With Ila leading the Matriarch to the surface, Ekmas remained in the second chamber to keep an eye on all parties until they could hear back. He drifted over to see what Beata was looking at, stooping to pick up the panel with the Angel's face after a moment and gently placing it back in the mosaic. "Anyone have a mending spell?" He called idly, as he eyed it to gauge if it would stay in place on its own. They were charged with setting things to right, after all.
As Ekmas picks up the panel, he's surprised to discover it's still
all in one piece as opposed to just a shattered pile of colored stones. As he runs her fingers along the edges, he feels sort of backing to it, like this whole panel is just
supposed to come off, but to what purpose no one could say.
A puzzle to be sure, but who knows? Perhaps this
long forgotten piece might have bearing later in the tomb.
meanwhile, back up near the surface
Ila frowned at the diminutive goblin woman then nodded curtly. "Follow then." So said, Ila stood and lead the goblin matron to the entrance of the tombs. She was careful to stop the moment she could get their supervisor's attention and called forward, "Kirkwood! We've hit a bit of a snag. We cleared the entrance of a dozen or so goblin warriors. However, we found civilians living within. Some of us do not want to be party to the slaughter of innocents, women and children and the like. Seeing as we are but initiates, we have brought the matron of the tribe to talk with you. Possibly, about the goblins helping the Hellriders protect the tomb. She is under the effect of a Comprehend Languages potion, so she can understand you, sir." Ila stood tall and looked down at the short woman to motion her toward Kirkwood for the negotiations. She waited for a time to see how things would work out.
Kirkward gets up from the rock he was sitting on,
"Don't need a potion...I speak goblin just fine. Now let's see if we can settle this like reasonable sorts."
He bows courteously to the matriarch,
"You head back down now, Ila, we'll figure this out."
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:27, Fri 15 Jan 2021.