Re: Autumn - Year 1
When Vermillion suggested a gift, I excused myself to go invite my people to the feast. Which I did, but I also found a wooded dale to hide in, transformed into my dragon shape for a few moments, and collected some of my own scales. One for each of the tribal elders, the scales shining and harder than iron.
Dragon scales are very valuable. I've sold them to make money before, in particularly lean times. Making a habit of it would dilute their value, plus I don't shed very many. I have to heal myself with a spell after just these few, since they didn't fall off naturally. They should make good gifts, rare, beautiful, symbolic, and expensive without being extravagant. I am proud of my own scales and their crimson mirror sheen. I don't say they're mine, of course.
I make sure at least a few of my people are standing watch, rotating in and out during the feast, because that scout report sounds awfully suspicious.
I dance and feast, enjoying both while also being polite and a good guest. I naturally gravitate towards the prettier girls and young men to dance with, but I also offer dances to the older, more socially important people, to be graceful and charming.