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, welcome to 5E The Final Charge of the Hellriders

12:37, 19th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders.

Posted by DM KandaggerFor group 0
Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 11 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 10/10
Fri 11 Dec 2020
at 00:53
  • msg #32

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien advances swiftly but steadily, eyes focused on the melee ahead, keeping his shield held high. He joins his comrades at the front against the goblin battle-line and lifts the mace on high, flashing it down to strike a goblin hard on the top of the skull, breaking the thick bone with a loud crack and felling the noisy creature.

Move: Advance to join front line
Action: Attack with mace

13:41, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 24 using 1d20+4.  Attack with mace.
13:44, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 11 using 2d6+2.  Critical hit, damage.

OOC: Bit of a waste of a crit, but still a nice way to open my combat account with Aien...

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblins x4
Ekmas      Ila         Seth
                       Goblins x4

23 Beata (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
19 Seth (11/11) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
10 Ilakhal (10/10) ACTED By the Door, Cast Firebolt
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) ACTED In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [8 Healthy, 0 Injured, 4 Dead]

DM Kandagger
GM, 28 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Sat 12 Dec 2020
at 03:00
  • msg #33

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The clash of the acolytes against the goblin horde is swift and furious.  And the goblin counter-attack is worse than useless.  One decent hit against Beata, but every other attack (including an errant crossbow attack at Ila in an attempt to shut down the glowing lights) is deflected.

The rearguard see where this is going and start retreating further into the tomb.

Goblin A Attacks Beata - Hit! She takes 4 Slashing Damage
20:36, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 19 using 1d20+4.  Goblin A attack.
20:46, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 4 using 1d6+2.  Damage Roll Slashing.
Goblin B Attacks Seth - Miss!
20:37, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 10 using 1d20+4.  Goblin B Attack.
Goblin C Attacks Aein - Miss!
20:39, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 14 using 1d20+4.  Goblin C Attack.
Goblin D Attacks Jerris - Miss!
20:42, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 10 using 1d20+4.  Goblin D Attack
Goblin E Attacks Ila - Miss!
20:44, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 6 using 1d20+4.  Goblin E Ranged.

Round 2 Begins!  Jerris has already acted this round (patience in the future please, it's hard enough to untangle this stuff as it is)

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblin E        Goblins x3
Ekmas      Ila         Seth
                       Goblins x3 (Faerie Fire)


23 Beata (06/10) Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11) Engaged with Goblin B
17 Nodal (09/09) By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED Engaged with Goblin D
10 Ilakhal (10/10) By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [7 Healthy, 0 Injured, 5 Dead]

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:23, Sat 12 Dec 2020.
Nodel Guenhyvar
Halfling Rogue, 8 posts
Sat 12 Dec 2020
at 13:39
  • msg #34

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nodel lines up another shot at a Goblin with Faerie Fire (B). He holds his breath for a moment before letting it out and taking his shot.

OOC: Hits AC 17 for 7 damage total

08:36, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 1 using 1d6.  sneak attack damage.

08:35, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 6 using 1d6+5.  damage. (short bow damage)

08:35, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 17 using 1d20+7.  attack. (advantage)

08:35, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 14 using 1d20+7.  attack. (short bow attack)


23 Beata (06/10) Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11) Engaged with Goblin B
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED Engaged with Goblin D
10 Ilakhal (10/10) By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [7 Healthy, 0 Injured, 5 Dead]

Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 10 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Sat 12 Dec 2020
at 21:25
  • msg #35

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Beata had her eyes on the moving group of goblins, considering whether it was better to go after the retreating ones. This had the unfortunate effect of distracting her, and she felt a sharp pain in her side. Glancing down, she saw blood beginning to drip down her side. She looked back up at the goblin that had hit her with a snarl.

"My shirt!" she shrieked, deeply offended that he had ruined her look. With the fury of someone who couldn't afford to be losing clothes, she started attacking.

06:17, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 14 using 1d20+6.  unarmed attack.
16:18, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 14 using 1d20+6.  unarmed advntg.
16:22, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 6 using 1d4+4.  unarmed damage.

06:17, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 10 using 1d20+6.  shortsword attack.
16:18, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 14 using 1d20+6.  shortsword advntg.
16:21, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 10 using 1d6+4.  shortsword damage.


