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, welcome to 5E The Final Charge of the Hellriders

12:20, 19th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders.

Posted by DM KandaggerFor group 0
DM Kandagger
GM, 15 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 05:13
  • msg #1

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Dawn breaks--red and angry at being aroused so early.  There's an early frost on the autumn wind, freezing the last of the harvest on the vine.

And it is your sorry lot to be out camping in it.

You could have been back in the city, snug-a-bed in the Hellrider lodge with a whole extra hour of sleep before the drill instructors came a-calling.  But nooo.  Today is your Final Test and that means you've been up all night in ritual prayer and vigil.  Stalwart against the freezing darkness, resolute against the barren wilderness and generally hungry, tired, bored, and all-around anxious to get this mess over with.

You trudge through the woods--a copse of trees barely worth the name--a few miles outside of Elturel proper, following in the footsteps of Instructor Kirkward (a hard-ass of a half-orc made of iron-grey gristle) as he leads you to the site of your test.

"Alroight my duckies!" Kirkward barks, far too cheerful for this early in the morning, "We've made it.  Welcome to the Tomb of the First Riders!"

He gestures broadly to a clearing with a pile of rough-hewn stones vaguely resembling a memorial of sorts, an obvious doorway leading to depths below lies askew...much to Instructor Kirkward's consternation.

He calls for a halt, then goes over and inspects the tomb thoroughly, muttering curses all the while.  After a few long moments he looks up and stalks back to you.

"Right." Kirkward says once back in conversation distance, "Normally, Ol' Tom'd have a big prepared speech about you lot being on the cusp of redemption.  One Final Trial between you and Rebirth.  Blah-de-freakin'-blah.  All that's useless now.  We've got us an infestation in the testing chambers.  Goblins or Kobolds or summat--I don't give a shit.  Point is, you lot have got a much harder test than usual, since in addition to the normal trials, you've got however many vermin to clear out as well."

"Now, you're supposed to clear the tomb by yourselves and I'm supposed to intervene only if you've given up.  But given the circumstance, there ain't no shame in calling it quits for now.  Just help me clean out the vermin and set the tomb to rights and we can call it day.  We'll can always do this again next year.

TEMPTATION POINT: You can either progress through the trial normally with the extra goblins, OR you can forego your trial and just help Instructor Kirkward set the tomb to rights.  What do you do?
Tiefling Paladin, 6 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 08:08
  • msg #2

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Seth supressed a scowl, badly. "Been waiting nineteen years for this already. Screw waiting another one."

He busied himself, strapping on his shield, checking his longsword was clear in its sheath, and taking out a javelin from the sling on his back with a twirl.

"If they're in our way, they won't be for long." He turned to look at his fellow recruits, and rolled his shoulders with a loud crack. "But I can't just speak for the lot of us. Anyone here in the mood to let a pack of filthy goblins just steal an entire year from us?"
Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 3 posts
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 10:48
  • msg #3

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien shrugs, a serene picture of indifference. He is tired, though.

"A year, a decade, a century... it matters little to me. But at the same time, I know I am ready, and we are here now. I see little reason not to proceed with the trial."
Nodel Guenhyvar
Halfling Rogue, 4 posts
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 11:07
  • msg #4

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nodel groans at the mention of more work. "As if it isn't enough for us to be away from our nice warm beds and a warm meal." He was always one to complain anytime he had to "rough" it. But despite his belly aching he wasn't one to quit. More so when there was a chance to profit from something. "Lets just get it done with. I don't see the point in waiting another year just to have to go through this again."
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 5 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 15:25
  • msg #5

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ila let the softies complain. She'd been on harsher marches when she was three, and those through harsh winter peaks. Delving down into a goblin infested hole seemed little threat. She thumped the butt of her spear into the soil and spoke grumpily, "Seems fine enough. I'd have passed with flying colors anyway. Hardly seems likely some lowlander weaklings will change that." She laughed then and winked at her companions.
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 2 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 17:51
  • msg #6

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Beata stands to the side, examining her fingernails. It takes a moment before she glances up, apparently having just processed what the others were saying.

"Wait, so if we don't do this we gotta spend a whole 'nother year training?" She wrinkles her nose. "Ew. Let's just go, I'm getting bored."
Firbolg Druid, 3 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 18:28
  • msg #7

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Choices, choices. On his own, Ekmas generally preferred the path of less resistance. Clearing the tomb, hitting up the nearest tavern, and spending another year in training sounded just fine to him.

On the other hand, however, it sounded as though the rest of the group had already decided against it. And, really, the faster they got this over with, the faster his place would be secure. He was getting so very tired of not having a real clan to call his own. So be it, then.

"The one with the fewest kills buys the drinks after the Trial." Ekmas suggested, grinning back at Ilakhal, and Seth. The sturdy Firbolg grasped his shield a bit more tightly and looked to Kirkward to get the party started.
Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 4 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 19:09
  • msg #8

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris looks from one to another of his fellow initiates, then to their commander.  Ah'm up fer it, he says after everyone has spoken.  Le's clear this place, an' do our trials.
Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 3 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 02:22
  • msg #9

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nicodemus listened quietly as Instructor Kirkwood explained the situation. Personally there was no way in the Nine Hells he intended to train for another full year. Especially due to a bunch of goblins or kobolds. Cocking his crossbow and loading a bolt he looked over at Ekmas and smiled, "Might want to get yer coin purse ready then Ekmas." As he headed toward the open doorway. Pausing at the entrance to check the ground for tracks.
Tiefling Paladin, 7 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 05:11
  • msg #10

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Seth grinned at Ekmas and Nico. "I'll get in on that action. Just don't anybody go taking crazy risks and getting yourselves killed just to try and beat my score, yeah?"

He rest the javelin against his shoulder as he turned back to face Kirward. "Looks like we're all in, Instructor. Anything we should know about these trials before we head in?"
DM Kandagger
GM, 16 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 05:59
  • msg #11

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Kirkward sort of shrugs and shakes his head, "Well, you're a confident lot. I'll give you that.  Go on then.  There's an entrance hall below--probably most of the vermin are in there--and afterward is Three Trials.  Each trial is in a different room, pass each trial to get to the next.  Your test ends if you A. Leave the tomb without finishing, B. Call me for help.  Or C. Make your way to the end, and pray at the Founder's Grave.  Obviously you want to do option C, but better to fail and learn than die stubborn, you get me?  Other than that, you're on your own."

He goes over to the pile of stones and shoves the door-stone aside, making the stairs to the crypt obvious and accessible.

"Oh, and while you're down there, I got two more things I'd like ya to do.  Ain't gonna hurt your test if you don't do them, but it'd make my job easier later so..." he shrugs again, helplessly.

"First is kill all the vermin obviously.  Don't need them settling in our holy site.  Second is take note of the damages--anything look out of place, or broken, I need to know about it.  I'll need to come back with a cleaning crew later, but having some idea of what to fix would help tons."

The doorway yawns wide showing only stairs and darkness, the ground is hard so tracks are difficult to come by, but with luck, Trask should find something useful.

@Trask: Go ahead and roll Survival (Wis).  I'll PM you what you find.

In the meantime I'm going to need a marching order.  In your next post, let me know about where you'd be in the marching order (scouting ahead, in front of the main group, bringing up the rear etc) and I'll work out an order based on that.

This message was last edited by the GM at 06:00, Sun 06 Dec 2020.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 6 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 07:45
  • msg #12

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The confident leap when they know they can; the foolish leap when they know they can't. Ila was no fool, so she knew her place in a combat. Thus, she moved forward as part of the main group ready to lend arcane support where it was needed. She mentally ran through the cantrips and spells she knew and some mental exercises she had developed from her training and life on creative solutions using them.
Tiefling Paladin, 8 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 08:03
  • msg #13

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"Clear out the vermin, assess the damage, pray at the grave. Consider it done."

With a curt nod to Instructor Kirkward, Seth ambled along slowly after Nico, maintaining a rough javelin's throw behind, strutting along as if out for an afternoon stroll.

It was a ruse that anyone who had trained with Seth would know well. Despite his air of cocky relaxation, he just so happened to be positioning himself between the entrance and the rest of the group, and the javelin resting so casually with its shaft over his right shoulder was already in an excellent throwing position.

The tension in his shoulders belied the casualness of his stride, and he kept his focus trained on the entrance for any errant goblin unwise enough to pop out into line of sight so early in their approach.

But he gave the ranger his space to scout. "Let us know what you find, Thrask."
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 3 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 08:11
  • msg #14

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"Someone else paying for drinks?" Beata said, perking up immediately. "Finally, something I want to hear."

She strode forward, barely glancing at the instructor, and stopped next to Seth. With a sigh she crossed her arms and looked towards the entrance.

"You're kinda in the way, Nico. Unless you wanna lead the charge, I guess."

Given her own propensity for hand to hand combat, Beata figured it would be best if she was somewhere near the front. Although she was more than happy to let Seth take the actual lead, what with him being all armored and stuff. Let him take the first few hits and she'd get to finish off any creatures he injured. A perfect plan that would net her a night of free drinking if she played it right.
Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 4 posts
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 09:24
  • msg #15

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien nods and settles himself in behind Seth, slinging his shield off his back and settling it on his left arm and taking his mace from his belt. With his suit of chain mail and his shield he feels well-equipped to take on a front-line role in the fighting to come, but he doesn't want to be right at the front, as that may hamper his ability to provide other support in the form of divine magics.
Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 5 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 11:30
  • msg #16

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Yah, Jerris agrees with the flighty elven monk.  If ya gonna t'row t'ings, let the ones who gonna git up close an' personal git in front a'ya.
He looks up at the much bigger man with a grin.  He holds the spiked club in his hand, spinning it loosely, as he slips in behind both ranger and monk.
Firbolg Druid, 4 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 18:39
  • msg #17

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

With the others seemingly eager to charge ahead, Ekmas was content to follow behind. Well, 'content' might be overstating things quite a bit- the responsibility to watch their backs itched at his soul in uncomfortable ways. He hadn't exactly had great success with that in the past. But someone had to do it and, unless he wanted to shove the others aside to take point, it looked like that was him. Maybe it was a good thing- Ekmas intended to celebrate heartily after this and this way there'd be less competition for anything trying to jump them from behind.
Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 4 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 02:10
  • msg #18

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Niodemus slowly lead the way down into the tomb as quietly as possible, pausing, as the darkness increased, to light a torch.

20:53, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 11 using 1d20+5.  Survival.
Gotta love the die roller.

20:54, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 11 using 1d20+8.  Stealth (if needed).
And the great rolls continue.

21:09, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 15 using 1d20+5.  Perception.

DM Kandagger
GM, 17 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 04:06
  • msg #19

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The stairs down are well made and wide enough for two people to walk abreast, the walls are smooth and without adornment, and darkness of the tomb is absolute.

The torch helps, but it's still a dark and dismal descent.

Thankfully that descent is a short one, maybe two stories down and the passage opens to a receiving hall--maybe a hundred feet by fifty, with a vaulted ceiling and walls adorned with mosaics.

The doorway Thrask enters is on one of the longer sides.  Directly across from him is another doorway--usually sealed but like the entrance above, now ajar by thieving hands.

But all of that is incidental compared to the dozen or so goblins camped about the large room.

As Thrask nears, the light from his torch alert the sentries, and an alarm is raised almost before he can see what is making that racket.

OOC: Sorry Thrask.  You had a light in a pitch dark cave.  They saw you coming long before you saw them.

Roll initiative everyone.

Marching Order going rear ----> front
Ikhal   Beata   Seth         Thrask (Scouting)
Ekmas   Aien    Jerris

Nodel Guenhyvar
Halfling Rogue, 6 posts
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 05:34
  • msg #20

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nodel let Thrask take the lead. He pulled out his shortbow and knocked an arrow. When the toch is lit, Nodel keeps to the shadows as much as he is able. When the alarm is raised, Nodel takes his time to see if any of the Goblins are magically inclined. If so he focuses on them first. Otherwise he aims for the biggest threat to the group.

Nodel will keep hidden as much as possible.

00:25, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 15 using 1d20+9.  stealth.

00:26, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 17 using 1d20+5.  Initiative.

00:34, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 16 using 1d20+6.  perception.

00:30, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 24 using 1d20+7.  shortbow Attack.

00:30, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 15 using 1d20+7.  shortbow Attack. (if with advantage)

00:31, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 6 using 1d6+5.  shortbow damage.

00:32, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 3 using 1d6.  sneak attack damage. (if needed)

Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 7 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 17:03
  • msg #21

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The advantages of being tall. Ila hardly had to move to peer over the heads of her companions. How anyone could tolerate being to small was beyond her. As such, she saw the mob of goblins milling and readying and cursed others' pathetic need to light. Still, a proper Goliath made due with what she was given and the situation was as it was. The door indicated more yet to come. This lot was here now. Ila quickly unlimbered her staff with the fetch attached at the top and summoned arcane words to her lips as she cast about for loose detritus on the floors.

Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 10 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 6 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 17:06
  • msg #22

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris, again spinning his spiked club in his hand, moves to position himself to back-up their scout.  He is ready to smash the first goblin that comes within reach in its head.

12:04, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 8 using 1d8+3.  Morningstar damage.

