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07:57, 3rd December 2024 (GMT+0)

(Chapter 2)  Predawn.

Posted by KarnulkFor group 0
player, 128 posts
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 11:57
  • msg #380

(Chapter 2)  Predawn

Thalia smiled at the enthusiasm of the warrior. "As long as you save a few for us - you have to share." The half elf winked at the unusual man.
player, 13 posts
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 11:59
  • msg #381

(Chapter 2)  Predawn

Hannah, drawing a dagger looked at the monk. "You know i can hold my own....i can take one on at a time. If someone can help distract them i can get a better shot at them in hopes of taking them down faster."
GM, 259 posts
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 12:44
  • msg #382

(Chapter 2)  Predawn

The tabaxi moved in front, a big grin on its face. "Oh I do love destroying zombies, they are an anathema to nature... and the corridor should be wide enough for both of us Kimba. I will use my favorite form too, not that nasty spider one."

Anna spoke a few words in Eldric ear, that nodded approval. He expanded the size of his ball of lightning and the ozone smell emanating from it indicated the level of power in it, this would be his offensive weapon. "Such a sizable force lets me think they expect a fight. This gives me hope that there are more survivors than you two. Only one way to find out!" "And may Aracnath help us." the princess added as she put a arrow on her bow string.
player, 65 posts
Half-Elf Wizard
Champion of Air
Sat 2 Sep 2023
at 23:24
  • msg #383

(Chapter 2)  Predawn

Kieran smiled then let the facade fall away as he became more serious. "I have spells that work well on clusters.  If there is a large group, let me try to drop a spell or two before you charge into the middle of them."
player, 13 posts
Human Mutant
Barbarian Monk
Sun 3 Sep 2023
at 15:34
  • msg #384

(Chapter 2)  Predawn

"Do not mistake my words for eagerness," Kimba said gravely.  "Against so many, I would most certainly fall.  But what must be done must be done, and if my life's blood must water the sands to bring shade to the knowledge here, so be it."
GM, 260 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2023
at 12:14
  • msg #385

(Chapter 2)  Predawn

<ooc>Make a stealth check everyone as you approach the end tail of the zombie group
player, 129 posts
Sun 10 Sep 2023
at 04:31
  • msg #386

(Chapter 2)  Predawn

<OOC: Thalia rolled 11 using 1d20+6.  stealth check.>
player, 14 posts
Sun 10 Sep 2023
at 04:31
  • msg #387

(Chapter 2)  Predawn

<OOC: Hannah rolled 9 using 1d20+6.  stealth check.>
player, 14 posts
Human Mutant
Barbarian Monk
Sun 10 Sep 2023
at 05:30
  • msg #388

(Chapter 2)  Predawn

ROLL: Kimbatuul rolled 9 using 1d20+3 ((6)).  Stealth.
player, 66 posts
Half-Elf Wizard
Champion of Air
Sun 10 Sep 2023
at 07:37
  • msg #389

(Chapter 2)  Predawn

Stealth: 8 (Natural 2, bleh)
player, 184 posts
Ersin Vaynore
Half-Elf Hexblade
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 03:03
  • msg #390

(Chapter 2)  Predawn

Stealth: 6

Esa will keep eyes on the mob while we approach.
player, 89 posts
Earth Genasi
HP 39/39
Wed 13 Sep 2023
at 17:45
  • msg #391

Re: (Chapter 2)  Predawn

12:45, Today: Luster rolled 20 using 1d20+3.  Stealth.
GM, 261 posts
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 18:10
  • msg #392

Re: (Chapter 2)  Predawn

Maybe it was the excitation of the coming battle or the stress of the subdued and dark environment, but subtle creaks and footfall were noticed in the back by the skraug that was in charge of the rear echelon, as he turned his head towards the back, trying to determine where the noises were coming from.

Your missed stealth checks made you noticed, so initative everyone, there will be no surprise rounds.
player, 90 posts
Earth Genasi
HP 39/39
Thu 21 Sep 2023
at 18:49
  • msg #393

Re: (Chapter 2)  Predawn

"So it begins..."

13:48, Today: Luster rolled 15 using 1d20+3.  Initiative

Actioncast Eldritch Blast on the 2 nearest zombies. Hit AC 17 for 9, Hit AC 25 for 13, 10 foot push on both
Rolls07:57, Today: Luster rolled 17,9,25,13 using d20+7,d10+5,d20+7,d10+5.  Eldritch Blast (force).
Bonusconvert 1st level spell to sorcery points

This message was last edited by the player at 14:10, Wed 04 Oct 2023.
player, 15 posts
Human Mutant
Barbarian Monk
Fri 22 Sep 2023
at 01:16
  • msg #394

Re: (Chapter 2)  Predawn

Kimba raced around the corner, shrieking a high ululating war cry, and spear held high in one hand.  As he stopped in front of the closest zombie, he snatched a flask from his belt and quaffed its contents in one smooth motion.

