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, welcome to 5E The Final Charge of the Hellriders

12:22, 22nd January 2025 (GMT+0)

Pregame Thread: Introduction and RTJ.

Posted by DM KandaggerFor group 0
DM Kandagger
GM, 1 post
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 04:03
  • msg #1

Pregame Thread: Introduction and RTJ

The Basics

This game is based on “Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus” module for D&D 5E.  It’s about as straightforward as a module can get (with the big bad pictured right on the cover), however it is also notoriously clunky and railroad-y.  So a lot of things from the module will be adjusted to allow for a more organic experience.

Combat: High We are going to Hell eventually. It is an inherently hostile place. Prepare to die
Role Play: High We are going to be making deals, and doing morally questionable things as well as struggling with demons internal and external, this will require some investment on your part as well as mine
Lore: Medium The nice thing about RPOL is everything said is written down so you can check back to keep your names straight.  That said, this adventure will definitely be more complicated than “go into dungeon, kill dragon” so prepare to learn names and keep track of them.
Humor: Low While I won’t actively discourage humor, and, in fact, welcome a little flippancy in character interaction.  Goofy shenanigans are not the focus of this game
Speed: Low I intend to post at least once a week on Sunday like clockwork moving the story forward regardless of who has posted in time and who hasn’t.  If we get a good momentum going, I may post more.  The point though is not to expect a quick game.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:03, Sat 07 Nov 2020.
DM Kandagger
GM, 2 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 04:38
  • msg #2

Pregame Thread: Introduction and RTJ

Request to Join

Here's what I need to approve your character.  There is a sample RTJ below, but please refer to the "Character Creation and Homebrew" thread for more details.

Character Name:
Class: (including planned subclass and any multiclass options)

Concept: A one-sentance description of who you intend to play.

Story Arc
What did you do before you joined the Hellriders? How do you hope your character will grow and change over the course of the game?  Do you wish to gain power?  Fall in love?  Smite Demons?  Drive Kick-ass Mad Max Style Hellcycles over the blasted landscape of Avernus?  Let me know what you're thinking.

Why are you in the Hellriders?
That you are in this organization is a given, but why?  What do you hope to gain?  Whom are you trying to please?  What fate are you trying to avoid?

How Honorable is your character?
-This doesn't need to be an actual number.  Words like "High, Average, or Low" will work fine.  Feel free to clarify this as much as you like.

What is your Sin and how does it express itself?
Your Flaw from your background is going to be both mechanically rewarded and thematically tried.  Select one of the Sins (from the Homebrew Thread) and describe how it generally will affect your character.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:32, Sat 07 Nov 2020.
DM Kandagger
GM, 6 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Sat 7 Nov 2020
at 19:30
  • msg #3

Re: Pregame Thread: Introduction and RTJ

Sample RTJ

Character Name: "Ol' Tom" (Tomenrast Kirkward)
Race: Half-Orc
Class: Fighter (Battlemaster)
Background: Criminal

Concept: Common Thug trying to turn over a new leaf.

Story Arc
Tom is getting up there in years and is looking for something that worth dying over.  He's not yet convinced that the Hellriders are it.  I foresee him stumbling into a leadership position in the group (at least, tactically, maybe not thematically).  Hopefully he survives to the end, but he doesn't have to.

Why are you in the Hellriders?
Tom was a petty thug caught by the authorities of Elturel.  He was given the choice, Death or Service to the Hellriders--he made the smart choice and kept living.  Of course, the instant this stupid graduation ceremony is over...he's out of here.

How Honorable is your character?
Low to Average--Ol' Tom is out for himself.  He's not going to choose the evil option because it's evil or fun, but will probably take the easy road whenever available.  This could change based on story events

What is your Sin and how does it express itself?
Envy--Tomenrast has always been without looking on those who have.  It isn't enough to gain or fight--he wants to take and hurt from rich and the corrupt.  They don't deserve their wealth--and who better to take it than him?
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