12:02, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 6 using 1d20+5.  Morningstar attack.  Natural 1.

12:00, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 10 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

Tiefling Paladin, 11 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 19:27
  • msg #23

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

At the sound of the alarm, Seth abandoned his casual stride and coiled onto his back foot, ready to spring forward to either help Nico at the front line, or to cover his retreat if the ranger tried to fall back.

17:08, Yesterday: Seth rolled 19 using 1d20-1.  Initiative.

Seth will either go on offense or defense depending on the layout of the battlefield on his turn, so holding off on specifics for now.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:33, Mon 07 Dec 2020.
Firbolg Druid, 5 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 22:30
  • msg #24

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Between the single light source and the group moving before him, it takes a minute before Ekmas can make out what's going on. When he does, he shouts "Light!" and throws a hand toward the greatest concentration of goblins.

17:18, Today: Ekmas rolled 3 using 1d20.  Initiative.

Ekmas will cast Faerie Fire in bright green on his turn (presuming they're not more than 60 ft away). Dex saving throw, DC 13, for any of them in the 20 ft cube.

Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 7 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 23:05
  • msg #25

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"Oh, good," Beata grumbled, hearing the unmistakable noise of creatures realizing they were there. It wasn't that she thought they needed the element of surprise, but it would've been nice.

She stepped around to Seth's side, towards where the sounds were coming from. She didn't want to get too far away from the paladin, still kind of hoping her whole 'meat shield' plan would work out, but Beata also wanted to be able to get a couple cracks in at whatever was coming.

10:41, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 23 using 1d20+4.  initiative.
18:03, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 16 using 1d20+6.  shortsword attack.
18:03, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 8 using 1d6+4.  shortsword damage.
18:04, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 7 using 1d20+6.  unarmed attack.
18:04, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 5 using 1d4+4.  unarmed damage.

Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 5 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Tue 8 Dec 2020
at 13:55
  • msg #26

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

As Nicodemus steps into the hall he moves to the side giving the others plenty of room to maneuver. Lying the torch at his feet he casts a spell, takes aim and fires on a nearby goblin.

08:19, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 5 using 1d20+4.  Initiative.

Bonus action cast Hunters Mark on targeted goblin.

08:23, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 22 using 1d20+5.  Att. w/ crossbow.
08:23, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 2,11 using d6,d8+4 with rolls of 2,7.  Damage. (13 total)

Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 6 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 10/10
Wed 9 Dec 2020
at 05:57
  • msg #27

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien hefts his shield, peering over the rim as the noise begins ahead. He lifts his mace, ready to strike, wondering if the noisy runts will be bold enough to mount a charge.

Aien Lurieth rolled 15 using 1d20+1.  Initiative.
DM Kandagger
GM, 24 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Thu 10 Dec 2020
at 02:22
  • msg #28

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The acolytes barely hear the alarm sounding before they spring into action.  Bursting through the door with a wave of arrows and surging attackers.

The goblins barely know what hit them before the two sentries and one of the waking soldiers lie dead on the ground.  The rising soldiers scramble for weapons and try to defend their ill-gotten lair

But the acolytes weren't done yet...

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblins x4
Ekmas                  Beata
et al.                 Goblins x5

23 Beata (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
19 Seth (11/11)
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
10 Ilakhal (10/10)
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) ACTED In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [9 Healthy, 0 Injured, 3 Dead]

OOC: Once initiative is rolled I will post both a rough map like the first box, and a chart like the second.  When you take your turn, make sure you copy/paste both into the bottom of your post, and mark any changes you made.  Make sure you're in the right "zone" on the map and that your chart line includes any bonuses and/or conditions your character may be under.  The goblins rolled a 4 on initiative, so the party goes first!  Anyone who hasn't yet please take your actions now.

Tiefling Paladin, 17 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Thu 10 Dec 2020
at 03:32
  • msg #29

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Seth sprung after Beata with a roar, beating on his shield with the shaft of his javelin. Drawing himself up to his full height he bellowed out a battle cry, "DIE GOBLIN SCUM!"

Making himself as large and intimidating as he could, he tried making himself seem the most urgent threat - and therefore, very hopefully, the highest priority target.

Maintaining a few paces from Beata so that neither of them would get surrounded, he then dropped down to a low defensive stance to receive any attacks from the Goblins, shield at the ready on his left, javelin held in a low guard to the right.

OOC: Seth is getting right up in the front line near Beata, attempting to intimidate the goblins into attacking himself, then taking the dodge action.

Not sure which skill or ability check you'd like me to apply here for pulling focus, if any. Assuming something charisma based but let me know if I should change it up. Seth's only proficient charisma skill is intimidation.

16:20, Today: Seth rolled 8 using 1d20. Attempting social interaction to pull focus.
  • Intimidation (+6) = 14
  • Unproficient Charisma (+4) = 12

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblins x4
Ekmas                  Seth
et al.                 Beata
                       Goblins x5

23 Beata (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
19 Seth (11/11) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
10 Ilakhal (10/10)
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) ACTED In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [9 Healthy, 0 Injured, 3 Dead]

This message was last edited by the player at 06:45, Thu 10 Dec 2020.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 9 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Thu 10 Dec 2020
at 15:37
  • msg #30

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ilakhal stepped into the room and, from her height, surveyed the forming combat calmly. Though, with the number of their enemy, she'd have liked to use wide area damage to eliminate multiple enemies, the battle lines were still settling and it was hard to get a good bead on an ideal location. INstead, she uttered a few arcane words that summoned fire into her grip and then flung it at a goblin.

Movement: Stand near the door with Nic
Bonus: None
Action: Firebolt a goblin

Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 10 using 1d10.  damage.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 13 using 1d20+5.  firebolt.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblins x4
Ekmas      Ila         Seth
et al.                 Beata
                       Goblins x5

23 Beata (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
19 Seth (11/11) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
10 Ilakhal (10/10) ACTED By the Door, Cast Firebolt
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) ACTED In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [9 Healthy, 0 Injured, 3 Dead]

Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 9 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Thu 10 Dec 2020
at 16:57
  • msg #31

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris steps into his next attack against the closest of the goblins, swinging his spiked club with the continued intent of splitting a goblin skull.  Should that one fall, he moves to the next.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblins x4
Ekmas                  Beata
et al.                 Goblins x5

23 Beata (10/10) In Melee with Goblins
19 Seth (11/11)
17 Nodal (09/09) By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)

10 Jerris (16/16) In Melee with Goblins
     11:55, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 9 using 1d8+3.  Morningstar damage.
     11:55, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 17 using 1d20+5.  Attack with Morningstar.

10 Ilakhal (10/10)
05 Nicodemus (12/12)  By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)  In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [9 Healthy, 0 Injured, 3 Dead]

Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 11 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 10/10
Fri 11 Dec 2020
at 00:53
  • msg #32

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien advances swiftly but steadily, eyes focused on the melee ahead, keeping his shield held high. He joins his comrades at the front against the goblin battle-line and lifts the mace on high, flashing it down to strike a goblin hard on the top of the skull, breaking the thick bone with a loud crack and felling the noisy creature.

Move: Advance to join front line
Action: Attack with mace

13:41, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 24 using 1d20+4.  Attack with mace.
13:44, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 11 using 2d6+2.  Critical hit, damage.

OOC: Bit of a waste of a crit, but still a nice way to open my combat account with Aien...

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblins x4
Ekmas      Ila         Seth
                       Goblins x4

23 Beata (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
19 Seth (11/11) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
10 Ilakhal (10/10) ACTED By the Door, Cast Firebolt
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) ACTED In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [8 Healthy, 0 Injured, 4 Dead]

DM Kandagger
GM, 28 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Sat 12 Dec 2020
at 03:00
  • msg #33

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The clash of the acolytes against the goblin horde is swift and furious.  And the goblin counter-attack is worse than useless.  One decent hit against Beata, but every other attack (including an errant crossbow attack at Ila in an attempt to shut down the glowing lights) is deflected.

The rearguard see where this is going and start retreating further into the tomb.

Goblin A Attacks Beata - Hit! She takes 4 Slashing Damage
20:36, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 19 using 1d20+4.  Goblin A attack.
20:46, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 4 using 1d6+2.  Damage Roll Slashing.
Goblin B Attacks Seth - Miss!
20:37, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 10 using 1d20+4.  Goblin B Attack.
Goblin C Attacks Aein - Miss!
20:39, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 14 using 1d20+4.  Goblin C Attack.
Goblin D Attacks Jerris - Miss!
20:42, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 10 using 1d20+4.  Goblin D Attack
Goblin E Attacks Ila - Miss!
20:44, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 6 using 1d20+4.  Goblin E Ranged.

Round 2 Begins!  Jerris has already acted this round (patience in the future please, it's hard enough to untangle this stuff as it is)

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblin E        Goblins x3
Ekmas      Ila         Seth
                       Goblins x3 (Faerie Fire)


23 Beata (06/10) Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11) Engaged with Goblin B
17 Nodal (09/09) By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED Engaged with Goblin D
10 Ilakhal (10/10) By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [7 Healthy, 0 Injured, 5 Dead]

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:23, Sat 12 Dec 2020.
Nodel Guenhyvar
Halfling Rogue, 8 posts
Sat 12 Dec 2020
at 13:39
  • msg #34

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nodel lines up another shot at a Goblin with Faerie Fire (B). He holds his breath for a moment before letting it out and taking his shot.

OOC: Hits AC 17 for 7 damage total

08:36, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 1 using 1d6.  sneak attack damage.

08:35, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 6 using 1d6+5.  damage. (short bow damage)

08:35, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 17 using 1d20+7.  attack. (advantage)

08:35, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 14 using 1d20+7.  attack. (short bow attack)


23 Beata (06/10) Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11) Engaged with Goblin B
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED Engaged with Goblin D
10 Ilakhal (10/10) By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [7 Healthy, 0 Injured, 5 Dead]

Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 10 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Sat 12 Dec 2020
at 21:25
  • msg #35

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Beata had her eyes on the moving group of goblins, considering whether it was better to go after the retreating ones. This had the unfortunate effect of distracting her, and she felt a sharp pain in her side. Glancing down, she saw blood beginning to drip down her side. She looked back up at the goblin that had hit her with a snarl.

"My shirt!" she shrieked, deeply offended that he had ruined her look. With the fury of someone who couldn't afford to be losing clothes, she started attacking.

06:17, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 14 using 1d20+6.  unarmed attack.
16:18, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 14 using 1d20+6.  unarmed advntg.
16:22, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 6 using 1d4+4.  unarmed damage.

06:17, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 10 using 1d20+6.  shortsword attack.
16:18, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 14 using 1d20+6.  shortsword advntg.
16:21, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 10 using 1d6+4.  shortsword damage.


23 Beata (06/10) ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11) Engaged with Goblin B
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED Engaged with Goblin D
10 Ilakhal (10/10) By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [7 Healthy, 0 Injured, 5 Dead]

Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 6 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Sun 13 Dec 2020
at 00:43
  • msg #36

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nicodemus watched as the combat unfolded. So far the group was doing quite well, but he knew things could always take a bad turn.Taking note of three of the goblins making a hasty retreat he decided he would prefer not letting the little cretins linger in the tomb. Shifting the focus of he Hunters Mark to the farthes goblin he took aim and fired.

19:40, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 25 using 1d20+5.  Att. w/ crossbow. (Critical)
19:42, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 3,13 using 2d6,2d8+4.  Critical damage.
Let me know if I missed anything.


23 Beata (06/10) Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11) Engaged with Goblin B
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED Engaged with Goblin D
10 Ilakhal (10/10) By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [7 Healthy, 0 Injured, 5 Dead]

Tiefling Paladin, 18 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Sun 13 Dec 2020
at 08:21
  • msg #37

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Seth snarled with predatory glee as the goblin lit up with a nimbus of light. He shoved aside the goblin's incoming slash with contempt, carrying the momentum of his shield around to the left as he stepped forward on his right leg, driving the javelin in main hand into a vicious thrust for the goblin's throat.

21:11, Today: Seth rolled 20 using 2d20+5, keeping the highest dice only with rolls of 9,15.  Attacking Goblin B with advantage (Faerie Fire).
21:12, Today: Seth rolled 6 using 1d6+3 with rolls of 3.  javelin damage (piercing).

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblin E        Goblins x3
Ekmas      Ila         Seth
                       Goblins x3 (Faerie Fire)


23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Engaged with Goblin B
17 Nodal (09/09)     ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED Engaged with Goblin D
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [7 Healthy, 0 Injured, 5 Dead]

This message was last edited by the player at 08:23, Sun 13 Dec 2020.
Firbolg Druid, 9 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Sun 13 Dec 2020
at 15:02
  • msg #38

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Finding the field a bit crowded at this end, Ekmas instinctively tapped the magic of his species to disappear from sight. Where he went then, nobody knows.

Still holding concentration on Faerie Fire, Ekmas uses Hidden Step to turn invisible until his next turn. He Double Dashes toward the back of the room, trying to get as far behind the goblins' rear line as he can.