A beat passed, then Kimba gave a little burb before he convulsed, dropping to all fours.  A bright orange liquid spilled out from his mask, igniting on contact with the air.  Flames roiled and billowed out in a wide arc over the rear of the assembled army, and a long thick tail emerged from the black wrappings covering his body.  The tail gleamed in the light of the rolling fire, reflecting a burnished bronze colour.

InitiativeROLL: Kimbatuul rolled 13 using 1d20+3 ((10)).

Move3 squares northwest, stopping directly in front of the zombie at the rear.
ActionDragon's Breath in a 15' cone.
Each enemy caught within the cone must make a Dex:16 saving throw.
ROLL: Kimbatuul rolled 13 using 2d10 ((9,4)). Fire Damage: 13 (6 on a successful save).
BonusI would like to RAGE!
ReactionForm of the Beast: Tail (reaction): AC increases to 19 against 1 attack he might take.  I'll leave it to you apply it most advantageously if he's attacked more than once this round.
ROLL: Kimbatuul rolled 1 using 1d8 ((1)).

This message was last edited by the player at 05:04, Fri 22 Sept 2023.
player, 67 posts
Half-Elf Wizard
Champion of Air
Fri 22 Sep 2023
at 04:57
  • msg #395

Re: (Chapter 2)  Predawn

Kieran decided to go for quantity over quality.  Stepping out he targeted a ball of fire into the large cluster of beasts.  As it left his hand he realised he'd subconsciously changed the ball into a torrent of lightning rather than fire.  He mumbled something about 'voices in his head'.

Plan: Move in, hurl firelightning ball into large cluster in centre of room (targeted to maximise hits)

Initiative: 22 (daaaaaaaamn!)
Move:  Up into the room but hug the wall (say four squares up, one right)
Attack: Fireball (converted to lightning) - Damage 23 (Save Dex 16 half damage)
Bonus: Nil
Reaction: Shield (if takes a big hit)

player, 185 posts
Ersin Vaynore
Half-Elf Hexblade
Sat 23 Sep 2023
at 13:54
  • msg #396

Re: (Chapter 2)  Predawn

Turn 01 Summary
ConcentrationFaerie Fire

MoveMove forward to have have clear view of the hall.
ActionCast Faerie Fire (target largest enemy concentration within 20 ft cube with no friendlies in AOE).
Bonus ActionNil.

BuffInvisibility, Shapechange (Raven)

MoveFly within 5ft of closest enemy.
MoveFly back behind party lines, staying within 30 ft of enemy if possible.
Bonus ActionNil.

This message was last edited by the player at 21:53, Tue 26 Sept 2023.
player, 130 posts
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 11:26
  • msg #397

Re: (Chapter 2)  Predawn

Thalia, whether ready for such a moment or some heightened sense was ready the second she saw movement and though she saw the other half elf move quickly, her reflexes were a little faster.  None the less, she had the sword in her hand, but was still a way from teh enemy, so she could only do what she could....and insulted the thing.

" guys are uglier up close than far away - and the smell. Would it kill you to take a bath!" She looked at Kimba, ready to go and smiled. "What ya say big boy - teach him to bathe!"

IniativeThalia rolled 24 using 1d20+4.  iniative.
MoveWithin 60 feet
ActionAttack using Vicious Mockery
Thalia rolled 6 using 2d4.  Vicious Mockery Damage.
DC Wisdom save 16 or takes 6 Psychic damage and next attack has disadvantage.
BonusInspiration for Kimatuul (1D8)

player, 15 posts
Tue 26 Sep 2023
at 11:36
  • msg #398

Re: (Chapter 2)  Predawn

Hannah was impressed by these people, not that it showed on her face. Ever the professional, her look was one of stoic focus as the sound came from ahead. She heard the half elf taunting the beast and grimaced as she took aim with her hand crossbow and fired.

Even before she saw it hit the target, she was already pulling herself into the shadows of the hallway.

IniativeHannah rolled 21 using 1d20+4.  iniative.
ActionAttack using Hand Crossbow
Hannah rolled 15 using 1d20+7.  Attack - Hand Crossbow.
Hannah rolled 6 using 1d6+4.  Damage - Hand Crossbow.
Hannah rolled 5 using 2d6.  Sneak Attack.
BonusCunning Action (Hide)
Hannah rolled 17 using 1d20+7.  Stealth Check.

GM, 262 posts
Sun 15 Oct 2023
at 18:58
  • msg #399

Re: (Chapter 2)  Predawn

The quick footed bard moved into view of the zombie horde and as she needled the big warrior with the dragon mask, she also unleashed the power of her words on the creature she knew was the most dangerous in her range, the skraug commanding the rear guard. (Skraug takes 6 psychic damage)

Kieran also moved up and even though his invocation conjured fire, it was lightning that exploded in the middle of the corridor, the bright blast of raw elemental power dispelling all the shadows for a second. When the spots cleared out from your eyes, you could see that a lot of zombie body parts were added to the decor of the grim corridor. (getting rid of a bunch of zombies lol)

Hannah used the temporary blindness from the blast to move, shoot and hide, using the turn in the corridor to stay out of reach (Hannah killed the Skraug in the back, that triple attack is too much for him)

Wind wiped a paw in front of his eyes, blinking away the tears from the lightning blast and saw there was still a bunch of targets in the back, with only 2 close by. Perhaps foolishly, he decided to use his tried and true tactic (practically the only one he used!) and he used his tabaxi burst of speed to reach a zombie in the back, as he transformed into his preferred shape of a brown bear, mauling the zombie with its claws and *shudder* bite, destroying the creature.

