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11:26, 19th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders.

Posted by DM KandaggerFor group 0
Firbolg Druid, 3 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 18:28
  • msg #7

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Choices, choices. On his own, Ekmas generally preferred the path of less resistance. Clearing the tomb, hitting up the nearest tavern, and spending another year in training sounded just fine to him.

On the other hand, however, it sounded as though the rest of the group had already decided against it. And, really, the faster they got this over with, the faster his place would be secure. He was getting so very tired of not having a real clan to call his own. So be it, then.

"The one with the fewest kills buys the drinks after the Trial." Ekmas suggested, grinning back at Ilakhal, and Seth. The sturdy Firbolg grasped his shield a bit more tightly and looked to Kirkward to get the party started.
Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 4 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Sat 5 Dec 2020
at 19:09
  • msg #8

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris looks from one to another of his fellow initiates, then to their commander.  Ah'm up fer it, he says after everyone has spoken.  Le's clear this place, an' do our trials.
Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 3 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 02:22
  • msg #9

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nicodemus listened quietly as Instructor Kirkwood explained the situation. Personally there was no way in the Nine Hells he intended to train for another full year. Especially due to a bunch of goblins or kobolds. Cocking his crossbow and loading a bolt he looked over at Ekmas and smiled, "Might want to get yer coin purse ready then Ekmas." As he headed toward the open doorway. Pausing at the entrance to check the ground for tracks.
Tiefling Paladin, 7 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 05:11
  • msg #10

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Seth grinned at Ekmas and Nico. "I'll get in on that action. Just don't anybody go taking crazy risks and getting yourselves killed just to try and beat my score, yeah?"

He rest the javelin against his shoulder as he turned back to face Kirward. "Looks like we're all in, Instructor. Anything we should know about these trials before we head in?"
DM Kandagger
GM, 16 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 05:59
  • msg #11

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Kirkward sort of shrugs and shakes his head, "Well, you're a confident lot. I'll give you that.  Go on then.  There's an entrance hall below--probably most of the vermin are in there--and afterward is Three Trials.  Each trial is in a different room, pass each trial to get to the next.  Your test ends if you A. Leave the tomb without finishing, B. Call me for help.  Or C. Make your way to the end, and pray at the Founder's Grave.  Obviously you want to do option C, but better to fail and learn than die stubborn, you get me?  Other than that, you're on your own."

He goes over to the pile of stones and shoves the door-stone aside, making the stairs to the crypt obvious and accessible.

"Oh, and while you're down there, I got two more things I'd like ya to do.  Ain't gonna hurt your test if you don't do them, but it'd make my job easier later so..." he shrugs again, helplessly.

"First is kill all the vermin obviously.  Don't need them settling in our holy site.  Second is take note of the damages--anything look out of place, or broken, I need to know about it.  I'll need to come back with a cleaning crew later, but having some idea of what to fix would help tons."

The doorway yawns wide showing only stairs and darkness, the ground is hard so tracks are difficult to come by, but with luck, Trask should find something useful.

@Trask: Go ahead and roll Survival (Wis).  I'll PM you what you find.

In the meantime I'm going to need a marching order.  In your next post, let me know about where you'd be in the marching order (scouting ahead, in front of the main group, bringing up the rear etc) and I'll work out an order based on that.

This message was last edited by the GM at 06:00, Sun 06 Dec 2020.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 6 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 07:45
  • msg #12

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The confident leap when they know they can; the foolish leap when they know they can't. Ila was no fool, so she knew her place in a combat. Thus, she moved forward as part of the main group ready to lend arcane support where it was needed. She mentally ran through the cantrips and spells she knew and some mental exercises she had developed from her training and life on creative solutions using them.
Tiefling Paladin, 8 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 08:03
  • msg #13

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"Clear out the vermin, assess the damage, pray at the grave. Consider it done."

With a curt nod to Instructor Kirkward, Seth ambled along slowly after Nico, maintaining a rough javelin's throw behind, strutting along as if out for an afternoon stroll.

