OOC thread
I gave Bartleby 2 levels of soldier, which, to be honest, doesn’t give him much. But it seems appropriate. So he can fly the ship, shoot a gun (not incredibly well), and I also gave him a secret retractable vibrodagger for self defense.
Here’s his stat block:
3D-4X Administrative Droid Expert 1/Soldier 2, Init +0, Defense 11 (+1 Class),
Spd 8m, VP/WP 22/13, Atk +2 melee (2d4 vibrodagger) or +2 ranged (3d4 holdout
blaster), Save Fort +4 Ref +0 Will +2, Rep +1.
ST 10 DX 10 CN 13 IN 14 WS 10 CH 16.
Skills: Appraise (int) +6, Bluff (cha) +10, Computer Use (int) +6,
Diplomacy (cha) +10, Entertain (cha) +7, Gamble (wis) +4, Gather Information
(cha) +7, Intimidate (cha) +7, Pilot (dex) +6, Repair (int) +6.
Feats: Ambidexterity, Skill Emphasis (Diplomacy), Skill Emphasis
(Bluff), Simple Weapons, Light Armor, Blaster Pistols, Blaster Rifles,
Vibro Weapons, Heavy Weapons, Starship Operation (Transports)
Languages: Speak Basic, Speak Binary
Translator Unit (DC5)
Recording Unit (audio)
Retractable Vibro Dagger
Holdout Blaster
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:06, Thu 17 Dec 2020.