Stairs- Nodal
Doorway- Nicodemus, Ila
Goblin Front- Jerris, Seth, Beata, Aien, Goblins x3 (Faerie Fire)
Goblin Rear- Goblin E
Back of Room- Goblins x3, Ekmas


23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Engaged with Goblin B
17 Nodal (09/09)     ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED Engaged with Goblin D
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Bonus action to use Hidden Step, Movement and Action to Double Dash to Back of room
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [7 Healthy, 0 Injured, 5 Dead]

This message was last edited by the player at 15:09, Sun 13 Dec 2020.
Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 10 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Sun 13 Dec 2020
at 15:21
  • msg #39

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris continues with his forward movement, swinging up at another goblin on the backswing.  Missing, his eyebrows knit angrily and a vicious snark crosses his lips as he growls ferociously.  He then moves to follow the fleeing goblins.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblins x4
Ekmas      Ila         Seth
                       Goblins x4

23 Beata (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
19 Seth (11/11) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
10 Jerris (16/16)
Attack action:  Missed swing with Morningstar.
Bonus action:  Initiate Rage
10:10, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 7 using 1d20+5.  Morningstar strike.
Move:  Chase the fleeing goblins.

10 Ilakhal (10/10) ACTED By the Door, Cast Firebolt
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) ACTED In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [8 Healthy, 0 Injured, 4 Dead]

This message was last edited by the player at 15:22, Sun 13 Dec 2020.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 10 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Sun 13 Dec 2020
at 15:55
  • msg #40

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ila watched the fight playing out and ground her teeth. Her arsenal included an effective fire attack that might help against the numbers, but it was hard to maneuver in the space to target goblins without targeting her comrades. Grunting in annoyance, she uttered arcane words to summon fire into her hand and then flung it once more. This time she chose to target a goblin fleeing.

move: none
bonus: none
Attack: Fire bolt on goblin.

Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 2 using 1d10.  damage.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 14 using 1d20+5.  attack.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblin E        Goblins x3
Ekmas      Ila         Seth
                       Goblins x3 (Faerie Fire)

23 Beata (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
19 Seth (11/11) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
10 Jerris (16/16)
10 Ilakhal (10/10) ACTED By the Door, Cast Firebolt
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) ACTED In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [8 Healthy, 0 Injured, 4 Dead]

Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 15 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 10/10
Mon 14 Dec 2020
at 03:16
  • msg #41

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien raises his mace again, intent on crushing another goblin skull. His expression is calm, almost bored, as he hews puissantly at the enemy line.

Hit AC 14 for 4 damage

OOC: Not sure what the goblins' AC is - DM, is that information you intended to share, or do you prefer that we just wait for your confirmation of successful hits?

I've updated below to remove the goblin that Nicodemus hit with a critical, as that's almost certainly a kill, but I've left the rest to see if 14 is a hit (since 14 seems to have been a extremely common attack roll this round!). Let me know, DM, if you'd prefer me not to factor in the obvious kills in future.

16:04, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 14 using 1d20+4.  Attack with mace.
16:10, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 8 using 1d20+4.  Advantage.
16:04, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 4 using 1d6+2.  Damage.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblin E        Goblins x2
Ekmas      Ila         Seth
                       Goblins x3 (Faerie Fire)

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Engaged with Goblin B
17 Nodal (09/09)     ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      ACTED Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED Engaged with Goblin D
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   ACTED By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Bonus action to use Hidden Step, Movement and Action to Double Dash to Back of room
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [6 Healthy, 0 Injured, 6 Dead]

This message was last edited by the player at 03:17, Mon 14 Dec 2020.
DM Kandagger
GM, 32 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Mon 14 Dec 2020
at 04:11
  • msg #42

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The goblins seem to rally admist the onslaught.  Their shieldwork catches almost everything the acolytes can throw at them.  However the War of Attrition favors the Acolytes as another pair of goblins fall their arrows.  Eventually, inevitably, this scourge would fall.

The remaining rearguard retreat out of the room, a look of desperation on their misshapen faces.

Round 2 Action Summary:
Beata misses all of her attacks.
Seth strikes Goblin B and all but kills him
Nodel shoots Goblin B, finishing the job
Aien Misses
Jerris Kills Goblin D
Ilakhal Misses
Nicodemus Kills one of the fleeing rearguard goblins

Goblin A attacks Beata--Misses
21:54, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 15 using 1d20+4 ((11)).
Goblin C attacks Aien--Misses
21:57, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 14 using 1d20+4 ((10)).
Goblin E attacks Jerris--Misses
21:58, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 8 using 1d20+4 ((4)).

The two rearguard Goblins retreat into the next room


Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Ekmas                              Goblins x2
           Ila         Seth
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                       & E

23 Beata (06/10)     Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      In Front Line
17 Nodal (09/09)     By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Invisible Between fight and room 2 door
-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [3 Healthy, 0 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

Tiefling Paladin, 19 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Mon 14 Dec 2020
at 05:13
  • msg #43

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

OOC: Checking some assumptions before my turn comes around - I want to see what happens with Beata first before making my decision as to what to do.
  • If I'm not engaged, can I move freely to the back of the room without triggering opportunity attacks?
  • Can "30 feet of movement" move two distance categories for Theatre of the Mind purposes here?
  • Do we still have line of sight on the retreating goblins?

DM Kandagger
GM, 34 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Mon 14 Dec 2020
at 05:26
  • msg #44

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

OOC: Checking some assumptions before my turn comes around - I want to see what happens with Beata first before making my decision as to what to do.
  • If I'm not engaged, can I move freely to the back of the room without triggering opportunity attacks?
  • Can "30 feet of movement" move two distance categories for Theatre of the Mind purposes here?
  • Do we still have line of sight on the retreating goblins?

  • one second.
    (23:23, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 0 using 1d4-1.)
    Nope!  You're free and clear to move.
  • Yes, the room is only 50' deep and you're about halfway through it
  • Yes, the doorway is more of a one-square hall than an actual door, so you can still see the goblins just fine.

This message was last edited by the GM at 15:58, Mon 14 Dec 2020.
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 12 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Mon 14 Dec 2020
at 15:10
  • msg #45

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Surprisingly, attacking recklessly with a wound in her side wasn't exactly working out great for Beata. Her first few swings pulled at the stab wound, making her stumble and go wide. The irritating little goblin was still unharmed, even when she swung her sword once more.

For a brief moment, Beata paused, taking a deep breath and trying to center herself. She could almost hear Gereon in the back of her head, telling her to stay calm and think about what she was doing. With this in mind, she took her final hit and actually managed to make contact with the goblin that had stabbed her.

"Ha!" Beata said, a little overly smug for someone who'd only managed to hit once out of four tries.

OOC: Hit once for a total of 6 damage.
10:05, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 6 using 1d4+4.  unarmed damage.
10:05, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 24 using 2d20+6, keeping the highest dice only.  unarmed advntg.
10:04, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 12 using 2d20+6, keeping the highest dice only.  shortsword advntg.

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      In Front Line
17 Nodal (09/09)     By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Invisible Between fight and room 2 door
-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

Tiefling Paladin, 20 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Mon 14 Dec 2020
at 18:48
  • msg #46

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"Decided to stop dancing and hit it, Beata?" Seth said. It was a good hit - the others would likely take it down before it could do any more damage, while Aien and Jerris seemed to be looking after themselves.

Seth turned to the goblins fleeing the back of the room and leapt forward, launching his javelin at one of them soon as they came into range. "No escaping!"

The tiefling cursed as the javelin fell short of the mark, but he continued his stride and took cover from the fleeing goblins beside the door to the next room, drawing another javelin from his sling.

07:39, Today: Seth rolled 11 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 6.  Attacking fleeing goblin.

Seth's Equipment
Right Hand: Javelin
Left Hand:  Shield
Left Hip:   Longsword
Back Sling: 3x Javelins

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Ekmas             Seth             Goblins x2
           Ila         Beata
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Invisible Between fight and room 2 door
-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

This message was last edited by the player at 20:25, Mon 14 Dec 2020.
Firbolg Druid, 10 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 13:28
  • msg #47

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ekmas reappeared at the back of the room, charging forward with a roar before swinging his quarterstaff at one of the fleeing goblins. He had to get some action going, or he'd ending up paying for his own drinks!

08:26, Today: Ekmas rolled 16 using 1d20+4.  Attack.

08:27, Today: Ekmas rolled 5 using 1d6+2.  Damage.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris                             Seth             Goblins x2
           Ila         Beata                                               Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Attack a fleeing goblin with quarterstaff.

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 11 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 14:33
  • msg #48

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ila tsked as her firebolt went wide and the goblins retreated into the next room. That likely meant more goblins. They were making slow progress eradicating the things, but slow was a game of attritions and attrition favored numbers. She quickly hurled another bolt at the retreating goblins followed by violent cursing as the bolt flew wide again. Fury filled her eyes and her fingers began to work through the fetch atop her staff inspecting it for damage or flaws that could explain the rancid trajectory of her magic. Satisfied that her focus was fine, she squinted at the goblins and swallowed the bile that came with acknowledging her own weakness.

Move: nothing really.
Bonus: swear like a sailor
Attack: Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 10 using 1d20+5.  attack/fire bolt. Miss!

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris                             Seth             Goblins x2
           Ila         Beata                                               Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Attack a fleeing goblin with quarterstaff.

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 7 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 16:10
  • msg #49

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Moving quickly along the wall to avoid the melee. Nicodemus reloads and shifts the target of his Hunters Mark to the goblin Ekmas had just struck and fired. With a mischievous grin he called out, "That's three Ekmas." Hopefully the big guy didn't get to upset at him.

10:58, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 15 using 1d20+5.

10:59, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 1,6 using d6,d8+4.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal                  Jerris           Nicodemus         Seth             Goblins x2
           Ila         Beata                                               Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Attack a fleeing goblin with quarterstaff.

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

This message was last edited by the player at 19:43, Tue 15 Dec 2020.
Nodel Guenhyvar
Halfling Rogue, 9 posts
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 19:40
  • msg #50

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nodel slips into the room and stays near the edge of it as he makes his way to the dorrway at the back of the room. Once past the main group he moves to give his self line of sight through the other door and lines up a shot.

Movement: Move into room and across to other side (back of room)
Attack: 14:36, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 14 using 1d20+7.  shortbow Attack.
Advantage (if needed): 14:38, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 8 using 1d20+7.
Damage: 14:37, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 9 using 1d6+5.  shortbow damage.
Sneak attack (if needed):
14:38, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 5 using 1d6.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal                  Jerris           Nicodemus         Seth             Goblins x2
           Ila         Beata                                               Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     ACTED
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Attack a fleeing goblin with quarterstaff.

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 16 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 10/10
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 03:08
  • msg #51

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien focuses on the battle in front of him, trying to take down the slippery goblin there. After his initial kill he is struggling now to land a solid hit on the next of the diminutive creatures.

16:01, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 11 using 1d20+4.  Attack with mace.
16:02, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 8 using 1d20+4.  Advantage.
Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Ila         Jerris           Nicodemus         Seth             Goblins x2
                       Beata                                               Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E
23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     ACTED
15 Aien (10/10)      ACTED Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   ACTED By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Attack a fleeing goblin with quarterstaff.

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

DM Kandagger
GM, 37 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 04:13
  • msg #52

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The stalemate between the acolytes and the goblins starts to the goblin's favor.

One lucky hit rakes a grievous wound across Aien's side, while across the room Ekmas discovers there WERE in fact some built-in deterrents to intruders...just not ones designed for a goblin's weight.


Apparently there was a pressure plate in the hallway between the two rooms.

Beata hits Goblin A
Seth misses Goblin F
Nodal misses Goblin F
Aien misses Goblin C
Jerris misses Goblin E
Ilakhal misses Goblin F
Nicodemus hits Goblin F and Kills him
Ekmas hits Goblin G--Injured

Goblin A attacks Beata-Misses
21:59, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 11 using 1d20+4.  Goblin A Attack.

Goblin C attacks Aien--Crits! 10 Slashing
22:00, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 24 using 1d20+4.  Goblin C Attack.
22:03, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 10 using 2d6+2.  Slashing Damage Crit.

Goblin E attacks Jerris-Misses
22:02, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 15 using 1d20+4.  Goblin E Attack.

@Ekmas--Make a DEX save


Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Ila         Jerris           Nicodemus         Seth             Goblins G
                       Beata                              Nodal            Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E
23 Beata (06/10)     Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     Back of room
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Engaged with Goblin G

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 2 Injured, 7 Dead, 1 Next room]

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:12, Wed 16 Dec 2020.
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 16 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 05:05
  • msg #53

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"You're one to talk," Beata said to Seth, gesturing at the javelin that had clattered uselessly to the ground. She smirked at him and, just to rub it in, did a quick curtsy before driving her sword into the goblin that had actually managed to stab her. The little creature dropped and Beata turned to the other one near her with a fierce grin.

"And that's two for me!" she added happily. For the moment it seemed like a night of free drinking was very achievable. Motivated by this thought, she drove her elbow into the face of the second goblin.

OOC: hit twice, 7 dmg on the first attack and 7 dmg on the second. Finished off Goblin A with the first attack and switched to C for the second to keep my advantage.
23:58, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 7 using 1d4+4.  unarmed damage.
23:58, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 25 using 2d20+6, dropping the lowest dice only.  unarmed advntg.
23:58, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 7 using 1d6+4.  shortsword damage.
23:57, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 24 using 2d20+6, dropping the lowest dice only.  shortsword advntg.