It was a ruse that anyone who had trained with Seth would know well. Despite his air of cocky relaxation, he just so happened to be positioning himself between the entrance and the rest of the group, and the javelin resting so casually with its shaft over his right shoulder was already in an excellent throwing position.

The tension in his shoulders belied the casualness of his stride, and he kept his focus trained on the entrance for any errant goblin unwise enough to pop out into line of sight so early in their approach.

But he gave the ranger his space to scout. "Let us know what you find, Thrask."
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 3 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 08:11
  • msg #14

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"Someone else paying for drinks?" Beata said, perking up immediately. "Finally, something I want to hear."

She strode forward, barely glancing at the instructor, and stopped next to Seth. With a sigh she crossed her arms and looked towards the entrance.

"You're kinda in the way, Nico. Unless you wanna lead the charge, I guess."

Given her own propensity for hand to hand combat, Beata figured it would be best if she was somewhere near the front. Although she was more than happy to let Seth take the actual lead, what with him being all armored and stuff. Let him take the first few hits and she'd get to finish off any creatures he injured. A perfect plan that would net her a night of free drinking if she played it right.
Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 4 posts
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 09:24
  • msg #15

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien nods and settles himself in behind Seth, slinging his shield off his back and settling it on his left arm and taking his mace from his belt. With his suit of chain mail and his shield he feels well-equipped to take on a front-line role in the fighting to come, but he doesn't want to be right at the front, as that may hamper his ability to provide other support in the form of divine magics.
Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 5 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 11:30
  • msg #16

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Yah, Jerris agrees with the flighty elven monk.  If ya gonna t'row t'ings, let the ones who gonna git up close an' personal git in front a'ya.
He looks up at the much bigger man with a grin.  He holds the spiked club in his hand, spinning it loosely, as he slips in behind both ranger and monk.
Firbolg Druid, 4 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Sun 6 Dec 2020
at 18:39
  • msg #17

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

With the others seemingly eager to charge ahead, Ekmas was content to follow behind. Well, 'content' might be overstating things quite a bit- the responsibility to watch their backs itched at his soul in uncomfortable ways. He hadn't exactly had great success with that in the past. But someone had to do it and, unless he wanted to shove the others aside to take point, it looked like that was him. Maybe it was a good thing- Ekmas intended to celebrate heartily after this and this way there'd be less competition for anything trying to jump them from behind.
Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 4 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 02:10
  • msg #18

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Niodemus slowly lead the way down into the tomb as quietly as possible, pausing, as the darkness increased, to light a torch.

20:53, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 11 using 1d20+5.  Survival.
Gotta love the die roller.

20:54, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 11 using 1d20+8.  Stealth (if needed).
And the great rolls continue.

21:09, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 15 using 1d20+5.  Perception.

DM Kandagger
GM, 17 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 04:06
  • msg #19

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The stairs down are well made and wide enough for two people to walk abreast, the walls are smooth and without adornment, and darkness of the tomb is absolute.

The torch helps, but it's still a dark and dismal descent.

Thankfully that descent is a short one, maybe two stories down and the passage opens to a receiving hall--maybe a hundred feet by fifty, with a vaulted ceiling and walls adorned with mosaics.

The doorway Thrask enters is on one of the longer sides.  Directly across from him is another doorway--usually sealed but like the entrance above, now ajar by thieving hands.

But all of that is incidental compared to the dozen or so goblins camped about the large room.

As Thrask nears, the light from his torch alert the sentries, and an alarm is raised almost before he can see what is making that racket.

OOC: Sorry Thrask.  You had a light in a pitch dark cave.  They saw you coming long before you saw them.

Roll initiative everyone.

Marching Order going rear ----> front
Ikhal   Beata   Seth         Thrask (Scouting)
Ekmas   Aien    Jerris

Nodel Guenhyvar
Halfling Rogue, 6 posts
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 05:34
  • msg #20

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nodel let Thrask take the lead. He pulled out his shortbow and knocked an arrow. When the toch is lit, Nodel keeps to the shadows as much as he is able. When the alarm is raised, Nodel takes his time to see if any of the Goblins are magically inclined. If so he focuses on them first. Otherwise he aims for the biggest threat to the group.