23 Beata (06/10) ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11) Engaged with Goblin B
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED Engaged with Goblin D
10 Ilakhal (10/10) By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [7 Healthy, 0 Injured, 5 Dead]

Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 6 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Sun 13 Dec 2020
at 00:43
  • msg #36

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nicodemus watched as the combat unfolded. So far the group was doing quite well, but he knew things could always take a bad turn.Taking note of three of the goblins making a hasty retreat he decided he would prefer not letting the little cretins linger in the tomb. Shifting the focus of he Hunters Mark to the farthes goblin he took aim and fired.

19:40, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 25 using 1d20+5.  Att. w/ crossbow. (Critical)
19:42, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 3,13 using 2d6,2d8+4.  Critical damage.
Let me know if I missed anything.


23 Beata (06/10) Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11) Engaged with Goblin B
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16) ACTED Engaged with Goblin D
10 Ilakhal (10/10) By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [7 Healthy, 0 Injured, 5 Dead]

Tiefling Paladin, 18 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Sun 13 Dec 2020
at 08:21
  • msg #37

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Seth snarled with predatory glee as the goblin lit up with a nimbus of light. He shoved aside the goblin's incoming slash with contempt, carrying the momentum of his shield around to the left as he stepped forward on his right leg, driving the javelin in main hand into a vicious thrust for the goblin's throat.

21:11, Today: Seth rolled 20 using 2d20+5, keeping the highest dice only with rolls of 9,15.  Attacking Goblin B with advantage (Faerie Fire).
21:12, Today: Seth rolled 6 using 1d6+3 with rolls of 3.  javelin damage (piercing).

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblin E        Goblins x3
Ekmas      Ila         Seth
                       Goblins x3 (Faerie Fire)


23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Engaged with Goblin B
17 Nodal (09/09)     ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED Engaged with Goblin D
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [7 Healthy, 0 Injured, 5 Dead]

This message was last edited by the player at 08:23, Sun 13 Dec 2020.
Firbolg Druid, 9 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Sun 13 Dec 2020
at 15:02
  • msg #38

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Finding the field a bit crowded at this end, Ekmas instinctively tapped the magic of his species to disappear from sight. Where he went then, nobody knows.

Still holding concentration on Faerie Fire, Ekmas uses Hidden Step to turn invisible until his next turn. He Double Dashes toward the back of the room, trying to get as far behind the goblins' rear line as he can.

Stairs- Nodal
Doorway- Nicodemus, Ila
Goblin Front- Jerris, Seth, Beata, Aien, Goblins x3 (Faerie Fire)
Goblin Rear- Goblin E
Back of Room- Goblins x3, Ekmas


23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Engaged with Goblin B
17 Nodal (09/09)     ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED Engaged with Goblin D
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Bonus action to use Hidden Step, Movement and Action to Double Dash to Back of room
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [7 Healthy, 0 Injured, 5 Dead]

This message was last edited by the player at 15:09, Sun 13 Dec 2020.
Jerris Dashield
Human Barbarian, 10 posts
AC 18, HP 16/16, Insp N
Pass Ins12, Inv12, Pcn14
Sun 13 Dec 2020
at 15:21
  • msg #39

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Jerris continues with his forward movement, swinging up at another goblin on the backswing.  Missing, his eyebrows knit angrily and a vicious snark crosses his lips as he growls ferociously.  He then moves to follow the fleeing goblins.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblins x4
Ekmas      Ila         Seth
                       Goblins x4

23 Beata (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
19 Seth (11/11) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
10 Jerris (16/16)
Attack action:  Missed swing with Morningstar.
Bonus action:  Initiate Rage
10:10, Today: Jerris Dashield rolled 7 using 1d20+5.  Morningstar strike.
Move:  Chase the fleeing goblins.