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin C
19 Seth (11/11)      Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     Back of room
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Engaged with Goblin G

This message was last edited by the player at 03:45, Thu 17 Dec 2020.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 12 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 10:20
  • msg #54

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Grunting with deep annoyance, Ila felt her rage topping her sense and her pride felt each wound made by each miss. Releasing a scream of anger, she stormed into the front lines to line up a shot. It might have bene tough to do so as the melee was a bit of a mess, but Ila was gritting her teeth and grunting dark words as she pointed her staff and one outstretched hand with splayed fingers at the group of goblins. Whatever else, seeing the wave of ruby fire spread out from her caused a sense of warm happiness to suffuse her soul.

Move: advance to a likely place to use burning hands. I am bad at theater of the mind, so I just assume she can line up on two or three of them and avoid her comrades.
Bonus: nadda
Attack: Each person in the AOE, DEX save DC 13. 11 full damage, 1/2 on save.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Ila         Jerris           Nicodemus         Seth             Goblins G
                       Beata                              Nodal            Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E
23 Beata (06/10)     Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     Back of room
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   Move to frontline, Cast Burning Hands
05 Nicodemus (12/12) Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (02/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Engaged with Goblin G

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 2 Injured, 7 Dead, 1 Next room]

Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 19 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 0/10
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 10:27
  • msg #55

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien screams in shock and agony as the blade hacks through his chain mail and cuts deep into his side. He swoons for an instant, then collapses, unable to hang onto consciousness after the severe wounding.

Then he bleeds onto the dusty floor. A lot.

23:16, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 8 using 1d20.  Death saving throw.

1 failure.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Ila         Jerris           Nicodemus         Seth             Goblins G
                       Beata                              Nodal            Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin C
19 Seth (11/11)      Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     Back of room
15 Aien (00/10)      ACTED Unconscious and dying
10 Jerris (16/16)    Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (02/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Engaged with Goblin G

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [1 Healthy, 2 Injured, 8 Dead, 1 Next room]

DM Kandagger
GM, 38 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Thu 17 Dec 2020
at 02:37
  • msg #56

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

As Ekmas chases after the retreating goblins his far greater weight actives a pressure plate the goblins had just been dancing over.

He dodges to right, not expecting the trap from about eye-level and catches an axeblade to the face.

OOC: Sorry dude, the dice hate you.

20:32, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 10 using 1d10.  Blade Trap.

Tiefling Paladin, 27 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Thu 17 Dec 2020
at 03:16
  • msg #57

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Seth stuck his head around the door at the sound of the trap going off in time to see the axe blade hit Ekmas solidly in the face. The tiefling's eyes moved to the battered goblin in front of Ekmas, and he launched his javelin with a snarl.

The goblin's face - already battered from Ekmas' prior blow - shattered as Seth's javelin passed through with an explosion of blood, brain and bone.

"Get into cover, Ekmas!" he cried, charging for Aien's fallen form. He drew his longsword and took up a protective position over the wood elf's body.

He grinned at the remaining goblins like a wolverine, glaring with eyes formed from golden orbs. "One down to me! Who's next?"

Seth's Equipment
Right Hand: Longsword
Left Hand:  Shield
Left Hip:   Empty
Back Sling: 3x Javelins

16:05, Today: Seth rolled 25 using 1d20+5.  Attack roll vs Goblin G with Javelin.
16:06, Today: Seth rolled 10 using 2d6+3 with rolls of 4,3.  javelin piercing damage (critical).

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Ila         Jerris           Nicodemus         Nodal            Goblins G
                       Beata                                               Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin C
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Standing protectively over Aien's fallen body
17 Nodal (09/09)     Back of room
15 Aien (00/10)      ACTED Unconscious and dying
10 Jerris (16/16)    Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (02/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Engaged with Goblin G

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [1 Healthy, 3 Injured, 8 Dead, 1 Next room]

This message was last edited by the player at 03:19, Thu 17 Dec 2020.
Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 9 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Thu 17 Dec 2020
at 13:52
  • msg #58

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Well this went to crap in a hurry. Nicodemus thought as he heard Aien's scream and watched as Aien fell from a nasty slash from a goblin and then Ekams getting hit by a trap.

Again shifting the focus of the Hunters Mark, this time to one of the remaining goblins he fired again. But this time there was just to much movement and his shot was way off. That and the sudden glare from the fire of Ilakhal's spell as it erupted around the goblins. Yeah that excuse will work.

08:46, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 6 using 1d20+5.  Crossbow shot.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Ila         Jerris           Nicodemus         Nodal            Goblins G
                       Beata                                               Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin C
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Standing protectively over Aien's fallen body
17 Nodal (09/09)     Back of room
15 Aien (00/10)      ACTED Unconscious and dying
10 Jerris (16/16)    Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED, No movement, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (02/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Engaged with Goblin G

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [1 Healthy, 3 Injured, 8 Dead, 1 Next room]

Nodel Guenhyvar
Halfling Rogue, 10 posts
Fri 18 Dec 2020
at 04:33
  • msg #59

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nodel aims up another shot at Goblin G. He takes a breath as he sights up the creature and slowly exhales before releasing the shaft.


Hits AC 14 for total of 11 damage

23:30, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 14 using 1d20+7.  shortbow Attack.
23:31, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 10 using 1d20+7.  shortbow Attack. (advantage)

23:32, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 7 using 1d6+5.  shortbow damage.

23:32, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 4 using 1d6.  sneak attack damage.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Ila         Jerris           Nicodemus         Nodal            Goblins G
                       Beata                                               Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin C
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Standing protectively over Aien's fallen body
17 Nodal (09/09)     ACTED Back of room
15 Aien (00/10)      ACTED Unconscious and dying
10 Jerris (16/16)    Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED, No movement, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (02/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Engaged with Goblin G

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [1 Healthy, 3 Injured, 8 Dead, 1 Next room]
Firbolg Druid, 15 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Fri 18 Dec 2020
at 11:30
  • msg #60

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ekmas staggered as the blade cut into his face, grimly clinging to both consciousness and the feeling of the spell in his mind as he quietly snarled implications about Kirkward's probable ancestry and sexual habits. There was no way the goblins had set up something that sophisticated, or at such a height.

Then, of course, while he was busying wiping blood out of his eyes, his target dropped as several projectiles slammed into it. Goat-loving kill-stealers!

Ekmas glared balefully behind him, then hugged the closest wall and peered into the dim light ahead- ready to drop back at any sign of more enemies. Was that a campfire?

06:29, Today: Ekmas rolled 22 using 1d20+5.  Perception.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Ila         Jerris           Nicodemus         Seth
                       Beata                              Nodal            Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin C
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Engaged (Killed?) Goblin G, Standing protectively over Aien's fallen body
17 Nodal (09/09)     ACTED Back of room
15 Aien (00/10)      ACTED Unconscious and dying
10 Jerris (16/16)    Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   ACTED Move to frontline, Cast Burning Hands
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED, No movement, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (02/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Perception Room 2
-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [1 Healthy, 2 Injured, 8 Dead, 1 Next room]

This message was last edited by the player at 14:35, Fri 18 Dec 2020.
DM Kandagger
GM, 42 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Mon 21 Dec 2020
at 03:44
  • msg #61

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

And just as quickly, the acolytes resolve the conflict definitively.  The frontline is shattered and burned, the retreating members chased down and dealt with.  Now perhaps they might venture through the tomb in earnest.

Or perhaps they would, had not one of their number ventured so far ahead.

Ekmas beholds a room much like the previous. Fifty feet long, perhaps eighty feet wide, and walls covered with detailed mosaics.  There is an indent around all the walls, like a small shelf and smelling distinctly of lamp oil.  He recalls seeing something similar in the previous room.  Stone tablets line the main walkway like church pews, each carved with the multitude of names of those who died in the Battle of the Angel's Charge.

Also, there are more goblins...but these are obviously non-combatants.  Females, welps, and infants too young to do more than cry, huddle around a dim campfire, and look on the towering Firbolg in fear.  The oldest looking dam--The Matriarch--pulls herself to her feet and takes a iron-spined step forward, "Wait!" she croaks in very broken Common, "No kill!  We talk! We talk!"

Beata kills goblins A and C (whoo!)
Seth kills goblin G (whoo!)
Nodel misses the dead goblin
Aien fails a death Save
(Ghosting) Jerris Misses
21:06, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 14 using 1d20+5.  Jerris attack.
Ikhal's burning hands roasts the last goblin to death! (whoo!)
Jerris misses
Ekmas takes a trap to the face, and takes a moment to look around the room, and rolls really well. (see description above)


Room 1      -->       Room 2
Everyone Else         Ekmas
                      Goblin Matriarch
                      Goblin Noncombatants

23 Beata (06/10)     In room 1
19 Seth (11/11)      Standing protectively over Aien's fallen body
17 Nodal (09/09)     Back of room
15 Aien (00/10)      Death Saves: 1 Failure
10 Jerris (16/16)    Raging
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   Move to frontline, Cast Burning Hands
05 Nicodemus (12/12) No movement, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (02/12)     Room 2

Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 12 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Mon 21 Dec 2020
at 07:35
  • msg #62

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris charges in behind the firbolg, hoping to find an opponent worthy of smashing.  Instead, he finds goblin females and children cowering in fear.
Though remaining wary, he lowers his spiked club, glowering at the non-combatants as he works to calm himself from his killing fury.
Firbolg Druid, 16 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Tue 22 Dec 2020
at 01:01
  • msg #63

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Fuck his life.

When there were things to be killed for free drinks, he couldn't sneeze without tripping over a party member crowding in. Now when he was bloodied and sore and had to summon up the wit to talk semi-coherently to a maybe-enemy, the fuckers left him all alone. Except for Jerris, of course, charging in behind him- but Ekmas didn't think the man would be much more diplomatic than he.

He (not realizing the effect a towering Firbolg with a ruin of a face might have on terrified noncombatants) was actually quite pleased the goblins thought him worth negotiating with when he was two steps from collapsing on the floor. And the Trial proper hadn't even started yet.

"No kill, but you must leave." He offered cautiously, hoping like Hell the rest of the party would agree to it. Surely they must be as eager to get this thing over with as he. "We need this place for sacred rituals and cannot use it while you are here."

20:00, Today: Ekmas rolled 6 using 1d20+2.  Persuasion.

Please tell me she's so scared it's easy to persuade her...

Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 13 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Tue 22 Dec 2020
at 03:05
  • msg #64

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris turns back to his companions in the other chamber.  We gots goblin women an' kids in here.  I ain't killin' 'em.  So, sumbody better at dealin' wit' others in a less violent way come in here an' talk to 'em.  Us two're too scary.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 13 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Tue 22 Dec 2020
at 04:10
  • msg #65

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ila looked around slowly as the glow of her spell faded and noted the goblins seemed all dealt with. Still, best to be sure of that. She moved toward the walls and cast a quick prestidigitation to light any sources of fire she could find there. She then began to look around the entry way for evidence of damage or more goblins. She only hesitated a second when Jerris called out about women and children. Ila didn't fit the bill of someone better at that situation, so she ignored it and went about her task of investigating the entry room and lighting sconces.
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 19 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Tue 22 Dec 2020
at 11:28
  • msg #66

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

As the last goblins fell, Beata took a deep breath and glanced around. She could hear Ekmas talking to someone in the other room, but right now top priority was, unfortunately, Aien. He was on the floor, bleeding. Probably dying. And she could help, if she wanted to.

Beata dug out the healing potion from her bag, then paused. She had really been hoping to use it on herself, considering she still had a damned stab wound in her side. Then again, Aien was a cleric. A cleric who would owe her one if she helped him out.

"Alright, come on. Wake up and heal me," Beata said, begrudgingly pouring her potion down his throat.

06:27, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 5 using 2d4+2.  healing potion.
Nodel Guenhyvar
Halfling Rogue, 11 posts
Tue 22 Dec 2020
at 20:25
  • msg #67

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nodel slips into the second room and looks over the goblins remaining. He then speaks up to the goblin woman who appears to be in charge. " I'm afraid that you are trespassing here. As you can see we have taken care of those who would stand against us. To that end you will need to leave."

15:24, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 21 using 1d20+4.  Persuasion.

Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 10 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Tue 22 Dec 2020
at 20:34
  • msg #68

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

With the goblins dealt with, at least until Ekmas and Jerris brought up the fact that there were females with children in the next room. Deciding to leave that to the more persuasive people in the group. He heads back to pick up his torch and recover what crossbow bolts he could before searching the room.