Nodel will keep hidden as much as possible.

00:25, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 15 using 1d20+9.  stealth.

00:26, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 17 using 1d20+5.  Initiative.

00:34, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 16 using 1d20+6.  perception.

00:30, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 24 using 1d20+7.  shortbow Attack.

00:30, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 15 using 1d20+7.  shortbow Attack. (if with advantage)

00:31, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 6 using 1d6+5.  shortbow damage.

00:32, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 3 using 1d6.  sneak attack damage. (if needed)

Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 7 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 17:03
  • msg #21

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The advantages of being tall. Ila hardly had to move to peer over the heads of her companions. How anyone could tolerate being to small was beyond her. As such, she saw the mob of goblins milling and readying and cursed others' pathetic need to light. Still, a proper Goliath made due with what she was given and the situation was as it was. The door indicated more yet to come. This lot was here now. Ila quickly unlimbered her staff with the fetch attached at the top and summoned arcane words to her lips as she cast about for loose detritus on the floors.

Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 10 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 6 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 17:06
  • msg #22

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris, again spinning his spiked club in his hand, moves to position himself to back-up their scout.  He is ready to smash the first goblin that comes within reach in its head.

12:04, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 8 using 1d8+3.  Morningstar damage.

12:02, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 6 using 1d20+5.  Morningstar attack.  Natural 1.

12:00, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 10 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

Tiefling Paladin, 11 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 19:27
  • msg #23

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

At the sound of the alarm, Seth abandoned his casual stride and coiled onto his back foot, ready to spring forward to either help Nico at the front line, or to cover his retreat if the ranger tried to fall back.

17:08, Yesterday: Seth rolled 19 using 1d20-1.  Initiative.

Seth will either go on offense or defense depending on the layout of the battlefield on his turn, so holding off on specifics for now.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:33, Mon 07 Dec 2020.
Firbolg Druid, 5 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 22:30
  • msg #24

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Between the single light source and the group moving before him, it takes a minute before Ekmas can make out what's going on. When he does, he shouts "Light!" and throws a hand toward the greatest concentration of goblins.

17:18, Today: Ekmas rolled 3 using 1d20.  Initiative.

Ekmas will cast Faerie Fire in bright green on his turn (presuming they're not more than 60 ft away). Dex saving throw, DC 13, for any of them in the 20 ft cube.

Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 7 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Mon 7 Dec 2020
at 23:05
  • msg #25

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"Oh, good," Beata grumbled, hearing the unmistakable noise of creatures realizing they were there. It wasn't that she thought they needed the element of surprise, but it would've been nice.

She stepped around to Seth's side, towards where the sounds were coming from. She didn't want to get too far away from the paladin, still kind of hoping her whole 'meat shield' plan would work out, but Beata also wanted to be able to get a couple cracks in at whatever was coming.

10:41, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 23 using 1d20+4.  initiative.
18:03, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 16 using 1d20+6.  shortsword attack.
18:03, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 8 using 1d6+4.  shortsword damage.
18:04, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 7 using 1d20+6.  unarmed attack.
18:04, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 5 using 1d4+4.  unarmed damage.

Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 5 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Tue 8 Dec 2020
at 13:55
  • msg #26

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

As Nicodemus steps into the hall he moves to the side giving the others plenty of room to maneuver. Lying the torch at his feet he casts a spell, takes aim and fires on a nearby goblin.

08:19, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 5 using 1d20+4.  Initiative.

Bonus action cast Hunters Mark on targeted goblin.

08:23, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 22 using 1d20+5.  Att. w/ crossbow.
08:23, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 2,11 using d6,d8+4 with rolls of 2,7.  Damage. (13 total)

Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 6 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 10/10
Wed 9 Dec 2020
at 05:57
  • msg #27

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien hefts his shield, peering over the rim as the noise begins ahead. He lifts his mace, ready to strike, wondering if the noisy runts will be bold enough to mount a charge.

