon continues to Dixon's Star as Task Force Prenglar returns home to the Prenglar system.
GM, 120 posts
Master of the Universe
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 02:54
  • msg #23

War Diary

FY80.047 Day 17 of the Second Sathar War

  All Sathar fleets remain on their current course and speed.

  Three elements of Rogues Gallery also maintain speed and heading toward Araks.
GM, 121 posts
Master of the Universe
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 15:11
  • msg #24

War Diary

FY80.047 Day 17 of the Second Sathar War

  All UPF fleets remain on their current course and speed.  Battle Group Dixon arrives in Dixon's Star and Task Force Prenglar arrives back at Prenglar.  Strike Foce Nova A successfully risk jumps at double speed toward Kizk Kar while other fleet elements continue toward Ktsa Kar and Fromeltar.  The rest of the UPF forces remain in position.
GM, 122 posts
Master of the Universe
Fri 18 Sep 2020
at 16:33
  • msg #25

War Diary

FY80.048 Day 18 of the Second Sathar War

  The Sathar fleet headed toward Dixon's Star reverses direction before entering he star system and heads back toward Truane's Star.  All other fleets remain on the same course and speed.
  The Juggernaut arrives in the Scree Fron System while all elements of Rogues Gallery concentrate on Araks.

  UPF HQ receives reports from the construction yards at Araks confirming engines for both Heavy Cruisers in that system have been tested and performing as expected.  Weapons and Defences are currently being overhauled and should also be ready by the time crews arrive to take up their duties.
GM, 123 posts
Master of the Universe
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 03:13
  • msg #26

War Diary

FY80.048 Day 18 of the Second Sathar War

  Strike Force Nova A arrives in Kizk Kar while fleet elements are still shadowing the Sathar ships heading to Fromeltar and Ktsa Kar.  In Dixon's Star the UPF forces divide into Battle Group Truane, that now leaves Dixon's Star enroute to Truane's Star, Battle Group Prenglar that returns to Prenglar while Battle Group Dixon's Star remains in place.
GM, 124 posts
Master of the Universe
Sat 19 Sep 2020
at 13:02
  • msg #27

War Diary

FY80.049 Day 19 of the Second Sathar War

  From Zebulon, Sathar Fleet Gamma C heads back toward Sathar space while Gamma B moves toward Truane's Star.  The frigate designated Beta A keeps on course to Fromeltar and Alpha A enters the Ktsa Kar system.

  The Juggernaut Fleet leaves the Scree Fron system and proceeds toward Araks.

  Rogues Gallery Fleets A, C and D also continue towards Araks.
GM, 125 posts
Master of the Universe
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 02:19
  • msg #28

War Diary

FY80.049 Day 19 of the Second Sathar War

  The UPF Fleet pursuing Sathar Fleet Alpha A divides into two with one Fleet following the Sathar into Ktsa Kar and the other Fleet turning back to Kaken Kar.  In Kizk Kar Strike Force Nova A also splits, sending an element Nova B, toward Fromeltar and Battle Group Cassidine also continues toward Fromeltar.  From White Light the UPF send a new Battle Group Ktsa Kar oward it's namesake system.  Battle Group Truane follows the Sathar toward Truane's Star and Battle Group Prenglar continues returning to Prenglar.  Another UPF Fleet designated Battle Group Dramune leaves the Prenglar system en route to Cassidine.  All remaining Fleets and militias remain in place.
GM, 126 posts
Master of the Universe
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 03:16
  • msg #29

War Diary

  The Sathar frigate SAV Disease enters the Ktsa Kar system to find a militia assault scout from Kaken Kar waiting and deployed behind the planet and armed station Kawdl Kit.  Charging in at maximum speed, the SAV Disease ignored defensive fire from both the armed station and the assault scout to unleash a volley of fire that destroyed the militia ship.  Turning back toward the station, the SAV Disease made a single pass at the station causing some minor hull damage and expending it's last torpedo before exiting the system towards the nearest Sathar entry point into the Frontier.
GM, 127 posts
Master of the Universe
Sun 20 Sep 2020
at 03:49
  • msg #30

War Diary

FY80.050 - Day 20 of the Second Sathar War

  After their success in Ktsa Kar the frigate SAV Disease heads out of the Frontier from Ktsa Kar.  The frigate from Dramune closes in on Fromeltar.  Near Zebulon, Sathar Fleet Gamma C is 2 days from exiting Frontier space while Gamma B is also 2 days from Truane's Star.  The Sathar fleets at Fromeltar and Truane's Star remain in position.