Hopefully the goblins in the next room were not foolish enough to try something. He passed by Aien and Beata as he looked around. "Is he going to live?"
Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 14 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 02:47
  • msg #69

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris scans the group of non-combatants, then looks at the firbolg.  We're s'sposed ta kill all tha goblins.  He shakes his head.  But I cain't kill defenseless women an' babies.  I done some bad things in my life, but that ain't one of 'em
He looks at the group intently.  Mebbe they ken learn ta be a productive part of the nearby town.
Firbolg Druid, 18 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Wed 23 Dec 2020
at 23:33
  • msg #70

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Still waiting on a response -thank the gods someone else had arrived to take over that little chat- Ekmas looked back at the human and shrugged. "He said 'clean them out', and 'put things to rights'. It doesn't matter much to me whether we carry out bodies or they take themselves out on their own legs- and that'd be easier." The Firbolg didn't mind anything that got them to the celebrating quicker. "If he meant dead, he should've said so."
DM Kandagger
GM, 44 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Thu 24 Dec 2020
at 03:04
  • msg #71

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"Sac-red?" The matriarch repeats, confused, "No speak human.  You speak Goblin?  Or need we Talking Spell?"
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 20 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Thu 24 Dec 2020
at 14:32
  • msg #72

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Beata glanced over at Nicodemus as he passed. "He better. That was my only healing potion," she replied grumpily, nudging Aien's body with her foot. If she had wasted her potion on a corpse when she could've made herself better instead, she was gonna start hitting things.
Nodel Guenhyvar
Halfling Rogue, 12 posts
Fri 25 Dec 2020
at 11:52
  • msg #73

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nodel shakes his head. "No speak Goblin. You have talk spell?" Nodel is a bit annoyed that the Goblin can't understand simple language.
DM Kandagger
GM, 46 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Fri 25 Dec 2020
at 14:19
  • msg #74

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"Yes.  Make drink.  Your speaker drink.  I drink.  We talk."

She barks a command in goblin to one of the females behind her, who rushes off to get the components for the drink, "Who your speaker?"
Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 29 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 5/10
Sat 26 Dec 2020
at 11:23
  • msg #75

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien wakes up and looks around groggily, trying to remember what happened.

Then he remembers and he grimaces in pain and shame. He fell at the first hurdle, but at least his companions were victorious and he is still alive. The trial is not over, and he will go on.

He looks up and sees Beata leaning over him holding an empty potion vial. "My thanks, good lady," he says to her. "It gladdens me to see that I have companions who will aid me when I fall, as I shall aid you in turn."

Sitting up the elf rummages through his pack and hands a potion of healing to Beata. "As thanks. My need should not leave you wanting."

The cleric sees the wound Beata took earlier and he nods solemnly, all the more appreciative of her sacrifice. Grasping her hand he mumbles a prayer to the gods, whereupon healing energy flows through him and into Beata, restoring her.

Spell slots used: 1/2

OOC: Beata, you're back to max. No need for me to roll, as my minimum puts you to full hp.

Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 15 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Sun 27 Dec 2020
at 23:22
  • msg #76

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

DM Kandagger:
"Yes.  Make drink.  Your speaker drink.  I drink.  We talk."
She barks a command in goblin to one of the females behind her, who rushes off to get the components for the drink, "Who your speaker?"

Jerris looks at each of the others in succession.  He is definitely not the best choice for negotiations.  Being, at best,of average intelligence, and not particularly good with people except to intimidate them.
So, who speaks fer us, then?
DM Kandagger
GM, 49 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Mon 28 Dec 2020
at 05:42
  • msg #77

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ilakhal Strongdrifter:
Ila looked around slowly as the glow of her spell faded and noted the goblins seemed all dealt with. Still, best to be sure of that. She moved toward the walls and cast a quick prestidigitation to light any sources of fire she could find there. She then began to look around the entry way for evidence of damage or more goblins. She only hesitated a second when Jerris called out about women and children. Ila didn't fit the bill of someone better at that situation, so she ignored it and went about her task of investigating the entry room and lighting sconces.

The Entrance Hall appears at first to be fairly nondescript.  However the meager light from the Goblins' fire shows a few distinct details.

First is the ledge at about waist height, built into the walls.  This ledge contains a shallow divet with some sort of liquid in it.  Said liquid smells like oil of some kind with perhaps some perfumes to keep it from stinking up the place too much.  Just above this ledge is a mosiac that takes up all four walls in one grand mural.  The far wall shows an Angel with arms outspread just over the door to the next room accepting supplicants as they approach.  Wretched and poor, these supplicants come toward her in two lines from the back wall and around the sides bowing their heads as they near her glory (and the door to the next room).  It's obviously designed to impress, and perhaps intimidate.
Nodel Guenhyvar
Halfling Rogue, 13 posts
Tue 29 Dec 2020
at 19:08
  • msg #78

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"I'm not opposed to doing the speaking. Though I'm generally better at bartering deals for rooms and meals, than outing squatters." Nodel says as he keeps an eye on the goblins. "That they want to speak means they likely don't have enough warriors left to challenge us."
Tiefling Paladin, 30 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 01:48
  • msg #79

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Seth paced around the room, collecting his spent javelins.

"You all know I'm better at scaring people off than making friends. But I think Nodel's right about them being out of warriors, so could be just as easy to cut them down where they stand." He paused to wipe some goblin's gore from a javelin before returning it to his back sling. "Either way, if there's no objections, I'll step up."

He looked over the others helping each other out. "The rest of you okay? Any scrapes or boo-boos you can walk off yourselves. But now that the wood elf is back on his feet, if there's anone else feeling like they need a hand up out of death's door, shout out."
This message was last edited by the player at 02:09, Wed 30 Dec 2020.
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 24 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 02:04
  • msg #80

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"No need to get so gushy," Beata said to Aien. "When it comes to aid, clerics are more useful than potions. Nothing personal." Still, when he offered his own healing potion to her she accepted it easily. If he wanted to make up for the waste, then who was she to say no?

Beata also couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as the pain in her side faded. The shirt was still ruined, but at least she wasn't walking around with a stab wound.

With those problems taken care of, Beata turned her attention towards the other room. The rest of the goblins wanted to talk, apparently. And several of her companions had already gravitated over there, most of them probably better at talking than her. When she heard Seth's comment, however, she frowned.

"The wood elf?" she replied, in a slightly offended tone. "There are two of us, you know."
Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 30 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 5/10
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 02:15
  • msg #81

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"To say nothing of the fact that I have a name," says Aien, giving Seth a look.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 15 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 02:17
  • msg #82

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ila finished her circuit of the room to see the others still discussing who should do the discussing and fishing the idea of killing those who could not defend themselves. Spitting onto the stone she gave Seth a dark look, "There is no strength to be displayed in killing children. Well, unless they won't leave..." That said, the massive Goliath grinned broadly at Beata and Aien, "But who wants to be counting elves all day? One, two, more than two." She laughs at her own crude joke then regards the halfling. She nodded and then moved through the hallway into the next room.

Ila didn't have much skill in talking nicely, but she knew how to say "get out." She strode up to the gathered group and held out her hand to the goblin matron. With the other hand, she jabbed at her chest. "Me."
Tiefling Paladin, 32 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 02:35
  • msg #83

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Seth barked a laugh. "I was going to go with something more specific: The wood elf over whose fallen body I stood in glorious and gallant defense against the enemy that so ruthlessly cut him down. I just didn't want to come across as self-aggrandizing. But you're both right, Aien does just as well. Duly noted."

He raised his eyebrows at Ila. "Not a question of strengh, Ila. Kill the rats while they're young, and you save a little of next year's grain, then ten times that the year after when the next litter isn't born. But no problem. Shout out if that drink turns out to be poison though, I should have enough juice to get it out of your system."

The tiefling uttered a sonorous incantation and a flourishing gesture, and suddenly his golden orb eyes lit up as if filled with fire. Then a second casting again... But this time, the Thaumaturgy casting appearing to have done nothing. At least, not at first.

He took up a position leaning against the side of the archway, his hand casually placed on the hilt of his sheathed sword, and casting his flame-filled eyes back and forth across the unarmed goblins.

Seth then whispered in his deep baritone voice - and it emerged three times louder than normal, easily carrying tones of gentle menace throughout both the first and second rooms: "If you decide to try things my way instead, Ila, do let me know."
DM Kandagger
GM, 51 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 05:34
  • msg #84

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The Matriarch beckons Ilya forward and invites her to sit.

She mixes a little of this and that into the iron pot on their fire and stirs it just so and watches and waits until the liquid turns an unnatural green.

She pours the liquid into two clay cups and drinks hers down quickly.

It was now Ilakhal's turn to drink...

OOC: Anyone who wishes can make an Arcana Roll to figure out what this potion does.  Otherwise it's bottoms up, Ilalkhal
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:35, Wed 30 Dec 2020.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 17 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 05:44
  • msg #85

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ila sat down cross-legged in front of the pot and watched the mixing. She idly fidgeted with the fetches atop her staff as she quickly found herself out of her depths of understanding. The goblin matron added an ingredient or processed something a certain way and Ila could not keep up. Lost now, she focused instead on the posturing tiefling, ”And allies made this day would pay exponential dividends on the same timeline.” She arched an eyebrow that said she only partially believed her own words where goblins were concerned.

Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 3 using 1d20+2.  Arcana.

She eyed the resulting liquid then sighed heavily. In a sing-songy, cheery voice she raised the cup in salute, ”If this kills me, I’ll use my last breath to burn you to a crisp.” She then downed the mixture.
DM Kandagger
GM, 52 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 06:08
  • msg #86

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The Matriarch's eyes widen at Ilakhal's pronouncement.  Apparently her understanding of Common has improved by leaps and bounds within the last few seconds.

Her expression sours into a sort of she has to talk to these people.

The drink is every bit as unpleasant as expected, but Ilakhal swallows it down, her understanding of the goblin tongue likewise improves by leaps and bounds.

The Matriarch starts chittering at her in goblin, the resignation on her face transferring to her tone.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
"You must really think little of me to suspect poison at this stage.  So, you win.  How do I get you to go away, and let us replenish our numbers in peace?

OOC: Obviously you don't understand the part in the spoiler unless you speak Goblin (or are Ilya who is currently "comprehending languages").  But I am of the opinion that we're telling a story, and actively hiding parts of the story behind privacy screens or language barriers is counterproductive to that goal.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 18 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 07:02
  • msg #87

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ila shrugged; the reactions of lowlanders rarely mattered to her outside of her small group of friends, ”No offense, matron. I trust few. But no, I didn’t expect poison. That would be irrational. Still, I have met many irrational beings before.” She glanced back at some few of her own companions. She then sighed heavily, ”And the only way this ends in your survival is if you abandon this place. This is the tomb of our organization. Our predecessors are entombed here and our initiation rites take place here. It is sacred to us. I understand its appeal to your clan. Can you understand its import to us? If we can agree on this, we might be able to find some common ground. If not...” She jerks her thumb to her more intimidating companion. ”Plus the hundreds of mercenaries of the Hellriders who also belong to our brotherhood.”

Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 22 using 1d20+3.  Persuasion.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 07:14, Wed 30 Dec 2020.
Tiefling Paladin, 34 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 09:26
  • msg #88

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

While the goblin woman's speech was nothing but a jumble of clicks and grunts to Seth, Ila's words were perfectly understandable. The tiefling's radiating sense of smug satisfaction would have been difficult to hide, and Seth wasn't even putting in the effort to try.

Easing more comfortably into his langid pose at the archway, he cast his gaze over the matriarch and relaxed his vision, activating a use of Divine Sense, hoping that his obvious over-posturing and layered Thaumaturgy effects would hide any outward clue to the Goblins that he was scanning them down with special senses.

He focused particularly on the goblin woman herself, wanting to get a feel for what kind of goblin Ila was dealing with.

Divine Sense: 4 of 5 uses remaining
This message was last edited by the player at 09:30, Wed 30 Dec 2020.
DM Kandagger
GM, 53 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 14:41
  • msg #89

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The Matriarch schools her face at this information.  She's fair at it, but there's only so much distress you can hide.

She gargles her response:

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Well, that does explain all the drawings. she coughs, then lets out a curse.  Right, now we have a problem.  We're not a big tribe, and you lot just murdered all our warriors.  This cave was the one thing between us and extinction, and you're wanting to take that away too.  I mean, I get it.  Sacred shit is sacred.  But what would you have us do?  Winter is almost upon us...  She trails off, at loss for options.

Seth's divine sense finds the Matriarch to be a "reasonable person."  She is most likely negotiating in good faith, but that's only because she's losing.  Were she arguing from a position of strength, Seth imagines this conversation would be going very differently.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:44, Wed 30 Dec 2020.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 19 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 15:17
  • msg #90

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ila understands the situation just fine. Her people were practical, hardy folk focused on survival. Tilting her head to the side, she nodded in time to the woman's comments, "I do not seek to be the cause of harm. I won't avoid it; but I do not seek it." She looked around at the other goblins and something struck her practical mind, "To be fair, it is mildly surprising something like this has not occurred before. The tomb is rarely visited excepting the yearly initiations and funerals. Strange it has no been.. occupied before.."