Aien Lurieth rolled 15 using 1d20+1.  Initiative.
DM Kandagger
GM, 24 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Thu 10 Dec 2020
at 02:22
  • msg #28

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The acolytes barely hear the alarm sounding before they spring into action.  Bursting through the door with a wave of arrows and surging attackers.

The goblins barely know what hit them before the two sentries and one of the waking soldiers lie dead on the ground.  The rising soldiers scramble for weapons and try to defend their ill-gotten lair

But the acolytes weren't done yet...

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblins x4
Ekmas                  Beata
et al.                 Goblins x5

23 Beata (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
19 Seth (11/11)
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
10 Ilakhal (10/10)
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) ACTED In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [9 Healthy, 0 Injured, 3 Dead]

OOC: Once initiative is rolled I will post both a rough map like the first box, and a chart like the second.  When you take your turn, make sure you copy/paste both into the bottom of your post, and mark any changes you made.  Make sure you're in the right "zone" on the map and that your chart line includes any bonuses and/or conditions your character may be under.  The goblins rolled a 4 on initiative, so the party goes first!  Anyone who hasn't yet please take your actions now.

Tiefling Paladin, 17 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Thu 10 Dec 2020
at 03:32
  • msg #29

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Seth sprung after Beata with a roar, beating on his shield with the shaft of his javelin. Drawing himself up to his full height he bellowed out a battle cry, "DIE GOBLIN SCUM!"

Making himself as large and intimidating as he could, he tried making himself seem the most urgent threat - and therefore, very hopefully, the highest priority target.

Maintaining a few paces from Beata so that neither of them would get surrounded, he then dropped down to a low defensive stance to receive any attacks from the Goblins, shield at the ready on his left, javelin held in a low guard to the right.

OOC: Seth is getting right up in the front line near Beata, attempting to intimidate the goblins into attacking himself, then taking the dodge action.

Not sure which skill or ability check you'd like me to apply here for pulling focus, if any. Assuming something charisma based but let me know if I should change it up. Seth's only proficient charisma skill is intimidation.

16:20, Today: Seth rolled 8 using 1d20. Attempting social interaction to pull focus.
  • Intimidation (+6) = 14
  • Unproficient Charisma (+4) = 12

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblins x4
Ekmas                  Seth
et al.                 Beata
                       Goblins x5

23 Beata (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
19 Seth (11/11) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
10 Ilakhal (10/10)
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) ACTED In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [9 Healthy, 0 Injured, 3 Dead]

This message was last edited by the player at 06:45, Thu 10 Dec 2020.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 9 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Thu 10 Dec 2020
at 15:37
  • msg #30

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ilakhal stepped into the room and, from her height, surveyed the forming combat calmly. Though, with the number of their enemy, she'd have liked to use wide area damage to eliminate multiple enemies, the battle lines were still settling and it was hard to get a good bead on an ideal location. INstead, she uttered a few arcane words that summoned fire into her grip and then flung it at a goblin.

Movement: Stand near the door with Nic
Bonus: None
Action: Firebolt a goblin

Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 10 using 1d10.  damage.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 13 using 1d20+5.  firebolt.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblins x4
Ekmas      Ila         Seth
et al.                 Beata
                       Goblins x5

23 Beata (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
19 Seth (11/11) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
10 Ilakhal (10/10) ACTED By the Door, Cast Firebolt
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) ACTED In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [9 Healthy, 0 Injured, 3 Dead]

Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 9 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Thu 10 Dec 2020
at 16:57
  • msg #31

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris steps into his next attack against the closest of the goblins, swinging his spiked club with the continued intent of splitting a goblin skull.  Should that one fall, he moves to the next.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblins x4
Ekmas                  Beata
et al.                 Goblins x5

23 Beata (10/10) In Melee with Goblins
19 Seth (11/11)
17 Nodal (09/09) By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)

10 Jerris (16/16) In Melee with Goblins
     11:55, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 9 using 1d8+3.  Morningstar damage.
     11:55, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 17 using 1d20+5.  Attack with Morningstar.

10 Ilakhal (10/10)
05 Nicodemus (12/12)  By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)  In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [9 Healthy, 0 Injured, 3 Dead]

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