10 Ilakhal (10/10) ACTED By the Door, Cast Firebolt
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) ACTED In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [8 Healthy, 0 Injured, 4 Dead]

This message was last edited by the player at 15:22, Sun 13 Dec 2020.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 10 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Sun 13 Dec 2020
at 15:55
  • msg #40

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ila watched the fight playing out and ground her teeth. Her arsenal included an effective fire attack that might help against the numbers, but it was hard to maneuver in the space to target goblins without targeting her comrades. Grunting in annoyance, she uttered arcane words to summon fire into her hand and then flung it once more. This time she chose to target a goblin fleeing.

move: none
bonus: none
Attack: Fire bolt on goblin.

Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 2 using 1d10.  damage.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 14 using 1d20+5.  attack.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblin E        Goblins x3
Ekmas      Ila         Seth
                       Goblins x3 (Faerie Fire)

23 Beata (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
19 Seth (11/11) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
17 Nodal (09/09) ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10) ACTED In Melee with Goblins
10 Jerris (16/16)
10 Ilakhal (10/10) ACTED By the Door, Cast Firebolt
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12) ACTED In Hall, Concentrating on Faerie Fire
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [8 Healthy, 0 Injured, 4 Dead]

Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 15 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 10/10
Mon 14 Dec 2020
at 03:16
  • msg #41

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien raises his mace again, intent on crushing another goblin skull. His expression is calm, almost bored, as he hews puissantly at the enemy line.

Hit AC 14 for 4 damage

OOC: Not sure what the goblins' AC is - DM, is that information you intended to share, or do you prefer that we just wait for your confirmation of successful hits?

I've updated below to remove the goblin that Nicodemus hit with a critical, as that's almost certainly a kill, but I've left the rest to see if 14 is a hit (since 14 seems to have been a extremely common attack roll this round!). Let me know, DM, if you'd prefer me not to factor in the obvious kills in future.

16:04, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 14 using 1d20+4.  Attack with mace.
16:10, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 8 using 1d20+4.  Advantage.
16:04, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 4 using 1d6+2.  Damage.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Goblin Rear --> Back of room
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Goblin E        Goblins x2
Ekmas      Ila         Seth
                       Goblins x3 (Faerie Fire)

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Engaged with Goblin B
17 Nodal (09/09)     ACTED By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      ACTED Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED Engaged with Goblin D
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   ACTED By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Bonus action to use Hidden Step, Movement and Action to Double Dash to Back of room
-Goblins- x12 (7/7 per capita ) [6 Healthy, 0 Injured, 6 Dead]

This message was last edited by the player at 03:17, Mon 14 Dec 2020.
DM Kandagger
GM, 32 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Mon 14 Dec 2020
at 04:11
  • msg #42

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The goblins seem to rally admist the onslaught.  Their shieldwork catches almost everything the acolytes can throw at them.  However the War of Attrition favors the Acolytes as another pair of goblins fall their arrows.  Eventually, inevitably, this scourge would fall.

The remaining rearguard retreat out of the room, a look of desperation on their misshapen faces.

Round 2 Action Summary:
Beata misses all of her attacks.
Seth strikes Goblin B and all but kills him
Nodel shoots Goblin B, finishing the job
Aien Misses
Jerris Kills Goblin D
Ilakhal Misses
Nicodemus Kills one of the fleeing rearguard goblins

Goblin A attacks Beata--Misses
21:54, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 15 using 1d20+4 ((11)).
Goblin C attacks Aien--Misses
21:57, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 14 using 1d20+4 ((10)).
Goblin E attacks Jerris--Misses
21:58, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 8 using 1d20+4 ((4)).

The two rearguard Goblins retreat into the next room


Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Ekmas                              Goblins x2
           Ila         Seth
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                       & E

23 Beata (06/10)     Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      In Front Line
17 Nodal (09/09)     By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Invisible Between fight and room 2 door
-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [3 Healthy, 0 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

Tiefling Paladin, 19 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Mon 14 Dec 2020
at 05:13
  • msg #43

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

OOC: Checking some assumptions before my turn comes around - I want to see what happens with Beata first before making my decision as to what to do.
  • If I'm not engaged, can I move freely to the back of the room without triggering opportunity attacks?
  • Can "30 feet of movement" move two distance categories for Theatre of the Mind purposes here?
  • Do we still have line of sight on the retreating goblins?