She grinned then, "I cannot speak for our superiors, but I would be willing to speak to them. I do speak for our group here." She raised an eyebrow at her companions hoping to earn signs of agreement. "Perhaps an arrangement can be made for you to occupy the area in exchange to tending things and keeping the brotherhood appraised of the goings on here? Might be the Brotherhood would accept goblin candidates as well, should they prove worthy. Gods know the group has brought up... less reputable sorts." She grins broadly at the foundlings in their group.
Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 16 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Wed 30 Dec 2020
at 17:30
  • msg #91

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

As the goliath looks around at the group, Jerris smiles broadly, and expression that does little to soften his scarred appearance.
I dunno 'bout ev'ryone else, bu' my rep is jus' fine.
Firbolg Druid, 19 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Thu 31 Dec 2020
at 02:32
  • msg #92

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Preoccupied with wiping the blood out of his face, Ekmas didn't exactly notice when the Speaker was chosen and the negotiations commenced. He did catch the paladin's offer of healing and ambled over while Ila, offering a nod of approval to her suggestion before looking back at the Tiefling. It was a novel idea, but could certainly work if they were of a mind to make it so.

"About that hand you offered earlier..." The Firbolg murmured in a low tone, so as not to distract the negotiators, and waved a hand toward his ruined and still-bleeding face. "I'd patch it myself, but I'm not sure we have the time to sit down and break out the bandages." Or waste the energy for his own healing when he might need a more offensive spell for the Trial itself.
Tiefling Paladin, 35 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Thu 31 Dec 2020
at 04:12
  • msg #93

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Seth scowled openly at Ila's suggestion of finding a compromize position that would allow the goblins to stay. He opened his mouth as if to speak, only to reflect for a moment, then shut it again.

He turned his head at Ekmas' approach, and allowed the voice-effect layer of his Thaumaturgy casting to drop, restoring his normal speaking voice. "Of course, Ekmas," he responded in a low voie so as to not further interrupt Ila's negotiations. "It's a rare man who can catch an axe with his face and walk away."

Seth reached out and clasped forearms with the Firbolg. Healing energy flowed through the connection, Ekmas' wounds beginning to knit themselves together for a moment, then stopping. It wasn't enough to heal Ekmas back all the way, but it brought him back from the brink of collapse.

Ekmas' immediate health concerns addressed, Seth turned back to watch Ila's continued negotiations. He continued to speak to Ekmas as he watched, his voie low so as to not carry to the goblins. "I can see you and some of the soft-hearts might be pleased at this. But it's bad business. Kirkward's instructions clear: Kill the vermin, clear out the tomb. Ila's taking us off mission.

"And that goblin woman... She'll do what she thinks is reasonable, whatever it takes to keep her people alive. Right now that means talking and playing nice. But what she'll consider reasonable will take a sharp turn the moment it's in her people's interest to betray us.

"If these baby goblins grow up to murder and rob farmers or travellers some day, that'll be on us if we're the ones who let them get out of here alive. Zariel's tits, I don't like this. I hope Ila knows what she's doing."

This message was last edited by the player at 05:37, Thu 31 Dec 2020.
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 26 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Thu 31 Dec 2020
at 05:32
  • msg #94

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Beata was rapidly losing interest in the conversation. It was probably important, but it wasn't fun. Especially since she couldn't actually understand half of it. If the tomb got emptied of goblins, she didn't particularly care how it happened. Still, she listened with half an ear, and managed to get a chuckle out of Ila's comments on reputations.

"I worked very hard to ruin my reputation and they let me in," she commented. "Though I don't know how the order will feel about letting them live here." If the goblins had some gold or a way to pay, perhaps hiring an escort to find somewhere safer was a valid option. By looking at them, though, Beata kind of doubted that.

Although, actually... With this new thought in mind, Beata wandered away from the conversation and began poking through the clothes of the slain goblins. She doubted she would find anything, but it was worth a look, and it wasn't like she was doing anything else important.

OOC: gonna see if I can loot some bodies
00:31, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 11 using 1d20+1.  Investigation.

Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 33 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 5/10
Sat 2 Jan 2021
at 08:45
  • msg #95

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien is hardly troubling to try and follow the conversation, since he speaks no Goblin and has not drunk a potion as Ila has, but he frowns when he garners where the conversation is heading.

His neutrality on this issue may soon come to an end, for the party has not come here to bargain with goblin interlopers. He wonders what Ila thinks she is doing, since her role in speaking for the group here is surely only to deliver an ultimatum.

The goblins get out, now, or they die. How is that not the end of the conversation? This is a Hellrider initiation, and they are far from done with it. Why should the housing of goblins be any of their concern?

The tiefling is right: Kirkward has issued clear orders to kill these pests. If they are allowed to leave, they will simply re-infest the tomb the moment the Hellriders leave.

Aien's hand twitches on his mace and he restrains himself, with an effort. He will wait another few moments and see how this situation resolves itself first, before taking matters into his own hands.
Firbolg Druid, 20 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Sun 3 Jan 2021
at 01:17
  • msg #96

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ekmas sighed. "In my defense, it's nothing to do with a soft heart- more that I'm hurting and not at my best, and we've more work to do tonight. If we can get them to clear themselves out, I would prefer it. Let them be someone else's problem later- not our fault if someone doesn't post a proper watch. Hell, they might not make it that long now that we got their fighters."

The Firbolg cast a long look back toward Ila. "I was mostly just impressed at her inventiveness- I don't actually think Kirkward will go for that. We can't even ask him until we're done, or we forfeit the Trial." He clapped Seth companionably on the shoulder. "Take heart- you'll probably get your wish yet." He ambled away, trying to put some space between him and the others and position himself advantageously should the negotiations go bad.
Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 18 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Sun 3 Jan 2021
at 09:34
  • msg #97

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris moves to the goliath sorceror's side, leaning in to make a suggestion.  If they pledge ta serve the Hellriders, mebbe they'll be allowed ta live.  Even as li'l as they are, I think Kirkwood mebbe foolish not ta at leas' give it a t'ink-about.
DM Kandagger
GM, 55 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 15:47
  • msg #98

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ilakhal Strongdrifter:
Ila understands the situation just fine. Her people were practical, hardy folk focused on survival. Tilting her head to the side, she nodded in time to the woman's comments, "I do not seek to be the cause of harm. I won't avoid it; but I do not seek it." She looked around at the other goblins and something struck her practical mind, "To be fair, it is mildly surprising something like this has not occurred before. The tomb is rarely visited excepting the yearly initiations and funerals. Strange it has no been.. occupied before.."

She grinned then, "I cannot speak for our superiors, but I would be willing to speak to them. I do speak for our group here." She raised an eyebrow at her companions hoping to earn signs of agreement. "Perhaps an arrangement can be made for you to occupy the area in exchange to tending things and keeping the brotherhood appraised of the goings on here? Might be the Brotherhood would accept goblin candidates as well, should they prove worthy. Gods know the group has brought up... less reputable sorts." She grins broadly at the foundlings in their group.

The matriarch considers this a long moment, her ears twitching as other people speak.

Finally she hisses out a reply.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
So, you lied to me.  You may speak for your group, but you can't speak for your tribe...and the bastard that can is somewhere outside.  However, if I wasn't speaking to you...we'd all be dead.  A fine mess this is all around. she grumbles to herself, trying to find a way for her and her tribe to live, Take me to this 'Kirk-ward' of yours.  Make sure he doesn't kill me on sight, and hopefully, we can work out a deal.

DM Kandagger
GM, 58 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Mon 11 Jan 2021
at 00:56
  • msg #99

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The mosiacs in this second chamber begin the story of the Hellriders one they've heard a hundred times.

The first panel starts the story on Mount Celestia with a lone angel looking down over a world tormented by demons, devils, and any number of evils--her blindfolded face a picture of grief.

The third panel on the opposite wall shows her flying down to the earth in defiance of her masters, the gods.

The second panel--which rests over the central wall, and depicts the Angel's dispute with her masters in the celestial courts--is marred.  The panel with the Angel's face has fallen off the wall--a perfect square missing from the mosiac.

Is this goblin defacement?  Or something more...
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 29 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Mon 11 Jan 2021
at 02:51
  • msg #100

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"They really are obsessed with this story, huh?" Beata commented, mostly to herself, as she peered into the room. Although she'd heard it many times, she had never bothered to listen very closely. Knowing the general details was more than enough, and the origins of the Hell Riders meant little to her. So long as she got payed for going where she was pointed, Beata didn't care much for the rest of it.

"I guess we should look for clues or something," she said finally, looking over at the rest of the group. Mostly hoping one of them would have an idea about where to start.

OOC: my aim here is to do the Help action for anyone planning on doing an investigation check! my int isn't the best score so I figure it's best to assist the smarter folks.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 23 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Tue 12 Jan 2021
at 09:00
  • msg #101

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ila frowned at the diminutive goblin woman then nodded curtly. "Follow then." So said, Ila stood and lead the goblin matron to the entrance of the tombs. She was careful to stop the moment she could get their supervisor's attention and called forward, "Kirkwood! We've hit a bit of a snag. We cleared the entrance of a dozen or so goblin warriors. However, we found civilians living within. Some of us do not want to be party to the slaughter of innocents, women and children and the like. Seeing as we are but initiates, we have brought the matron of the tribe to talk with you. Possibly, about the goblins helping the Hellriders protect the tomb. She is under the effect of a Comprehend Languages potion, so she can understand you, sir." Ila stood tall and looked down at the short woman to motion her toward Kirkwood for the negotiations. She waited for a time to see how things would work out.
Firbolg Druid, 21 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Tue 12 Jan 2021
at 23:43
  • msg #102

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

With Ila leading the Matriarch to the surface, Ekmas remained in the second chamber to keep an eye on all parties until they could hear back. He drifted over to see what Beata was looking at, stooping to pick up the panel with the Angel's face after a moment and gently placing it back in the mosaic. "Anyone have a mending spell?" He called idly, as he eyed it to gauge if it would stay in place on its own. They were charged with setting things to right, after all.
Tiefling Paladin, 38 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Wed 13 Jan 2021
at 00:14
  • msg #103

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Seth remained standing in the archway into the second room, glowering at the goblin civilians, hand on his longsword hilt.

"Not me, Ekmas," he said over his shoulder, keeping his eyes on the goblins. "And Beata's right about clues: Anything in there resembling a holy trial? Other than the dead goblins?"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:14, Wed 13 Jan 2021.
DM Kandagger
GM, 59 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Thu 14 Jan 2021
at 04:36
  • msg #104

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

With Ila leading the Matriarch to the surface, Ekmas remained in the second chamber to keep an eye on all parties until they could hear back. He drifted over to see what Beata was looking at, stooping to pick up the panel with the Angel's face after a moment and gently placing it back in the mosaic. "Anyone have a mending spell?" He called idly, as he eyed it to gauge if it would stay in place on its own. They were charged with setting things to right, after all.

As Ekmas picks up the panel, he's surprised to discover it's still all in one piece as opposed to just a shattered pile of colored stones.  As he runs her fingers along the edges, he feels sort of backing to it, like this whole panel is just supposed to come off, but to what purpose no one could say.

A puzzle to be sure, but who knows?  Perhaps this long forgotten piece might have bearing later in the tomb.

meanwhile, back up near the surface
Ila frowned at the diminutive goblin woman then nodded curtly. "Follow then." So said, Ila stood and lead the goblin matron to the entrance of the tombs. She was careful to stop the moment she could get their supervisor's attention and called forward, "Kirkwood! We've hit a bit of a snag. We cleared the entrance of a dozen or so goblin warriors. However, we found civilians living within. Some of us do not want to be party to the slaughter of innocents, women and children and the like. Seeing as we are but initiates, we have brought the matron of the tribe to talk with you. Possibly, about the goblins helping the Hellriders protect the tomb. She is under the effect of a Comprehend Languages potion, so she can understand you, sir." Ila stood tall and looked down at the short woman to motion her toward Kirkwood for the negotiations. She waited for a time to see how things would work out.

Kirkward gets up from the rock he was sitting on, "Don't need a potion...I speak goblin just fine.  Now let's see if we can settle this like reasonable sorts."

He bows courteously to the matriarch, "You head back down now, Ila, we'll figure this out."
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:27, Fri 15 Jan 2021.
Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 35 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 5/10
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 02:40
  • msg #105

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien joins the others in the deeper chamber, peering at the mosaics around the wall, wondering how long the others will insist on dithering about before the group continues with what they came here to do.

He examines the walls in more detail, but is distracted by the nonsense going on with the remaining goblins in the room, and is assuming that his comrades-in-arms will have more luck than he will at finding out what hidden messages may in the surroundings of this non-natural environment.

15:38, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 10 using 1d20+1.  Investigation.
16:48, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 10 using 1d20+6.  Perception.
19:12, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 20 using 1d20+6.  Perception, advantage.

This message was last edited by the player at 06:13, Sat 16 Jan 2021.
DM Kandagger
GM, 63 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Sat 16 Jan 2021
at 07:00
  • msg #106

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The door to the next room has a knight carved upon it in bas relief.  His arms make up the handle and in his hands is an impressive lock--one of the magical sorts that doesn't rust--keeping the door sealed from further incursion.  It's also notable for having no keyhole.  Only a placard with a simple inscription.

If you wish to keep this,
You must first give it to me.

Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 43 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 5/10
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 11:49
  • msg #107

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien wanders over to the door, looking over the sculpted figure of the knight. His eyes drift to the placard, and he digests the words in silence before wandering off around the room, ostensibly examining the other features, but with his mind turned to the problem of the lock.

The cleric strolls around the perimeter, taking in the mosaic again, keeping an eye on the goblins, and wondering at the damage to the angel's face. He nods to his companions as he passes, his face stern and grim - as it ever is, even if he is simply ordering an ale.

