Request to Join and Character Creation Information
Once you have been accepted into the game it will be time to create your character. I will allowing several character option as listed below.
Rolling Stats
To begin, roll 3d6 for each of your six stats and place them in the order rolled. If the sum of the modifiers for these stats are less than +1, then you may reroll your stats.
Select Race
Characters may be Human, Elven, Dwarven or Halfling. Remember that some races require a certain score in some stats.
Select Classes
The core four classes in the Basic Rules are available. These include Cleric, Fighter, Magic User and Thief.
Optional Classes
In addition to the core classes presented in the core rules, I will also allow the following classes;
Druid (Nature priests that worship the old gods)
Elementalist (A Magic User that focuses on elemental spells)
Healer (a Magic User specializing in healing magic)
Priest (a less militant version of the cleric)
House rules for core classes
Fighters - Fighters are the only class that get weapon specialization. Also, if a fighter goes full defense he adds +4 to his AC instead of the standard +2.
Magic Users - Magic users do not lose spells when cast. The spell slot is expended for the day, but the caster may use the spell again. For example, if a magic use can cast 3 spells per day and has Sleep, Light and Charm Person prepared, if he uses sleep in the first encounter using one spell slot, he could cast it up to two more times before he is out of spells.
Determine Hit Points -
In addition to the hit points for your character's class, starting character gain a bonus racial hit die. Elves gain a d4, humans and halflings gain a d6 and dwarves gain a d8.
Characters begin the game with some areas of knowledge. You may choose one background, plus one additional for every modifier of your primary stat. (For example, a fighter with a 17 strength starts with 3 backgrounds.) A background should be descriptive and offer some insight into the character. For example, the 'woodsman' background is good. The background of being 'Forest Warden in the King's Forest' is better.
Other House Rules
Healing and Rest
Instead of recovering 1 hit point per day of rest, characters recover hit point at a rate equal to their level plus any Constitution modifiers they possess.
Death and Dying
Any character who is reduced to zero hit points is in danger of dying. At the end of each round the character must make a save vs Death Magic. If he make the save, he stabilizes and will recover normally. If he fails the save three consecutive rounds, the the character is dead.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:42, Tue 13 Apr 2021.