Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Kirkward sort of shrugs and shakes his head, "Well, you're a confident lot. I'll give you that. Go on then. There's an entrance hall below--probably most of the vermin are in there--and afterward is Three Trials. Each trial is in a different room, pass each trial to get to the next. Your test ends if you A. Leave the tomb without finishing, B. Call me for help. Or C. Make your way to the end, and pray at the Founder's Grave. Obviously you want to do option C, but better to fail and learn than die stubborn, you get me? Other than that, you're on your own."
He goes over to the pile of stones and shoves the door-stone aside, making the stairs to the crypt obvious and accessible.
"Oh, and while you're down there, I got two more things I'd like ya to do. Ain't gonna hurt your test if you don't do them, but it'd make my job easier later so..." he shrugs again, helplessly.
"First is kill all the vermin obviously. Don't need them settling in our holy site. Second is take note of the damages--anything look out of place, or broken, I need to know about it. I'll need to come back with a cleaning crew later, but having some idea of what to fix would help tons."
The doorway yawns wide showing only stairs and darkness, the ground is hard so tracks are difficult to come by, but with luck, Trask should find something useful.
@Trask: Go ahead and roll Survival (Wis). I'll PM you what you find.
In the meantime I'm going to need a marching order. In your next post, let me know about where you'd be in the marching order (scouting ahead, in front of the main group, bringing up the rear etc) and I'll work out an order based on that.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:00, Sun 06 Dec 2020.