Aien continues his languid circuit of the chamber, wondering how the others are faring with the puzzle at hand and how Kirkward feels about the group treating with these goblin-interlopers.

At length he completes the circle and stands before the door again. He halts and looks up at the knight's face, wondering if he represents an actual Hellrider from days gone by, or is merely a stylised guardian of the inner chambers. The wood elf offers the inanimate knight a slight bow.

"I give you my word," he intones, lifting his shield and moving one hand to his mace lest some trap - or anything beyond the portal - should try to catch him off guard.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 26 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 15:22
  • msg #108

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

It had been a bit, but Ila finally stepped back into the room even as Aien spoke some words to a door. Without any context, she arched an eyebrow at the seemingly strange behavior then shrugged. She moved over to the goblins while the potion was still in effect and assured them that their matron was speaking to her colleague and things seemed to be going well. Thus said, she moved toward Aien and peered over his shoulder at the door. "Does it open when you say 'pretty please' then?"
Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 14 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 15:31
  • msg #109

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nicodemus had spent his time wandering the room. Mostly to avoid the issue of the goblins. The riddle was just another complication to their trial and one of those things he really disliked.

Stopping by the trench of kindling he took a moment to set it alite. It could only help his mood a bit, being able to keep a closer eye on things.
DM Kandagger
GM, 66 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 15:42
  • msg #110

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien Lurieth:
Aien wanders over to the door, looking over the sculpted figure of the knight. His eyes drift to the placard, and he digests the words in silence before wandering off around the room, ostensibly examining the other features, but with his mind turned to the problem of the lock.

The cleric strolls around the perimeter, taking in the mosaic again, keeping an eye on the goblins, and wondering at the damage to the angel's face. He nods to his companions as he passes, his face stern and grim - as it ever is, even if he is simply ordering an ale.

Aien continues his languid circuit of the chamber, wondering how the others are faring with the puzzle at hand and how Kirkward feels about the group treating with these goblin-interlopers.

At length he completes the circle and stands before the door again. He halts and looks up at the knight's face, wondering if he represents an actual Hellrider from days gone by, or is merely a stylised guardian of the inner chambers. The wood elf offers the inanimate knight a slight bow.

"I give you my word," he intones, lifting his shield and moving one hand to his mace lest some trap - or anything beyond the portal - should try to catch him off guard.

As Aien says the phrase My Word, a crack appears down the middle of the knight and a pair of hidden bay doors open inward to the third room.

Once again, a sixty-by-fifty room covered in mosaics.  However, unlike the previous room, there is a large alter at the back wall, and four stone gargoyles --one at each of the corners.

Slightly troubling is that all of these additions have a very prominent demon motif
Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 19 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Tue 19 Jan 2021
at 22:02
  • msg #111

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris moves to the trough running along the wall as the others look at the mosaic and the missing piece.  Reaching into a pock of his pack, he pulls free his tinder box to take out flint and steel.  Leaning over the oil-filled trough, he begins to attempt to ignite it as the right words are spoken, and a hidden door cracks open loudly.
Well.  I'll be damned, he says as he puts away the tools.  Looks like our next challenge's been found.
Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 44 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 5/10
Thu 21 Jan 2021
at 08:30
  • msg #112

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien keeps his shield high, his keen eyes peering into the room beyond. He is still wounded, and unwilling to be the first to enter the next room, for he is in no state either to detect or to endure any traps that may lie within.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 27 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Thu 21 Jan 2021
at 15:07
  • msg #113

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Entering the room slowly, Ila clicks her tongue and nods. "Seems as such." Slowly, she works her way along the murals along the left side investigating them closely as she goes. "Leave it to the Hellriders to make a tomb into a bloody puzzlebox!"

23:06, Today: Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 17 using 1d20.  Investigation.
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 33 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Thu 21 Jan 2021
at 21:00
  • msg #114

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Beata had poked around the angel room a bit but, in the end, the puzzle had been solved without her input. Which was fine enough to her. So long as someone managed to open the door, it was all for the best if she didn't have to do as much work.

The next room, however, gave her a strange feeling. She spared a glance for the gargoyles, and then found herself caught up in looking at the demons on the wall. If there was any significance to them... But she couldn't think of anything. Seemed like she didn't have the advantage on demon knowledge she'd hoped for.

"So," she said, turning away from the murals and towards the group. "Do you think we have to make use of this altar? Because that's definitely not my forte."

OOC: attempted a history check to see if the demon motifs were anything I'd know about and didn't do very well haha

15:57, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 6 using 1d20+3.  history.

Firbolg Druid, 25 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Fri 22 Jan 2021
at 02:52
  • msg #115

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"Let me know if you find any loose tiles!" Ekmas called over to Ila as the woman began to investigate the murals, carefully stowing away the one he'd been fiddling with as he followed her in. His own attention went to the altar, but he left it alone in favor of investigating the nearest gargoyle- with his luck, it'd start shooting fire or something if he went for the altar first.

21:52, Today: Ekmas rolled 1 using 1d20-1.  Investigation.
DM Kandagger
GM, 67 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Fri 22 Jan 2021
at 03:55
  • msg #116

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The walls once again continue the story of the Hellriders.  The west wall shows The Angel settling over a city in Shadow--Elturel, presumably, it's hard to tell without The Companion in the sky.  The northern panel, directly over the alter, shows The Angel entreating shining knights in gleaming armor.  And the Eastern panel shows the knights rejecting The Angel outright--her expression scowling and angry.

The alter is a fascinating piece.  The upper half of the alter appears a simple block of stone...a big heavy block of unavoidable stone.  The lower half depicts a multitude of imps buckling under the weight of the block above.

The gargoyles are aptly named, for their mouths gape open and lead to gaping holes to presumably their gullets.  Thankfully, they aren't the living monster kind, but rather naught but gentle stone.

Even yet, a voice emanates from the stone slab--Ye Who Would be Knights of the Angel's Charge; Kneel Before the Alter

As Jerith lights the tinder, the fire alights quickly and rushes not only around the whole room, but around every other explored room as well, bathing every room in a harsh flickering glow.  The remaining goblins are all TERRIFIED of this sudden onset of light and fire and start squalling.
Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 20 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Fri 22 Jan 2021
at 04:54
  • msg #117

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris turns tonthe squealing and squalling goblins.  He holds up his hands to show he means no harm.  It's jus' a part o' the ceremony we 'ave ta do, he tries to say placatingly.

23:53, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 9 using 1d20-1.  Persuasion?  Hopefully he doesn't make it any worse.....

Tiefling Paladin, 40 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Sat 23 Jan 2021
at 10:42
  • msg #118

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"And if you interrupt us," Seth added, "it'll give me the excuse I was looking for to kill you all."

He strode up to the altar and glared at the goblins from the side of his eyes. "Not that they can understand us. Try this: Stay. Put." In turn, Seth pointed at each of the goblins, then at the ground where they were standing.

Then, he turned, and knelt before the altar on one knee, bowing his head. In a soft voice he muttered, "Zariel, give me strength."

3:41, Today: Seth rolled 7 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 1.  Intimidation.

OOC: LOL. The one social skill I took for Seth, and it's a nat 1. Of course it was. He's clearly nowhere near as scary as he thinks he is. :P

Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 35 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Sun 24 Jan 2021
at 04:43
  • msg #119

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Beata could help but jump slightly at the voice echoing through the room. As soon as the initial surprise was over, however, she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"What did I just say?" she grumbled, pouting a little. Altars and kneeling before them were definitely not her thing. But it looked like, if she wanted to get through this whole mess, she'd have to deal with it.

Beata moved to kneel down besides Seth, glancing over at him and smirking a little. At least she had more patience than he did.

"Let's get this over with so I can go drink," she proclaimed, mimicking Seth's posture.
Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 46 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 5/10
Sun 24 Jan 2021
at 08:39
  • msg #120

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien peers suspiciously at the gargoyles, then walks to join Seth at the altar. He kneels down, more out of self-preservation than reverence.

He glances at the others, still milling about, then cocks his head slightly to one side as he turns back to the altar.

Let them make their own decisions. Come what may.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 28 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Sun 24 Jan 2021
at 11:02
  • msg #121

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ila knew the story of the founding of the Hellriders. That the actual name of their order was the Holy Order of the Angel's Charge. She eyed the knights rejecting the angel with sympathy as it seemed the more reasonable choice, but she had made the choice long before this. She knew what it was to sign up for the Hellriders. Grunting, she chuckled at Seth's antics then knelt in front of the alter, "Bloody hells and shaggy gods, but kneeling ain't my bag. Tyr preserve my knees." Ila might have been kneeling, but her face was not bowed and her expression was defiant. The angle had, after all, sought out and taken in the worst sorts.
Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 21 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Mon 25 Jan 2021
at 08:53
  • msg #122

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris followed the others into the shrine, kneeling next to them.  He looks around at the tableau with some apparent interest, before bowing his head for just a moment.
Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 15 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Mon 25 Jan 2021
at 14:10
  • msg #123

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nicodemus didn't like the idea of kneeling at an altar with a bunch of goblins in the very next room. They may be just females and children but in his opinion they were still not to be trusted.

Taking a position at the far end he knelt with the other, keeping a wary eye on the doorway when he could.
DM Kandagger
GM, 68 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Mon 25 Jan 2021
at 22:35
  • msg #124

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Once all are kneeling the voice continues:

Do you swear to fight Evil in all its forms?
Firbolg Druid, 26 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 03:28
  • msg #125

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

From where he knelt, Ekmas shifted uneasily. In *all* its forms? That felt awfully binding. What if he screwed up again? But he dutifully swore to so fight Evil- what else were they going to do besides let a year's worth of work go to waste?
Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 47 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 5/10
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 03:40
  • msg #126

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien almost rolls his eyes at the words. This is growing annoying. What is the purpose of such nonsense? Any such directive will be ignored when expedient or necessary, so why ask? Certainly Aien will only comply with any oath given as far as it suits his role in the Hellriders. They are here to test whether they can stand in a battle-line beside the veterans of the order, not to practice spouting ceremonial platitudes on demand. There will be time enough for that later. The gods know there was enough of it in the year leading up to this day.

"I do so swear," the cleric grates, though in truth he cannot commit to any such thing. Circumstances are seldom so clear-cut. Certainly nature is not, and it is nature with which Aien has concerned himself throughout all of his life to date.
Tiefling Paladin, 41 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 03:59
  • msg #127

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Seth grinned broadly at the question.

"Yes. With an iron fist.".
This message was last edited by the player at 04:00, Tue 26 Jan 2021.
Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 22 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 05:07
  • msg #128

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

A bit silly to swear ta do somethin' I a'ready do, he mutters to nobody with a nod of his head.  I swear, he says louder for the sake of the ceremony.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 29 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 10:00
  • msg #129

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ilakhal cocked her head to the side as her features bunched in confusion then shrugged her shoulders, "Aye. I swear."
Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 16 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 14:51
  • msg #130

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nicodemus grinned as he listened to the others swear their oath. Especially Jerris's nearly silent comment, which he totally agreed with. But it was all part of the ritual, so "I swear."
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 36 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Tue 26 Jan 2021
at 17:23
  • msg #131

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Beata couldn't help but smirk a little at the question. If she really decided to go out and fight all evil, she had the feeling she'd end up butting heads with at least one or two of the people kneeling here at the altar.

"I swear," Beata said, her voice perhaps a bit dry. So long as she was getting paid. And so long as she had enough free time to get drunk and have fun when the day was done.
DM Kandagger
GM, 70 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 05:09
  • msg #132

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The pause before the voice continues is very telling.

Then Prove It

The doors behind you start to close and a burbling noise is heard from within the four Gargoyles.

Roll Initiative everyone and please take initial positioning actions--you have about one round before the baddies show up

Room is 60x50. 10ft Alter centered on the North Wall (with everyone kneeling before it) Gargoyles at NE, NW, SE and SW corners--all of which are making noise.

Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 23 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 05:26
  • msg #133

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris stands, his spiked club in hand, and he turns to the south west.

00:25, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 5 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.   Ugh.

Tiefling Paladin, 42 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 06:52
  • msg #134

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Seth stood and drew his longsword. He took a few steps from the altar, spinning his sword, moving just far enough to get every corner of the room in range of his divine senses.

19:36, Today: Seth rolled 17 using 1d20-1.  Initiative.

Seth may use the rest of his movement based on what he senses in the room. Checking to see if there's consecrated or desecrated gargoyles to distinguish 'good' from 'evil' targets.

Firbolg Druid, 28 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 07:45
  • msg #135

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ekmas rises with shield raised in one hand and the other reaching to cast a spell, turning to gauge the approach of the nearest as he discreetly put Ila between himself and anything coming. Or as best he could. "I knew those things were trouble!" He grumbled, irritably reviewing his options.

02:38, Today: Ekmas rolled 2 using 1d20.  Initiative. Yay.
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 38 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Sun 31 Jan 2021
at 20:04
  • msg #136

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Of course it wasn't going to be that easy. The moment the voice spoke again, Beata was on her feet and moving towards the center of the room. Best to make the gargoyles come to her, and maybe reveal what they were capable of before she had to start dealing with it.