DM Kandagger
GM, 34 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Mon 14 Dec 2020
at 05:26
  • msg #44

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

OOC: Checking some assumptions before my turn comes around - I want to see what happens with Beata first before making my decision as to what to do.
  • If I'm not engaged, can I move freely to the back of the room without triggering opportunity attacks?
  • Can "30 feet of movement" move two distance categories for Theatre of the Mind purposes here?
  • Do we still have line of sight on the retreating goblins?

  • one second.
    (23:23, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 0 using 1d4-1.)
    Nope!  You're free and clear to move.
  • Yes, the room is only 50' deep and you're about halfway through it
  • Yes, the doorway is more of a one-square hall than an actual door, so you can still see the goblins just fine.

This message was last edited by the GM at 15:58, Mon 14 Dec 2020.
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 12 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Mon 14 Dec 2020
at 15:10
  • msg #45

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Surprisingly, attacking recklessly with a wound in her side wasn't exactly working out great for Beata. Her first few swings pulled at the stab wound, making her stumble and go wide. The irritating little goblin was still unharmed, even when she swung her sword once more.

For a brief moment, Beata paused, taking a deep breath and trying to center herself. She could almost hear Gereon in the back of her head, telling her to stay calm and think about what she was doing. With this in mind, she took her final hit and actually managed to make contact with the goblin that had stabbed her.

"Ha!" Beata said, a little overly smug for someone who'd only managed to hit once out of four tries.

OOC: Hit once for a total of 6 damage.
10:05, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 6 using 1d4+4.  unarmed damage.
10:05, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 24 using 2d20+6, keeping the highest dice only.  unarmed advntg.
10:04, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 12 using 2d20+6, keeping the highest dice only.  shortsword advntg.

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      In Front Line
17 Nodal (09/09)     By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Invisible Between fight and room 2 door
-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

Tiefling Paladin, 20 posts
The mission comes first.
AC 18, PP 13
Mon 14 Dec 2020
at 18:48
  • msg #46

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"Decided to stop dancing and hit it, Beata?" Seth said. It was a good hit - the others would likely take it down before it could do any more damage, while Aien and Jerris seemed to be looking after themselves.

Seth turned to the goblins fleeing the back of the room and leapt forward, launching his javelin at one of them soon as they came into range. "No escaping!"

The tiefling cursed as the javelin fell short of the mark, but he continued his stride and took cover from the fleeing goblins beside the door to the next room, drawing another javelin from his sling.

07:39, Today: Seth rolled 11 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 6.  Attacking fleeing goblin.

Seth's Equipment
Right Hand: Javelin
Left Hand:  Shield
Left Hip:   Longsword
Back Sling: 3x Javelins

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris           Ekmas             Seth             Goblins x2
           Ila         Beata
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Invisible Between fight and room 2 door
-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

This message was last edited by the player at 20:25, Mon 14 Dec 2020.
Firbolg Druid, 10 posts
AC: 16 PP: 15
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 13:28
  • msg #47

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ekmas reappeared at the back of the room, charging forward with a roar before swinging his quarterstaff at one of the fleeing goblins. He had to get some action going, or he'd ending up paying for his own drinks!

08:26, Today: Ekmas rolled 16 using 1d20+4.  Attack.

08:27, Today: Ekmas rolled 5 using 1d6+2.  Damage.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris                             Seth             Goblins x2
           Ila         Beata                                               Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Attack a fleeing goblin with quarterstaff.

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 11 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 14:33
  • msg #48

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Ila tsked as her firebolt went wide and the goblins retreated into the next room. That likely meant more goblins. They were making slow progress eradicating the things, but slow was a game of attritions and attrition favored numbers. She quickly hurled another bolt at the retreating goblins followed by violent cursing as the bolt flew wide again. Fury filled her eyes and her fingers began to work through the fetch atop her staff inspecting it for damage or flaws that could explain the rancid trajectory of her magic. Satisfied that her focus was fine, she squinted at the goblins and swallowed the bile that came with acknowledging her own weakness.

Move: nothing really.
Bonus: swear like a sailor
Attack: Ilakhal Strongdrifter rolled 10 using 1d20+5.  attack/fire bolt. Miss!

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Nicodemus   Jerris                             Seth             Goblins x2
           Ila         Beata                                               Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) By the Door, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Attack a fleeing goblin with quarterstaff.