Luster called on Naolya's vengeance and moved to have a target, pointed and blasted the two remaining close zombies, pushed back as they lost large chunks of rotten flesh.

Ersin had to move further than anticipated to be able to find targets for his spell, a bright blue radiance falling on some of the bigger zombies

Kimba rushed in the fray and gulped the content of a bottle he had on his belt, before breathing fire on the two near zombie, burning them to a crisp (those zombies are dead... again)

The devastation of back line finally started to register to the front and some of the zombies near the bear moved in, dropping their end of the battering ram, but even a lumbering druid was quick enough to avoid their attacks. The skraug at the front end growled something that sounded a lot like a curse and as he directed the remainder of the bigger zombies to attack, the cloaked figure ordered them to bash the door down, creating a temporary confusion in the basic brains of the zombies, that paralyzed them.

Anna and Eldric took this occasion to come in the corridor, the princess shooting an arrow in one of the zombies attacking Wind. As Eldric passed beside Kieran, he said "Nice spell effect, you'll have to teach me that.", before falling into his own spell casting, a thundercloud impossibly forming in the corridor, that the Aracnathian mage seemed to move further down, before three lightning bolts struck down in a loud clap, hitting 2 targets.


player, 68 posts
Half-Elf Wizard
Champion of Air
Sat 21 Oct 2023
at 01:06
  • msg #400

Re: (Chapter 2)  Predawn

Kieran grinned.  "You like it?  Let me show you it again."  Almost automatically his hands went into the motions to create another ball of lightning.  The pragmatic part of his mind said no, this was a waste of power.  But another part of his mind, one that didn't speak with his own voice, urged him on.

OOC: Dropping another fireball with lightning damage.  Dropping for max coverage (left most square of battering ram would get 12 of them if I'm looking correctly.

Move: Stay Still (he's in range)
Action:  Fire (Lightning) ball.  Damage: 34  (Dex Save DC16 for half)
Bonus: Stare blankly at the destruction and curse for wasting last 3rd level spell slot!

player, 131 posts
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 11:59
  • msg #401

Re: (Chapter 2)  Predawn

Thalia was impressed with Kieran's power, but she dwelt on that only briefly as she
took her shortbow out with an arrow, and taking aim, she let fly with the arrow at the closest undead monster.

IniativeThalia rolled 24 using 1d20+4.  iniative.
Movemoves up 20  feet
ActionAttack using Shortbow
Thalia rolled 16 using 1D20+6.  Attack - Shortbow.
Thalia rolled 9 using 1D6+3.  Damage - Shortbow.

player, 16 posts
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 12:02
  • msg #402

Re: (Chapter 2)  Predawn

From her hiding spot she again turned the corner, her small hand crossbow ready as she lined up her attack. the shot flew wide and she grimaced as she again ducked around the corner

IniativeHannah rolled 21 using 1d20+4.  iniative.
ActionAttack using Hand Crossbow
Hannah rolled 10 using 1d20+7.  Attack - Hand Crossbow.
BonusCunning Action (Hide)
Hannah rolled 14 using 1d20+7.  Stealth Check.

player, 91 posts
Earth Genasi
HP 39/39
Wed 25 Oct 2023
at 17:55
  • msg #403

(Chapter 2)  Predawn

With so many destroyed in the initial assault, Luster resorted to a single cantrip while he observed the battlefield.

Target priority is to finish off wounded ones first, then the ones nearest to the party second.

ActionEldritch Blast - Hits AC 25 for 13 Force, Hits AC 17 for 7 Force
Rolls12:52, Today: Luster rolled 25,13,17,7 using d20+7,d10+5,d20+7,d10+5.  Eldritch Blast (force).

player, 186 posts
Ersin Vaynore
Half-Elf Hexblade
Thu 23 Nov 2023
at 03:15
  • msg #404

(Chapter 2)  Predawn

Turn 02 Summary
ConcentrationFaerie Fire

MoveMove forward to have have clear view of the hall.
ActionCast Eldritch Blast, prioritize heavily damaged target or one with advantage (23 to-hit for 100 Force and 21 to-hit or 26 w Advantage for 8 Force)
Bonus ActionNil.

BuffInvisibility, Shapechange (Raven)

MoveFly within 5ft of closest enemy.
MoveFly back behind party lines, staying within 30 ft of enemy if possible.
Bonus ActionNil.

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