Re: Chapter 1-1: The Tomb of the First Riders

The acolytes spring into action, spreading themselves to cover multiple demons at once.
Beata, Seth and Ekmas charge to the northeast, scoring several solid blows on the living fire monster. Looking wary, it tries to disengage, only to be brought low by a further swing of Seth's Sword.
...which causes it to EXPLODE, catching all three heroes in its death throes.
Meanwhile in the southwest, Jerris and Aein attempt a similar trick with its monster, only to discover the living fire can also breathe fire
To the northwest, Ilakhal fights her demon by herself, trading blow for blow.
In the wake of all this fire...Nicodemus does the sensible thing and tries to stay as far away from everyone as possible while still contributing.
Truly a daunting task their predecessors demand of them...
Everyone hits their targets...except Ekmas
NE Mephit--Moves out of melee for breath attack
--GHOSTING SETH--Opportunity Attack-->Kills Mephit
--Mephit EXPLODES--
Seth Dex saves--Fails--takes 7 3 Fire Damage (because Tiefling).
Beata and Ekmas must do likewise. (DC 11, 7 fire if fail, 3 if succeed)
NW Mephit--Claws at Ila. Hits. Ila takes 2 fire, 2 slashing (4 total)
22:37, Today: DM Kandagger rolled 22 using 1d20+3. Mephit Claw attack.
SE "East" Mephit moves North toward Seth/Beata/Ekmas, gets about halfway there.
SW Mephit--Breath attack hitting Jerris and Aein (DC 11, 7 fire if fail, 3 if succeed)
--Mephits (NE:00/22 NW:17/22 SE:22/22 SW:02/22)--AC </= 13
24 Beata--In NE corner (Needs to make a DEX save), SE apporaching
17 Seth--08/11--In NE corner, SE apporaching
11 Aein--Near SW, (Need to make a DEX save)
08 Ilakhal--08/10--Engaged with NW
06 Nicodemus--Center of Room
05 Jerris--Engaged with SW (Need to make a DEX save)
02 Ekmas--In NE (Needs to make a DEX save), SE apporaching</Orange>
THEATER OF THE MIND: 3 Mephits remain. One in each western corner, and along the middle of the east wall. The room is now significantly more on fire.