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

Nicodemus Thrask
Human Ranger, 7 posts
AC 15 PP 15
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 16:10
  • msg #49

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Moving quickly along the wall to avoid the melee. Nicodemus reloads and shifts the target of his Hunters Mark to the goblin Ekmas had just struck and fired. With a mischievous grin he called out, "That's three Ekmas." Hopefully the big guy didn't get to upset at him.

10:58, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 15 using 1d20+5.

10:59, Today: Nicodemus Thrask rolled 1,6 using d6,d8+4.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal                  Jerris           Nicodemus         Seth             Goblins x2
           Ila         Beata                                               Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     By Stairs
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Attack a fleeing goblin with quarterstaff.

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

This message was last edited by the player at 19:43, Tue 15 Dec 2020.
Nodel Guenhyvar
Halfling Rogue, 9 posts
Tue 15 Dec 2020
at 19:40
  • msg #50

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Nodel slips into the room and stays near the edge of it as he makes his way to the dorrway at the back of the room. Once past the main group he moves to give his self line of sight through the other door and lines up a shot.

Movement: Move into room and across to other side (back of room)
Attack: 14:36, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 14 using 1d20+7.  shortbow Attack.
Advantage (if needed): 14:38, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 8 using 1d20+7.
Damage: 14:37, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 9 using 1d6+5.  shortbow damage.
Sneak attack (if needed):
14:38, Today: Nodel Guenhyvar rolled 5 using 1d6.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal                  Jerris           Nicodemus         Seth             Goblins x2
           Ila         Beata                                               Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     ACTED
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Attack a fleeing goblin with quarterstaff.

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 16 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 10/10
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 03:08
  • msg #51

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien focuses on the battle in front of him, trying to take down the slippery goblin there. After his initial kill he is struggling now to land a solid hit on the next of the diminutive creatures.

16:01, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 11 using 1d20+4.  Attack with mace.
16:02, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 8 using 1d20+4.  Advantage.
Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Ila         Jerris           Nicodemus         Seth             Goblins x2
                       Beata                                               Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E
23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      ACTED Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     ACTED
15 Aien (10/10)      ACTED Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    ACTED FOR ROUND 3--Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   ACTED By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) ACTED Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     ACTED Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Attack a fleeing goblin with quarterstaff.

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 1 Injured, 7 Dead, 2 Escaped]

DM Kandagger
GM, 37 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 04:13
  • msg #52

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The stalemate between the acolytes and the goblins starts to the goblin's favor.

One lucky hit rakes a grievous wound across Aien's side, while across the room Ekmas discovers there WERE in fact some built-in deterrents to intruders...just not ones designed for a goblin's weight.


Apparently there was a pressure plate in the hallway between the two rooms.

Beata hits Goblin A
Seth misses Goblin F
Nodal misses Goblin F
Aien misses Goblin C
Jerris misses Goblin E
Ilakhal misses Goblin F
Nicodemus hits Goblin F and Kills him
Ekmas hits Goblin G--Injured

Goblin A attacks Beata-Misses
21:59, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 11 using 1d20+4.  Goblin A Attack.

Goblin C attacks Aien--Crits! 10 Slashing
22:00, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 24 using 1d20+4.  Goblin C Attack.
22:03, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 10 using 2d6+2.  Slashing Damage Crit.

Goblin E attacks Jerris-Misses
22:02, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 15 using 1d20+4.  Goblin E Attack.

@Ekmas--Make a DEX save


Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Ila         Jerris           Nicodemus         Seth             Goblins G
                       Beata                              Nodal            Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E
23 Beata (06/10)     Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     Back of room
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Engaged with Goblin G

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 2 Injured, 7 Dead, 1 Next room]

This message was last edited by the GM at 14:12, Wed 16 Dec 2020.
Beata Havenbringer
Wood Elf Monk, 16 posts
AC: 17 PP: 15
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 05:05
  • msg #53

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

"You're one to talk," Beata said to Seth, gesturing at the javelin that had clattered uselessly to the ground. She smirked at him and, just to rub it in, did a quick curtsy before driving her sword into the goblin that had actually managed to stab her. The little creature dropped and Beata turned to the other one near her with a fierce grin.