15:01, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 24 using 1d20+4.  initiative.
Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 17 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 00:39
  • msg #137

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Drawing an arrow and readying it in his bow Nicodemus move to cover the others backs. Listening as best he can to the sound coming from the gargoyles in an attempt to discern what was happening.

OOC:19:35, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 6 using 1d20+4.  Initiative.
19:39, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 12 using 1d20+5.  Perception.

Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 48 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 5/10
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 13:21
  • msg #138

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Wary, Aien rises and steps back quickly from the altar. He moves back across the room to where the now-closed door is, sticking to the middle of the wall, equidistant from the two gargoyles there.

Move to middle of south wall, assuming "south" is where the party entered the chamber. Sticking near the door is possible, though preferring the middle of wall if the door is significantly offset.

02:18, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 11 using 1d20+1.  Initiative.

Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 30 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Mon 1 Feb 2021
at 15:38
  • msg #139

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Rising somewhat slower to her feet, Ila eyed the four gargoyles bitterly and then grunted. This was going to be unpleasant by the sound of that voice. Still, couldn't be that hard. She'd seen what passed for graduates years before. She pressed her back against the northern face of the altar and was glad of Ekmas between her and at least one other of the sources of problems. Considering the situation slowly, she regarded the floor for any bulky objects.

23:34, Today: Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 8 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.
DM Kandagger
GM, 73 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Mon 15 Feb 2021
at 04:25
  • msg #140

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The gargoyles' mouths fill slowly with liquid as the room grows uncomfortably warm. Molten rock, or metal or something--the liquid burbles as it drips and pools from the fonts from whence it came glowing an angry red.  And slowly mishapen little imps form from the magma.

The Monsters got a 15 so they go first.  Thankfully they take a turn to manifest so you can take actions

--Mephits (NE:22/22 NW:22/22 SE:22/22 SW:22/22)
24 Beata
17 Seth
11 Aein
08 Ilakhal
06 Nicodemus
05 Jerris
02 Ekmas

THEATER OF THE MIND: The Mephits are at each of the four corners of the room--so technically you're surrounded.
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 40 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Tue 16 Feb 2021
at 04:46
  • msg #141

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Beata took a moment, watching the creatures form. The fact that they were made of fire wasn't entirely appealing, especially considering she had a tendency to work with her hands during combat. But this was a part of the whole test or whatever, and if she could get through this she could go drink on someone else's gold tonight.

Bolstered by that thought, Beata headed towards one of the mephits, determined not to let it get the jump on her. Hit first, ask questions later. She swung with her sword, and then ducked back in order to kick out, hoping that using her boot might save her from getting burned.

OOC: Beata is heading to the NE mephit and attacking! I rolled pretty decently for a change, too!
23:42, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 21 using 1d20+6.  unarmed attack.
23:43, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 5 using 1d4+4.  unarmed damage.

23:42, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 19 using 1d20+6.  shortsword attack.
23:42, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 6 using 1d6+4.  shortsword damage.

Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 25 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Wed 17 Feb 2021
at 05:06
  • msg #142

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris taps his morningstar lightly on the floor a few times, before raising and moving towards the forming creature to the Southwest.  Raising his spiked club, he awaits it's full formation before he tries to bash it in the head.

00:05, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 5 using 1d8+3.  Morningstar damage.

00:05, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 18 using 1d20+5.  Morningstar strike. 

Tiefling Paladin, 43 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Wed 17 Feb 2021
at 07:55
  • msg #143

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

As Beata passed him by on the way to her attack, Seth launched himself after her.

As she readied her first swing on the mephit he feinted a step to the left only to juke to the right, circling behind the creature in an attempt to disorient and evade its defences.

Seth pivoted on the ball of his foot and lunged just as Beata attacked the creature, sending the mephit stumbling back directly into his longsword thrust.

Woo hoo! Critical!

20:50, Today: Seth rolled 25 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 20.  Attacking with longsword.
20:51, Today: Seth rolled 10 using 2d8+3 with rolls of 4,3.  Longsword damage (critical).

Also, note positioning. Not sure if there's room to put that mephit between Seth and Beata, but that's Seth's plan if it's possible.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:26, Thu 18 Feb 2021.
Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 49 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 5/10
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 02:52
  • msg #144

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Still wounded, Aien is reluctant to enter into hand-to-hand combat with these things. They look like they will burn anyone who comes close, and Aien opts for caution.

He takes out his crossbow and slips a bolt into place, then fires it at the mephit in the southwest corner of the room, off to his left, before following in, moving closer to the creature, but staying out of its reach.

Shoot SW mephit then move to within ten feet of it.

15:49, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 13 using 1d20+3.  Crossbow attack.
15:50, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 6 using 1d8.  Damage (if relevant...).

Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 33 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Fri 19 Feb 2021
at 02:56
  • msg #145

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ila grunted angrily as the impish creatures manifested from out of lava. She bit her lip as she considered the arcane knowledge she wielded and guessed it would do little. Finally, sighing, she thumped the butt of her spear on the stone floor, gave Ekmas a grin, then charged.

Move: charge NW mephit
Bonus: n/a
Object Interaction: ready spear
Action: attack NW mephit

10:54, Today: Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 5 using 1d8+2.  damage.
10:54, Today: Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 19 using 1d20+4.  spear attack.

Firbolg Druid, 33 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Sun 21 Feb 2021
at 08:46
  • msg #146

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ekmas watched his companions dash off, thinking rapidly as they launched their attacks. The Firbolg made his decision and chased after Seth and Beata as they landed vicious blows, unashamedly swinging for the low-hanging fruit of injured prey... and perhaps getting too greedy. He cursed and invoked a trick of Firbolg magic to abruptly disappear, leaving Seth and Beata to face any retribution from the cornered creature.

Move: charge NE mephit
Object Interaction: ready Quarterstaff
Action: attack NE mephit

03:42, Today: Ekmas rolled 7 using 1d20+4.  Quarterstaff attack.

Bonus: Hidden Step

Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 18 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Mon 22 Feb 2021
at 16:39
  • msg #147

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

With all of the creatures occupied save one Nicodemus decides to give the lonely little fellow his full attention. Loading is crossbow e takes aim and fires on the mephit in the southeast corner of the room.

Move: Remain near the alter.
Object Interaction: Crossbow
Action: Attack SE Mephit
11:33, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 9 using 1d8+4.  Damage.
11:33, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 16 using 1d20+5.  Crossbow attack.

DM Kandagger
GM, 78 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Sun 2 May 2021
at 04:01
  • msg #148

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The acolytes spring into action, spreading themselves to cover multiple demons at once.

Beata, Seth and Ekmas charge to the northeast, scoring several solid blows on the living fire monster.  Looking wary, it tries to disengage, only to be brought low by a further swing of Seth's Sword.

...which causes it to EXPLODE, catching all three heroes in its death throes.

Meanwhile in the southwest, Jerris and Aein attempt a similar trick with its monster, only to discover the living fire can also breathe fire

To the northwest, Ilakhal fights her demon by herself, trading blow for blow.

In the wake of all this fire...Nicodemus does the sensible thing and tries to stay as far away from everyone as possible while still contributing.

Truly a daunting task their predecessors demand of them...

Everyone hits their targets...except Ekmas

NE Mephit--Moves out of melee for breath attack
--GHOSTING SETH--Opportunity Attack-->Kills Mephit
--Mephit EXPLODES--
Seth Dex saves--Fails--takes 7 3 Fire Damage (because Tiefling).
Beata and Ekmas must do likewise. (DC 11, 7 fire if fail, 3 if succeed)

NW Mephit--Claws at Ila. Hits.  Ila takes 2 fire, 2 slashing (4 total)
22:37, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 22 using 1d20+3.  Mephit Claw attack.

SE "East" Mephit moves North toward Seth/Beata/Ekmas, gets about halfway there.


SW Mephit--Breath attack hitting Jerris and Aein (DC 11, 7 fire if fail, 3 if succeed)
--Mephits (NE:00/22 NW:17/22 SE:22/22 SW:02/22)--AC </= 13
24 Beata--In NE corner (Needs to make a DEX save), SE apporaching
17 Seth--08/11--In NE corner, SE apporaching
11 Aein--Near SW, (Need to make a DEX save)
08 Ilakhal--08/10--Engaged with NW
06 Nicodemus--Center of Room
05 Jerris--Engaged with SW (Need to make a DEX save)
02 Ekmas--In NE (Needs to make a DEX save), SE apporaching</Orange>

THEATER OF THE MIND: 3 Mephits remain.  One in each western corner, and along the middle of the east wall.  The room is now significantly more on fire.
Firbolg Druid, 36 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Sun 2 May 2021
at 15:44
  • msg #149

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The party hears a loud thump as a large body hits the floor,caught by flame before Ekmas could cannily sneak away.

11:38, Today: Ekmas rolled 2 using 1d20.  Dex save.
11:42, Today: Ekmas rolled 14 using 1d20.  Death Save.

Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 37 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Sun 2 May 2021
at 16:22
  • msg #150

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ilakhal twitches and looks behind her at the fallen body of her companion. A grim look descends upon her face. It was all fun and games until someone died after all. Returning her attention to the mephit, she grins as its fire is a distant pain. She then levels the spear again to ram it home into the flaming body of the thing. "Someone spare a moment for the big fella? I think I got this one... Maybe."

For fun/profit, I should be at 7/10 hp. 2 slashing, 1/2 damage from fire due to draconic bloodline.

00:16, Today: Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 7 using 1d8+3.  damage.
00:16, Today: Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 16 using 1d20+4.  spear attack.

Hope that hits...

Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 32 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Sun 2 May 2021
at 18:14
  • msg #151

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris, unfoortunately, pretty much walks right into the fiery breath, not realizing the damnable thing could do that.  This, however, angers the young man.  He bellows in rage as he smashes down on the flaming creature with his spiked club.

Failed Dex Save.  Bonus action:  Rage

14:11, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 10 using 1d8+5.  Morningstar damage.

14:10, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 19 using 2d20+5, dropping the lowest dice only.  Morningstar Attack Advantage Rage.

14:09, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 3 using 1d20+2.  Dex Save DC 11.

This message was last edited by the player at 21:52, Fri 11 June 2021.
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 44 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Mon 3 May 2021
at 23:24
  • msg #152

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The explosion of fire admittedly took Beata by surprise, but she jumped backwards, managing to avoid the full brunt and just getting singed. Unfortunate, but at least she was still decently healthy. Not that the same could be said for the firbolg. Beata glanced around at the rest of the party, an eyebrow arched.

"Really?" she grumbled, after it seemed everyone else was doing their own things. "When did I get put in charge of wasting my potions on other people?" With an exaggerated sigh, Beata leaned over Ekmas and poured the potion down his throat. Honestly, if he hadn't owed her a round of drinks she might've just let him lie there.

With that done, Beata turned her attention towards the creatures. Jerris was just about to bring down the creature he was facing, and Ilkahal seemed to be doing fine against her opponent. Which left the third, already approaching. Beata narrowed her eyes and readied herself, not willing to leap right into the creature's way when she didn't have time to attack.

19:17, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 17 using 1d20+6.  dex save.
19:18, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 7 using 2d4+2.  healing potion.

Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 21 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Thu 6 May 2021
at 12:42
  • msg #153

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nicodemus moves to the northeast putting a little more distance between himself and the Mephits. After the explosion and fire breath displays he would prefer to be out of the range of any of those. He then fires on the Mephit moving along the eastern wall.

Move: Move toward the northeast, taking care to keep a respectable distance from Mephits.
Object Interaction: Crossbow
Action: Attack East Mephit
08:41, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 11 using 1d8+4.  Damage.
08:40, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 19 using 1d20+5.  Crossbow att.

Firbolg Druid, 39 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Sat 8 May 2021
at 22:12
  • msg #154

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ekmas came to with the taste of healing potion in his mouth and Beata's less-than-delighted visage scowling down at him. "My thanks." He told her, regaining his feet. "That's two I owe you now." The Firbolg wasn't in any hurry to close with more of the things either, and gestured at the one approaching from the Southeast.

Action, cast: Infestation on SE creature
CON save, DC 13.

On a failure ,it takes poison damage and moves 5 ft North... which is not particularly helpful.

18:09, Today: Ekmas rolled 1 using 1d4.  Direction.

18:09, Today: Ekmas rolled 6 using 1d6.  Poison Damage.

Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 51 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 0/10
Wed 12 May 2021
at 06:55
  • msg #155

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien's eyebrows lift as the fire spews towards where he stands, still beyond the mephit's reach - or so he thought.

He is caught on the wrong foot and the flames engulf him, dropping him to the floor unconscious for the second time already in the trial.

OOC: Joy.

Aien Lurieth rolled 7 using 1d20+1.  Dex save DC 11.

Aien Lurieth rolled 19 using 1d20.  Death saving throw.

Firbolg Druid, 41 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Sat 15 May 2021
at 04:49
  • msg #156

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ekmas sees Aien fall and, after releasing his attack,  yells at the cleric to "Rise!".

Ekmas casts Healing Word as a bonus action.

00:48, Today: Ekmas rolled 4 using 1d4+3.  Healing Word.

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