Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Surprisingly, attacking recklessly with a wound in her side wasn't exactly working out great for Beata. Her first few swings pulled at the stab wound, making her stumble and go wide. The irritating little goblin was still unharmed, even when she swung her sword once more.
For a brief moment, Beata paused, taking a deep breath and trying to center herself. She could almost hear Gereon in the back of her head, telling her to stay calm and think about what she was doing. With this in mind, she took her final hit and actually managed to make contact with the goblin that had stabbed her.
"Ha!" Beata said, a little overly smug for someone who'd only managed to hit once out of four tries.
OOC: Hit once for a total of 6 damage.
10:05, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 6 using 1d4+4. unarmed damage.
10:05, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 24 using 2d20+6, keeping the highest dice only. unarmed advntg.
10:04, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 12 using 2d20+6, keeping the highest dice only. shortsword advntg.
23 Beata (06/10) ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11) In Front Line
17 Nodal (09/09) By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10) By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Invisible Between fight and room 2 door
-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]