"And that's two for me!" she added happily. For the moment it seemed like a night of free drinking was very achievable. Motivated by this thought, she drove her elbow into the face of the second goblin.

OOC: hit twice, 7 dmg on the first attack and 7 dmg on the second. Finished off Goblin A with the first attack and switched to C for the second to keep my advantage.
23:58, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 7 using 1d4+4.  unarmed damage.
23:58, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 25 using 2d20+6, dropping the lowest dice only.  unarmed advntg.
23:58, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 7 using 1d6+4.  shortsword damage.
23:57, Today: Beata Havenbringer rolled 24 using 2d20+6, dropping the lowest dice only.  shortsword advntg.

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin C
19 Seth (11/11)      Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     Back of room
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (12/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Engaged with Goblin G

This message was last edited by the player at 03:45, Thu 17 Dec 2020.
Ilakhal Strongdrifter
Goliath Sorcerer, 12 posts
AC [15] PP [14] MxHP [10]
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 10:20
  • msg #54

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Grunting with deep annoyance, Ila felt her rage topping her sense and her pride felt each wound made by each miss. Releasing a scream of anger, she stormed into the front lines to line up a shot. It might have bene tough to do so as the melee was a bit of a mess, but Ila was gritting her teeth and grunting dark words as she pointed her staff and one outstretched hand with splayed fingers at the group of goblins. Whatever else, seeing the wave of ruby fire spread out from her caused a sense of warm happiness to suffuse her soul.

Move: advance to a likely place to use burning hands. I am bad at theater of the mind, so I just assume she can line up on two or three of them and avoid her comrades.
Bonus: nadda
Attack: Each person in the AOE, DEX save DC 13. 11 full damage, 1/2 on save.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Ila         Jerris           Nicodemus         Seth             Goblins G
                       Beata                              Nodal            Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E
23 Beata (06/10)     Engaged with Goblin A
19 Seth (11/11)      Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     Back of room
15 Aien (10/10)      Engaged with Goblin C
10 Jerris (16/16)    Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   Move to frontline, Cast Burning Hands
05 Nicodemus (12/12) Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (02/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Engaged with Goblin G

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [2 Healthy, 2 Injured, 7 Dead, 1 Next room]

Aien Lurieth
Wood Elf Cleric, 19 posts
AC: 18 PP: 14
HP 0/10
Wed 16 Dec 2020
at 10:27
  • msg #55

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

Aien screams in shock and agony as the blade hacks through his chain mail and cuts deep into his side. He swoons for an instant, then collapses, unable to hang onto consciousness after the severe wounding.

Then he bleeds onto the dusty floor. A lot.

23:16, Today: Aien Lurieth rolled 8 using 1d20.  Death saving throw.

1 failure.

Stairs --> Doorway --> Goblin Front --> Rear of fight --> Back of room --> Room 2
Nodal      Ila         Jerris           Nicodemus         Seth             Goblins G
                       Beata                              Nodal            Ekmas
                       Goblins A, C, (Faerie Fire)
                               & E

23 Beata (06/10)     ACTED Engaged with Goblin C
19 Seth (11/11)      Back of the room, taking cover from Room 2 by doorway
17 Nodal (09/09)     Back of room
15 Aien (00/10)      ACTED Unconscious and dying
10 Jerris (16/16)    Raging, Engaged with Goblin E
10 Ilakhal (10/10)   By the Door
05 Nicodemus (12/12) Moved past melee to rear of fight, Hunter's Mark Active
03 Ekmas (02/12)     Concentrating on Faerie Fire, Moved to Room 2, Engaged with Goblin G

-Goblins- x12 (AC > 14, 7/7 per capita ) [1 Healthy, 2 Injured, 8 Dead, 1 Next room]

DM Kandagger
GM, 38 posts
Dies Irae, Dies Illa
Solvet saeclum en favilla
Thu 17 Dec 2020
at 02:37
  • msg #56

Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

As Ekmas chases after the retreating goblins his far greater weight actives a pressure plate the goblins had just been dancing over.

He dodges to right, not expecting the trap from about eye-level and catches an axeblade to the face.

OOC: Sorry dude, the dice hate you.

20:32, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 10 using 1d10.  Blade Trap.

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