  The Juggernaut stays on track toward Araks as do all elements of Rogues Gallery.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:54, Sun 20 Sept 2020.
GM, 131 posts
Master of the Universe
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 03:26
  • msg #31

War Diary

  On Day 20 of the war UPF Fleet Command underwent a major administrative restructure and reorganization of their fleet.  New fleet designations were created, replacement ships were added to the Order Of Battle, ships were transferred between fleets and a number of current fleet designations were changed or re-assigned.

By the end of Day 20 the new UPF Fleet dispositions are as follows:

Task Force Prenglar - location Prenglar System

Prenglar Allied Militia Defense Force - location Prenglar System

Battle Group Truane - location Leaving Dixon's Star and travelling to Truane's Star System

Battle Group Dixons Star - location Dixon's Star System

Battle Group Prenglar - location Leaving Dixon's Star and travelling to Prenglar System

Battle Group Drumune - location Leaving Prenglar and travelling to Cassidine System

Task Force Cassidine - location Dramune System

Dramune Militia Defense Forces - location Dramune System

Battle Group Fromeltar Alpha - location Leaving Dramune and travelling to Fromeltar

Battle Group Fromeltar Beta - location Leaving Kzik-Kar and travelling to Fromeltar

Strike Force Nova - location Leaving Kzik-Kar and traveling to Kaken-Kar

Battle Group Kaken-Kar - location Kaken-Kar System

Kaken-Kar Militia Force - location Leaving Ktsa-Kar and travelling to Kaken-Kar

Battle Group Ktsa-Kar - location Leaving White Light and travelling to Ktsa-Kar

White Light Militia Defense Forces - location White Light System

Battle Group White Light - location Theseus System

Araks Militia Defense Force - location Araks System

Battle Group Madderly's Star - location Madderly's Star System
GM, 132 posts
Master of the Universe
Mon 21 Sep 2020
at 04:50
  • msg #32

War Diary

FY80.051 - The start of the third tenday of the Second Sathar War

  The Sathar frigate retreating from Dramune is now only 1 day away from Fromeltar however the Sathar Fleet AlphaBeta in Fromeltar exits the system, heading toward Sathar space.  The frigate exiting Ktsa Kar also continues heading toward Sathar space as does the Sathar fleet at Zebulon, now only 1 day from leaving the Frontier.  Fleet Gamma B closes in on Truane's Star with only one more day until it arrives while Fleet Gamma A in the Trunae's Star system starts heading toward the Zebulon system.

  The Juggernaut is still aimed at Araks and all Rogues Gallery ships remain on course, the first reinforcements expected to arrive the next day.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:21, Wed 23 Sept 2020.
GM, 136 posts
Master of the Universe
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 12:08
  • msg #33

War Diary

  The UPF Battle Group Truane stops at the jump point halfway between Truane's Star and Dixon's Star.  Battle Group Dixon leaves Dixon's Star heading toward Truane's Star.  Battle Group Prenglar decelerates toward Prenglar and Battle Group Dramune enters the jump point between Prenglar and Cassidine.  Task Force Cassidine leaves Dramune, heading towards Cassidine while the Dramune Militia Defence Forces also leaves Dramune but this fleet is heading towards Fromeltar.  Battle Group Fromeltar Alpha till shadows the Sathar frigate heading toward Fromeltar.  Battle Group Fromeltar Beta turns back toward Kizk Kar and Strike Force Nova continues towards Kaken Kar.  Kaken Kar Militia Force turns back toward it's home system.  Battle Group Ktsa Kar contiues moving from White Ligt to Ktsa Kar and Battle Group White Light leaves Theseus, heading toward the White Light system.  The Araks Militia and the UPF Light Cruiser are now only two days from Araks.
GM, 137 posts
Master of the Universe
Wed 23 Sep 2020
at 12:21
  • msg #34

War Diary

FY80.052 - The 22nd day of the Second Sathar War

Sathar Fleet Gamma C enters the Sathar jump point near Zebulon and jumps to the Void. Fleet Gamma A continues heading toward Zebulon. Fleet Gamma B is now only 1 day from Truane's Star.  Fleet AlphaBeta retreats toward Sathar space, now only two days from leaving the Frontier and Fleet Beta A arrives at the Fromeltar system.  The SAV Disease is now only one day from jumping back to Sathar space.

  The Juggernaut proceeds toward Araks, Rogues Gallery C arrives in Araks while the remaining two Rogues Gallery Fleets creep closer each day.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:28, Wed 23 Sept 2020.
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