Times and dates
Vigil (eighth hour of night: 2 a.m.)
Matins (a later portion of Vigil, from 3 a.m. to dawn)
Lauds (dawn; approximately 5 a.m., but varies seasonally)
Prime (early morning, the first hour of daylight, approximately 6 a.m.)
Terce (third hour, 9 a.m.)
Sext (sixth hour, noon)
Nones (ninth hour, 3 p.m.)
Vespers (sunset, approximately 6 p.m.)
Compline (end of the day before retiring, approximately 7 p.m.)
I will use the ordinary names for days of the week and months (Sunday, January, etc.)
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:19, Fri 07 Aug 2020.